Weren't able to catch the Xbox Games Showcase 2023 event earlier today? No worries! You can always go back and watch the on-demand version for yourself, which you'll find elsewhere on Pure Xbox.
If you don't want to watch it all the way through, we've also detailed all the important reveals in this article.
The following list is everything that was revealed during the Xbox Games Showcase 2023:
Xbox Games Showcase
- Compulsion Games reveals South Of Midnight (Game Pass)
- Payday 3 launches this September on Xbox (Game Pass)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator is getting a new version in 2024 & Dune expansion in late 2023 (Game Pass)
- Fallout 76: Atlantic City is coming soon (Game Pass)
- Overwatch 2 Starter Pack arrives this August alongside Invasion update (Xbox Game Pass Ultimate)
- Persona 5 Tactica launches this November on Xbox (Game Pass)
Starfield Direct
Did you watch the Xbox Games Showcase 2023? What did you think? Let us know below.
Comments 48
Xbox really knocked this presentation outta the park. I didn't see a single dud. Everything looked interesting for someone.
@Krysus I agree, I think it was great. 2024 is packed.
@Banjo- 2022 and 2023 were packed too and we know how that turned out.
I was very much not liking the vibe at the onset - with 3 movies in a row - but it built momentum for sure. I'm grabbing an X tomorrow they won me over.
Flight Sim, the Capcom game, Cities, Starfield and Metaphor turned the tide. The storybook game with the girl with the paper sword was a hit for my kids (and me).
I loved it and I also love that the trolls and negative Nellie's are out in full force, can click ignore on the ones crawling out the woodwork haha
It was great if you love CGI trailers.
Having said that, I'm looking forward to Fable, South of Midnight, Clockwork Revolution, Starfield, Forza Motorsport from Xbox.
Not looking forward to Avowed. That looked really underwhelming.
Would have been good to see Machine Games or Id Software but otherwise this was awesome in my opinion. Great to see what Compulsion and InExile are working on.
Can't say I was overly impressed ..Clockwork revolution looked really good I thought though ...and starfield does look great..just hope it lives upto it
Think he is abit special ..he is just going around calling everyone a troll if they don't universally praise everything
Really impressed with this showcase! 9/10
@StylesT I think it's Sebatrox with a new account
Some nice reveals but with the exception of Starfield and Forza coming this year most of the reveals were either coming 2024, Coop or expansions to existing titles. Also was kind of hoping for Hexen thanks to the T Shirt he was wearing at the end.
Wasn't great, didn't see anything i liked
@K1LLEGAL Doom and Gears of War 5 must be in development plus State of Decay 3, Perfect Dark and Indiana Jones. Wasn't what Machine Games was working on leaked?
Anyway, this generation is taking a while but with this huge amount of studios there is no doubt on my mind that the future of Xbox is absolutely packed with varied games and then there is the Activision Blizzard King empire on top of that.
@Banjo- Machine Games is Indiana Jones yea so was hoping for a snippet but all good otherwise. Didn’t expect Perfect Dark.
@K1LLEGAL Right, that was what I read, Machine Games working on Indiana Jones. The problem with Perfect Dark is The Initiative, with Crystal Dynamics rebooting the game.
I honestly am disappointed and excited at the same time I enjoyed some of the showcase avowed and hellblade looked great but where were I'd and machine games with indiana Jones either nor gears of war 6 2024 does look amazing for xbox though
Great, not outstanding by all means, just better than average, which is great
@Suda52 They have to save something for gamescom. Plus, they showed gameplay last year for Forza and Hellblade.
Fantastic presentation!! So many games if none of them piqued your interest you might need a new hobby for real.
@Suda52 The Forza Monthly show on the 13th is confirmed to be taking a deeper dive into the career mode, although why that wasn't advertised is beyond me
@Suda52 There is also the Xbox Games Showcase Extended and Forza Monthly
Hyped for Forza, Cities 2, and Flight Sim (which took my breath away once more!). Disappointed the show was only an hour, but the fast pace meant that when a game didn't appeal to me, I wasn't waiting for the next one for too long. Plus, we have the extended showcase for more gameplay.
