Comments 754

Re: PSA: Buying Elden Ring On Xbox? Check Microsoft Rewards First


Nope, gift cards/codes that you purchase do not expire.

It's great that Pure Xbox are now selling codes as I assume that they get a commission from sales, which is a nice way to support a great website.

Can @FraserG confirm this?

Also, you should advertise this in its own article, it's buried here at the bottom of this one. Apologies if you have and I have missed it.

One final thing, the login credentials I use here are not working on the code website, is a new log in required?

Re: Diablo 3 Is Finally Being 'Fixed' For Xbox Series X


@GuyinPA75 The One S version runs at 1080p 60fps, so this is just a res bump to 4K.

Weird bug though, I've not heard of any other One X enhanced game not running on the Series X, I thought this was at OS level, I'm surprised that the game needs to be patched by the developers.

Re: Xbox Fans Call For Microsoft To Bring Back Classic Activision Games


The return of Blur and Prototype would be great.
If they want exclusives on the Xbox platform which would shift some units/use on XCloud those are Wonderful exclusives right there. A revamped True Crime too.

Also how about a series of smaller games that are remakes of classics, River Raid, Pit Fall, Chopper Command etc.
....Rock n Roll Racing!

Geometry Wars, well it's a shame that they brought it back already with the disappointing third instalment, but maybe taking a fresh look at it they could come up with something more inline with the first two awesome games.

MS will own a huge pile of franchises when this deal is done.

Re: Xbox Exec 'Doesn't Know' If FPS Boost Will Return In The Future


@Banjo- Yep, and those Xbox One X enhanced games are still applicable on the Series S*, so there is def enough grunt to make this happen.

I would be happy with a toggle for all back compat games that had a warning saying this is untested and may affect the game. Like boost mode on PS4 Pro, you choose if you want to try it or not.

(*X One Enhanced games still get a res boost on the XSS, just a lesser one than the XSX).

Re: Xbox Exec 'Doesn't Know' If FPS Boost Will Return In The Future


That's fine by me. Thank you for your great work.

I would suggest that the team implements a new feature.... Res boost. This should be very easy to achieve compared to FPS boost as you are not going to potentially mess with any physics or in game systems dependent on frame rate. Just up the res to a level the GPU can manage, a simple multiplier, even a modest amount. It would make the games which ran at 900p on Xbox One look much sharper. This could be done on both the Series X and S quite easily, I would assume.

It could be toggled on or off like FPS boost.

Re: Ubisoft Reveals FPS & Resolution Details For Rainbow Six Extraction On Xbox


@Darth_Stofi Agreed, I'd actually like to see 30fps phased out over time as 120hz TVs become the norm, and then 120/40fps games take their place with a 60fps option too.

120/40 could be a great balance for ray tracing and a high resolution being utilised, with the 60 option being smoother but with a slight graphical hit.

I've played some 120 fps games and yeah it feels nice, but the graphical hit hasn't been worth it in the games I've seen so far.

Re: Xbox Creator Demands Action As Sexist Xbox Live Recording Goes Viral


Unacceptable behaviour, and sadly many of us have been treated pretty ***** online over the years I'm sure.

I don't know this streamer, I have just read the article.

I popped onto her Twitter and saw this:

She did not deserve to be treated like she was, but this was pretty ***** of her too. If it is all real of course, like I say I do not know this streamer or her history.

Re: Xbox Employee Recalls 'Sheer Hate & Vitriol' The Community Team Received In 2013


I got an OG Xbox after a price cut. I thought I'd give it a try, I had a GameCube at the time.

Xbox 360 on launch day. What a console!

PS4 launch day... Xbox One around six months later when I realised that I missed the Xbox eco system and 'feel' too much, played the hell out of Peggle 2, at the time an Xbox exclusive. Love the Peggle games. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣
I quickly came round to enjoying my Xbox One more than my PS4.

I got the One S on launch day

I got the One X on launch day

I got the Series X and S on launch day

It's safe to say I only had a short holiday from Xbox. 🤣
I play PS and Nintendo too, but just exclusives.
Xbox is THE platform, for me anyway.

Re: When Will The Xbox Christmas Holiday Sale 2021 Be Revealed?


@Raffles I remember the shutting down article saying something like the community was too small, it was in the dark days of Xbox One before Phil started to really catch peoples eye with the turn around. It looked like they just were not getting enough ad revenue. Maybe they will comment on this.....?

I was really glad to see the return as it was a great site before the shut down and is great now.

Re: When Will The Xbox Christmas Holiday Sale 2021 Be Revealed?



Welcome! I am glad that you found it.

This site was around years ago, then closed down and then reborn.

I come here every day, it's a great source for Xbox news, number one in my opinion.

Thanks to everyone at the site, keep up the good work and have a good Christmas!
(But don't take any time off, I want to come here everyday and still see new content! )

Re: Xbox Documentary Addresses PlayStation's Infamous 'Used Game Instructional Video'


@WallyWest Yeah I get you, I know you're not being a fanboy either mate.

