Comments 754

Re: Infamous PS4 Video Wasn't 'Necessarily' Meant To Hurt Xbox, Suggests Ex-Sony Boss


Of course you didn't mean it (rolls eyes). What a load of BS!
It was made for maximum damage and it succeeded, a good thing as it forced change at Xbox and stopped Sony from doing it themselves.
In spite of MS changing their DRM policy before the XB1 released the mud stuck and this was a great tool for Sony. Own it, don't walk back from it just because you look like dicks yourself with your own anti consumer policies.

Re: Dying Light 1's Free Next-Gen Update Arrives On Xbox Series X|S


@Would_you_kindly Yes, its an old game, yes its a free update.... but there's more going on here that you have not considered.

They released a Platinum Edition at the end of May last year, with the old version removed from the store, so it's a 10 month old game, released after this generation launched, only just patched.

Techland tweeted this:

They refer to it being a next gen patch, so they are hoping to drive sales of the game which digitally costs £47.99 on the MS store! Lets not paint this as an act of charity, they are hoping that people (including Series S owners) buy the game because of the patch.....

Do you want the punchline?

It's not even a native app! It's Gen9Aware!
(Which probably explains its poor update on both Series consoles)
So yeah, I think people can complain about this.

Plus the Series S versions of games are of the highest importance anyway, it is a digital only console so you have to pay digital prices, no cheap or used disc options, you have to wait for sales or hope to get a cheap code from somewhere like CDKeys.

A lot of things to consider here, I was not looking a gift horse in the mouth or being entitled, Techland are trying to sell their old game at a premium price repackaged as something that it is not.

I have a XSS and an XSX and I would not touch their games out of principle now.

Re: Dying Light 1's Free Next-Gen Update Arrives On Xbox Series X|S


Prepare for the backlash devs!
You must include a 60fps mode on XSS, no excuses in this old game. I don't care that your engine is garbage, the hardware isn't. Just do what you did with the sequel, lower settings and 900p.

Thats me settling for it.... In reality you should be using FSR performance mode and VRS to obtain a stable 60fps and actually look better too. The tools are there for you. SMH

Re: Soapbox: I'm Using WWE 2K22 To Build The Ultimate AEW Universe


That's pretty cool.

I watch AEW too, but not exclusively, I like impact too (the former TNA to those that don't know).
I'm hoping that the new AEW game is good, but let's see. These creation modes are great for getting the game you want anyway, so I could always buy the WWE game and download impact and AEW wrestlers. I really couldn't care less about the WWE guys.

Re: Dying Light 2 Patch Adds 60FPS For Xbox Series S, New Mode For Series X


@Would_you_kindly The PS4 and PS5 are different generations with very different hardware whereas the XSS and XSX are the same generation with lots of similarities, fast SSD, an almost identical CPU and a GPU of the same series including advanced features and supporting things like FSR and VRS, so your analogy does not make sense.

This new generation includes a real focus on higher frame rates, with lots and lots of games achieving rates of 60fps and even some games at 120fps.

It's clear that the devs made untrue comments. That is why they are being called out, it is not entitlement at all.

Re: Dying Light 2 Patch Adds 60FPS For Xbox Series S, New Mode For Series X


@BBB I agree that it's the important takeaway. I thanked them in my first comment.

Not sure about 'their truth', maybe their opinion at the time, but never a 'truth'. Also they only had to look round at what other devs were achieving to know that it was never a truth of any kind, as eventually proven by their update now too.

I agree about the general let's take a positive from this, I am glad about the update.... Now the dying light 1 patch, a 60fps mode for that next please.

Re: Dying Light 2 Patch Adds 60FPS For Xbox Series S, New Mode For Series X


I've been very critical of developers skipping modes and features on the Series S version of games, so now these guys have implemented a mode I'd like to say thank you. I am hoping it runs well.

However, I would like to say that they should not have made the comments about the hardware holding them back when it was clearly their engine/experience/resources that were the problem.

Far Cry 6 with its dynamic 1440p 60fps plus others have proved their words wrong. The sad thing is mud sticks and their comments will be lapped up by fanboys, passed round and used in console wars claiming that the XSS is not worthwhile..
As a Series X and S owner they are both nice bits of kit. 👍🏻

Re: WWE 2K22 Could Be Final 2K Entry, EA Reportedly In Talks To Take Over


@Tasuki I don't agree.
Remember that in spite of their pedigree Yukes actually made a lot those stagnant games for years for 2K.
2K had a transitional period of one bad game from a new studio who were thrown in at the deep end with a tight schedule. That went so badly that it forced them to miss a year to get things right.
By all accounts they have made a massive improvement (I have not played it, but I have played some of the modern WWE games and they were awful).

You are assuming that the Yukes AEW game will be good, now I do hope it is, but we don't actually know that yet.

