Comments 754

Re: Poll: Are You Planning On Picking Up Saints Row?


As a fan is the series I will definitely be picking it up, however with its dodgy performance and high price tag I'm very happy to get a cheaper and more polished game down the line, maybe even 12 months from now, maybe earlier depending on how deep the sale is.

Re: Pick One: Which Is Your Favourite Saints Row Game To Date?


The third is just so good. One of my favourite games ever.

The fourth, as a crackdown fan you'd think I'd like it, but I just couldn't get into it. The series really fell from grace with four for me, surprisingly I thought Gat out of Hell was really fun, much better than four and it really should be judged for what it was, a short side game in the series.

Re: Soapbox: Forza Horizon Is Spinning Its Wheels, So Let's Bring Back The Best Racer On Xbox


I've been saying this for a while now, it's nice to see the idea becoming more widespread and getting traction.

FM and FH franchise fatigue is real and has been a problem for some time, my thought was to bring back Project Gotham.... but now you're all getting onboard I'm gonna pivot..... bring back Blur instead!

(Alternatively slow down the fatigue by alternating between FM and PGR, and FH and Blur.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With August 2022's Xbox Games With Gold?


@BundyDanger Yeah, they are stopping the Xbox 360/OG Xbox games. I believe we have one last month left.

Right now we get two Xbox One games and two Xbox 360/OG Xbox games per month, going forward we don't know if that changes to four Xbox One games, or a mix of Xbox One and Xbox Series games, we don't even know the quantity of games yet either.

Re: Remember CrossfireX? It's Added A New Map & More In July's Update


@Jomi1964 Metacritic is still as prone to early reviews that as time passes would misrepresent how a game is down the line. I'd just exercise some caution in thinking it's black or white/a game is good or bad off the back of their website.
I like to make my own opinion.

As I said the multiplayer is free, have you tried it? Did you ever play Counter Strike?

The single player (own of the campaigns) is on Gamepass too so thats worth a go. It's a bit like a COD campaign. It's not bad, not the best.

Re: Remember CrossfireX? It's Added A New Map & More In July's Update


@Jomi1964 Come on fella, it's 2022.😋🤣
So many games release broken, buggy, with poor performance or short of features and evolve as the devs push updates and patches out. This is one of them!

It's foolish to be so influenced by Metacritic, IGN or any of the big websites, it's often very inaccurate as reviews are posted early and sometimes with a kneejerk angry reaction to a problematic release. They are often only a snapshot of the opinion of the state of a game at that time.
The multiplayer is also free to play so there's no reason to blindly take their word for it. Try it for yourself!

Most of the bad reviews of this game are from launch when it did have some game breaking bugs. They got fixed very quickly, but it was too late, lots of terrible reviews and YouTube videos. It was still very short on content, they are slowly turning the tide there too. There is still a lack of maps, but it's a fun console Counter Strike.

Re: PUBG Is Getting Major Next-Gen Overhaul, And Xbox Series X Sounds Impressive


@Spazmonic Yeah it definitely gets some updates where they go back a few steps, but they usually then fix the new bugs. I think that the console port that they started with was very bad, it's taken years to get in in good shape. The PS version had some issues a short time ago and the last update messed the Xbox version up a little. The new update coming soon should improve visuals and add a new map so it's one to look our for.

Like I've said, even on the Xbox One fat it plays pretty well now.... I'd rather play on my Series X though!

Re: PUBG Is Getting Major Next-Gen Overhaul, And Xbox Series X Sounds Impressive


@PushButtons Absolutely right about this game!
The performance has improved so much and playing on a Series console is transformative, 60fps improves feel so much.

I even dug out my fat boy Xbox One recently as I was curious how it played now and although it is capped at 30fps it actually plays with a good consistency now, it's no longer that frame rate in the teens that people saw in the early Digital Foundry videos. When the update drops it will look nicer on XB1 too, the game is 1080p on XB1 (higher than other battle royal games on the console) but suffers from a very raw looking jaggy output, anti aliasing will be a nice improvement. So what I am saying is whichever Xbox console you have it plays well.

