Site News: Welcome To The Official Pure Xbox Game Club!

Want to enhance your Xbox Game Pass experience? Come join the official Pure Xbox Game Club!

We can't take any credit on staff for this — the PX Game Club is the work of ralphdibny and the rest of the contributors over at the Pure Xbox forums, who have established a community that meets up every month to play a game on Xbox Game Pass and share their experiences. Games are voted on every month by the contributors involved.

The game for May 2022 is Life is Strange: True Colors, which just recently got added to Game Pass.

You'll find the forum thread to get involved below (it has over 1,500 entries to date!):

If you're interested in what kind of discussion goes on, here's an example of what one contributor had to say about last month's Pure Xbox Game Club title, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy:

"I finished the game yesterday and overall I really enjoyed it. The characters are great as is the voice acting although I did find Gamora's lines were a bit forced at times. Drax and Mantis are had my favourite lines. The combat is slow to start but by the end with all abilities it's a lot of fun.

A couple of small issues, the game is very long, took me just over 19hrs, and because of that you face a lot of the same enemies over and over which can get tiresome towards the end. They could have cut out 1 or 2 chapters but it's no biggie. Summary, great acting, great music, looks lovely, a solid 8/10 for me."

If you have any questions about the Pure Xbox Game Club, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

Are you part of the Game Club? Got anything you want to mention about it? Let us know below.