Weren't able to catch January 2024's Xbox Developer Direct event earlier today? No worries! You can always go back and watch the on-demand version for yourself, which you'll find elsewhere on Pure Xbox.
If you don't want to watch it all the way through, we've also detailed all the important reveals in this article.
The following list is everything that was revealed during the Xbox Developer Direct 2024 event:
Did you watch the Xbox Developer Direct for January 2024? What did you think? Let us know below.
Comments 19
Indiana Jones looks so good my word. I was worried when I heard it could be first person but I’m not now.
So couple of thoughts.
Indy's getting delayed right? I'd like to be wrong but other games got month or quarter release dates indy just gets a vague 2024? That fall/winter section all ready has Avowed and Stalker2 just sounds like that's gonna end up moving to avoid all the other games and be march 2025 or something.
Avowed combat is a bit of a ? For me, obviously need to find out more but I really hope that circle can be turned off. Looking forward to it.
Avowed looks great, hellblade looks great too, hope it’s better than the first one, that bored me. Mana could be great, had a Mana game on the SNES, Secret of Mana maybe??? Indiana Jones was the big one and it does look incredible. A bit disappointed they didn’t go with 3rd person, that looks an plays so much better than first person in this type of game, wish they’d gone the Uncharted rout however it did look like the best use of first person in this type of game, the whip looks fun to use. We’ll have to see….
Maybe, just maybe we could get an Xbox exclusive that can compete with Playstation games!!
This DD convinced me to get 3 games on Xbox this year.
@Fenbops i thought the same. So wanted them to go the Uncharted rout, 3rd person is just far more fun to play an looks better but this looked the best use of first person in this type of game. The whip looks awesome to use as a weapon!!
@Bonjo they shouldve gone 3rd person ,indy is made for that ,uncharted proved it,hellblade was loved by critics ,but the game really was boring ,hopefully the sequel won't be
@Bonjo I like the look of fisticuffs 😄
@Mephisto2869 Hellblade 1 is overrated imo and one of the most annoying games I’ve played through. 2 is looking swell, glad they’ve improved the combat.
@Kaloudz Thst SE game did nothing for me, it’s a sign their relationship is improving I guess but that game looked poor.
Overall rock solid. Indiana Jones jumped up to my most anticipated xbox game this year. Avowed looks good as well. And if Mana isn't on GP, it'll be a day 1 buy.
Just Wow. Fantastic show!
P.S: Indy probably 2025 but that is ok
So glad Indy is first person. It’s Machine Games’ art. And I like Uncharted but i don’t need to spend hours of my life rock climbing again.
I’m guessing Indy releasing in 2024 will depend on whether development continues as expected. If they hit enough time goals, they’ll narrow it down. My money is on November.
Really liked the DD. While Ara doesn’t suit my gaming preferences, the rest of them I could see myself playing through.
I was really pleasantly surprised by Indiana Jones. That and avowed I think it’ll be a good year for Xbox (right as I start playing ps5 more 😂)
Nothing really for me but defiantly some great looking games, glad there's excitement!
Indiana Jones was the only stunner for me. Ara looked good, but it’s PC only, so blah! Mana just has a complicated legacy. Hellblade will be a fun movie to watch on YouTube, but I didn’t like playing the first one, so yeah… Sorry! Avowed looks truly impossible to evaluate currently. I mean, it just looks like a brighter and cartoonier Elder Scrolls with VR hands instead of Skyrim arms for some reason. On the other hand, it’s Obsidian and in Obsidian we trust, you know what I mean? So, yeah, Indiana Jones looks fantastic, but it definitely looks like 2024 is saying, “Take your time with Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth… like seriously… take you time since you struggle doing that” to me.
Do I care to play any of these no. But a good showing yes. I was surprised by Avowed, Hellblade 2, Indy and Ara.
Indy is probably more the closest to my type of thing (not played enough of the Machine Games Wolfenstein games I do need to and I was curious about the interactivity and the whip for distracting is great (it's a small thing) I've wanted more games to do that since playing Vanquish and the smokes to distract the robots, probably other games do it I just barely see it and go eh give me something interesting to interact with in this world PLEASE developers as I play old platformers and go why can't I do more interesting abilities or interactivity in worlds when everything so scripted and static these days offer me dynamic elements or more things to do.
I mean dual wielding I've wanted to come back for years so glad to see Avowed have it. I get it can be complicated or certain players do or don't use it but I always love to have it in games and then they stopped doing it until you had like Skyrim re-released or Minecraft have it in an update or so, or the Machine Games Wolfenstein games had it at least. But we don't see it as often and I wish we did more. Dual wielding and atmosphere made ODST my preferred Halo besides CE and it's levels.
The gameplay seems standard still of combat, stealth and whatever but for a 'modern' (some things I like, many I don't in modern games being kind of eh at times of gameplay tropes we see to death) Indy game and no Uncharted, Tomb Raider besides the remasters are a ways out and no Pitfall because Activision will sleep on it and even if they did make a modern one I'd probably hate it and love the metroidvania one from 2004 more and I do love that game a lot).
I don't care for RPGs of Avowed sort and Hellblade itself may be good but the camera in Ryse/modern GOW and other games I just can't stand it or the movement it throws me off too much. I don't want to 'feel the character' if the camera and movement distract me so much.
I already hate forced strafing in games a lot combat or no combat they make characters move. Give us 'choice' if Ratchet Rift Apart has a lock strafe and third person camera and moveset settings and they have had that since the 2nd game in 2003 there is no excuse to offer strafe and not in situations too developers I don't think oh a patent just change some elements to make it more playable. Like lock strafe isn't good for platforming but if I want to 'strafe' I can with L2 and R2 in third person setting mode, a thing again done for 20 years. Sigh it's so hilarious.
Mana is fine but I haven't played the others and I don't think it's really my thing. Still Square support on Xbox is nice to see when it happens.
Ara seems a fine strategy game but not really that interested in it.
Yep. If it comes out this year, I'll eat my fedora.
Indy could be my dream game (as an eighties kid). Machine Games know how to do first person - and Nazis. The blend of perspectives sounds like a cracking idea to make the whole game feel very much like an interactive film.
All the games looked great imo, even Ara which isn’t my usual cup of tea. But Indiana Jones was the game that wowed me and immediately jumped right up high on my most anticipated games. Hellblade got a date and Avowed looks strong. Mana was a bit token but it still looks like my kinda jam. Great presentation all around, seemed tailored to me at times.
Looking forward to HB2 and Indy (Nazi’s and eighties vibe), although I’m not sold on the release dates. FPS view on Indy seems to look/feel better than my first impression. That whip got some special love. Can’t wait to play!
Enjoyed the first Hellblade a lot myself. The audio on that game was so immersive (played it with 5.1 surround speakers) and that seems to be on point again!
The Xbox Developer Direct was a great watch = line up & gameplay 👍
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