@themightyant I doubt Ubisoft would sell Assassin Creed, but a Rainbow Six game made by one of the billion CoD studios that Microsoft owns would be interesting… or maybe buy splinter cell and let a 3rd party company on the IP.
@Rog-X @IOI A lot game streaming has nothing to do with your internal home setup. I had 20mb DSL and it streamed just as well as my now 500mb fiber connection. A lot of it is out of user control cause it heavily depends on whether or not your close to an actual server or how your ISP handles traffic like that through their equipment (modem, ONT, ISP Network…etc)
@BacklogBrad It wouldn’t have taken that long for the 360 to gain an install base… It took the 360 less than 3 years to out sell the original Xbox
The big issue wasn’t the install base… But the fact Microsoft went an announced the 360 a month after it release. That basically had killed any momentum this game had sale wise since most people would had started saving for the 360, and Xbox would had started to see a decline in software sales. Being a launch title for the 360 would have helped long term sales.
@Banjo- I wouldn’t say that there a good chance since when they said that… 343i was 343i. They are no longer 343i, and studio plans have probably vastly changed since then.
@Markatron84 Doubling down on license game would have been the death of the company. That what killed THQ... License games was at a massive decline during the 360/PS3 gen outside of the evergreen title like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Spider-Man... etc.
That would have been a crazy what if. They probably wouldn’t have bought Dice and BioWare then? Activision wouldn’t have probably survived the 360/PS3 generation
@StonyKL “ Obviously the developers would never say it but wonder if this is the reason Local multiplayer was dropped from Halo Infinite? No chance its because the Series X can't handle it, but maybe not worth the effort to get it onto Series S? ”
Halo infinite not having local multiplayer would have nothing to do with the Series S in the first place. Since that game was also on One/One X. Local multiplayer in Halo should have been built with consoles in mind unlike BG3 that initially never planned to have consoles ports.
The amount of games releasing is starting to get crazy. Too much to play, with not enough time. I picked up FF7 Rebirth and Dragon Age: The Veilguard over the weekend for PC. I still have to pick up Spider Man 2 and Ragnarok for PC... Now we have Avowed in February, South of Midnight in April, and DOOM: The Dark Ages in May
@abe_hikura " I simply cannot accept that a series that is, as a huge fan of the series, a collection of corridors"
WOW! What a massive simplification of what actually goes into developing a multi platform AAA title that needs a ton of high quality assets created, voice acting, sound design, proper support for multiplayer.... etc
"seems like it should be a massive alarm bell for the industry."
Developers have been complain about the high development cost, and long development time for the last 10 years. These companies just don't care since it always about chasing ever increasing profit.
@Fenbops " I know they’ve helped on other projects like Halo Infinite but still, there are questions as to what they’ve been working on in the 5 or so years since Gears 5."
They already report that they had cancel two projects they was working before they announced E-Day, but they also developed the Matrix Awakens that released in 2021.
@Kaloudz TBH… Japanese developers tend to have a very high output of games. It really only the western developers that struggling and taking 6-7 years to release a game. Look at Naughty dog, they released Last of US part 2 in 2020. The same year Ryu Ga Gotoku release Yakuza like a dragon. Ryu Ga Gotoku has release 9 games (not including remasters) since then while Naughty Dog has only released 3 and they’re all remasters.
@Kaloudz Platinum Games has literally worked on 12 games since Scalebound cancellation… Their biggest one are Nier: Automata and Bayonetta 3. But they made astral chains for the Switch, helped with FF:XVI, and remaster The Wonderful 101. We don’t talk about Babylon's Fall
@Kaloudz It probably also doesn’t help that Team Ninja and PlatinumGames games has been developing other game in the mean time. This was probably on the back burner for them and probably was a “We’ll get to it when we’re not busy” project
@InterceptorAlpha “ Thakfully Steam is excellent at giving small developers a place to release their games while still getting visibility.”
Are they really? I’ve heard quite the opposite considering how much slop is released on Steam daily. It really hard to get seen buy people who don’t fine tune what they want to see… The banner and advertising is something developers have to pay for, so that not exactly helping smaller developers.
@CrimsonSkies720 "Don't listen to AverageGamer, he seems like one of those angry fanboy types. Can't win with those kind."
lmao. Okay... Granted, I haven't owned an xbox in 2 generations. So what would I be fanboying about?
