Playground Games has announced today that Forza Horizon 4 will officially be getting delisted on Xbox consoles and PC on December 15, 2024. After that date, it'll no longer be possible to purchase the game digitally on those platforms.
"Due to licensing and agreements with our partners, Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted from digital platforms (Microsoft Store and Steam) on December 15, 2024. This means the game and its additional content will no longer be available for purchase through online stores."
Before then, all the individual DLC for Horizon 4 is also being delisted today, which means only the Standard, Deluxe and Ultimate versions of the game will remain available for purchase. FH4's Festival Playlists will be concluding on August 22nd as well, although daily and weekly challenges will allow you to earn Forzathon Points moving forward.
For those who are interested in acquiring Forza Horizon 4 digitally before the December date, it's been announced that the game will be placed in multiple sales, including one that begins on the Xbox Store on July 14th. Also, if you're a "full-paid" Xbox Game Pass member and you've purchased additional content for FH4 in the past, you'll be "eligible to receive a game token" that will be distributed via the Xbox Message Center "in the following days".
"If you played Forza Horizon 4 through Xbox Game Pass and purchased DLC content for it, worry not: by having an active, full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription on 6/25 you will be eligible to receive a game token if you have purchased any extra content for Forza Horizon 4 through your Xbox Message Center. Codes will start to be delivered in the following days, please bear in mind that it might take a while before you get your token."
So, it's disappointing that Forza Horizon 4 is getting delisted for sure, but considering the same thing happened to Forza Horizon 3, we were always expecting this announcement eventually. The good news is that the online servers aren't being turned off, so you can continue to enjoy Horizon 4's online content beyond the end of this year.
Looking Back, What Review Score Would You Give Forza Horizon 4? (579 votes)
- 10/10 (Outstanding)
- 9/10 (Excellent)
- 8/10 (Great)
- 7/10 (Good)
- 6/10 (Not Bad)0.7%
- 5/10 (Average)
- 4/10 (Poor)0.5%
- 3/10 (Bad)0%
- 2/10 (Terrible)
- 1/10 (Abysmal)0.9%
- I still haven't played it yet, but I will!
- I haven't played it yet, and I probably won't
Looking back, what review score would you give Forza Horizon 4? Tell us in the poll and comments.
[source forza.net]
Comments 58
Holy crap I was the first vote
Forza 4 is the best Horizon game. It has The best overall cars track design, & its smaller size meant more time was put into quality.
Horizon 5 was bigger and had more content but suffered a lot due to quantity over lack of quality.
Forza 4 is still my favorite of the series. It is unfortunate that it is getting delisted, but I realize such is the way with all the licenses involved with cars in the game.
The best FH especially for us Brits.
So even though the DLC is getting delisted today, as long as we buy the Ultimate Edition before Dec. 15th, we can still get all the DLC, correct?
@FraserG and everyone else, do you know when it will be the cheapest, based on previous entries? I bought all the DLC but I didn't buy the game. I play it on Game Pass but I want to purchase the base game before the cars licence expires.
Absolute d*ck move from Microsoft to delist the DLC without any notice. I was waiting for a nice discount to get the Fortune Island expansion… and they just rip it away without telling anyone in advance.
I might just pirate it on PC since that’s the only way to play it now but my concern is my Microsoft account will get banned or something… Microsoft has been bumming me out recently.
@xDD90x @Altaria_97 I'm guessing the DLC will still be purchasable via the Ultimate Edition, yeah. That's what it sounds like at least.
@Banjo If you play on Game Pass and bought the DLC, it sounds like you'll be getting a free code in the coming days.
@FraserG Yes, I was reading that right now and it sounds great!
@FraserG Thanks for the heads up, but it’s still a big middle finger from Microsoft.
Obtaining that Fortune Island pack just went from $20 to $80 now. I already own both the expansions for Horizon 5, as well as both Horizon 4 with the LEGO DLC. So all I need is the Fortune Island expansion and they don’t lower the price of the Deluxe edition even if you already own the base game + other DLC. So I guess I’m never buying it from them because of their scummy business practices.
