@__jamiie See, a big part of that was because it didn't play or feel like a Fallout game. That's why a Fallout 4 in space, without being an actual Fallout game gameplay or lore-wise, should've been an easy success. But they dumbed it down so much it'll take a lot of DLCs and a lot of reworkings to make it what it should've been, and confidence for Bethesda to do that is at a critical low.
@__jamiie They simplified it too much from Fallout 4 for me to enjoy it. 'Fallout 4 in space' was something I looked forward too, but everything is dumbed down and limited so much by comparison I'd rather just re-play Fallout 4.
@somnambulance As far as value is concerned it's priced well. $20 a year for online, NES, SNES, & GB games, and the option to purchase Vouchers is pretty fair. $40 more for the Expansion Pak is a little more debatable though, and comes down to how much you like the N64 & GBA game lineups.
I don't think people realize how big and messy of a difference there is between A.I. Generated and A.I. Assisted. There's 0 reason any of the 3 CoD developers should be cutting corners with how many entire extra studios have been killed to help them alongside their own teams.
@Beetlebum91 There's 0 reason they can't have BC games just for the Series and add a disclaimer to those titles. I don't buy the 'ran out of Publishers' or licensing issues, especially when you have sequels BC but not the originals, but having to make them run on Xbox Ones w/ VCR players built in and such? That makes more sense.
"The online won't end this month." That's not reassuring from Microsoft, they could shut it down on the first of the next month. This is the same company that uses 'for the foreseeable future' for less than 3 months. Seriously, just say the when instead of using weasel words since the when is always so soon.
Only Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate Edition since it's getting delisted. Everything else is the same price or nearly the same price as every sale, so why bother.
@NEStalgia The successful transition from the disaster Wii U to major success Switch was because the Wii U hardware was bad but the games were amazing as in most cases. So just taking the same games while improving issues like frame rate dips & adding any DLC for a 'Definitive/Deluxe' version on a system that functions properly was enough.
That's weird, weren't the first 2 just added via an update so you didn't have to go out of your way? Regardless I'm excited to see more content and that they plan to add more for a long while. It keeps on giving like Vampire Survivors.
This alone is going to drop the number of people who have GP, and like the price hikes they'll somehow be shocked when this not only doesn't improve things but worsens them.
We need a lot more games that need less commitment. Microsoft especially needs them having a Subscription service, things that take less time and money to develop and can fill the gaps without big AAA releases.
And they clearly don't know this considering they shut down Tango Gameworks who was a perfect example of that role.
I cannot emphasis how much I hate having to wait last minute for these sales. They had so much prep-time and could've done this at any point, but instead choose the last 45 or so days.
And unlike back in the day I'm sure Microsoft won't give us anything for such a massive outage. After all, the fans and any studio not working on CoD are the ones that're paying for the Activision merger.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 seems randomly specific but welcome. So now on Xbox you have 2 F2P Platform Fighters in MultiVersus & Brawlhalla one one on GP.
Sounds kind of like Cybertron Adventures for the Wii, which was a Railshooter with vehicle segments. Will wait for reviews, but depending on price I might just buy it regardless.
There's gonna be so many people who download these, don't read, and wonder why they're not getting Achievements from future Expansions with too many hours to reload.
If Harry Potter for Kinect can get relisted just long enough before the 360 store closes for some quick sales, I don't see why other licensed games couldn't. These however are... not great.
Remember like last year they said there were no plans to delist Forza Horizon 4 at any point in the near future? Just like there were no plans to close the 360 Store in the near future? Almost like you can trust Microsoft no further than you can throw their HQ.
@ValentineMeikin They're not Backwards Compatible. Fall of Cybertron, like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2, had a digital-only Remaster, and RoTDS was a cross-Gen title. So no way to play WFC outside original hardware and only FOC if you bought it while it was still listed.
I know a lot of people didn't like Rise of the Dark Spark. And while the Campaign was garbage both in story and being cheap in difficulty, the Escalation Mode was the best of the series. It had all the best aspects of both Escalation Modes from WFC & FOC along while improving them and adding new things. Choose any Autobot/Decepticon on their respective Maps, being able to choose from all previous Maps along with new ones, loadouts, the equivalent of Skulls from Halo to make things more difficult in exchange for greater rewards, various defenses to build upgrade and repair, Wave Bosses different for each Map, and good scaling in challenge to the Wave number + Difficulty Setting. They could cut the Campaign and just sell the Escalation Mode by itself and I'd buy it full price.