@EvenStephen7 "Not sure why you're so hostile or moving goalpost"
I don't get where you're seeing hostility at, but my comment was not a goalpost mover. It just makes no sense to mention pre-program games... You would have a case if any Xbox Game Studio game after the announcement of the program was on the list, but digging up games from 2013-15 is low blow. I mean if that the case... Ori and the Blind Forest, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Quantum Break also aren't play anywhere.
"I found it pretty surprising that an online Halo collection, especially one that MS spent years updating until recently, wasn’t on there."
343 already gave they reason for it not being a play anywhere title.
I just need to know if this Xbox or the next Xbox will be the last… I wanna go ahead and set money aside for the “Final call” “Last edition” “Finish the fight” Xbox
@EvenStephen7 So games that was release before 'Play anywhere' was a thing, so they aren't obligated to offer it for those games... and one of those game aren't even on PC.
@IOI All of the Bethesda releases under the Xbox banner has been play anywhere… I can’t speak for Activision since I haven’t touched the last 2 call of duty’s, and Blizzard’s Diablo 4 released before the purchase was completed.
What Xbox game studio release isn’t play anywhere?
@IOI You should already have access to your Xbox library on PC… at least the Xbox published one. 3rd party games are definitely not going to happen since that depends on the 3rd party publishers.
@OldGamer999 While I agree that Xbox needs to keep their pulse on the wider audience… TGA is not it. TGA doesn’t really have that much of wide appeal. neither Sony or Nintendo has had much presence at this show, and they are very well. Xbox has had a lot of major announcements at this show… and it really has done nothing for them.
@OldGamer999 Avowed being 60FPS is probably not going to happen... Indiana Jones being 60FPS is the perfect example of what an actual good engine can do. idTech is a crazy optimized for 60FPS beast. Unreal Engine 5 is straight trash on anything that isn't a ridiculously high-end PC.
@Martsmall Yes/No… If they’re American, it heavily depends on the state they live in. 13 do not require helmets, and some state it is only illegal to not wear a bike helmet if you are under the age of 16.
@gollumb82 I wouldn’t exactly used the steam deck as a price point. You’re already paying a massive premium for the Steam Deck even compared to vastly higher specs handheld PC, and Valve is also playing a sneaky game by keeping it exclusive to Steam… They can continue to charge a premium with very few discounts.
Also, Microsoft is a larger company so has more purchasing power compared to valve which can help drive down costs of components.
@Grumblevolcano They definitely need to get permission from 3rd parties. As 3rd parties need to verify with any company who they may be licensing content from (music, cars… etc) if it okay to have it stream able.
@InvaderFromSpace “ Old employees coming out and talking about what Gears 6 would have been feels like the next nail in the coffin of it ever happening.”
What other employees have talked about Gears 6? Rod left The Coalition 3 month after Gears 5 in 2020… Any work on Gear 6 he did would been super early. So I wouldn’t use him as a baseline for it not happening.
@GamingFan4Lyf @shoeses This is the perfect example of companies being lazy just cause Microsoft did 80% of their job… They don’t feel obligated to release a native version.
@Fishmasterflex96 It not about underselling them. Obsidian is good at pumping out content… But the sales numbers for those games aren’t exactly that great especially compared to Sea of Thieves… and that most likely what Xbox management is probably looking at that more so how much content they helped release. The current person in charge Alan Hartman was studio head of Turn 10, and that was a studio that was also very good at pumping out content, and that did very little to help Xbox.
@Fishmasterflex96 “ Would have much rather seen Obsidian or Playground leadership become the head of Xbox game studios.”
Most of the senior leadership that would have good for the role has left Playground Games… and while Obsidian is good at pumping out content. Most of it isn’t worth talking about… This guy was in charge of the team that has delivered Xbox most successful title in years. Management unfortunately isnt look at how many games you pumped out. They only care if it brings in the big bucks, and Sea of Thieves has done that.
@Balaam_ I doubt it was actually called Infinite 2. It probably had an actual different internal product name. Probably just easier to call infinite 2 for simplicity. Plus Infinite 2 doesn’t make sense given that their plan was to use Halo Infinite as a platform similar to Fortnite that they just regularly update with new story content and DLC.
