Update: Well, talk about crushing our hopes! CD Projekt Red has confirmed to Video Games Chronicle that it has "no plans" of bringing Cyberpunk 2077 to Xbox Game Pass anytime soon. What a bummer!
Maybe we'll never know why Xbox decided to use Cyberpunk 2077 in the Cloud Gaming trailer...
“There are no Game Pass plans for Cyberpunk 2077.”
Original story: It looks as though CD Projekt Red's controversial sci-fi RPG, Cyberpunk 2077, could well be blasting its way onto Xbox Game Pass according to a split second snippet of the game spotted in Microsoft's latest Xbox Cloud Gaming trailer by some eagle-eyed viewers over on Reddit.

The trailer, which released yesterday to celebrate the launch of Xbox Cloud Gaming support on consoles, shows a very quick clip of what appears to be the game's protagonist, V, firing a volley of shots into a crowd of robotic foes.
Have a look at the 18 second mark in the video below (we've timestamped it) and we think it's pretty obvious that is indeed V in the outskirts region of Night City laying waste to some enemies.
Does this absolutely confirm that Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to Game Pass? Well, no, but it would be highly unusual of Microsoft to place this clip in their trailer for no reason given the plethora of other great games that could be in there in its place.
With Cyberpunk 2077's one year anniversary looming on the horizon, it seems to us as though we could be getting a sci-fi shaped surprise sometime very soon.
We weren't particularly hot on Cyberpunk 2077 when we reviewed it back in December of last year, calling it a "hard game to recommend in its current form on consoles." However, CD Projekt Red has continued to beaver away with patches and updates to their game and, with a next-gen version and some major updates and DLC due to hit next year, this one could still be well worth a revisit in the future.
Looking forward to some Night City action if Cyberpunk 2077 hits Game Pass in the near future? Let us know below.
Comments 52
I can confirm this checks out, I caved and bought a copy today for the coming next gen update so of course it comes to gamepass 😬
I played it on Stadia, which gave me the best gaming experience that this game could ever have. Even like that, this game didnt give me any memorable experience so i dont think ill return.
I finished the main campaign and didnt feel like returning. Total opposite feeling than the witcher 3
Technical issues aside, the game itself is just...meh 🙄
Still waiting for the X/S version before I get into it again. I got into it when it launched on the Xbox One X, it was rough but the One X performed very well and I managed to have a lot of fun, but ultimately I decided to shelve the game after a bunch of newer games released, telling myself I will return when they finally get that next gen patch out. I'll probably just start over with a new character when that happens.
It’s definitely playable and pretty smooth on Series X IMO. I was thinking it waiting on the next-gen update myself before spending more time with it but it’s definitely playable if you wanted to check it out.
Played through this game once on Series S. Biggest problem? I found the game to be quiet boring. Perhaps it was the lack of cutscenes during conversations. Or just the story itself. I'm not sure. I might give it another playthrough when it comes to gamepass. At least that's what I've been telling myself.
One thing CP2077 taught me though, dont get too hyped for games and never preorder anything. I'm glad I learned this lesson (I'm looking at you gta triology).
This will probably drop on Game Pass next year along with the next gen update.
It would be a cool addition, but I finished my second playthrough of CP2077 a few days ago. Contrary to the naysayers, I think the game runs and look great on XSX in quality mode. Also, I really enjoyed the game. It's not Deus Ex level of immersion/plot, but still a great game nonetheless. I will agree though that Night City offers little in the way of things to do besides main quests and gigs.
I bought it for my PS4. Got a refund. Never again, that's a hard pass for me.
This will be a welcomed addition as I'm never going to actually buy it
It'd be fine if it gets added, although it could very well be gone by the time the new gen version gets released. That and it's only $10 on Black Friday if you're in the US (either Target or Walmart).
But is it worth it?
@thenewguy I dodged the bullet! Even though the wife let me preorder it (PS4 Slim at the time), I simply didn't and in the end it seems like my hunch was right! How much did you pay for your copy?
Still got in on disc, unsealed. Never installed it, still waiting for the next-gen version to begin a proper playthrought. I can wait a little more ^^
@Hexamex-Tex I've checked a friend's copy running on his PS4 and man...it was awkward to watch and a bit nausea inducing (at least for me). But if it comes to GamePass then, why not, right?
@Bobobiwan Well, I hope they don't throw us a move like Control Ultimate, so dudes like you won't have lost precious $!
@Bobobiwan same here. Waiting on the PS5 update.
Thats good for me. I held off on buying it on ps4 for obvious reasons but i will try it for free on gamepass.
@OldgamerDave not sure it is worth the download time or the space on my console that it would take when there are so many other good games.
@Hexamex-Tex You may be right, man. Still, I guess it's sad to look back at that Keanu Reeves day, and then fast forward to see the mess that the game actually turned out to be.
@OldgamerDave It's not the style of these guys, I think.
For my defense, I'd say that I bought the game day one to support the project, but also cause I was not aware of all this "beta-game-not-finished" stuff.
