You may have heard some rumblings throughout the week about a potentially huge PlayStation announcement that has yet to surface. Even though we haven't seen it yet, there are suggestions from high-profile journalists in the industry that PlayStation could have a "really big" acquisition to announce in the near future.
That said, there's a lot of uncertainty surrounding the news. In a video on the Kinda Funny Games YouTube channel, GamesBeat's Jeff Grubb explained that he wasn't confident enough on the details to go and write a story about it:
"That one is very difficult to pin down. People can get word on that stuff, but the people who really know are usually legally bound not to say anything. So, we're probably getting second-hand information at best. I've heard it's big... I'm hearing it from multiple people... [but] I'm not going to go and write a story about this on GamesBeat, that's where I'm at."
In response, Kinda Funny's Greg Miller revealed that he's also heard it's "really big":
"We're sharing information here. I've heard from two separate sources, one of the sources being a pool of people, that it's big. That it's really big, so it's like OK, I'm going to delay this show and see if it happens this week... but then again, maybe it's nothing because of exactly what you're saying - think of every other acquisition that [we've seen], did we have rumours of those before? No, because there's insider trading garbage to worry about."
So there you go. It's difficult to know how much to read into this right now, but in any case we'll be keeping a close eye out to see if Sony goes through with this "really big" acquisition. Let's hope it doesn't affect Xbox too negatively if so.
Are you buying into this rumour? Who do you think the acquisition concerns? Tell us down below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 72
Hoping it’s Konami, or at least their gaming IP’s
Most likely From Software.
I heard some rumblings about FromSoft.
The worst would be Capcom or Squaresoft.
Hopefully Konami. If it’s Square Enix I really hope they keep the games Multiplatform. Xbox for my achievement fix and Nintendo for my physical cartridge fix.
I’ve got to think it’s a studio who solely develops for PlayStation, so with that in mind, my guess would be Square Enix. Sony has been tossing around a lot of money as of late their way by keeping Final Fantasy off Xbox after all.
@LocalPenguin FromSoft is an April Fools I believe.
@mus422 Agree Konami would be good for gamers!
The same rumour has been going all week on twitter they just change the day, first it was Wednesday then Thursday blah blah , they just saying every company now so it don't look like Thier wrong if it turns out to be true ,really don't care for rumours anymore
I think the rumour is Konami but it couldn’t be anything or just an April fools
It will not affect XBox, otherwise there are some games who won't be coming to Playstation anymore like Diablo 4.
Hope April fools joke but if xbox deal is going through competition authorities any big Sony deal has to.
Hoping it's square enix or sega, square enix games suit sony so well and have a great history and legacy on playstation platforms and already work closely together with timed exclusives.
So square enix is perfect for playstation.
And sega already have strong ties with playstation with the persona series.
@Kohaku diablo 4 and overwatch are still coming to playstation, don't know about diablo 5 onwards though
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@Agnostic at least with Games Pass you could cloud stream most of Microsoft's exclusives from day of release, but with Sony you'd need to buy a PS5, which are like as rare as gold dust & fork out £70 to play on day of release.
Where are people 'demanding', @uptownsoul? And how do you know it is the 'same' people who are 'demanding' that are okay with the Bethesda situation.
I have read through every single comment and there is not a single person making any demands. There is some speculation, as you would expect, and some expressing hope that games are not locked to the PlayStation, but that's it...
@uptownsoul I’m ok with whatever, I own both systems anyway.
My finances are good, however my free time is severely limited. Alas, any acquisitions will not be able to change that!
I sometimes wonder if the only reason you frequent these forums is to stir up unrest and fuel the console wars, @UltimateOtaku91. I cannot recall a single occasion where you have made a comment praising or supporting Xbox, or criticising Sony. Conversely, you frequently pop up on Pure and slate the Xbox and sing to the high-heavens the virtues of the PlayStation.
I own both a PS5 and a Series X, though the Xbox is my preferred platform. Even so, I never feel the need to go on to Pure and play one platform off against the other. Valid criticism is one thing, but to leap on an unfounded comment and call Xbox owners 'hypocrites' is an unnecessary thing to do...