Really wish they would've announced these way early... would've saved me a lot of money as someone who hates to wait last minute. Anyhow even if you don't have a 360 anymore, would recommend buying BLACK through the 360 online store for 99 cents since it is BC.
Bethesda is one more meh game from death by mediocrity, which is a lot slower and more costly than 1 game ruining your reputation. I'd be scared beyond belief if I was any of the smaller devs Microsoft's gotten via larger acquisitions. Because why punish the people who make the mistakes when you can fire devs like Tango Gameworks to make up for some the cost, so no lesson is learned and the process repeats until you're the Disney of the console industry.
Closures decided by a bunch of suits with 0 know about the industry for short term benefits. Hope Tango Gameworks forms a banger Indie Studio and puts all their games on everything but Xbox out of spite.
@Spider-Kev Now see I heard the last one was glitchy and really repetitive even for a Beat 'Em Up, and the Fighting Game was just meh, nothing particularly interesting (gameplay-wise). I also see people complaining about the Megazord fights being QTEs again but none of them suggesting alternatives for 5-6 players being involved with 1 character.
I'd just do the log-in bonuses for now if you're just on the fence; for 2 Days you'll get the Banana Guard free and for 3 & 11 you'll get Skins for Velma & Superman respectively. Sadly it's a reverse SS Kill the Justice League, where they didn't expect that many people to be interested so it's pretty scuffed online rn. There's also the Rift Mode you could do solo or with a Friend though. If you played Smash Ultimate it's like a watered down World of Light.
@rustyduck That's if you have the V.A.N.S. Perk, which is really bad so they added an extra Rank in one of the DLCs to justify people who picked it lol.
I've had way more problems with my Series X than my later model 360 in a fraction of the time. Never imagined I'd have to factory reset a console so the Home Menu can work, and my controller started drifting with less play than my first set of Joycons.
I feel Lego LOTR not getting relisted on Xbox like it did on Steam despite it being BC is infinitely sadder, since one was a good game and the other no one expected to be good.
The grind for characters isn't so bad if you're not in hurry or know who you want. If you don't feel like playing one day just do a Match of Co-op Vs AI for an easy Win for the Daily 200 Gold, it adds up faster than you think and doesn't take that long.
There's also rumor those who played the Beta will get the first Battle Pass for free, with a possibility of applying it to all future ones as well.
@Chrisajax 'Be serious please', while saying the same thing everyone else who hasn't actually played the game says. Can we PLEASE get over the "it's not on my plastic box so it bad!" mentality?
I don't care at this point. Even before the recent closings Microsoft & Activision have always been trash at managing studios and their talent. Even if they make the actual best game ever there's a good chance they get dismantled to work on something like CoD anyways.
Only CoD I played was MW3 2011. Tried the multiplayer but was trash at it, messed around with the campaign a bit, but absolutely loved the survival mode. I'd probably love Zombies if not for the fact I get scared easily, so I already have an idea of how well that'd go because of feral ghouls in Fallout running up from behind to smack me which makes me jump.
Comments 995
Re: Bethesda Trademarks 'Starborn', Which Could Be The Second Expansion For Starfield
@__jamiie See, a big part of that was because it didn't play or feel like a Fallout game. That's why a Fallout 4 in space, without being an actual Fallout game gameplay or lore-wise, should've been an easy success. But they dumbed it down so much it'll take a lot of DLCs and a lot of reworkings to make it what it should've been, and confidence for Bethesda to do that is at a critical low.
Re: Bethesda Trademarks 'Starborn', Which Could Be The Second Expansion For Starfield
@__jamiie They simplified it too much from Fallout 4 for me to enjoy it. 'Fallout 4 in space' was something I looked forward too, but everything is dumbed down and limited so much by comparison I'd rather just re-play Fallout 4.
Re: Xbox Adds More Perks For Game Pass Ultimate Members (July 2024)
One of the reasons GPU costs extra is for this and 99% of the time the offerings are worse than what you get for the base PS Plus.
