Even though it's not actually out yet, news is doing the rounds that Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree is now the highest-rated DLC of all time according to Metacritic (thanks, VGC), and that's got us thinking about some of the amazing expansions that have come to Xbox over the years.
Our immediate thoughts go back to the Xbox 360 era, which was a time when major game expansions really began to take off on console. We had BioShock 2's Minerva's Den, we had Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare and Gears of War 3's Raam's Shadow back then - just to name a few!
These were all great experiences and fitting add-ons to some of Xbox 360's biggest titles, but you could easily look at some more modern releases here as well. The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine still gets talked about as one of the best DLCs ever to come to Xbox - although Shadow of the Erdtree might be about to knock the CDPR expansion off its perch.
Then, you've got some of the smaller map packs and DLC drops that have occurred on Xbox over the years. We used to absolutely love it when the team at Treyarch would launch a brand-new Black Ops pack with a fresh Call of Duty Zombies experience packed in. Ahh, those were the days!
So, having namedropped a bunch of major add-on packs here, we want to know what your favourite ever Xbox expansion is. It doesn't matter which generation it launched in, or which game it added to, we just want to know your absolute favourite Xbox DLC - single or multiplayer!
If you're a little bit younger and are used to playing your live service games with free updates these days, you can always tell us about one of those instead! We know there have been some pretty hefty content drops added to some of these games in recent years, so those are still totally valid as a 'favourite DLC' on Xbox.
Well, which would you choose? A DLC we've mentioned or a completely different pick? Comment down below and tell us your favourite!
Comments 41
Tbh I dont really do expansions very often...by they time they are out I have moved on from said game....although I have just done the night springs dlc for alan wake 2
The Orange Box having the Half Life 2 episodes sort of blew my mind years ago, loved that one. Outside that, I’d argue I had the most fun with the Skyrim expansions. Those expansions felt bigger to me than most actual full game releases when they were coming out.
Outer wilds echoes of the eye is the one for me.
skyrim dawnguard is what comes to mind rn.
Minervas Den from Bioshock 2 is pretty amazing, Old Hunters from Bloodborne is also excellent.
Fallout New Vegas. Old world Blues. I've never laughed so hard at a 'serious' video game.
The Shivering Isles. And it's not even close 😊
My favorite is the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC with AC Valhalla. Control had some great DLC. Borderlands has some good stuff as well.
It's between AC Odyssey-The Fate of Atlantis and AC Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok
As I am late to the party, I end up buying the full collection of the game. Doing it that way you mostly don’t realize what was original game and what was DLC and what was patched.
@somnambulance they were ace shame it's closest thing to half life 3 we'll ever get 😭😭😭
blood & wine, no question...
Any of these are worth your time imo
Gears Hivebusters
Witcher 3 dlcs
La noir dlc
Arkam knight dlc
Alan Wake games
Control DLC
Mass Effect DLC
And Lego dimensions Goonies, Simpsons, etc is fan service at its best.
Trespasser from Dragon Age Inquisition.
Rainbow 6 Vegas 2. We all know it's really an expansion.
For me the Shivering Isles is tied with the Morrowind expansions. I did really like the robot building one from fallout 4 also. The Emperor DLC from EU IV is my favorite grand strategy dlc hands down.
Forza Horizon 3 - Hot Wheels. The most fun I've ever had in a DLC back as a kid, It and Blizzard Mountain makes FH3 my favorite game of all time. Other highlights include the Sunset Overdrive expansions, the GTA4 Episodes + Undead Nightmare.
Gears 5: Hivebusters 💚
@UnusedBabyWipes never got to play FH3 DLC, loved the base game. But Hotwheels in FH5 was a blast!
Mass Effect 3 - The Citadel
Mirrors Edge - Pure Time Trials
@Lup I did not enjoy Trespasser as much as I enjoyed exploring the area with the Avvar. (The Jaws of Hakkon)
Mass Effect 2 Lair of the Shadow Broker
Off the top of my head. I'm gonna say Big Surf Island for Burnout Paradise, they crammed so much awesome stuff on that little island.
@Peete That was a good expansion, kind of wished there was a 2nd Hivebusters expansion.
Easy. The Ballad of Gay Tony.
Thinking on it over the years from original Xbox to today? I'm going have say, not all, but, majority of the borderlands expansions.
They feel like legit expansions and not cut content to sell as DLC type stuff. Which sadly ALOT and WAY TOO many developers do.
Blood & Wine - the 2nd and final DLC Expansion in the superb Witcher 3 - how to do an expansion right! It had more game-play, Story, fun side quests/missions and a great 'conclusion' to the Completed collection.
@Yousef- TBOGT is a shout. I think The Lost & The Damned might actually be mine. Gay Tony was obviously far bigger and better bang-for-your-buck, but the vibe of TLATD just really clicked with me personally. I think I'm outspoken on liking the slower, bleaker vibe of Nico's story (games are art!) and TLATD really doubled-down on GTA IV's grimy, futile undertones
You CANNOT talk about greatest expansions without mentioning the very best which is Shivering Isles.
I don't know if there has been a better one and it's been almost twenty years.
Agree with anyone that said Shivering Isles, it’s #1. Though Blood & Wine was close. Sprawling Open world RPGs like these usually do expansions best. Fallout etc.
But outside that genre I have a soft spot for Dishonored The Knive of Dunwall & Brigmore Witches, the pair effortlessly elevate the main games story.
Prey Mooncrash was also a game changer, turning the mechanics of progression on their head.
Far Cry Blood Dragon was more of a standalone, but still the best Far Cry. Less was more, plus 80s vibes.
Red Dead: Undead Nightmare, Mass Effect Citadel & GTA ballad of Gay Tony also strong
Fallout 3 I think it was called Point Lookout.
Knothole Island was a hoot
The best expansion to any game ever, Lord of Destruction, is included in D2R. That counts in my book
That’s an easy one for me. Lair of the Shadow Broker for Mass Effect 2.
Damn, you have missed some downright amazing game content. There is no denying that a lot of DLC is downright mediocre and should have been included in the original game, but there have been a lot of amazing expansions as well that significantly increased the overall quality of the game itself.
It’d be a toss-up between Lair of the Shadow Broker or Citadel. Actually, I’d probably go for the latter. It was entertaining to play but also funny and full of fanservice.
Controversial….Destiny 2 ‘The Witch Queen’ and the ‘The Final Shape’ top of the range Expansions. 👏🏻
Another vote for Echoes of the Eye
Mass Effect lair of shadow broker is a good shout. Undead nightmare is up there too. Honourable mention to Oblivions horse armour dlc, game changer
There are so many... Ballad of Gay Tony, The Lost and the Damned, Shivering Isles, Nuka World, Point Lookout, just to name a few. I'd argue it's nearly impossible to pick just one!
Mass Effect 3: Citadel. The series was established enough for it to be absolutely full of hilarious fan service and jokes (Sheperd's line about the hamster is hands down one of the best lines in the whole series), the story was still good even for a fan service heavy DLC and the party you throw for the crew is a highlight of the series.
@Incr3dibleBman I didn't even think about Lego Dimensions. Good call.
For me, Id like to give some love to Sunset Overdrives final DLC Robot Factory as it gave us one of the zaniest end bosses to the story. Just Insomniac Games going bonkers with their DLC and roping in their community manager.
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