Funny enough, @MiGke, I just made a similar point...
@Gloki_junior while i agree in theory you have to remember Sony is bigger then MS in the gameing industry, and when the authorities look at deals and monopolies they dont look at the buisness as a whole they look at the industry the merger or buyout affects... so sony being one of the big three and way bigger then MS in gaming industry they could run into issues before MS... but i do believe this april fools joke.
If spending their lives trying to persuade people that Xbox is bad is what these 2 enjoy doing; I guess just let them continue. Just a shame as we all have a common hobby in gaming and these 2 feel the need to be so negative about it.
@uptownsoul do u feel that if COD and crash went that way
@K1LLEGAL i don't try to persuade people that xbox is bad and reading my comments you will see that, only thing I've done on here is stick up for Sony on certain articles or put people right when they make statements that aren't true or made up
40, @Agnostic? I'm pushing 60. Oh to be 40 again...
@Blessed_koz I am no fan boy I didn't switch to xbox till latest gen but MS will also be in top three once merger goes through so not sure the difference. I personally feel that all these buying up should still allow access but maybe it should be xbox can have them through gamepass and then Sony get them a little later through purchase and Sony do the same otherwise gamers lose out
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@uptownsoul they can pull this at any point once the current written contract ends so I feel that you are saying xbox do it with bethestha but Sony haven't done it what about insomniac, housemarque bluepoint works both ways. As I said elsewhere I'm no fan boy I think Sony got strat wrong this gen
If this is true watch the same people who constantly criticise MS for acquisitions cheer and celebrate when Sony do the same. ‘Oh they’re a good fit for Sony’ blah blah blah. It’s so tiresome.
@MiGke I haven't said anything ill towards xbox on this article though
@Agnostic I'm not trying to start a fight & your lucky you can afford all systems, but unfortunately gaming is an expensive hobby for which not all can, so this like Microsoft in the past could effect a lot of people.
@Fenbops but won't the same be said about xbox fans moaning about sony buying said studios, but cheered when Microsoft bought Bethesda and Activision? I've come to terms that this is the new normal now this generation with Sony, Microsoft and tencent buying everyone, and all I stated was that if sony do buy anyone then square enix would be a good fit due to their history and already close timed exclusive deals.
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If a big purchase was being made this week nobody would know about it, for reasons explained in the article. "think of every other acquisition that [we've seen], did we have rumours of those before? No, because there's insider trading garbage to worry about."
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@Agnostic 100 PERCENT!!! It happens with all 3. There will be no more Level 5 games coming to Xbox and Playstation. No Bethesda games for Nintendo (well maybe) and Playstation. No more Insomniac games for Xbox and Nintendo. It is what it is. It's also why I have all 3 boxes Switch, PS5, and Series X so that I don't miss anything.
@uptownsoul whatever they buy will definitely be exclusive. It will be on PC but they won't be on Xbox.
@Rafie to my knowledge Nintendo don't own level 5, level 5 are the guys behind ni nn kuni which is on playstation and xbox (highly reccomend) and yo kai watch is on playstation
@Krzzystuff not necessarily, they bought bunjie and its future titles will be on xbox whilst Activision games will be on playstation, if they bought square enix as an example they would most likely make deals between each other, like giving playstation starfield a year after release in return for the next tomb raider, dragon quest or hitman
@UltimateOtaku91 Oh it's Next Level, not Level 5. My mistake.
@UltimateOtaku91 live service games need a player base and the deal with Bungie is really odd. They clearly wanted the expertise of their devs and that's what they paid for. Time will tell but it's hard to see the company that's famous for money hatting to start sharing all of a sudden, especially if they buy devs that were PlayStation-centric in the past.
@LocalPenguin u mean square enix right?
@Roqka It won't be FromSoft. I highly doubt Kadokawa Corp will ever sell them. Especially coming off the back of their most profitable game to date.
