It's time for another round of Pick One! This week, to celebrate the release of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion on Xbox, we thought we'd go back and look at the history of Final Fantasy games on the platform.
It's been well documented that we're still waiting for the likes of Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy XIV Online which is a huge shame, but we've still got plenty of other great FF titles to choose from in this Xbox list.
Remember, you can only pick one!
Let's take a look at some highlights from the poll:
Final Fantasy XIII (2010)
Thirteen days of fates intertwined reveal a truth beyond reckoning. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?
Final Fantasy XV (2016)
Take up the steering wheel and hit the road with your colorful companions to explore a vast and breathtaking world. Invoke the power of your ancestors and effortlessly warp through the air in thrilling combat.
Final Fantasy VII (2019)
Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the rebels, unaware that he will be drawn into an epic battle for the fate of the planet, while having to come to terms with his own lost past.
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (2019)
Squall and other members of SeeD, an elite mercenary force, join hands with Rinoa, a resistance fighter, to fight against Galbadia's tyrannical rule and to prevent Edea from fulfilling her ultimate goal.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster (2019)
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster brings the timeless classics forward to the current generation of fans, old and new alike.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2019)
Brought together in a chaotic age, the hopes and dreams of these two heroes will unite the fates of the people and change the destiny of nations.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion (2022)
CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION follows the story of Zack Fair, a young warrior admired by the boy destined to save the world, trusted by men renowned as heroes of legend, and loved by the girl who holds the fate of the planet in her hands.
Let us know which of these Final Fantasy Xbox games is your favourite down below.
Comments 41
Spent a long time hunting for FF6. Slightly amazed there isn't a version of the best FF on Xbox. Pixel HD remasters hopefully.
Some interesting votes on here.
I'm guessing a young crowd 🤔 haha
I've never played a FF game but I might try FF7 Remake on Playstation
On Xbox XII they are all good in their own way as I like all the different settings. Prefer the action ones as I really don't like turn based pleased they swapped to make them more modern.
Looking forward to XVI on PS and treated myself to an early Christmas present by pre ordering the collectors edition. I would have brought it on Xbox but not waiting years.
@Chaudy The remake was well received, but they decided to get creative on the one thing the game didn't need creativity: It's story. As a fan of the original I was terribly dissapointed and stopped playing after a couple hours because of it.
Seeing FFVIII with zero % of the votes has me all sad.
I haven't played any final fantasy games on xbox but my vote went on final fantasy 13, it was the first final fantasy game I played and loved the cgi cutscenes and characters, hopefully they can make a remastered collection.
@Chaudy Final Fantasy 7 Remake would be a fine place to start, it's more steam punky than the other final fantasy games so don't go into expecting to explore lush landscapes and wide open areas like Final Fantasy 10, 12 and 15. But the story is good, combat is good, graphics are top notch and since final fantasy games aren't linked you don't need to study up on previous games and not playing the original might make it a better experience for you as you won't be constantly comparing the two.
Also wish they would make a world of final fantasy 2 but without the stacking feature.
I only like FF from 1-3, so I guess I'll choose Stranger of Paradise.
I still hope for a PC port of Ever Crisis. Even if not Google ay Store on PC may allow me to play it that way but I need more info on that.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is my favorite game in the entire series so eventhough I'm playing it on PS5, I'd still say on Xbox the best FF game on offer is CC: FFVII Reunion.
@UltimateOtaku91 oh no once you figure out how stacking works and how it affects spells . How powerful you can make yourself. I love the stacking but you know you can unstack and play like normal right?
@mousieone I can't remember fully as I haven't played it since it first came out and i only played for around 10 hours, I can remember how silly it looked (stacking) but I loved the visuals and creature collecting so I definitely want to give it another try again soon.
@Kaloudz you looking forward to the new Theatrhythm game? Will be my first time playing it so hopefully it's better than the Kingdom hearts one.
I voted for XV. The game just hit me really deeply when I finally played it. I skipped it for a long time due to its poor reception, but finally tried it out in 2020 and was blown away by it. It has its flaws, sure. Outside 4 and 6, all FFs do, but, man, it was such a grower of a title. The ending killed me.
FF7 and 10 are close runner ups though.
@Kaloudz sorry I thought that's what your avatar is from so I assumed you played it.
