Comments 213

Re: Site News: Welcome To The Official Pure Xbox Game Club!


I should check out the forums more often as I just finished up LiS: True Colours a couple days ago without knowing it was picked. @ralphdibny can you add me to that tag list please?

Also I will need @Krzzystuff bank details, I need to buy a certain Tifa figure. For research purposes.

Re: The Final Runtime Of Xbox's Games Showcase Hasn't Been Confirmed Yet


@Bleachedsmiles exactly. Any trailer over 5 minutes is too long, unless it's about to be released, otherwise save an in-depth look for later. A big Starfield "Direct/State of Play" a month or two before it releases would be the way to go, not bog down a show that should be snappy and fast paced. Also keep the talking to the bare minimum, keep the longer dev chats for after. As for what's coming to Game Pass, all you really need is a highlight reel, unless it's a first or second party game, or some big exclusive. We also don't need to see what's coming in '24 and beyond, that was cool to see when Xbox needed to show their hand at the start of the gen, but I'd rather the show just focus the coming year.

Just my opinion. But I am ready to be blown away, I want to be blown away, so hopefully they can pull it off.

Re: Poll: Where Do You Want GTA 6 To Be Set?



Have a character named Robbo wearing a pair of stubbies and thongs, wrestling blowup croc dolls, doing the whole that's not a knife shtick while castrating blokes and throwing their shrivelled shrimps on the bbq. Shazza can be his nagging missus drinking goonbags off the hills hoist.

I'd preorder that in a heartbeat.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 29-30)


Restarted Nier Automata yesterday on Series X via Game Pass and just wowed all over again. Don't know why I put this down.

Yazuza 0 on PS5, after seeing the credits I'm currently trying to complete all substories and mini games. This is going to be a long plat.

And Eastward on Switch. Love the pixel art and the story so far is intriguing. Hopefully this will come to other consoles soon.