Comments 754

Re: Xbox's Antstream Arcade Is Adding These 27 Bandai Namco Classics


Antstream is great, I have used it for a while, pre Xbox launch. I highly recommend. I am a lifetime subscriber on Xbox too.

However, it did miss the Namco games badly on Xbox, and the loss of the Warner games was a huge blow. This goes some way to making things right, so thanks to them.

I'd really like the Warner games back though, especially:

Championship Sprint
Gauntlet 2
Robotron: 2084
Smash TV
Stargate (Defender 2)
Super Sprint
Total Carnage
Wizard of War

I'm sure many others will miss some of their other games too, but for me these being gone leaves a massive hole.

Re: Microsoft Rep Issues Statement In Response To MS Rewards Concerns


@themightyant Again, of course you could, but MS don't have to have the rewards scheme at all. Sure it's an incentive to push their products, but they could choose another path to push their products. It's a nice bonus and I am greatful for it. Again, look at Nintendo and Sony's equivalent schemes and see what you think. I say this as a mutliplat gamer, so I am fully aware. We have had it good (too good!), so enjoy it whilst you can.

Re: Microsoft Rep Issues Statement In Response To MS Rewards Concerns


The free ride had to end sometime, it was far far too generous.

Although... the ride is actually still ongoing, just less generous, so enjoy it whilst you can folks... and try not to be too entitled, it's still way better then their competitors offer and they are under absolutely zero obligation to give you stuff for just clicking on things. It really has been, and continues to be pretty great.

Re: Talking Point: Three Months Since It Ended, Are You Missing Xbox Games With Gold?


People complained that the games were crap and a waste of time. I always argued that 'lesser' games were less likely to be already owned by most people and therefore worthwhile, games many wouldn't usually buy. Some gems were in there, occasionally.

Well, the moaners got what they wanted and now we actually get less bang for our buck as a Gamepass Ultimate subscriber.

Re: Team Green Reflects On 22 Years Since The Birth Of Xbox


I loved the original Xbox. I already had a GameCube when I got one, and it was just night and day better. Later I also got a PS2 (this was the start of me owning all big 3 consoles each generation) and yeah it had some nice exclusives, but mutliplat games were so much better on Xbox. I remember playing FIFA on both, glitchy and with slowdown on PS2, super smooth on Xbox.

Re: RoboCop: Rogue City Is Solid On Xbox Series S, But It's Missing Some Next-Gen Features


Unreal Engine 5 is having a bumpy ride across all the consoles so I actually think this is a good turnout. I do question the wisdom of using it tbh, it's not performing well enough to justify using, sure it can be pretty, but most games have been low res, low framrate or both... So not so pretty.

If I was a developer I'd use UE4. I just don't know if UE5 will ever perform well this generation, maybe it's an engine for the next gen, unless they can seriously optimise it.

Re: 'The Finals' Dev Responds To Criticisms About Use Of AI Voiceovers


Perhaps this will be unpopular opinion, I don't have a problem with AI voice overs in a game. Sure, maybe not for full cut scenes, and not in big budget games, but especially if it's a smaller dev studio I think it's fine.

One day we'll probably have all voice acting done by AI. Who knows how far in the future that will be? 🤔🤷🏻

Re: Digital Foundry Host Discusses Missing 'Resolution Boost' Program For Xbox One Games


I think what happened is that it would get very confusing switching Res boost and FPS boost on and off and trying to find the best default option, whether it be both on or one or the other on, and what resolution to boost to (on two consoles!) on a per game basis would be too time consuming.

They could have given all XB1 games a toggle switch for both in the OS, but they wouldn't want people to have a potentialy poor experience so they would have pushed that idea aside straight away.

I feel a conservative bump of all XB1 games to 1080p on XSS would be a nice feature. XSX would be trickier as XB1X enhanced games run at varying resolutions all the way up to 4K already, now we are getting into time consuming testing again! Yeah, just a bump for XB1 games on XSS would be fine, particularly as it's the higher selling console.

