Comments 995

Re: Bethesda Trademarks 'Starborn', Which Could Be The Second Expansion For Starfield


@__jamiie See, a big part of that was because it didn't play or feel like a Fallout game. That's why a Fallout 4 in space, without being an actual Fallout game gameplay or lore-wise, should've been an easy success. But they dumbed it down so much it'll take a lot of DLCs and a lot of reworkings to make it what it should've been, and confidence for Bethesda to do that is at a critical low.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think This Generation Will Be A Short One?


@NEStalgia The successful transition from the disaster Wii U to major success Switch was because the Wii U hardware was bad but the games were amazing as in most cases. So just taking the same games while improving issues like frame rate dips & adding any DLC for a 'Definitive/Deluxe' version on a system that functions properly was enough.

Re: Talking Point: 10 Years On From 'Rise Of The Dark Spark', Should Activision Bring Back Transformers?


I know a lot of people didn't like Rise of the Dark Spark. And while the Campaign was garbage both in story and being cheap in difficulty, the Escalation Mode was the best of the series. It had all the best aspects of both Escalation Modes from WFC & FOC along while improving them and adding new things. Choose any Autobot/Decepticon on their respective Maps, being able to choose from all previous Maps along with new ones, loadouts, the equivalent of Skulls from Halo to make things more difficult in exchange for greater rewards, various defenses to build upgrade and repair, Wave Bosses different for each Map, and good scaling in challenge to the Wave number + Difficulty Setting. They could cut the Campaign and just sell the Escalation Mode by itself and I'd buy it full price.

Re: Bethesda's Todd Howard Says The Team Doesn't 'Need To Rush' Future Fallout Games


Bethesda is one more meh game from death by mediocrity, which is a lot slower and more costly than 1 game ruining your reputation. I'd be scared beyond belief if I was any of the smaller devs Microsoft's gotten via larger acquisitions. Because why punish the people who make the mistakes when you can fire devs like Tango Gameworks to make up for some the cost, so no lesson is learned and the process repeats until you're the Disney of the console industry.

Re: There's A New Retro-Style Power Rangers Game Heading To Xbox In 2024


@Spider-Kev Now see I heard the last one was glitchy and really repetitive even for a Beat 'Em Up, and the Fighting Game was just meh, nothing particularly interesting (gameplay-wise). I also see people complaining about the Megazord fights being QTEs again but none of them suggesting alternatives for 5-6 players being involved with 1 character.

Re: MultiVersus Returns To Xbox As Official 2024 Relaunch Goes Live


I'd just do the log-in bonuses for now if you're just on the fence; for 2 Days you'll get the Banana Guard free and for 3 & 11 you'll get Skins for Velma & Superman respectively. Sadly it's a reverse SS Kill the Justice League, where they didn't expect that many people to be interested so it's pretty scuffed online rn. There's also the Rift Mode you could do solo or with a Friend though. If you played Smash Ultimate it's like a watered down World of Light.

Re: Hands On: MultiVersus Brings A Fun PvE Campaign Mode To Xbox Next Week


The grind for characters isn't so bad if you're not in hurry or know who you want. If you don't feel like playing one day just do a Match of Co-op Vs AI for an easy Win for the Daily 200 Gold, it adds up faster than you think and doesn't take that long.

There's also rumor those who played the Beta will get the first Battle Pass for free, with a possibility of applying it to all future ones as well.

Re: Poll: Which Is Your Favourite Call Of Duty Game On Xbox?


Only CoD I played was MW3 2011. Tried the multiplayer but was trash at it, messed around with the campaign a bit, but absolutely loved the survival mode. I'd probably love Zombies if not for the fact I get scared easily, so I already have an idea of how well that'd go because of feral ghouls in Fallout running up from behind to smack me which makes me jump.