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Comments 668

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (February 3-4)


Series X: Baldurs Gate 3, just got to act 2, hope the story picks up, game is a bit of a drag imo.
PS5: Nothing, waiting for supposed the ff7r demo.
Switch: Nothing.

Recently finished: Tekken 8, got the platinum in one sitting which was a first for me as far as trophies goes. Loved the story mode, best one yet. Fighting is awesome but a bit too easy tbh.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 27-28)


I recently finished TotK. What a game! How Nintendo managed to top BotW is mind blowing to me.
I also earned the platinum for Alan Wake 2 this week. Another incredible gem I highly recommend.
Having completed those two games means my GOTY run only got one game left and that's BG3 on Series X.
HOWEVER, I'm very tempted to buy Tekken 8 so yeah... And to make things even more "difficult" I also want to preorder FF7 Rebirth because I never played the DLC for the first one which comes free with the preorder. I also wouldn't mind trying TLOU2's No Return. Decisions... decisions... Have a good weekend everybody.

Re: Hellblade 2 Is Officially Coming To Xbox Series X|S In May 2024


@TheSimulator That would be Death Stranding.

Seriously though, the first Hellblade was more of a puzzle game with some combat in it. The regular enemies got boring real quick (seemed like they have made good adjustments to combat this time around), however, in the original the bossfights was really well done. What really elevates this game from others in the audio design and the story with an awesome Senua as the centerpiece of it all. Even though I've only played Hellblade ones, it is one of those games I keep bringing up and think about after all these years.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Gaming Resolutions For 2024?


I have decided to abandon some games because they feel like a chore playing. I'll just look at it as losses.
I have also decided to have a maximum of three games to play at a time that I must finish before I buy a new one.
I'm also going to buy less games and wait for sales, simply because I bought a lot of games full price and some of them I didn't get to start before they went on sale (looking at you Alan Wake 2).
So yeah, that's it.