It's when I read about it that I decided to wait a little before installing it. At first, I thought that I'd have to wait one week or two. Maybe a month. But I never thought I'd have to wait for more than a god damn year ! xD
I know for a fact the game is stable, at this point. At least on Series X. But having waited so long, I'm decided now to wait until the real next-gen update.
its a 7/10 game meh all style not alot of substance
Has anyone played it on the standard One S? I'm still trying to find out if it's playable on the base consoles yet!
I played it on the Series X during the dark days. Ran fine for me. Loved every second of it. Sadly, due to the glitches on other platforms and horror stories about production it's become a sacred object of negativity by miserable gamers looking for something to crap on. Suddenly it's as Witcher never happened = odd. If they bring the next gen version of just a fully working version to gamepass it may be enough the spread the word. Change the narrative. We can hopd
@xanderten50 Here's a gameplay and framerate test video of it on the One S. It's not great.
I played a bit of it on Stadia one of the better versions), it was OK but nothing to write home about.
Was always waiting for the next gen update version, so this would be welcome.
@Shigurui thanks for that - I might be better off waiting to see if it arrives on gamepass after all!
@xanderten50 Yeah I would. I'm playing it on Series S and apart from the very occasional lighting glitch it looks and plays really well. Such a shame it's still a mess on older hardware, even on the newest patch.
I will give this a try if it comes to Gamepass, but from what I've heard, bugs and performance is the least of the games worries. Not really heard anyone talk about it with the same reverence as Witcher or even a lot of other open world action RPGs.
It would be cool if this is instead a sign that in a future update you'll be able to play purchased games with xCloud rather than being limited to just the Game Pass library.
Well maybe because of the complete clusterf#*ck of a release, they should do gamepass to maybe save some face and get some sales.... I saw physical as low as 10-15 bucks... with all the numerous patches it doesn't look half bad at this point...
I bought it back in April for my series s and ran exceptionally well , enjoyed the game. Thought it was really good.😘
"There are no Game Pass plans for Cyberpunk 2077."
We've heard this several times before.
TRANSLATION: "Don't stop buying the game now, we are in discussion or have plans for Game Pass later. We want to have our cake and eat it too"
I found the game boring - so much promise then a big let down.
@themightyant Plus it sounds like it was a PR rep who confirmed they had no plans, we know from experience they keep PR in the dark about stuff (Sure you can totally book the release day off, its good to go... whelp)
I am glad CDPR did not confirm this - it means we still have a chance
@Bobobiwan One whole year, indeed! But I suppose you are being wise: at this point the waiting game is all you can do. I hope you end up having fun, man!
@Shigurui Oh, man! And all I've got is a Series S...let's hope they fix things up ahead with the next-gen upgrade.
I'm surprised some ran with this story, considering in his post he says, "..I have not actually played the game.." So, taking some rumor from this person, should've been done with a grain of salt. I've never played returnal, but after watching a montage of clips, I saw what appeared to look like returnal. CONFIRMED FOR ATARI!
I bought Cyberpunk for $10 at Bestbuy this summer. It's in my backlog but Yooka Laylee and Forza Horizon are taking my time.
And Overcooked 2....holy hell is that fun, and frustrating!
Game Pass is their best shot at getting people in. That reputation is so badly tarnished there's no way i'm paying for that game without trying it first. Even if they actually ever release the Series S/X version.
@XxEvilAshxX despite everyone's valid complaints, the game actually sold really well, plus they supposedly plan to release an update for the current gen machines, which will add up to more sales. they problem just don't need to put it on gamepass.
i would have loved to play the Cyberpunk 2077 they started out making. that game was supposed to be much closer to the Witcher 3. they switched creative directors i think during development, and this genius decided the game needed to be first person (if you've played the game, you can kind of tell it was originally meant to be third person), because a lot of popular games are. there are a few good ideas hidden in the game that came out, but too many bad ones.
still waiting for the next gen update in order to buy it...
There were no Game Pass plans for Scarlett Nexus when the dev was asked, and 3 months later it was on Game Pass.
Cyberpunk will no doubt hit Game Pass at some point. It depends if the devs need the cash injection now since they've delayed the next-gen patches, or do they wait until they release and then maybe hit Game Pass to try and restore the games reputation?
@OldgamerDave If you have a Series S you won't have many issues as it runs really well on Series S. As of patch 1.23 Digital Foundry actually recommend it as the most stable console experience, albeit running at 30fps, it's a near perfect locked 30fps with crowd density matching the Series X.
@Shigurui Good to know! Because a Series X isn't in my plans, or budget, at the moment.
"No plans for Game Pass until we announce them at a future date." more like. This game is basically meant for Game Pass. But right now, the Azure sysadmins would have to run around the datacenter hard-rebooting all the racks that locked up trying to run Cyberpunk so it's probably not permitted.
Man, I was really hoping it would come to gamepass
Below-Average games need not apply to Gam Pass. It's almost funny they think that Xbox would want it there.
It did still sell very well, but didn't they miss their forecast of copies sold by a lot? I know people commenting on game sites are a vocal minority, so it will be interesting to see how their next game performs. I will be staying far away as I still feel the burning disappointment from my experience with the game. I do hope they redeem themselves, but even if they do I will be waiting for a deep discount.
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