@Fiendish-Beaver “ causing delays because contractors that came in to help with the making of the game had to learn a completely new engine before they could actually get to the point of helping”
You would think that maybe the cause of all their problems is Microsoft being cheap… and the best thing to do is stop relying on so much contractors. Nope. It completely the engine fault. Left move to UE5 and still rely heavily on contractors.
@Titntin Most of 343i leadership left, and the studio was affected by massive layoffs… At this point, it basically is a fresh new team, and that we it think they did a name change. To show that this a new team, and not just 343 rebranded.
@Fiendish-Beaver The rumor is that the next Xbox is planned to be released 2026-2027. So it will definitely be a launch period title for the NeXtBox just like OG Gears was for the 360… Microsoft like to tread old ground it seems.
@OldGamer999 "Yeah I get their intentions, but due to producing for all devices they never produce a TOTK or GOWR for the series x. A must have game of outstanding quality in all areas."
Wasn't GOWR also on PS4? A system weaker than a Series S? So that a terrible example....
I wish we could get an exact break down of the number because it definitely not the games that made that 10 billion, much less 2 billion. 95% is most likely from all the merchandise.
This is probably simply just down to how the back compat works on PS5 requiring a native version of the game to bring up to par with the Xbox Series X/S version... We have seen this countless of times with other games that required devs to basically go in and create a native version of the games. Whereas on Xbox, devs didn't need to do that.
@Cikajovazmaj TBH... when dealing with these massive 1 trillion-dollar companies. The only thing that will get their attention is call them out publicly. We've seen it countless of time, not just with Microsoft, but other companies as well. These companies have completely separated themselves from the rest of society. To the point that it near impossible to get ahold of anyone unless you're also a billion-to-trillion-dollar company and have direct contacts.
@Trmn8r @PsBoxSwitchOwner Apple don’t get none of Netflix money anyway. As you can’t subscribe to Netflix through the App Store. You have to sign up for a subscription on a web browser or different device, so Netflix is avoiding the 30%
Microsoft could probably do the same thing that Patreon is doing by charge a higher fee for any Apple user who do does any App purchases through the App Store…
I know that game can probably stand on it own. But have they said about recommending playing Pillars of Eternity first to fully understand the universe?
@OldGamer999 I bring up Gears cause 5 released at a time where they was developing for One X/S and PC. So it no different than what they are currently doing when it comes to developing games for Series X/S and PC.
@OldGamer999 “ If the Avowed developers were just developing for the series x alone and given the time, the game would just look the same and be at 60fps.”
TBH… I don’t think Avowed being solely made for just Series X would have changed anything. Obsidian has alway been an extremely average C tier developer who were lucky enough to have a few break out hits like New Vegas… They’ve been living on borrowed time, and probably why they agreed to be purchased by Microsoft.
Their studios focus have never really been on the technical aspects of games like frame rate or the graphical fidelity. Vs Guerrilla who entire exist since their purchase by Sony has been nothing but the technical aspects of their games, and how pretty they look… But is a snooze fest 😴 to play.
“ Microsoft business model is different and prioritise developing games on lots of devices, but it comes at quality cost.”
This hasn’t affected the quality of Forza Horizon nor the recent Gears games… so moot point.
Comments 284
Re: Microsoft Has Reportedly Discussed Acquiring IP From Ubisoft
@themightyant I doubt Ubisoft would sell Assassin Creed, but a Rainbow Six game made by one of the billion CoD studios that Microsoft owns would be interesting… or maybe buy splinter cell and let a 3rd party company on the IP.
Re: Fortnite Players Share Mixed Reactions As Xbox Cloud Gaming Adds Limit For 'Free' Users
@Rog-X @IOI A lot game streaming has nothing to do with your internal home setup. I had 20mb DSL and it streamed just as well as my now 500mb fiber connection. A lot of it is out of user control cause it heavily depends on whether or not your close to an actual server or how your ISP handles traffic like that through their equipment (modem, ONT, ISP Network…etc)
Re: BioWare Co-Founder Recalls 'Moronic' Xbox Advice That Potentially Ruined A Franchise
@BacklogBrad It wouldn’t have taken that long for the 360 to gain an install base… It took the 360 less than 3 years to out sell the original Xbox
The big issue wasn’t the install base… But the fact Microsoft went an announced the 360 a month after it release. That basically had killed any momentum this game had sale wise since most people would had started saving for the 360, and Xbox would had started to see a decline in software sales. Being a launch title for the 360 would have helped long term sales.
