Update (Fri 13th Oct, 2023): It's been nearly two years since we first published this list, and a lot has happened in the meantime! The acquisition of Activision Blizzard is finally now complete, and therefore we should be getting a large batch of ActiBlizz games on Xbox Game Pass in the relatively near future.
That said, Microsoft has already suggested that it'll take some time for these titles to join Xbox Game Pass, and Activision Blizzard has confirmed that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Diablo 4 won't be available on the service until at least 2024. It's previously been suggested that brand-new Call of Duty games aren't expected to start joining Xbox Game Pass until 2025 as well.
There's also no guarantee that Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will join the lineup, as the IP seemingly still belongs to the developer of the title, FromSoftware. It'll likely depend on whether Microsoft can work out a specific Game Pass deal.
As for everything else? We're not sure just yet, but hopefully some of them will join Xbox Game Pass soon-ish!
Original story (Wed 19th Jan, 2022): Microsoft announced as part of the deal to acquire Activision Blizzard that it would be putting as many games as possible from the company into Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, and that means a lot of potential titles!
Nothing has been confirmed as of yet, so we don't know which games will be joining Game Pass and which might not be eligible, and we've still got to wait until fiscal year 2023 (July 2022 to June 2023) before the deal is completed.
Nevertheless, based on the current Activision Blizzard listings on the Xbox Store, we've come up with a list of 50+ games (thanks to Luke Spencer for the help!) that might be heading to Xbox Game Pass over the next year-or-so:
(Note: this list is based on potential Game Pass titles for console, rather than PC)
- 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures
- Aces of the Galaxy
- Alaskan Adventures
- Assault Heroes 2
- Blizzard Arcade Collection
- Call of Duty 2
- Call of Duty 3
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- Call of Duty Black Ops
- Call of Duty Black Ops 2
- Call of Duty Black Ops 3
- Call of Duty Black Ops 4
- Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Not until at least 2024)
- Call of Duty: World At War
- Call of Duty: World War II
- Call of Duty: Vanguard
- Carcassonne
- Commanders: Attack
- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
- Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
- Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
- Crash Team Rumble
- Diablo 2: Resurrected
- Diablo 3: Eternal Collection
- Diablo 4 (Not until at least 2024)
- Geometry Wars Evolved
- Geometry Wars 2: Evolved
- Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
- Gin Rummy
- Golf: Tee It Up!
- King's Quest: The Complete Collection
- Prototype
- Prototype 2
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
- Skylanders SuperChargers
- Spyro Reignited Trilogy
- Switchball
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
In addition to these, there are a few games left on the Xbox Store that are no longer available to purchase digitally, most likely because the licenses for these titles expired some time ago. Whether Microsoft will be able to do anything to properly relist these games remains to be seen, but here's what we've found in regards to these anyway (this list only includes games that still have an official page on the modern Xbox Store, and not the old Xbox 360 marketplace.):
- Cabela's African Adventure (delisted)
- Cabela's Alaskan Adventures (delisted)
- Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 (delisted)
- Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai (delisted)
- Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (delisted)
- Deadpool (delisted)
- Duck Dynasty (delisted)
- Guitar Hero Live (delisted)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (delisted)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (delisted)
- Shiftlings (delisted)
- Skylanders Imaginators (delisted)
- Skylanders SWAP Force (delisted)
- Skylanders Trap Team (delisted)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™: Mutants in Manhattan (delisted)
- The Legend of Korra (delisted)
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (delisted)
- Transformers: Devestation (delisted)
- Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (delisted)
- Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (delisted)
- Velocity 2X (delisted)
- White Night (delisted)
Don't forget that Microsoft is planning to launch Activision Blizzard games into Xbox Game Pass in the future as well, so hopefully new titles from franchises such as Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Overwatch, Tony Hawk and more will become day one Xbox Game Pass additions. It's an exciting time to be a Game Pass subscriber!
Which of these do you think we'll see on Xbox Game Pass? Let us know down in the comments below.