@Kohaku is Diablo coming to playstation? Or is it now with xbox trying to secure the deal with regulators. I has already crossed the game off of my upcoming releases
@uptownsoul cant agree more. The same people who are clamoring for Cod to be off playstation and lose more than half the playerbase, especially when crossplay is now a thing
@Rmg0731 Haha yeah of course 😄 Child of the 80's here, it'll always be Squaresoft to me. I loved Final Fantasy so much I used to draw their logo on my school books 😊
@Krzzystuff sony buying bunjie has to be one of the worst acquisitions in history for value, for that price and to have no exclusives is baffling. They get stick for charging £70 a game but not much gets said about that purchase.
Sony will oy share if they are getting something in return such as other consoles exclusives etc
@UltimateOtaku91 @Fenbops At least it pays to remember that that big toxic, vocal PS fanbase on the internet is such a tiny part of PS's audience, Jim doesn't even notice they exist or care what they want. Sony doesn't get away with what they get away with due to the internet sycophants, they get away with it because their main market is generic teens-to-twenty somethings without a clue and soccer moms with less of a clue. Their market is the generic mass market, while MS's seems mostly to be older and more of the hobbyist group (though Series S will probably change that), which is part of why they seem to cater to us more directly.
But seriously, Ultimate, how did you become a Pony? Some people I can get, they've just always been dedicated ponies, but you didn't used to be. Heck you were mostly Nintendo at one point. You defend Sony way too obsessively for a Nintendrone
@Krzzystuff To be fair, for better or worse, Jimbo doesn't seem to do things the way Sony's always done them. He may not be into money hatting and more into sharing considering he brought PS games to PC, shifting to MTX and GaaS, and railroaded a lot of PS norms that PS fans aren't happy about. I'm not a fan of his at all, and as a PS fan I loathe him, but he does seem to be playing for a different business than PS normally does.
That's one reason why them buying someone like Square would be horrible though. He'd do to Square exactly what PS fans would accuse MS of doing - shifting it to focus on cheap GaaS mega-sellers and abandoning the Japanese roots that makes Square important to most fans. He killed pretty much all of Sony's Japan development and Japanese style games. He'd kill Square's too and use them for Tomb Raider, Guardians, etc. I like those games, but not at the cost of one of the last major Japanese publishers.
@LocalPenguin if you want a nice back to the past with squaresoft, recommend you find the podcast retronauts. They had an episode that strictly talked about squaresoft looking back. Nice 1-2 listen there
@Shigurui Maybe you’re right. I still think big players like Square Enix, Capcom and Konami are off the table, too. Why would they want to be swooped up?
@NEStalgia lol I'm not a pure pony, I will admit I have a preference for Sony and nintendo as I grew up with them owning all their consoles and handhelds, but I have owned a 360, xbox one and currently have a series S but im not too much into xbox as others on here, although last year I was one of the first praise and reccomend forza horizon 5 and the gunk and even on pushsqaure.
I've been quite vocal on what I think of Microsofts acquisitions and used terms like bullying the market etc which has gave me the pony representation 😂
But in terms of the xbox brand I have nothing bad to say, I've enjoyed playing the series S and gamepass has been the best value in gaming and have said so on many occasions.
My love for nintendo has been declining slightly with the onslaught of lazy full priced ports and lack of features and releasing games unfinished, but still anticipate all their "new" exclusives.
I will defend sony against made up stuff and people just bashing sony for the fun of it, same with nintendo. But not so much xbox, not yet anyway, I didn't own the 360 or one for longe than 6 months and series S for just over a year so haven't been an xbox gamer for long so havent got that "love" for xbox yet which if I keep playing the series S and playing exclusives like starfield and the new Fable and definitely state of decay 3 then maybe that love will come lol
Hopefully people understand as I don't want to argue with people on here, but people need to not take what I say to heart and just ignore me if it goes against what they believe
I will really only care if it's Kojima Productions, Konami IPs OR FromSoftware. The rest I don't really have any hype
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@Rmg0731 I shall find it now and listen this afternoon at work 😁
Thanks for the heads up man, have a great weekend 😊
Pure Xbox used to be peaceful before 😂
I can only see Sony acquiring Japanese publisher/dev, since there is no way they can outbid MS or Tencent under different circumstances. If anything, it might be a dev studio that specializes on live service games.