Re: Dave Bautista Wants Fans To 'Start A Petition' For Gears Of War On Netflix
@BacklogBrad @krzysztof81 Most of Netflix game adaptations have been A+… I see no reason to not pick them over anyone else?
Re: Halo TV Series Shows Up On Netflix, Fans Divided Over Potential Third Season
@Banjo- I wouldn’t say that there a good chance since when they said that… 343i was 343i. They are no longer 343i, and studio plans have probably vastly changed since then.
Re: EA Missed Out On Buying Blizzard & Some Big Activision Franchises, Says Former CCO
@Markatron84 Doubling down on license game would have been the death of the company. That what killed THQ... License games was at a massive decline during the 360/PS3 gen outside of the evergreen title like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Spider-Man... etc.
Re: EA Missed Out On Buying Blizzard & Some Big Activision Franchises, Says Former CCO
That would have been a crazy what if. They probably wouldn’t have bought Dice and BioWare then? Activision wouldn’t have probably survived the 360/PS3 generation
Re: Xbox Series S 'Greatly Helped' With Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Development
@StonyKL “ Obviously the developers would never say it but wonder if this is the reason Local multiplayer was dropped from Halo Infinite? No chance its because the Series X can't handle it, but maybe not worth the effort to get it onto Series S? ”
Halo infinite not having local multiplayer would have nothing to do with the Series S in the first place. Since that game was also on One/One X. Local multiplayer in Halo should have been built with consoles in mind unlike BG3 that initially never planned to have consoles ports.
Re: Talking Point: February Marks Microsoft's First Xbox Game Studios Release Of 2025
The amount of games releasing is starting to get crazy. Too much to play, with not enough time. I picked up FF7 Rebirth and Dragon Age: The Veilguard over the weekend for PC. I still have to pick up Spider Man 2 and Ragnarok for PC... Now we have Avowed in February, South of Midnight in April, and DOOM: The Dark Ages in May
Re: 'People Can Fly' Becomes Official Co-Developer For Gears Of War: E-Day
@abe_hikura " I simply cannot accept that a series that is, as a huge fan of the series, a collection of corridors"
WOW! What a massive simplification of what actually goes into developing a multi platform AAA title that needs a ton of high quality assets created, voice acting, sound design, proper support for multiplayer.... etc
"seems like it should be a massive alarm bell for the industry."
Developers have been complain about the high development cost, and long development time for the last 10 years. These companies just don't care since it always about chasing ever increasing profit.
@Fenbops " I know they’ve helped on other projects like Halo Infinite but still, there are questions as to what they’ve been working on in the 5 or so years since Gears 5."
They already report that they had cancel two projects they was working before they announced E-Day, but they also developed the Matrix Awakens that released in 2021.
Re: 'People Can Fly' Becomes Official Co-Developer For Gears Of War: E-Day
@Fenbops @abe_hikura AAA game development is a massive multi studio endeavor especially if you want to get the game out in less than 6 years…
Re: Xbox Was Knocking On Doors About Ninja Gaiden 4 'Six-Seven Years Ago'
@Kaloudz TBH… Japanese developers tend to have a very high output of games. It really only the western developers that struggling and taking 6-7 years to release a game. Look at Naughty dog, they released Last of US part 2 in 2020. The same year Ryu Ga Gotoku release Yakuza like a dragon. Ryu Ga Gotoku has release 9 games (not including remasters) since then while Naughty Dog has only released 3 and they’re all remasters.
Re: Xbox Was Knocking On Doors About Ninja Gaiden 4 'Six-Seven Years Ago'
@Kaloudz Platinum Games has literally worked on 12 games since Scalebound cancellation… Their biggest one are Nier: Automata and Bayonetta 3. But they made astral chains for the Switch, helped with FF:XVI, and remaster The Wonderful 101. We don’t talk about Babylon's Fall
Re: Xbox Was Knocking On Doors About Ninja Gaiden 4 'Six-Seven Years Ago'
@Kaloudz It probably also doesn’t help that Team Ninja and PlatinumGames games has been developing other game in the mean time. This was probably on the back burner for them and probably was a “We’ll get to it when we’re not busy” project
Re: Halo Veteran's New Studio Backed By NetEase Halts Work On Current Title
@InterceptorAlpha “ Thakfully Steam is excellent at giving small developers a place to release their games while still getting visibility.”