I would say to everyone, give the game a chance! It's free to play now so cast aside your old opinions and jump in.

Re: PUBG Is Getting Major Next-Gen Overhaul, And Xbox Series X Sounds Impressive


I still play PUBG, yeah it's been a clunky journey, and yeah it can still get news bugs with updates... but its in the best shape it has ever been in and is a really fun game. King of the Battle Royals IMO.

This new update will also introduce anti aliasing, (much needed!) even on last gen too, so the game is definitely worth checking out whichever Xbox you own.

Re: Looking Back At The Best Xbox 360 Games With Gold Of All Time


I've built a huge catalogue due to the GWG program, claiming every single game from the start. I'm quite happy for them to focus on newer games now, it's been a heck or a ride, despite the massive criticism from many players.

The question is 4 Xbox one games per month or two now? Or maybe 2 Xbox one and 2 series? Can't wait to see.

Re: Deals: Xbox 'Back Compat Sale' Now Live, 100+ Games Included


This is a good sale, but with only four more free Xbox 360 games with gold games to come I think I'll hang onto my pennies until there are no more freebies. Who knows? They might go out with a bang and offer more than two per month in the next two months, they have offered extra games before.
All that aside, this is a nice sale, back compat has been a great success and I have not only purchased many games but also enjoyed the freebies too.

Re: EA Gets Slammed For Posting Meme About Single-Player Games


@Richnj I'm not angry. You're the one comparing a video game company to a racist. 🤣 My comments are calm and considered.
Don't deflect now.

Tbh I dont care about your opinion of the tweet much at all, but I was interested as to how you got into the mindset of making such an over the top analogy, seemed like the action of an upset person to me. I was seeking confirmation. I think I have it.

I'll tell you my thoughts on the tweet, and EA now.

Firstly EA, not my favourite, equally I have no hate for them. I guess you'd say pretty neutral. I've enjoyed some of their games over the years, we all have. I've also been disappointed by some, we all have.

The tweet.
Their social media guy was just trying to join in on a funny meme. Remember his employers make video games, fun, recreation, entertainment. They are just a software company. They make games for plastic boxes.
People don't like EA, so they picked up their pitch forks and off they went to overreaction town.
Twitter is the place to go if you want to be offended, even if there's nothing there to be offended about, people will still find it. Amusing and just a bit of a shame that that is some people's mindset.

Hypocrisy? Where?

Re: EA Gets Slammed For Posting Meme About Single-Player Games


@Richnj I am fully aware what an analogy is mate, I use them all the time, but to compare EA's tweet to an 'ex-white supremacist telling unfunny racial jokes', well I think you don't know how to use one properly.

Nah, the fact that you made such an over the top analogy shows me that there's more here than you are now trying to lead me to believe. Not buying it. I can see you there, in the distance, hastily walking back from your comments.

That aside, tell me... How do you feel about the tweet?
More importantly how do you feel about EA?

Re: EA Gets Slammed For Posting Meme About Single-Player Games


@Richnj I have no idea where your racial comments came from, they have no place in the context of the comments on EA's tweet. That would be on another level!
You are clearly so triggered and not thinking straight fella.
Go take a lie down.
Wow, just wow.

And you really really hate EA don't you? Don't let it eat you up champ.

Re: 'Atari 50' Brings Almost 100 Classic Games To Xbox This November


A must buy for me. The extras sounds great.

I already own their previous three collections but this sounds like it will have enough extras and curiosities that it will be essential to any Atari fan.

With this and Atari Mania coming out soon, and the Recharged series being pretty good so far I have to say that the guys running the show at Atari at the moment are doing a really good job, games wise at least.

Re: Xbox Games With Gold For July 2022 Announced


Well, I only own Torchlight out of these... Haha

Joking aside I just watched the trailers for the other three and I have to say they all look quite nice quirky little games.
I always add all the GWG games to my collection so that is not in dispute, but these at least look like a fun little diversion from other games. I like the look of Beasts of Maravilla Island in particular.

I always say this, people lose their minds in months like this but when they include AAA games or at least more well known games I already own them, which is worse, I get nothing. GWG is good for getting games that you wouldn't usually try or buy.