If the AEW game is a success and they want to make more games then they may go to 2K for a more fully featured modern game. The Yukes game has been confirmed to be less flashy and more retro. I liked the old wrestling games, No Mercy etc, but time moves on, the new game might not measure up to how we all see the old game through rose tinted specs.

EDIT - Kenny Omega's comments on their game.
“We’ll never be able to compete with the production values of WWE’s game. 2K22 is absolutely gorgeous, I’m excited to see all their bells and whistles when it finally releases. For us, rather than pushing the envelope drastically or anything like that, we just want the wrestling to feel how it used to feel for the people who would play wrestling games back in the day and just have fun with fellow wrestling fans.”

This might change if they sell a lot of games and 2K have a studio just sat waiting to make a game, good deals could could be done. The retro style game they are making would not even be superseded as such, it would just be a different product.

Re: WWE 2K22 Could Be Final 2K Entry, EA Reportedly In Talks To Take Over


@MetalGear_Yoshi Your comments are exactly what came to mind as I read this article!

It Seems like it could work for both AEW and 2K. 2K have done so much work on their game, I just can't believe that they would throw all that away, and AEW are coming out with a more modest game soon, but after that has released and 2K have an engine and experience it would seem like the way to go for their games going forward.

Re: CrossfireX Update Will Add New Maps And Fix 'About 80 Major Bugs'


@GuyinPA75 Rainbow Six Siege launched to a lot of negative reviews, it received lots of patches and updates and became a huge game. I'm not saying this will be as successful, but I think if they support it well enough and people actually give it a chance then it will be a very well liked game. It's really different from other console shooters.

Re: CrossfireX Update Will Add New Maps And Fix 'About 80 Major Bugs'


I've been playing this game lots, it's really fun and has so much potential. It's rough around the edges, but I think if they support the game well it will really offer something different on console.

Yes it launched with lots of problems but they released a small patch within a few days that fixed the most glaring ones.

People are judging it on the launch reviews which were only relevant for a handful of days.

Try it out, if you don't like then fine, but everyone should stop talking poop if you haven't actually tried it for yourself.

Re: Kenny Omega Provides An Update On The New AEW Console Game


More Wrestling, Corny and Xbox crossover fans. Hi!!

I'm looking forward to this game, I'm hoping it really captures the fun of the old WWF games, I don't care of it has a retro look to match. It will give it some charm.

As for Omega, I don't agree with Corny on him, I like him, but I enjoy listening to Corny for his historical knowledge and agree with some of his opinions.

Adam Cole was mentioned above, I think he's awful, a tiny dude who's never seen a gym, terrible hair, body, now he looks like a jobber, I could imagine him being powerbombed to oblivion by Sid Vicious in late 80s WCW. 🤣

Re: Digital Foundry's CrossfireX Breakdown Shows Xbox One X Ahead Of Series S


To be fair, although the One X version is running at a more stable frame rate it also takes 20 plus seconds to load some textures, so it's also a duff version of the game.

It clearly hasn't been optimised at all, the XSX version just powers through most of the issues.

Hoping that they patch the game, I am really enjoying the multiplayer component, although that too has it's issues.

Re: Latest Dying Light 2 Patch Fixes VRR Issues on Xbox, Adds Backup Saves


@Kalele Agreed, the XSS is powerful enough for 60FPS (and sometimes higher!) gaming, no problem at all.

The CPU is not a bottleneck, it is very very good, the memory bandwidth is fast enough for resolutions below 4K (Although we can still get some 4K games) and 8GB available for gaming is plenty, even if they have to include lower quality textures.

Re: Latest Dying Light 2 Patch Fixes VRR Issues on Xbox, Adds Backup Saves


@GuyinPA75 I have a XSX and XSS and generally find the S really good. I don't think we can blame the console being underpowered (in this situation at least) as the likes of Far Cry 6 show that you can have a dynamic 1440p at 60FPS in an open world game. Plenty of other games have higher res/high frame rate combos too.

I am also against the mid gen consoles for this generation, I just don't think they will be required this time round, the tech in these machines wasn't ancient like it was at the launch of last gen.

Re: Roundup: Here's What The Critics Are Saying About CrossfireX


@Chaudy It absolutely is not. They released a patch only a few days after release, MS must have rushed it through certification for them. I am really quite enjoying it. I've only played the multiplayer up to now though, I'll try one of the two campaigns soon.

It's def worth a download, the multiplayer is free to play and a really small file size.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Players Frustrated With 30FPS On Xbox Series S


60 FPS Mode - A how to guide for CDPR
900-1080p dynamic res
Lower settings towards the Xbox One version (if necessary)
Stable 60fps

Surely this is the way to go?

I fully believe that the Series S could run any Xbox One S version of a game at 60fps, for example XB1 Dying Light 2 would be a quick way to incorporate a performance mode into the XSS version.

Mirror the XB1S settings and the XSS would offer a stable 60fps. I would guess that you could pump up the settings further from that starting point too.