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Comments 110
There are a lot of great titles here, hopefully with Microsoft's backing Activision-Blizzard looks into porting/remaking some of their older titles not on this list as well (and adding local multiplayer to various games, I'm still disappointed by the lack of it in the Diablo II Remake!)
What an absolute treat it is to be a Game Pass subscriber.
I love it. I absolutely love it. So glad I went in on Xbox this generation. Still got the ps5 and Switch for their exclusives. I use the xbox for everything else.
Microsoft might have saved all these franchises concidering Activision Blizzard tried to sell their brand/games to Facebook first. That would have been a disaster in the gaming industry. Thank you Microsoft!
Fyi. I dont play any of these games personally but the potential for more people joining game pass is huge and thats great (Especially if youre into online gaming and coop like me).
Lots of great games that are most likely coming to Game Pass and hopefully with this acquisition, Microsoft might be able to release another batch of backwards compatible games now that they own Activision Blizzard.
It's a strong list but other than a few COD's I haven't played, got almost everything else here I want to play.
Wouldn't mind replaying Velocity 2X (it's brilliant) or Transformers: Fall of Cybertron again. What about War of Cybertron though was also published by Activision.
Lastly would MS really get rights to do what they want with Sekiro? How does the publishing rights work in this case? Surely FromSoft has some say? Or maybe not.
Wouldn't mind transformers rise of the dark spark brought back then I can finish off the achievements I can't get since they shut the servers down
Wow, what a list. When is goldeneye releasing? Will it be the "supposed" remaster or the n64 port?
Only game on that list for me is tony hawk……… and i already bought that🤣🤣🤣 yet more buyers remorse. Lake was another. Oh, and deaths door it seems. No point buying games now on xbox cos they’ll inevitably end up on gamepass
That would be absolutely massive if there was a large drop, similar to the Bethesda GP drop shortly after that acquisition announcement. Sadly, i have no interest in any of those titles. Not because i think the games are bad, rather because I have played all of them already lol.
Maybe MW3 remastered might become a thing now. Love the ost on that game
@FraserG and everyone else, how long do you think it will take for games to join Game Pass? When regulations have been checked in one year and a half or earlier? 😁
There are many things in there that I want to play but, objectively, the biggest deal will be Call of Duty exclusively on Xbox from 2023 on. If you consider that Xbox also has EA Play including FIFA on Game Pass Ultimate, it's crazy. Not to mention the new-gen games that Xbox Game Studios are making... 😂.
@themightyant @Clankylad If you have the publishing rights you can publish the game, generally for 20 years, and you pay the owner for doing so. Then the rights can be renewed or not. Activision Blizzard haven't ceased to exist so they still have the publishing rights after the acquisition as part of Xbox Game Studios.
@Banjo- Thanks. Wasn't sure how this worked in the case of M&A or if FromSoft has some say.
World of Warcraft to console confirmed!!!
@Tasuki podcast unlocked said on the most recent episode that WoW has had the background stuff for controller for a long time. Would be pretty interesting to see it on console. I fear there are too many usable spells and such though for it to work flawlessly though.
@FatalBubbles If Skyrim works...
Most of those 'delisted' were delisted because of Licensing. Disney now owns Marvel (apart from Spider-Man) so those games were delisted.
That's why I don't expect the Transformers 'Cybertron' games to come to Game Pass or the devs to make a new one...
Nice list man. This is huge. Cant wait.
@Banjo- If it follows the Bethesda pattern, a few of them might be drip-fed before a huge batch is dropped at the close of the deal.
I guess it just depends on the terms of the acquisition.
That's a huge list of games. While dropping a load at once would be amazing I think drip adding them would actually be better.
@Banjo- I’m not following? Some dps rotations in WoW can be 6+ spells/attacks. That would be difficult to pull off well with a controller. Plus there are non rotation things that are used as well in raids that you’d want hot mapped somewhere. I’m not saying it’s impossible, it just doesn’t seem straightforward to me.
@Banjo- @themightyant I do believe MS would have to work our a deal with From. Game Rant had an article on it.