Re: Last Orders! What Are You Getting Before The Xbox 360 Store Closes?
Friendly reminder, for some reason, some DLCs for BC games aren't available on the modern store. So those'll be gone too.
Re: Call Of Duty Currency Now Discounted On Xbox Thanks To Game Pass
@somnambulance As far as value is concerned it's priced well. $20 a year for online, NES, SNES, & GB games, and the option to purchase Vouchers is pretty fair. $40 more for the Expansion Pak is a little more debatable though, and comes down to how much you like the N64 & GBA game lineups.
Re: Report Claims Call Of Duty Has Sold AI Generated Content Through In-Game Store
I don't think people realize how big and messy of a difference there is between A.I. Generated and A.I. Assisted. There's 0 reason any of the 3 CoD developers should be cutting corners with how many entire extra studios have been killed to help them alongside their own teams.
Re: Three More Xbox 360 Games Get Discounts Ahead Of Next Week's Store Closure
@Beetlebum91 There's 0 reason they can't have BC games just for the Series and add a disclaimer to those titles. I don't buy the 'ran out of Publishers' or licensing issues, especially when you have sequels BC but not the originals, but having to make them run on Xbox Ones w/ VCR players built in and such? That makes more sense.
Re: PSA: Xbox 360 Servers Won't Shut Down Following July's Store Closure
"The online won't end this month." That's not reassuring from Microsoft, they could shut it down on the first of the next month. This is the same company that uses 'for the foreseeable future' for less than 3 months. Seriously, just say the when instead of using weasel words since the when is always so soon.
Re: Warner Bros. Has Acquired The Team Behind MultiVersus
@Markatron84 And it's WB, 'underperforming' to them is 'you're not on par with the biggest game in your genre'.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Buying In The Xbox Summer Sale This Year?
Only Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate Edition since it's getting delisted. Everything else is the same price or nearly the same price as every sale, so why bother.
Re: Talking Point: Do You Think This Generation Will Be A Short One?
@NEStalgia The successful transition from the disaster Wii U to major success Switch was because the Wii U hardware was bad but the games were amazing as in most cases. So just taking the same games while improving issues like frame rate dips & adding any DLC for a 'Definitive/Deluxe' version on a system that functions properly was enough.
Re: PowerWash Simulator Is Giving Away Free DLC On Xbox Game Pass
That's weird, weren't the first 2 just added via an update so you didn't have to go out of your way? Regardless I'm excited to see more content and that they plan to add more for a long while. It keeps on giving like Vampire Survivors.
Re: Deals: All 60+ Backwards Compatible Games In The Xbox Ultimate Game Sale 2024
Own everything on this list from previous sales except the CoD games, and I'm not budging on those until they go lower.
Re: Deals: Xbox Ultimate Game Sale 2024 Now Live, 800+ Games Discounted
Wonder if Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate Edition will have one last super low cut before the end of the year or if I should pick it up now.
Re: Microsoft Rewards Is Making Big Changes Relating To Xbox Game Pass
This alone is going to drop the number of people who have GP, and like the price hikes they'll somehow be shocked when this not only doesn't improve things but worsens them.
Re: Xbox Game Pass Changes Partly Because Microsoft 'Isn't Seeing Strong Growth', Claims Analyst
Ah yes, the logical response to stagnation - charging more for the same product! I'm sure that won't have the opposite desired effect.
Re: Soapbox: I Miss The Type Of Pick-Up-And-Play Games We Got On Original Xbox
We need a lot more games that need less commitment. Microsoft especially needs them having a Subscription service, things that take less time and money to develop and can fill the gaps without big AAA releases.
And they clearly don't know this considering they shut down Tango Gameworks who was a perfect example of that role.
Re: Here's A Final Look At The Xbox 360's Best-Selling 'Arcade' Games
I cannot emphasis how much I hate having to wait last minute for these sales. They had so much prep-time and could've done this at any point, but instead choose the last 45 or so days.
Re: Talking Point: Has Your Gaming Slowed Down As You've Got Older?
Quite a bit less between the stagnation of the industry and less time to play with friends & family.
Re: Three Activision Blizzard Titles Expected To Join Xbox Game Pass 'Very Soon'
Ironic how a slow drip feed is the fasted way to make no one care.
