Update []: Well, we've got some great news to share relating to this story! Microsoft has become aware of it and promised to send a brand-new Series S to the injured Xbox fan!
You can see Xbox's reply from social media down below, along with that of Aaron Greenberg:
Xbox: "We're so glad that you're safe and hope the recovery is going well We know you mentioned that your Xbox is still working, but we'd love to send you a new one if you'd like! Would it be okay for us to DM you?"
Aaron Greenberg: "Wow such a scary story, but glad you and your Xbox are ok. Team said they are sending you a new one @Jonzey8828. Rest up and be grateful for every day we have here together."
Original Story: Has a console ever saved your life?! That's literally what happened recently according to one Xbox Series S owner.
Posting on social media earlier today, the person in question revealed that on the way home from GameStop, they were hit by a truck while riding their bicycle. They weren't wearing a helmet at the time, but the Xbox Series S in their backpack cushioned the blow, which they believe is the reason they didn't suffer a life-threatening injury.
Here's a look at what happened to the (still working!) Xbox Series S, along with part of the explanation:
"I managed to keep most of my body above the steel bumper at first but I wasn’t aware the driver didn’t see me. I was sucked under, my backpack slammed on to the pavement. Not only did it tear through my bag almost instantly but it started shredding the box and then the controller.
If the box wasn’t in my bag I may have hit my head [because] at the time I wasn’t wearing a helmet. That box also kept my back from getting scraped up too."
They went on to reveal that the only injury was a single broken bone in their left foot, and as mentioned, the battered Xbox Series S actually still turns on. Nevertheless, they're hoping to get it "fixed" at some point depending on the cost.
Obviously the big lesson to take away from this is to always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, and we're relived the poster got away with relatively minor injuries. Here's hoping they can get the Series S back to pristine condition ASAP.