@FatalBubbles The console does support keyboard and mouse. I think the issues some may have is if they use a separate custom overlay UI for the game likely wouldn't work on console. I don't even know if this is a thing for WoW but I know it was popular with other MMOs. But, keyboard and mouse should be easy enough to implement.
All we need now is Microsoft to buy Sony Interactive
@iplaygamesnstuff There are lots of custom UIs for WoW as well as tons of add ons such a Dps, healing and threat meters, quest helpers, etc.
I’m sure mouse and keyboard would be no issue but that sort of defeats going to console to play it for me.
@FatalBubbles That article is misleading. Of course, Sekiro is not owned by Activision Blizzard but the publishing rights that Activision Blizzard have aren't affected by who owns Activision Blizzard now.
@FatalBubbles It doesn't defeat going to console, do you know what kind of gaming PC is needed to match Series X performance? The cost is incomparable.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a deal sorted for this years COD to hit Game Pass before the deal closes.
Everything else will probably be released in batches once the deal closes sometime in 2023.
@blinx01 At the end of the day, paying Activision for a deal now is money that will be back once the acquisition is completed. That might be what happened with the Zenimax games that joined Game Pass before that acquisition was completed. Microsoft wouldn't mind paying for this year's Call of Duty being on Game Pass.
Please figure out a way to bring World of Warcraft to Xbox
@Banjo- I can easily play WoW with keyboard/mouse on my PC, so playing it with keyboard/mouse on Xbox defeats the purpose. If I’m playing it on console, it would be because I can use a controller. Which is in line with all the comments I’ve made about why it would be hard with a controller…
The only game from this lengthy list that I play is Crash Team Racing, and I play it with my wife on my PS5, and that's not very often. But I do want a next-gen version of it! whether that's on PS5 or Series X.
@FatalBubbles You do, and do you think that all console players have a gaming PC that matches Series X performance? People that are not comfortable playing PC games without a mouse and keyboard can do it on Series X.
@eagletrippin It should get FPS Boots, that and Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Crash Bandicoot N.sane Trilogy. All of them are 30fps on Series X but now (next year) Microsoft software engineers can touch the code without asking.
@Banjo- You can play WoW on the back of a cereal box. 😂
@FatalBubbles Ha ha! Fair enough, one point for you 😁. I mean a future/updated version of the PC IPs that are part of Activision Blizzard. My point is that keyboard and mouse are not redundant on Series X. I have a top-tier Surface Laptop 4 (9 months old) that can't run Xbox One Play Anywhere games properly. I don't even have a desktop PC.
@Banjo- Haha! It’s not redundant for everyone, 100% correct. I was referring to myself when I said that. I don’t know how many people you’d pull into WoW on Xbox if it requires a MK though. People that aren’t playing it right now probably controller users.
@FatalBubbles You never know! Flight Simulator still is popular on console Game Pass. Because I don't game on PC, I'd try other PC IPs if they come to Series X/S and would use a keyboard if necessary as I did with Monster Hunter Tri on Wii. PC players (like you) will likely prefer playing these games on PC but that also means that Game Pass PC and PC sales will benefit a lot from this acquisition.
War for Cybertron appears not to be bc, which I hope changes because I still have a copy.
lets bring THPS 1+2, pronto!
Going by that list I now realize that I'm not a big fan of the games Activision publishes. Beside the Spyro remakes, which I have not played, none of these interest me. Compared with the library we got with the Bethesda's deal, I really don't care if any of these come to gamepass.
Interesting at work this morning spoke with a couple of PS5 COD gang.
Jokingly said what you going to do in 2023 when COD is Xbox console exclusive.
Which without any hesitations, buy Xbox.
Shows the dedicated COD players which they are on console, will just switch as COD is what matters to them.
Really the only games I'd like to play here are the Spyro and Tony Hawk re-makes, and I haven't been bothered enough about them to actually buy either.
Really I'd rather that MS didn't buy them, and the company had been broken up again rather than becoming a bigger and bigger corporation. We could have still got great games on Game Pass without this.