For those complaining about the lack of non-delayed games for this year, I agree. However, I would argue that both Forza and Starfield are heavy hitters, and it's important to remember that things take time - many of 24s titles would have been pencilled in internally for this year but delayed so that the games could be better, which is what we all want.
The lack of concrete release dates was also a clever move in my opinion - by not announcing dates too soon, there's less disappointed in the long run as games don't get (publicly at least) delayed.
Really enjoyed this showcase, even if I was disappointed not to see more of what others want (such as Gears), and think it was definitely the best so far. Let's all hope that Xbox can build on this strong momentum going forwards
This is easily the best Xbox showcase so far
Enjoyed the show, starfield looks every bit as amazing as everyone hoped, but I have to say I’m disappointed nothing about state of decay 3. That tells me there’s either some serious issues/delays and/or the game isn’t due out for at least 2/3 years which is a real shame
@Utena-mobile I'm making my own bundle with Street Fighter.
Lightyears ahead of the other showcases this year.
This showcase was just fantastic! Easily lightyears ahead from the other showcases I've seen this far this summer. Also much more in there than I expected, especially from the like of Compulsion and InExile.
The one nitpick I had was, I was not sure of where the in-engine footage was being played on. Was it PC? Was it one of the Series consoles? I wish there was more transparency there.
2024, 2024, 2024, no date no date...... that was discouraging
Starfield looks like every bit the reason big reason I bought my X. Fable could be great, still have no idea.
My biggest letdown was Avowed, it didn't look all that great, the visuals, the animations just looked cheap and shallow
Now, the important part about this show is to deliver on the firm promises and use that as a springboard to continue through future years.
This was a solid show, but it will only be remembered by how good the games really are and whether XB delivers on their promises.
@Suda52 She said game play, cinematic, and immersive action... So it was a mix
@Utena-mobile SF6 is literally the only reason I'm buying this gen. My first console seller since OG Gears of War. The Switch has been my best console since the 360. I was happy with it but Street Fighter happened. Take it easy and have fun!!
The showcase was OK.
'Next year' always looks great.
Xbox has become one of those "Free Beer Tomorrow" signs at this point.
Once again its "look at all the stuff we have coming". Xbox releases more consoles than games. It's getting repetitive. These shows always look great but it's all for nothing if the stuff they (eventually) release aren't good.
Sony left Microsoft with an open goal and they just about managed to scuff it into the net. They said every first party game would be gameplay, well I must have a very different definition of gameplay because it was very poor on that front. Fable was a whole load of nothing as was Hellblade. Do we know more about those than we did before? No. And what even is that Midnight game? Too much space taken up with updates on existing games too, SoT, Fallout 76 (!), Overwatch etc. Really not much there when you drill down into it.
I thought it was a solid show. I wished for more 2023 release dates, but Starfield is looking impressive, and I'll give Forza Motorsport a go when it's released. Avowed looks awesome...just wish it was coming this year. Cautiously optimistic about Star Wars Outlaws (not a big Ubisoft fan). Hellblade 2 looks amazing!
Dear XBox: you got Atlus on board, now start talking to Koei Tecmo about Atelier!
(Oh and dont let Sony sneak in and make P6 a timed exclusive the way they did with FF7 and 16!!!)
@FenIsMightier saying the Switch being underwhelming this gen is an odd thing to say. They surprised everyone and have dominated in sales, innovation, preservation and every other definable metric. Sony and MS have underwhelmed on every level that Nintendo hath succeeded.
With MS failure is the norm over the past decade- unless you count buying companies. They are good at writing checks. If I were the CEO of Sony I'd have everyone who worked on the PS5 fired immediately. Their kids removed from the good private schools.