Are they really? I’ve heard quite the opposite considering how much slop is released on Steam daily. It really hard to get seen buy people who don’t fine tune what they want to see… The banner and advertising is something developers have to pay for, so that not exactly helping smaller developers.
Re: GTA 6 'Likely' To Make More Than $1 Billion Before It Launches In 2025, Say Analysts
@jedinite Nah. That just you and your friends. The hype for 6 is real.
Re: Xbox Dominated The US Gaming Charts In Indiana Jones' Launch Week
Given that there rumors of more Indiana Jones game coming. This may end up being the hit the Xbox and Microsoft needs at the moment.
Re: Xbox Is Reportedly Working On A 'Cross-Platform Interface' Called Project Rainway
@CrimsonSkies720 "Don't listen to AverageGamer, he seems like one of those angry fanboy types. Can't win with those kind."
lmao. Okay... Granted, I haven't owned an xbox in 2 generations. So what would I be fanboying about?
@EvenStephen7 "Not sure why you're so hostile or moving goalpost"
I don't get where you're seeing hostility at, but my comment was not a goalpost mover. It just makes no sense to mention pre-program games... You would have a case if any Xbox Game Studio game after the announcement of the program was on the list, but digging up games from 2013-15 is low blow. I mean if that the case... Ori and the Blind Forest, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Quantum Break also aren't play anywhere.
"I found it pretty surprising that an online Halo collection, especially one that MS spent years updating until recently, wasn’t on there."
343 already gave they reason for it not being a play anywhere title.
Re: Microsoft Boss Highlights Why He's Feeling 'Very, Very Good' About Xbox Right Now
I just need to know if this Xbox or the next Xbox will be the last… I wanna go ahead and set money aside for the “Final call” “Last edition” “Finish the fight” Xbox
Re: Xbox Is Reportedly Working On A 'Cross-Platform Interface' Called Project Rainway
@EvenStephen7 So games that was release before 'Play anywhere' was a thing, so they aren't obligated to offer it for those games... and one of those game aren't even on PC.
Re: Xbox Is Reportedly Working On A 'Cross-Platform Interface' Called Project Rainway
@IOI All of the Bethesda releases under the Xbox banner has been play anywhere… I can’t speak for Activision since I haven’t touched the last 2 call of duty’s, and Blizzard’s Diablo 4 released before the purchase was completed.
What Xbox game studio release isn’t play anywhere?
Re: Xbox Is Reportedly Working On A 'Cross-Platform Interface' Called Project Rainway
@IOI You should already have access to your Xbox library on PC… at least the Xbox published one. 3rd party games are definitely not going to happen since that depends on the 3rd party publishers.
Re: Xbox May Limit Presence At The Game Awards Due To Early 2025 Event Plans
@OldGamer999 While I agree that Xbox needs to keep their pulse on the wider audience… TGA is not it. TGA doesn’t really have that much of wide appeal. neither Sony or Nintendo has had much presence at this show, and they are very well. Xbox has had a lot of major announcements at this show… and it really has done nothing for them.
Re: Video: Indiana Jones Comparison Shows Difference Between Xbox Series X And S Versions
@OldGamer999 Avowed being 60FPS is probably not going to happen... Indiana Jones being 60FPS is the perfect example of what an actual good engine can do. idTech is a crazy optimized for 60FPS beast. Unreal Engine 5 is straight trash on anything that isn't a ridiculously high-end PC.
Re: Random: Xbox Series S Owner Reveals How The Console Literally Saved Their Life
@Martsmall Yes/No… If they’re American, it heavily depends on the state they live in. 13 do not require helmets, and some state it is only illegal to not wear a bike helmet if you are under the age of 16.
Re: Xbox Handheld Has A Big Potential Advantage Thanks To The Series S
@gollumb82 I wouldn’t exactly used the steam deck as a price point. You’re already paying a massive premium for the Steam Deck even compared to vastly higher specs handheld PC, and Valve is also playing a sneaky game by keeping it exclusive to Steam… They can continue to charge a premium with very few discounts.