@FraserG One I noticed missing from the article that has a page on XBox Marketplace is Spider-Man 3
Mind you, it's an odd one. The game itself does not seem to have ever been available digitally (I think) and you still can buy DLC for the game.
That aside, i know its beyond the scope of the article, but hoping we can have the following ones back too:
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Spider-Man: Edge of Time
Amazing Spider-Man
Amazing Spider-Man 2
Ultimate Spider-Man
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
There are also quite a few Transformers games:
(Movie tie-ins)
Transformers: The Game
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
(The Cybertron trilogy)
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
It would also be super nice to get the Activision Wolfenstein games:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001)
Wolfenstein (2009)
We're bringing this article ALL the way back from January 2022! Added a few games, removed a couple as well.
Let's hope this deal gets over the line very soon
My biggest fear is getting these and then a reduction in third party AAA games appearing or some of the classic indie games if you think you have all the studios and having to cover costs how do you do that, by not paying other studios bit of a concern.
This list reminded me of Aces of the Galaxy. I bought it back in the day and never played it. Then, some years later, I tried to play it but couldn't get past the main menu, input was not working. I found out that I could play it from another account but not mine. Weird.
Please bring StarCraft 2
Hopefully these are On gamepass in the next few months
Zero interest on anything on the list.
Except Diablo 4. Please add it soon
Where is River Raid ? 🤣
Since I already own Diablo 4, the only thing on this list I'd be excited to play would be Sekiro.
Whilst I’m sure others are excited there is probably one game on that list I’d be bothered about playing again.
Pasting my comment from another article:
Hopefully we can get some of the mid-era Tony Hawk, Crash and Spyro games added to backwards compatibility and Gamepass. E.g. American Wasteland, Legend of Spyro, Crash Twinsanity etc.
With the acquisition there are probably a few licensing issues that just got cleared up in a positive way! (Hexen too right?). This will help bolster that “13% of classic games pre-2010 are preserved” (IGN, Time Extension) by at least a handful of games.
Never really realised that Geometry Wars Retro Evolved was Activision. I purchased this on my 360 and still play it now, bloody addictive it is.
The Cybertron games are what have me interested most on this list. Those are good times. I really gotta pick up physical copies of those
Phil Spencer is dusting off his Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 t-shirt as we speak.
@themightyant War For Cybertron wasn't given an Xbox One/PS4 port like Fall of Cybertron was.
The licensed games are wishful thinking as much as I'd like to see them happen. Collections are more likely to happen than flat out relistings if it ever is on the table. I think you can pay a one-time license fee for an IP, but IDK how that works with games that already exist.
@Kaloudz every list I can find online seems to just include:
Call of Duty
Candy Crush
Crash Bandicoot
DJ Hero
Empire Earth
Gabriel Knight
Geometry Wars
Guitar Hero
Heroes of the Storm
Interstate ’76
King’s Quest
Laura Bow Mysteries
The Lost Vikings
Police Quest
Quest for Glory
Solider of Fortune
Space Quest
Spyro the Dragon
Tenchu (legacy games)
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater
True Crime
World of Warcraft
Literally a handful of games I’d actually play. The only one I really want is not here. Cod 1
I care the most for Pitfall Lost Expedition (it is the only one on Xbox and the one I care for the most from the series, own it on PS2 though),
Imagine Pitfall (doubt it will be cartoony anymore if they did but still) the way Rise of the Tomb Raider was marketed/exclusive to Xbox One for a year now they have a explorer type adventure game to go against Uncharted as well Indiana Jones is a Disney license for Machine games to make of course.
Spyro (I do wonder about the Legend of Spyro games on Xbox/360 available, I assume Krome/the french studio don't have anything of the rights with them from Sierra/Activision, I wonder about Hero's Tail and Enter The Dragonfly wasn't on Xbox beside it's state of quality, or Skylanders (I mean Skylanders doesn't have much of a figures digitally way like Starlink Battle For Atlas did).
and Blur (RIP great arcade racer, own it on 360 so yes please but eh car licenses and music hmmm).