Starfield, Forza, Cities Skylines 2, star wars all look great. The persona stuff doesn't interest me, as for their "new" one... It looks exactly like Persona. Very similar UI etc. By the time I've finished exploring etc on Starfield we'll be well into 2024 and a whole new batch of "coming soon" titles anyway
Wow, thought that was an excellent showcase on the whole. People can be knit-picky about the level of gameplay we saw versus in-engine and whatever, but in terms of a line-up that was extremely good stuff in both first and third party terms. 5/5 from me.
Hell yeah.... this what you do when you've got the games booiiii.....
Plus most were expecting a shadow drop which didn't happen, but that showcase has me excited for the future
Late to the party - the sun was too good at the beach - but all caught up now. It was a pretty solid showcase and Starfield looks incredible and saved the day. But there were several issues.
Starfield is looking better more and more. Fable's trailer was great also the actor there was a surprise. Hellblade was good but not too much. South of Midnight was interesting. Sea of Theives Monkey Island was cool but no Everwild hmm a ways out since it's changes I see.
The Indies and otherwise in-between were fine showings.
No State of Decay 3, Indiana Jones (let alone much other Bethesda studios at all, sure I know Arkane and Tango have their games already done by this point and their new projects will be a while that's understandable there but no id even whether more Doom or Quake or something so their busy I assume which sure that's fine just wasn't sure).
No updates to Minecraft Legends, not Age of Empires stuff, probably many others I'm forgetting.
Many were CGI trailers but still interesting looks at least. Some 2024s but still they are great to see bits and pieces more of the games even if ever so slightly.
Forza Motorsport was sigh we got to see some of the tuning parts menu but grrr show me the menus/career mode you cowards, I want to know what the campaign, what actual benefits of tuning there is, is there mods still? Is the career linear or a few paths or something so I can immediately tell if I want to not play the game or do want to play it.
I don't care about the physics (somewhat yes but not really), the customisation sure not for me but other players clearly care for it. I don't care about day/night transitions if done sure but I don't expect even 24 hr actual events even or is it abridged to 24 minutes like Grid 2008/Test Drive Le Man or Gran Turismo games/Forza games of the past doing night races. Tell me some interesting details but not overdo the marketing nonsense I don't care for with graphics, sounds and assets of customisation.
What the important stuff is like, so I can say I'm on board or dismiss it. If you show nothing of whatever 'footage' and 'montages' or whatever of in the car but not actually, just cars going around a track showing me the same tracks already in past games why should I care only show me new tracks because the graphics comparison doesn't matter to me of the old ones.
(let alone what changes if I really cared to check what they have changed in the old ones of minor details I'm not that fussed).
Pointless footage and not even a actual race just whatever the in-game may look like I am going to get less interested Turn 10 and Microsoft.
Make me care about your racing game then telling me/showing me graphics and not even exciting amounts of cars passing by (tell me how many are on the track even if it's expanded amounts of opponents or not even I'd like to know) and something of some value/improvements/benefits not just 'we have a racing game and show the cars and graphics/sound' wow why should I care for 'just' that when I've heard it before and yet I'm waiting for more information not just those details I've heard and already know the quality is what it is of fine, good or not as good as FM4 sometimes.
Not nothing to get excited for and I'll play 2000s racers instead like I always am seeking out with more exciting ideas in them.
The announcements were all great and quite balanced for every kind of gamer. I'm happy to see Western RPGs in big numbers, more Japanese games would always be neat from others than Atlus.
Disappointed about the 30FPS Starfield thing. Really hope that we won't go back to that being a standard, the developers really seem to be pushing for it.
To be honest, most of the games are not for me, but it was a good showcase. Most of these new announcements all coming to game pass too. I'm really looking forward to hearing more about the new Star Wars Outlaws, the first open world star wars game. Loved the Starfield Direct... they must've taken inspiration from No Man's Sky though....
Wake me up in 2024 I guess...
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