Also, Microsoft is a larger company so has more purchasing power compared to valve which can help drive down costs of components.
Re: Xbox Introduces 'Stream Your Own Game' Feature With 50 Titles Supported At Launch
@Grumblevolcano They definitely need to get permission from 3rd parties. As 3rd parties need to verify with any company who they may be licensing content from (music, cars… etc) if it okay to have it stream able.
Re: Xbox's Rod Fergusson Explains The Team's Original Plan For Gears 6
@InvaderFromSpace “ Old employees coming out and talking about what Gears 6 would have been feels like the next nail in the coffin of it ever happening.”
What other employees have talked about Gears 6? Rod left The Coalition 3 month after Gears 5 in 2020… Any work on Gear 6 he did would been super early. So I wouldn’t use him as a baseline for it not happening.
Re: Red Dead Redemption PC Footage Lands As Xbox Version Remains At 30FPS
@GamingFan4Lyf @shoeses This is the perfect example of companies being lazy just cause Microsoft did 80% of their job… They don’t feel obligated to release a native version.
Re: Halo Veteran's Return To The Series Is Just Speculation For Now
@InterceptorAlpha “ How Microsoft has handled his projects.”
What projects? Are we talking about Crackdown 3?
Re: Rare Boss To Become New Head Of Xbox Game Studios
@InvaderFromSpace “ So the guy who oversaw the terrible release of Forza Motorsport was promoted to this position...”
Yes. Let’s focus on the one bad spot out of the 19 years of being studio head.
Re: Rare Boss To Become New Head Of Xbox Game Studios
@Fishmasterflex96 It not about underselling them. Obsidian is good at pumping out content… But the sales numbers for those games aren’t exactly that great especially compared to Sea of Thieves… and that most likely what Xbox management is probably looking at that more so how much content they helped release. The current person in charge Alan Hartman was studio head of Turn 10, and that was a studio that was also very good at pumping out content, and that did very little to help Xbox.
Re: Rare Boss To Become New Head Of Xbox Game Studios
@Fishmasterflex96 “ Would have much rather seen Obsidian or Playground leadership become the head of Xbox game studios.”
Most of the senior leadership that would have good for the role has left Playground Games… and while Obsidian is good at pumping out content. Most of it isn’t worth talking about… This guy was in charge of the team that has delivered Xbox most successful title in years. Management unfortunately isnt look at how many games you pumped out. They only care if it brings in the big bucks, and Sea of Thieves has done that.
Re: New Rumour Claims 'Halo Infinite 2' Slipspace Project Was Axed
@Balaam_ I doubt it was actually called Infinite 2. It probably had an actual different internal product name. Probably just easier to call infinite 2 for simplicity. Plus Infinite 2 doesn’t make sense given that their plan was to use Halo Infinite as a platform similar to Fortnite that they just regularly update with new story content and DLC.
Re: Halo Dev Explains Decision Behind Ditching Its Old Game Engine
@Fiendish-Beaver “ causing delays because contractors that came in to help with the making of the game had to learn a completely new engine before they could actually get to the point of helping”
You would think that maybe the cause of all their problems is Microsoft being cheap… and the best thing to do is stop relying on so much contractors. Nope. It completely the engine fault. Left move to UE5 and still rely heavily on contractors.
Re: Halo Dev Explains Decision Behind Ditching Its Old Game Engine
@Titntin Most of 343i leadership left, and the studio was affected by massive layoffs… At this point, it basically is a fresh new team, and that we it think they did a name change. To show that this a new team, and not just 343 rebranded.
Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Delayed To Feb 2025, Partly Due To Poor Start For Star Wars Outlaws
@NEStalgia Nope. They have been 100% consistent with that.
EDIT: I know this cause that where I've been buying my Ubisoft game for the last couple of years outside of the ones I bought on Stadia and iOS.
Re: Assassin's Creed Shadows Delayed To Feb 2025, Partly Due To Poor Start For Star Wars Outlaws
@NEStalgia "or even an unpopular one, opting only for their own which absolutely nobody voluntarily uses."
I mean... their games are on the Epic store. They moved away from Steam in favor of Epic.