Crash being there would be interesting for the many of those left behind. That or of course Crash/Spyro Xbox One games in Gamepass would likely happen and many people can experience them that way that haven't already.
COD on Switch will be a thing as Nintendo signed for didn't they I don't remember the outcome there? Sony did what they did with the contracts of course agreeing or not to them.
I doubt much will be done with any of these IPs backwards compatibility maybe but that's about it. Still to speculation! Besides well the benefits of having a publishers IPs for Gamepass and filling in money with WOW another MMO money source, if PC Gamepass I doubt the subscription fee will disappear, King mobile for Microsoft mobile games or just the standard money pouring in.
Many people would be happy for True Crime I assume, or Prototype if they were added to BC program I don't expect them to have much done with them even to compete with GTA/Saints Rows or Pay Day or something.
Old CODs is nice if they have them available. I bought Finest Hour not too long ago for PS2, TOCA 1, Burnout 1, Prince of Persia Two Thrones and others. Bought WRC 2 Extreme and got a GT4 platinum copy so that was sad need to check if the store has it properly not a second GT4 copy I don't really need but doubt they it if the person that sold it didn't have it/didn't offer it properly to the store. XD
I don't find Xbox versions in retro game stores (I wish I did) though sadly at least not as much of the ones that are BC compatible for One/Series or 360 OG Xbox compatibility in stores as I don't own an OG Xbox only 360 and up so BC only it is.
More so PS2 copies (barely find GameCube either) so if I do get the disks I'll be sure to put any I can find in my Xbox One X/Series X.
Geometry Wars 3 came out and I was like does Activision own it and they do huh. Bizarre Creations really didn't keep their IP rights at all that's sad and those devs split to many studios since of course, Lucid, Playground and more.
Thing is I own the whole PGR series (2-4 had Geometry Wars) so I'm kind of happy with the Geometry Wars versions there and Galaxies on DS. 3 is probably good and better but I have most of them to play.
But if we cut the licensed games, I assume certain ones Activision published like listed above is something.
I do wonder which ones have source code to allow for the backwards compatibility program.
I mean we got many Bethesda games and well if Activision didn't offer them anyways do they care now?
Or even have the source code at all many of the studios that made the games?
I mean we don't even have Quake 4 on BC which was Raven Software but obviously it's a id software IP so?
I mean I doubt even TimeShift will get much focus but hey if on 360 BC cool I just don't own it on 360 only PS3. XD But even then source code. Singularity from Raven Software would be nice available.
@BeerIsAwesome What I meant by that was the Spider-Man 'movie' rights which are currently owned by Sony - hence deals to bring Tom Holland into the MCU.
Regardless, My comment was posted Jan 2022, 18months ago - regarding the fact that 'licenses' will prevent games - like Activisions Spider-Man because they don't own the Licences to allow MS/ABK etc to 'market' those games anymore.
@Kaloudz no worries 👍 hopefully it's complete. It's the most comprehensive list I could find.
@Markatron84 Thanks for the list! It's missing Rock n' Roll Racing.
EDIT: And @old-dad's River Raid for Spectrum .
@BeerIsAwesome No probs - thought I'd point out the date as I really wasn't sure what I'd posted myself to illicit a response.
You could argue that technology itself has left many games in the past and that like 'movies/TV' perhaps, either 'disappear' or get remade/rebooted. I rarely see many of the B&W Movies/TV shows and how many have inspired reboots, copy-cats etc.
Should 'every' game be preserved? Arguably 'yes' but then there are some games that are potentially 'pointless' to preserve. Lets take Fifa Football - should EVERY game be 'preserved' forever when its 'stats/players' etc are outdated. Who's going to want to play Fifa 01, Fifa 09, Fifa 14, Fifa 18 etc when 23 is available with all the latest stats, players, teams etc. Pac Man may well be worth 'preserving' but do you 'need' every version preserved? Some versions were 'terrible' and what about all the 'clones'?
Is it better to preserve the 'first' version of games - or the 'best', most recent version - would people want to play the Original version of games or remastered/remade versions? Is it better to 'preserve' games like Dead Space, RE4 etc or the remakes?
