Comments 550

Re: Talking Point: Is Halo 3 The Pinnacle Of The Franchise So Far?


Nothing can come close to Halo 3.
Everything about it is perfect. The stars aligned and the timing was spot on.
It was a phenomenon, simple as that.
It still stands up too. The campaign and multiplayer still just as enjoyable today.
As an overall Halo package it is yet to be beaten. And likely never will be.

Re: Xbox Series X Stock Appears At Amazon UK


@Dezzy70 Interesting 🤔
Complete opposite for me. Maybe a dozen or so serious gaming friends, only 2 with a PS5.
All have made the jump to Xbox this time around.
Potentially an age thing? I'm 40 next year and my friends are the same pretty much.
When time and money is a rare commodity, Gamepass shines brightest 😄

Re: Xbox Series X Stock Appears At Amazon UK


@Dezzy70 You're focusing on the smaller picture mate, Xbox care little for console sales, that's not the focus anymore.
Big game adverts are great but 'value' is a top priority for people these days.
All my gaming friends, serious and casual, have an Xbox now. Most had a PS4. Stock wasn't the issue, it was the value.
Admittedly, most of my friends (like myself) are parents. Gamepass offers so much it simply can't be passed up on.
Gamepass numbers are massive and going up. Ultimately (no pun intended) that's all that matters.

Re: The Coalition Is Working On Several Unannounced Projects, Says Aaron Greenberg


@RevGaming I'd certainly never say that multiplayer games are superior to single player. Infact, I feel the opposite with Zelda, Final Fantasy and Soulsborne being some of my all time faves.
My point was that we have those experiences on other systems. What MS does, it does well and while I'm happy of course for them to broaden their portfolio, I'd hate to see them change the way they do things.

Re: The Coalition Is Working On Several Unannounced Projects, Says Aaron Greenberg


@pip_muzz @Krzzystuff Yeah Halo is fantastic. Completed the Tenrai Event last night, 100 in the BP, Legendary done, 111hours played and enjoyed every single one of them! Halo leads me into my point about MS Game Studios. My friends and I regularly play Halo and it's hilarious, like, crying with laughter funny. Something will always happen that cracks us up.
Sea of Thieves is the same. We play regularly and always have a great laugh with something wild or hilarious taking place.
MS make incredible sandboxes. Sony may have the awesome solo, cinematic games but MS rule the sandbox.
It's the sandboxes that make the experience. It's what makes a great game even better. That sense of community comes from a shared experience. Something Sony doesn't have (and the reason they bought Bungie)
I'm very happy with MS output and the way they create their games. The odd solo only game would be nice but these AAA games burn bright and vanish.
I'll be playing Infinite until a new Halo game comes out. Who can say that about Horizon.

Edit: Except Gran Turismo 7, I'll be playing that for donkeys years 😁