Re: Xbox Suffers 'Major Outage' As Servers Go Down For Most Players
And unlike back in the day I'm sure Microsoft won't give us anything for such a massive outage. After all, the fans and any studio not working on CoD are the ones that're paying for the Activision merger.
Re: EA Is Delisting The Remaining Xbox 360 Battlefield Games & DLC
Would be nice if they were part of that last 360 sale batch before the store closes, especially since BF3 is BC.
Re: These Eight Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (July 3-16)
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 seems randomly specific but welcome. So now on Xbox you have 2 F2P Platform Fighters in MultiVersus & Brawlhalla one one on GP.
Re: 'Transformers: Galactic Trials' Is An Upcoming Xbox Racer Based On The Famous Franchise
Sounds kind of like Cybertron Adventures for the Wii, which was a Railshooter with vehicle segments. Will wait for reviews, but depending on price I might just buy it regardless.
Re: Ubisoft Is Making Multiple Assassin's Creed Remakes Alongside New Series Entries
Isn't AC1 the only one that's not on everything? Why can't we get remakes of games that are actually hard to find or not available digitally?
Re: Thanks To Mods, Starfield Now Has Lightsabers On Xbox Series X|S
There's gonna be so many people who download these, don't read, and wonder why they're not getting Achievements from future Expansions with too many hours to reload.
Re: Seven Activision Games Just Got Discounted On The Xbox 360 Store
If Harry Potter for Kinect can get relisted just long enough before the 360 store closes for some quick sales, I don't see why other licensed games couldn't. These however are... not great.
Re: Forza Horizon 4 To Be Delisted On Xbox And PC In December 2024
Remember like last year they said there were no plans to delist Forza Horizon 4 at any point in the near future? Just like there were no plans to close the 360 Store in the near future? Almost like you can trust Microsoft no further than you can throw their HQ.
Re: Talking Point: 10 Years On From 'Rise Of The Dark Spark', Should Activision Bring Back Transformers?
@ValentineMeikin They're not Backwards Compatible. Fall of Cybertron, like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2, had a digital-only Remaster, and RoTDS was a cross-Gen title. So no way to play WFC outside original hardware and only FOC if you bought it while it was still listed.
Re: Talking Point: 10 Years On From 'Rise Of The Dark Spark', Should Activision Bring Back Transformers?
I know a lot of people didn't like Rise of the Dark Spark. And while the Campaign was garbage both in story and being cheap in difficulty, the Escalation Mode was the best of the series. It had all the best aspects of both Escalation Modes from WFC & FOC along while improving them and adding new things. Choose any Autobot/Decepticon on their respective Maps, being able to choose from all previous Maps along with new ones, loadouts, the equivalent of Skulls from Halo to make things more difficult in exchange for greater rewards, various defenses to build upgrade and repair, Wave Bosses different for each Map, and good scaling in challenge to the Wave number + Difficulty Setting. They could cut the Campaign and just sell the Escalation Mode by itself and I'd buy it full price.
Re: Xbox 360 Sales Continue As Microsoft Discounts Another Batch Of Games
Apparently Harry Potter for Kinect was relisted just for this sale, because you can buy it again now. That's a thing.
Re: Beyond Good & Evil - 20th Anniversary Edition Arrives On Xbox Next Week
Didn't they also delist the 360 version because of this?
Re: Xbox 360 Sales Continue As Microsoft Discounts Another Batch Of Games
Really wish they would've announced these way early... would've saved me a lot of money as someone who hates to wait last minute. Anyhow even if you don't have a 360 anymore, would recommend buying BLACK through the 360 online store for 99 cents since it is BC.
Re: Bethesda's Todd Howard Says The Team Doesn't 'Need To Rush' Future Fallout Games
Bethesda is one more meh game from death by mediocrity, which is a lot slower and more costly than 1 game ruining your reputation. I'd be scared beyond belief if I was any of the smaller devs Microsoft's gotten via larger acquisitions. Because why punish the people who make the mistakes when you can fire devs like Tango Gameworks to make up for some the cost, so no lesson is learned and the process repeats until you're the Disney of the console industry.