If most of the games are forgotten '80's' games on Sinclair/Commodore etc Home Computers, or outdated 'sports/racing/Sim' games when modern versions are so much better, is it a 'major' problem? Many 'disappeared' due to being awful or broken without the ability to fix/patch so should these be 'preserved'?
Its not a B&W answer in my opinion. There will likely be someone that will say ALL games should be preserved, just like another may say that only select games deserve it - and then can't agree on which because everyone will have their own preferences...
Part of me also thinks that 'great' games were 'great' because of the era they were released in, not great today. Part of me also thinks that great games should be rebooted, remastered, etc to bring them to modern Hardware. Another way is to 'port' them to a Collection - like Rare Replay. But I really don't think 'every' game should be 'Preserved'....
@Kaloudz Sekiro was strictly a publishing deal if I recall correctly.
Yeah, you'd think the ABK website would be able to shed some light on their back catalogue of IP, but I suppose they're only interested in telling potential customers about WoW, Overwatch and whatever the current Call of Duty is. It's not like ABK is in the business of, y'know, making anything else.
Apparently these were 'Disc Only' Backwards Compatible Titles so never available digitally
Cabela's Alaskan Adventures (Disc Only)
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 (Disc Only)
Cabela's Hunting Expeditions (Disc Only)
Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai (Disc Only)
XBLA BC Titles that should go straight into GP
Aces of the Galaxy
Assault Heroes 2
Commanders: Attack
Geometry Wars 2: Evolved
Geometry Wars Evolved
Gin Rummy
Golf: Tee It Up!
Xbox 360 BC Titles that should go straight into GP
3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: World At War
Xbox One Titles that have been delisted due to licensing issues
Cabela's African Adventure (delisted)
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (delisted)
Deadpool (delisted)
Duck Dynasty (delisted)
Guitar Hero Live (delisted)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (delisted)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (delisted)
Skylanders Imaginators (delisted)
Skylanders SWAP Force (delisted)
Skylanders Trap Team (delisted)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™: Mutants in Manhattan (delisted)
The Legend of Korra (delisted)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (delisted)
Transformers: Devestation (delisted)
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (delisted)
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (delisted)
Velocity 2X (delisted)
White Night (delisted)
Xbox One/Series titles that should go directly into gamepass
Blizzard Arcade Collection
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Call of Duty: Vanguard
Call of Duty: World War II
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Crash Team Rumble
Diablo 2: Resurrected
Diablo 3: Eternal Collection
Diablo 4
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
King's Quest: The Complete Collection
Prototype 2
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice*
Skylanders SuperChargers
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2
Upcoming titles for gamepass
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 5 (2024)
Project Odyssey (TBC)
As mentioned numerous times if the deal went through they would have to get the BC team back together so...
Xbox Titles:
Blade II
Cabela's Outdoor Adventures
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Empires: Dawn of the Modern World
Fantastic 4
Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2
Medieval: Total War
Minority Report: Everybody Runs
MTX Mototrax
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Rally Fusion: Race of Champions
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures
Shark Tale
Shrek 2
Shrek SuperSlam
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix
Spider-Man 2
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
Street Hoops
Tenchu: Return from Darkness
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Tony Hawk's Underground
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
True Crime: Streets of LA
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the Quinkan
Ultimate Spider-Man
Wakeboarding Unleashed Featuring Shaun Murray
World Series of Poker
Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions
X-Men: Legends
X-Men: Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse
X-Men: Next Dimension
Xbox 360/XBLA titles that are not yet BC:
007: Blood Stone
007: Legends
007: Quantum of Solace
Angry Birds: Star Wars
Apache Air Assault
Bakugan: Defenders of the Core
Band Hero
Bee Movie Game
Blood Drive
Cabela's African Adventures
Cabela's Big Game Hunter
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010
Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011
Cabela's Hunting Expeditions
Cabela's North American Adventures
Cabela's Outdoor Adventures
Call of Duty: Classic
Chaotic: Shadow Warriors
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
DJ Hero
DJ Hero 2
Downton Abbey: Mysteries of the Manor
Duck Dynasty
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
Fast & Furious: Showdown
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
Golf: Tee It Up!