@Roqka Totally agree, I don't see a benefit to any of those being bought out. Konami may licence their dormant IP's out but that's about all.
I could see Platinum Games being bought by pretty much anyone though, they always seem to be on the brink of going under.
Just a friendly reminder to keep the comments on topic & civil. While it's ok to have different opinions, please stay respectful whilst discussing 💚
I am happy if any of the big 3 buys Sega as long as they start making the most of the older Sega IPs.
I would be happy if Sega just started churning out remasters (Shining Force 3, Skies of Arcadia, JSRF).
@Clankylad Ha, Sony fanboys would be living their best life if the only thing they could ever do concerning gaming was have the power to delete one Xbox game per year. Starfield would be a gonna for sure!
Big very big… that all suggests a western publisher like Ubisoft. But I think it’s far more likely to be a Japanese studio…and square makes sense given all the exclusivity they’re buying anyway.
Either way, Sony and Microsoft can gladly keep making moves for my attention. Keep things interesting.
Or…it could just be an April fools to get fanboys riled up.
@Bleachedsmiles Square doesn’t really make much sense. Sony is looking for studios like Bungie. The most profitable Square Enix games outside of well established franchises are games not on PlayStation like OT or Bravely. Not to mention they have a lot of other industries that SIE wouldn’t want maybe the other Sony (Aniplex) but not SIE and they different companies under the same umbrella.
I think Ubisoft is a good thought though. Like Activison they have lot of skeletons in the closet.
@BrainHacker right now MS can’t bid at all. They have to wait til the AB acquisition closes. And Tencent buys Japanese companies too. Point is kind of moot.
May just be time to ban a few repeat flamers/antagonizers. Just saying
That's a lotta deleted comments...
Anyways, I hope it isn't Square Enix, but not for Final Fantasy or Xbox reasons. I think the strongest output from them is Dragon Quest and their HD-2D stuff, and ripping that away from Nintendo would be incredibly unfortunate.
Konami is best case imo. At least then SOMEONE would make a good new Silent Hill game hopefully.
Daaaamn this comment section is 1/4 deleted.
Honestly, I calmed down from the AB acquisition. Mostly because I don't think they can get another one after AB. I didn't mind it because I don't care about AB. Cared for Bethesda (mostly iD). It's a prick move to do. Exclusives drive consoles but they should come from your own and not be stolen away. I don't want xbox to lose a publisher.
If they acquire a publisher tho, I would suggest Capcom. Square seems to need help though. So I am not sure. I don't want a publisher though.
I hope it's Kojima (although this would've happened already so I DOUBT IT) and Deviation Games. Does Sony really need 30 studios? I think 20 base studios is enough. Just make them bigger (300 plus devs). Platinum Games might need help. Everything else should be parternships. I think 3-4 AAA games per year should be enough to always need a PS console.
@RevGaming Your views on things are always ‘a little off’. You understand nobody’s been just pointing to a publisher and gone “I’ll have that one”…there’s a bit more to it than that - the main thing being the publisher has to want to sell. And trust, you’d rather one of the big 3 in Sony Microsoft or Nintendo getting them. If zenimax hadn’t have sold we’d probably be reading about studios closing down now.
@lolwhatno Insult is a strong word. More like most are disappointed. Idk why anyone has to insult Sony's acquisitions. Besides Bungie, they all made sense.
A lot people stuck with xbox because of Gamepass. Crazy. It's not even about games anymore it seems.
@Bleachedsmiles I understand Bethesda would've closed, but EA or T2 could have bought them and everyone would still had their games. The games are exclusive so it was their decision.
and I've seen many point out on one.
@RevGaming I believe Robert Altman before he died made it clear for it to be MS. There was a strong relationship there.
Also, with EA; just look at BioWare. Single player game studios don’t fair super well in either 2k or EAs hands.
@mousieone I could agree with EA, but 2k has made good single player games. They just haven't made much, but surely they can produce a high quality one.
If they keep bringing the games to PC im fine whit it.
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