Another thing they could do is bump all back compat OGXB and XB360 games to 1440p and 4K on the XSS & XSX, just exclude all games already boosed (XB1X enhanced back compat games are already given a nice bump on both series consoles anyway). See, even this cut down idea is still complicated! That's why it was scrapped. 💁🏻🤣

Re: Less Than 1% Of Xbox Players Own The Coveted 'Day One' Achievement


Following on from my previous comment... The irony here is that I bought the following Xbox consoles on launch day:

Xbox 360
Xbox One S
Xbox One X
Xbox Series X
Xbox Series S

So I definitely would have enjoyed getting those cheevos. With only the OG Xbox and XB1 purchased after launch I would have had a nice collection to show off on my profile. Ah well.

Re: Talking Point: Did Your Xbox 360 Ever Get The 'Red Ring Of Death'?


My lunch model was fine, then I upgraded to the hdmi model, then the S before I had an issue. The GPU fried on that one. It still switched on but was all garbled and pixelated.

I bought an E right at the start of the XBO generation as I wanted to be able to play my old games as well as the new gen ones. It was brand new and cheap as it was less desirable then. It's quite an ugly model but has been ok so far ..

Re: Xbox Is Fixing An Annoying Issue Related To Microsoft Store Updates


I like the Xbox dashboard a lot, I really do, but I have had far too many issues like this. In addition to this one (which has been a problem for far too long) I also have issues sometimes when downloading an app.

Sometimes it won't start downloading, I have to go back and hit download multiple times, then it will start and sit for ages at the top of the queue not actually downloading. Then it will start and not finish for ages, I mean hours.

Ive had this on both my XSS and XB1X recently. Drove me mad as it messed up two nights chilled plans! One night was let's watch a DVD and the One X wouldn't/couldn't download the damn Blu-ray app. I tried restarts and everything, it just sat there. Another night it was one of the streaming apps on my XSS (can't remember which one), it did exactly the same thing. Grrrr
Anyone else had this?

Re: UK CMA Approves Microsoft's Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard


@BAMozzy Thanks for the comment, I hope I have it completely wrong, this sounds much fairer... although does this open it up to abuse in the way that Sony currently signs exclusive deals for games. Could Sony (or Google, Amazon, Nintendo ect) then sign exclusive cloud rights to games from Ubi for their streaming service? I would hope that a protection was built in against that as this is supposed to be 'pro consumer'.

Re: UK CMA Approves Microsoft's Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard


The CMA have really looked after us haven't they? I just have to buy an additional subscription if I want to stream Activision games now, great, and it's OK, it's only for the next 15 years. Thanks for looking out for the consumer CMA. 🙄👍🏻

All that aside, I'm very glad it's almost crossed the finishing line. 😊

Re: Warhammer 40K: Darktide Analysis Shows Why Xbox Series S Misses Out On 60FPS


I think the games which miss out on a 60FPS mode on XSS have a pretty simple solution to this problem, put a 120hz 40 fps mode in. Done!

I bet most 30fps games would require only a minor tweak (many no tweak at all, as they would have been capped at 30fps because they couldn't reach a stable 60fps, but could hit the 40s/50s).

Yes, I know not everyone has a 120hz capable TV, but it's a growing market and many have one and even budget models include the capability, so more and more people are using compatible tech.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Like A Detachable Disc Drive For Xbox Series S?


I am a digital game guy, but as I have my XSS in my living room it would be handy to have a disc drive for the occasional Bluray/DVD disc that I play. The current solution is use the Xbox One X which is sat next to it as a glorified disc player! Haha

Of course I could bring the XSX downstairs and swap it with the XSS, but I want the better console in my game room.

Make it cheap enough and I am in!

Re: Xbox Confirms Game Captures Will Be Deleted Beginning January 2024


@Kaloudz Yes, it's exactly that.

It's actually an accessibility function called magnifier, I find it handy when you get the occasional tiny text in a game, and also often use it just to take a closer look at graphics too.

You activate magnifier (via the remapped button like me or by holding down the Xbox button and selecting magnifier) and then the triggers zoom in and out, it's really handy!

But I find it faster and more user friendly to remap, the choice is yours.

How to remap:

Re: Video: Redfall's 60FPS Update Tested Across Xbox Series X And Xbox Series S


I finally tried Redfall last night, on my XSS (not my XSX) as I wanted to see it at it's 'worst' to see what everyone was crying about. Well, from my play of around an hour or so I thought it looked good, performed well and controlled very smoothly.

I left all options to the defaults other than selecting perfomance mode. I was pretty impressed, it looks like fun, if you have Gamepass it's a no brainer to give it a go.