Guitar Hero 5
Guitar Hero II
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero Live
Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
Guitar Hero: Metallica
Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Hot Wheels: Beat That!
How to Train Your Dragon
iCarly 2: iJoin the Click!
Ice Age: Continental Drift - Arctic Games
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Jurassic: The Hunted
Kung Fu Panda
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Madagascar: Kartz
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
MIB: Alien Crisis
Monster Jam: Path of Destruction
Monsters vs. Aliens
MTV Pimp My Ride
NASCAR The Game 2011
NASCAR: The Game - Inside Line
NASCAR: Unleashed
NPPL Championship Paintball 2009
Prototype 2
Quake 4
Rapala: Pro Bass Fishing
Rapala's Fishing Frenzy
Score International Baja 1000
Shrek Forever After: The Final Chapter
Shrek the Third
Skylanders Giants
Skylanders: Imaginators
Skylanders: Lost Islands
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: Swap Force
Skylanders: Trap Team
Soldier of Fortune: Payback
Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man: Edge of Time
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
SpongeBob HeroPants
SpongeBob SquarePants: Plankton's Robotic Revenge
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Legend of Korra
The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure
The Voice: I Want You
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Tony Hawk: Ride
Tony Hawk: Shred
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Tony Hawk's Project 8
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Autobots
Transformers: Devastation
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark
Transformers: The Game
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Vigilante 8: Arcade
Wipeout 3
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Uncaged Edition
X-Men: Destiny
X-Men: The Official Game
Lots of licensing issues with the BC titles though
Darn all the delisted ones there are some I was hoping to really play on gamepass but if they are delisted does that mean they aren't going to be on gamepass 🥲
@nickwpearce so then we aren't getting any of these games on game pass because of licensing issues that sucks... Alot of thoes that are delisted id play
We've updated this article in anticipation of the Activision Blizzard deal finally going through soon. Note that MW3 and Diablo 4 won't be coming to GP until at least 2024!
I'd expect that live service Crash Team Rumble game to be the first to join Games Pass.
Again with this article? How many times do we have to do this dance? Can't we at least wait until the deal is officially closed?
I do wonder about the Call of Duty games after Sony acquired the Marketing rights for Black Ops 2 onwards. Of course Game Pass wasn't a thing when that released so maybe Sony didn't have any stipulation in their Contract regarding Game Pass specifically, but its possible that some of the more recent games could have some contractual obligation to remain off of Game Pass for a period of time - like Deathloop or Ghostwire were honoured after MS officially took over Zenimax.
As I have said elsewhere, even if it closed 'today', MS can't suddenly drop EVERY ABK Game into Game Pass and as for Day 1 releases, they have to make 'new' games first. In any case, Game Pass has a 'limited' number of Games available so would need to plan when Games can be added as others leave. MS has 'no' control over ABK or can negotiate with them before they take over, so they will need 'time' to go transition, plan and check each game 'works' via BC etc before they can add to Game Pass.
Wow - after all this palaver there isn't a single game on there I'd actually play. Maybe try a new COD on 'release day' but I was over COD around 2009 so don't see why that will change now?
Actually I'd try Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, because why not.
@cragis0001 I would expect that by this time next year being on Game Pass will be the only thing keeping Rumble's servers online 😆
Looking at that list I really don't see why Sony was so bothered about it ,apart from cod and maybe diablo ,the rest are all very meh.
Not to mention the Sierra Entertainment games that could release on Game Pass PC:
King's Quest Series
Space Quest Series
Quest for Glory Series
Police Quest Series
Gabriel Knight Series
Krondor Series
Shivers Series
Conquest Series
Phantasmagoria Series
Zork Series
Laura Bow series
Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist
Rise of the Dragon
The Adventures of Willy Beamish
If anyone remembers Tribes, that could get a revival (assuming Activision still owns the IP).
