Seven Activision Games Just Got Discounted On The Xbox 360 Store
Image: Singularity

Ahead of the Xbox 360 store closure on July 29th, Microsoft has made it clear that various batches of Xbox 360 digital games will be getting discounts, but we didn't expect to hear anything today - so this is pretty exciting news!

As picked up by the folks at True Achievements, seven Activision games from the Xbox 360 era have all received discounts today, and none of these titles are backwards compatible. The only kind of exceptions are Prototype and Prototype 2, as those games have more modern versions, but the Xbox 360 ports aren't backwards compatible.

So, here's the list of seven Activision games that are discounted on the Xbox 360 store right now:

Game UK Price US Price Discount
Big League Sports £9.99 $9.99 50%
Blood Drive £4.49 $14.99 70%
Gun £7.49 $9.99 50%
Prototype £4.49 $5.99 70%
Prototype 2 £5.99 $8.99 70%
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon £7.49 $9.99 50%
Singularity £9.99 $14.99 50%

As mentioned, we didn't expect any Xbox 360 store discounts today, and that's because Microsoft had previously announced that after the previous batch (which went live on June 18th), we wouldn't get another until July 16th.

This is obviously a bonus, then - especially considering that as things stand, none of these games will purchasable digitally on Xbox after July 29th aside from the two Prototype games. We're obviously hoping a few of these might get made backwards compatible in the future, but there's been no sign of that happening as of yet.

Interested in grabbing any of these Xbox 360 Activision discounts? Tell us down in the comments below.