Re: Soapbox: Gears Of War E-Day Could Be Something Special, If The Coalition Gets It Right
@Fiendish-Beaver The rumor is that the next Xbox is planned to be released 2026-2027. So it will definitely be a launch period title for the NeXtBox just like OG Gears was for the 360… Microsoft like to tread old ground it seems.
Re: Review: Ara: History Untold (PC) - Xbox Game Studios Delivers Yet Another Great Strategy Title
Microsoft is on a role with the strategy games, and I feel they don't get enough credit.
Re: Soapbox: Gears Of War E-Day Could Be Something Special, If The Coalition Gets It Right
@OldGamer999 "Yeah I get their intentions, but due to producing for all devices they never produce a TOTK or GOWR for the series x. A must have game of outstanding quality in all areas."
Wasn't GOWR also on PS4? A system weaker than a Series S? So that a terrible example....
Re: Soapbox: Gears Of War E-Day Could Be Something Special, If The Coalition Gets It Right
@OldGamer999 "Wish it was being made for the series x only.
Total focus on one console and no other devices."
We don't even know when this coming out... So, it may not even be a Series X game for all we know
Re: Xbox Exec Reveals How Much Money Microsoft Has Made From Halo
I wish we could get an exact break down of the number because it definitely not the games that made that 10 billion, much less 2 billion. 95% is most likely from all the merchandise.
Re: Bizarrely, Minecraft Is Getting A Native PS5 Version But Not Xbox Series X|S
This is probably simply just down to how the back compat works on PS5 requiring a native version of the game to bring up to par with the Xbox Series X/S version... We have seen this countless of times with other games that required devs to basically go in and create a native version of the games. Whereas on Xbox, devs didn't need to do that.
Re: Tango Gameworks Founder Thought Studio 'Would Be Safe' At Xbox Thanks To Hi-Fi RUSH
@LX_FENIX Since when did Phil say that? Phil has green light multiple single player projects…
Re: Enotria Dev Publicly Thanks Xbox & Phil Spencer For Helping To 'Resolve' Delay Situation
@Cikajovazmaj TBH... when dealing with these massive 1 trillion-dollar companies. The only thing that will get their attention is call them out publicly. We've seen it countless of time, not just with Microsoft, but other companies as well. These companies have completely separated themselves from the rest of society. To the point that it near impossible to get ahold of anyone unless you're also a billion-to-trillion-dollar company and have direct contacts.
Re: Microsoft Says Native Xbox Cloud Gaming App Remains 'Impossible' On Apple Devices
@Trmn8r @PsBoxSwitchOwner Apple don’t get none of Netflix money anyway. As you can’t subscribe to Netflix through the App Store. You have to sign up for a subscription on a web browser or different device, so Netflix is avoiding the 30%
Microsoft could probably do the same thing that Patreon is doing by charge a higher fee for any Apple user who do does any App purchases through the App Store…
Re: Here's Over An Hour Of Fresh Gameplay From Xbox RPG Avowed
I know that game can probably stand on it own. But have they said about recommending playing Pillars of Eternity first to fully understand the universe?
Re: Talking Point: Does Microsoft Have A '30FPS' Problem With Its Xbox Series X|S Output?
@OldGamer999 I bring up Gears cause 5 released at a time where they was developing for One X/S and PC. So it no different than what they are currently doing when it comes to developing games for Series X/S and PC.
Re: Talking Point: Does Microsoft Have A '30FPS' Problem With Its Xbox Series X|S Output?
@OldGamer999 “ If the Avowed developers were just developing for the series x alone and given the time, the game would just look the same and be at 60fps.”
TBH… I don’t think Avowed being solely made for just Series X would have changed anything. Obsidian has alway been an extremely average C tier developer who were lucky enough to have a few break out hits like New Vegas… They’ve been living on borrowed time, and probably why they agreed to be purchased by Microsoft.
Their studios focus have never really been on the technical aspects of games like frame rate or the graphical fidelity. Vs Guerrilla who entire exist since their purchase by Sony has been nothing but the technical aspects of their games, and how pretty they look… But is a snooze fest 😴 to play.
“ Microsoft business model is different and prioritise developing games on lots of devices, but it comes at quality cost.”
This hasn’t affected the quality of Forza Horizon nor the recent Gears games… so moot point.