I think you are downplaying how nice the free upgrades we have been getting on Series consoles have been though, forgetting res boosts for a moment FPS increases can be a real game changer, just like the FPS boost feature, also free.

That new high price tag is hard to swallow too, it must have lots of PS only players looking over the fence at Gamepass.
I hope that the rumoured PS Gamepass is a real thing, more value and choice for everyone.
Personally I will probably just stick to buying Sony first party exclusives as my main platform is Xbox, so I don't want an subscription (other than PS+, which may or may not be discontinued).
I'll grab a PS5 when they do a refresh of the hardware too.

Re: Xbox Documentary Addresses PlayStation's Infamous 'Used Game Instructional Video'



"To be fair PS3 games can't physically run on PS4 and PS5 consoles and making them able to run could cause more trouble then its worth".

Whilst I accept that the PS3 had some rather awkward and unusual architecture, it has been emulated on PC, and Sony of all companies would know the machine back to front better than anyone. If they wanted to emulate it they could have done it by now.

Also, it damn sure took a lot of time and engineering for the Xbox back compat team to get the 360 games working. I think people gloss over this too easily, a monumental effort was made by MS to achieve it, lots and lots of time & money spent. Gamers got to play many of their games for free. Sony chose the easy and revenue lead path.

"Ultimately though it never mattered as PS is still the console people want going by sales".

You hit the nail on the head right there, this is the reason why you can't put a PS3 game in your PS4/5.
Sony just plain didn't/don't need to do it as they have a good lead in the market.

"I will give you the upgrade thing but its worth noting MS has never offered more then a framerate increase and 4K while Sony usually offer that plus new content or a more extensive remaster, its easy to big up MS with their upgrades but then they are so bare bones MS could never get away for charging for it".

Interesting that Sony chose the paid for path rather than free to customers path again, of course this is because they have the lead in the market and are milking it as much as possible. Perhaps a more consumer friendly model would be free res/fps upgrades to all applicable games with a paid for definitive edition.

I am not bashing Sony out of fanboyism, there's a PS4 Pro next to my Xbox Series X, but I will call them out for their money grabbing, I get that they can because of their position, but it doesn't mean that they should.

People have long memories in gaming... no one has forgotten Matrick and that was 2013. They should be careful.

Re: Don Mattrick Discusses The Failures Of The 2013 Xbox One Launch


"I wish I'd had an opportunity to stay..."

We don't.

He just absolutely botched the Xbox One launch and destroyed a generation of hard work where they had made the Xbox brand the brand in gaming. All in the bin and still trying to recover even now.

Thank God for Phil, he steered the ship back on course very quickly, but it just takes a long time to get that mindshare back, years in and it still hasn't been achieved.

Re: Halo Infinite Devs Made 'Tremendous Cuts' To Try And Launch In 2020


So glad that they delayed the launch.
I actually don't think it looked awful a year ago, but certainly not impressive.

The game they've released now definitely looks nice and scales well across the One and Series consoles.

The only question being why such a low res on the Series S? I'm hoping they can bump it up a little, it is dynamic after all.

Re: How To Buy Daytona USA On Xbox One, Series X And Series S


@BlueOcean TBH I had not read the above, still haven't. Haha.

I'd purchased a game that wasn't on my store (UK) previously and it works just fine when I'm on my region.... Just switched, RR6 does not. Very weird.

Ah well, I'll switch back to USA when I want to play. I wonder if this is just an issue with 360 games? The previous game I bought was an Xbox One game.

Re: Two New Dynamic Backgrounds Are Now Available On Xbox Series X|S


I like the OG, 360 and controller 20th anniversary ones the best.

I noticed that these new ones have an option to view the game in the store, this is a new feature and I think it's points to more game specific backgrounds being produced as promos for titles.

Also, will it eventually bring a link to buy the background before you can enable it?

I'm not against premium backgrounds, PS has had them for a long time. I just personally can't see myself buying one, but options are good.
I'd prefer more game specific backgrounds for free.

We already have a premium background, the 20th anniversary one requiring the specific controller plugged in, so we are on the paid for path already really.

Re: Microsoft Shares Early Dashboard Concepts For The Original Xbox


Wow! So cool to see these.
I liked them both, but yeah they are very of their time.

They are more colourful than the dash that they decided to go with and it's interesting that they have a lot of effects and background audio that definitely went away from the 360 onwards, whereas PS always has a lot of ambient sound.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Wins 'Xbox Game Of The Year' At The Golden Joystick Awards 2021


Best Gaming Hardware - PS5

Inferior in almost every tech spec, but even more so feature wise:

No Dolby Vision
No Dolby Atmos
No 1440p support
No VRR support
No way you update the storage until an update offered it!
It looks like a massive ugly router. XD

But sure, well done on that award, no bias there at all.
OK, Ponies will be Ponies I guess, and there are lot of them in the gaming media.

(I will be picking up a PS5 when they have had a price drop, for now my PS4 Pro is quite sufficient for my Sony exclusive needs).