Edit: Also just realised that your avatar is actually from world of final fantasy, my bad lol
@UltimateOtaku91 so the way spells work is that if each character in your stack has blizzard it turns into Blizzaga. This can also be done if you have a blizzara and a blizzard. The spells get pretty crazy when you figure out how it all rolls together. The downside is sometimes things like Chocobo Kick work better all around because it’s 4ap easy to get and can be used a lot. Once you get mirages like Farris partner beejee the game is super fun. Also active time Battle makes the game almost like an action game it’s crazy how well it works in this game.
@themightyant It's coming Switch and PS4 only.
@mousieone ah I see so it's a bit of a gamble then, either stack up to have more powerful spells but also all of your team take damage together? Can't believe its been 6 years since I last played but after Crisis Core Reunion I will definitely be giving it another try.
@Snake_V5 @Kaloudz That sucks.
IX is the last time a mainline Final Fantasy game was great imo
It’s also my favorite Final Fantasy so that
Anything after XII is a stain on the series and you won’t convince me otherwise
Final Fantasy VII is one of my most favorite games of all time. But I liked XIII too.
Sometimes I think Pure Xbox tries to find the most controversial topic to drive engagement in the comments.
My favourite is the one that isn't on Xbox and never will be... FF7 Remake 😭
Final Fantasy VII (7) and the Remake are my all time favourites. I hope they come to Xbox one day.
FF12 is also a fantastic game and I have a soft spot for all the PS1 Final Fantasy games (7, 8 and 9).
I love this series and just wish Square Enix would respect its Xbox fanbase.
@Clankylad same , I remember seeing my cousin play some of one & it was extremely cringe I'm not a fan of games where the combat is just choosing an attack from a menu either except Pokémon
I liked fire red on the GBA lol
I think the most enjoyment I've had from final fantasy would be the opening 5 ish hours from 7. But.... I've never made it much further than that despite playing it multiple times. Loses the magic a bit when it goes open world.
9 I actually finished and I loved. Maybe not quite as much as 7's opening hours but I didn't get bored (with the exception of one chapter quite late in the game that felt like filler) so I guess my favourite is 9.
@Chaudy If it's your first rodeo I'd recommend Final Fantasy XV first. 7 is still a solid choice.
@UltimateOtaku91 well I did get destacked every so often; it’s better to stay stacked. However you could play the game completely classic mode and destacked and it plays like old school FF game. The difficulty can really be ramped up though I.e harder modes =D
A tough choice between VIII and X! I loved VIII when I was younger but I feel it hasn't aged very well compared to X. Loved the card games and story in VIII but loved Blitzball and Music in X (To Zanarkand is my all time favourite FF soundtrack).
In the end, I prefer the smoother graphics of X versus the now highly pixel lated VIII.
It’s got to be VII for me. It’s kind of a cliched answer these days but the setting, music, characters and story all really work for me. I’m actually replaying it at the moment using the SYW mod that has AI up-scaled backgrounds, 60fps movies, more detailed character models and ups the frame rate to 60fps.
FF7 has a heavy nostalgia factor going for it. It was the first FF with 3D characters. It was the first with cutscenes, orchestrated soundtrack, etc. It held many "wow" moments back in the day because nothing like it had been done before.
But FF6 is still the better rpg. But it's not on Xbox. So FF7 wins by default.
I wasn't as big a fan of the muppet baby storyline of FF8 and (hot take) I hated FF9's characters.
Very strange poll considering the next mainline game is missing Xbox and remake also not on xbox and the newly announced pixel remasters
This site is going downhill maybe focus on the good things Xbox has too offer could of easily been what’s your favourite gears game.
@GunValkyrian it’s a very odd story for an Xbox centric website.
I enjoyed FF13 and Lighting Returns. No doubt FF7 Remake would top both of them on my list but alas the Sony scummy God's decided to forever keep it off Xbox..
@Meehanuk_1987 The weekly Pick One articles are usually based around something that happened during the previous week / month - this one is to "celebrate the release of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion on Xbox".
We've done Gears before and we'll do it again at some point. Obviously we didn't know about the Pixel Remasters announcement until earlier today either.
It's just meant to be a quick, fun poll 🤷♂️
Never liked Final Fantasy at all so I have never been interested in playing ANY of them on Xbox (or Playstation). Therefore I haven't voted.
it's sad that mainline FF games now skipping xbox. FF 1-6 confirmed skipping Xbox and don't forget FF7Remake, FF7Rebirth, FF14, FF16 also skipping Xbox
VIII for life.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
oh wait....
But for me it’s VII then VIII then V
@Chaudy Think about it, you might be able to play part 2 on the Playstation 6, possibly complete it on the Playstation 7.
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