The Simpsons Hit & Run was handled by a Vivendi subsidiary, but it's unknown if that was sold.
Looking at the portfolios across everything Activision owns, I can see why Microsoft paid so much.
The company is so much bigger than Call of Duty, it's kind of a shame Activision made it the primary focus.
Maybe Microsoft could resurrect Warcraft Adventure Lord of the Clans or imagine The Coalition and Blizzard working together to finally release Starcraft: Ghost.
@GamingFan4Lyf other than King's Quest, I'm not sure ABK retained the rights to any of those after they split from Vivendi. They kept Blizzard (and its IP) and some other formerly Vivendi IP like - off the top of my head - Spyro, Crash, Prototype, King's Quest, etc, but I'm not sure any of the other Sierra IP you mentioned remained with ABK. I could be wrong though.
Edit: oh, and Police Quest. That also remained with ABK.
@Markatron84 I edit the list to reflect what Activision holds based on GOG.com listings.
Only Gobliins had to be removed as DotEmu seems to own that now.
Everything else is listed as either Sierra/Activision or Dynamix/Activision
@GamingFan4Lyf oh ok cool. Then, yeah, they should definitely be put on PC Game Pass. Nice little PC-exclusive bonus to go along with things like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Arx Fatalis and the old Fallout games 👍
@Markatron84 Throw in the fact that Heretic and Hexen could finally drop on Game Pass as well - especially since Raven Software developed it and Activision has the rights to develop new games, but Id Software was the publisher and had rights to publishing the old games.
In other words, the rights to those games are in a strange flux that probably prevented them from being released on Game Pass and can be resolved completely being under the same umbrella.
Wow, surprised how many AB games I actually owned (about 70%). I hope the Transformers series (and a few other games) are getting an update on the BC program.
Wouldn't mind a future Prototype game
I would love to see some of the older console games in Activision Blizzard's catalogue ported to Xbox consoles, eg: StarCraft 64, even if just with a simplified tool like the Carbon Engine. And Microsoft definitely needs to re-open the backwards-campatability program to mine more original Xbox and Xbox 360 games from Activision Blizzard.
While its a great list of games maybe it will be even harder for ohter non Activision-Blizzard games to get noted.. Not sure how great for gameing that is..
I never played them, but keep thinking Skylanders could really have a comeback as a F2P gatcha game in the vein of Genshin Impact. It’s cartoony look also mean they could leverage every single Microsoft IP for characters and variants without concerns of canonical repercussions. Doom Guy, Conquer, Master Chief, all could be recreated in a cartoony Skylanders setting.
@Markatron84 agreed.
Need a spyro 60fps update at least on xbox
None of these games seem interesting to me.
I want Pitfall!
Honestly with all the attention this has gotten there really isn’t.. much there…
@FatalBubbles sounds like a job for the return of the "steel Battalion" controller !
@SuntannedDuck2 ahhhhhh as he takes a much needed breath
I really hope Geometry Wars 2 comes to game pass... I still play that now from time to time, but I'm not sure many others play it. Would be nice to see some new challengers on the leaderboards.
Sorry to those who hate seeing this article (I know it's cropped up a few times over the years), but it's proving very popular!
Pushed it out again with an updated intro and some more recent links now that the Activision Blizzard deal has officially gone through.
Duck Dynasty baby!
(No? It's ok, I have the disc )
@RetroMan71 that game was so addictive great game and the 1st one especially a series that was spawned from a loading screen
Nice to be able to just focus on the games now this deal is complete. As others have said, I really hope they revisit the BC program to FPS boost some of these titles.
Really hope there's a Tony Hawk 3+4 remake some day too.
Guitar Hero!!! X360
Project Gotham Racing and Blur perhaps
I want crash bandicoot!!!!!!
@Dan1283 Yeah Geometry Wars started as a mini game in Project Gotham Racing 2.
They weren’t bothered by anything but COD. It’s why no other title was even mentioned by them except COD. And the amount of money Sony makes off COD explains that.
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