Re: Phil Spencer On Recent Studio Closures: It's About Running A 'Sustainable Business'
Closures decided by a bunch of suits with 0 know about the industry for short term benefits. Hope Tango Gameworks forms a banger Indie Studio and puts all their games on everything but Xbox out of spite.
Re: There's A New Retro-Style Power Rangers Game Heading To Xbox In 2024
@Spider-Kev Now see I heard the last one was glitchy and really repetitive even for a Beat 'Em Up, and the Fighting Game was just meh, nothing particularly interesting (gameplay-wise). I also see people complaining about the Megazord fights being QTEs again but none of them suggesting alternatives for 5-6 players being involved with 1 character.
Re: Here's What Might Be Leaving Xbox Game Pass In July 2024
Isn't PowerWash Sim part of GPC?
Re: There's A New Retro-Style Power Rangers Game Heading To Xbox In 2024
Looks amazing compared to the last one.
Re: Xbox Adds More Perks For Game Pass Ultimate Members (June 2024)
Wow that's a pretty terrible one for MultiVersus even compared to the ones from the Beta, which already weren't too hot.
Re: Two Square Enix RPG Get A Surprise Release On Xbox Game Pass
Played the first one on Switch and loved it, gonna download this ASAP.
Re: MultiVersus Returns To Xbox As Official 2024 Relaunch Goes Live
I'd just do the log-in bonuses for now if you're just on the fence; for 2 Days you'll get the Banana Guard free and for 3 & 11 you'll get Skins for Velma & Superman respectively. Sadly it's a reverse SS Kill the Justice League, where they didn't expect that many people to be interested so it's pretty scuffed online rn. There's also the Rift Mode you could do solo or with a Friend though. If you played Smash Ultimate it's like a watered down World of Light.
Re: Talking Point: If Halo Infinite Is Finished, Where Should The Franchise Go From Here?
Well if it stays under 343 it'll take 5 years to be playable and another 2 to be enjoyable, so...
Re: Random: Did You Know About This 'Hidden' VATS Feature In Fallout 4?
@rustyduck That's if you have the V.A.N.S. Perk, which is really bad so they added an extra Rank in one of the DLCs to justify people who picked it lol.
Re: Talking Point: Which Has Been The Most Reliable Xbox Console For You?
I've had way more problems with my Series X than my later model 360 in a fraction of the time. Never imagined I'd have to factory reset a console so the Home Menu can work, and my controller started drifting with less play than my first set of Joycons.
Re: This Weekend Marks A Sad Anniversary For The Lord Of The Rings On Xbox
I feel Lego LOTR not getting relisted on Xbox like it did on Steam despite it being BC is infinitely sadder, since one was a good game and the other no one expected to be good.
Re: Hands On: MultiVersus Brings A Fun PvE Campaign Mode To Xbox Next Week
The grind for characters isn't so bad if you're not in hurry or know who you want. If you don't feel like playing one day just do a Match of Co-op Vs AI for an easy Win for the Daily 200 Gold, it adds up faster than you think and doesn't take that long.
There's also rumor those who played the Beta will get the first Battle Pass for free, with a possibility of applying it to all future ones as well.
Re: Review: Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 (Xbox): An Incredible Spectacle That Lacks An Essential Hook
@Chrisajax 'Be serious please', while saying the same thing everyone else who hasn't actually played the game says. Can we PLEASE get over the "it's not on my plastic box so it bad!" mentality?
Re: Talking Point: What Convinced You To Pick Xbox In The First Place?
I was a Nintendo kid, and got into the 360 after realizing just how many games weren't on their Platform.
Re: Activision Is Opening A New Studio To Build 'Genre-Defining' Games At Microsoft
I don't care at this point. Even before the recent closings Microsoft & Activision have always been trash at managing studios and their talent. Even if they make the actual best game ever there's a good chance they get dismantled to work on something like CoD anyways.
Re: Poll: Which Is Your Favourite Call Of Duty Game On Xbox?
Only CoD I played was MW3 2011. Tried the multiplayer but was trash at it, messed around with the campaign a bit, but absolutely loved the survival mode. I'd probably love Zombies if not for the fact I get scared easily, so I already have an idea of how well that'd go because of feral ghouls in Fallout running up from behind to smack me which makes me jump.