In the run up to Fallout's big TV debut next month, Bethesda legend Todd Howard has been talking about Fallout 5 - and his words have left us excited about the next Fallout without a doubt. However, both that and The Elder Scrolls 6 are likely years and years away at this point, which has us thinking about what Bethesda Game Studios drop we'll get our hands on next.
That drop is likely to be Shattered Space, the upcoming DLC expansion for Starfield. Announced alongside all of the Starfield launch details back in summer 2023, Shattered Space is set to deliver the game's main story expansion before the team fully moves on to TES6. So, what do you want to see Bethesda deliver as part of Starfield's DLC add-on?
We're hoping to see something a little more contained following the huge expanse that was Starfield. We didn't have a real problem with the way Starfield was presented, but something more interconnected and self-contained will be a nice change of pace from the main game. Maybe something with new vehicles and/or a new traversal method would be lovely too!
Other than that, we don't have any major requests to be honest. The only other thing we would say is that we hope Shattered Space is a chunky expansion to say the least. Past BGS releases have usually had multiple meaty DLC packs, so if the team is focusing on one singular expansion this time around we hope it keeps us occupied for a good chunk of time before we're thinking about the next thing from the team!