@Mustoe yeah FH3 was easily the best one, especially if you were mainly playing single player like myself. 4&5 may be graphically better but had too much emphasis on online stuff.
I paid for the full game (years ago) after I bought the dlc expansion as I was worried what would happen if it dropped off gamepass. Slightly sad I could have got it for free, it on the other hand I would have spent that money by now…
I’m now using it to practice manual driving in the uk!
FH3 is still probably my favorite. Guess us Yanks just don’t find driving around the UK to be as exciting, lol.
Anyway, glad it sounds like I’ll get the base game as a freebie having purchased the expansion pass.
@FraserG Update: I found a key website online that still had it cheap. Just got it for $12 and activated it on XBOX’s website while on a quick work break. I appreciate this article as I would’ve missed this news and not been able to purchase a key before they inevitably jump up in value.
For anyone who wants to play to own and play Forutune Island and the LEGO DLC… I suggest getting cheap keys asap!
@Altaria_97 Awesome, glad you found a solution!
For those who don't have any of the DLC yet, it's worth noting that the Ultimate Edition has been slashed to £16.99 / $19.99 on Steam already, so I'm assuming that'll happen on Xbox in July as well.
This serves as another reminder to Say NO to Digital Only.
If a game is gonna be delisted this is the way to do it. Plenty of prior notice and informing people about potential sales.
I wish they would just leave the game up with generic car models. the brand of the pixelated car is very meaningless to me and I prefer 4 to 5. I thought it had better off road racing.
I have Game Pass Ultimate and bought the fortune island and LEGO DLC for this game, so I wonder if I will get a token for the game? 🤔
Glad that they gave us notice on the game's delisting and are going to be discounting the game starting next month so it seems, but I would have really appreciated if they gave more notice on the DLC going down, for those of us who already own the game but don't already have all the DLC we want for it yet. Still, at least it's still accessible for the time being, just in a less convenient manner.
Remember like last year they said there were no plans to delist Forza Horizon 4 at any point in the near future? Just like there were no plans to close the 360 Store in the near future? Almost like you can trust Microsoft no further than you can throw their HQ.
I love FH4! I bought the game and expansions ages ago now, so I'm all good. My favourite moment was the Quattro barn find (Gene Hunts car from Ashes to Ashes) Class game, and my main reason for still having a foot in the Xbox ecosystem
A great game let down by 4 daft things:
Oh, and mixing the Lego cars into the regular map was dumb.
Apart from this it was an ok game but I’d say it’s easily the low-point of the entire Horizon series.
Same as you bought the game FH4 and dlc so all sorted.
I can’t really understand what all the fuss is or am I missing something.
@awp69 It’s not just you! We found it a bit dull as well. The Colorado map was much better.
Inevitable but still gutted. FH4 was my first foray into Horizon and I loved it, still play it daily now
Microsoft don't hate money and they would love to keep selling the game indefinitely, but it's obvious to any sensible person that the car branding licences couldn't be renewed, like has happened to basically every racing game with expensive brands before. If you really want the game, buy it before December and if you want the DLC, buy the Ultimate Edition. If you have bought DLC and play via Game Pass, you're supposedly getting the base game for free. That kind of reward has never been offered before, it's a present that I doubt Nintendo or Sony would have offered.
I remember them saying it in 2022, over two years before it will be delisted. Which would make what they said correct.
@No_Allegiance nah digital comes in handy and has it uses
Will have to pick it up at some point before December. Love the series as a whole, probably my favorite Xbox series. 3 is my favorite and I have yet to play 4 or 5.
Jeez. Wasn't this THE game used to showcase what the One X was capable of? Even if it is licensing, these games have always felt disposable because of the delistings.
All that effort, the world design and art. Gone with a shrug. That's depressing.
Call me out of touch but I’m genuinely bewildered by this. Why even delist it at all? This is like when 2K randomly started delisting most WWE games prior to 2k23 (I would know cuz I couldn’t purchase 2k22). It made me purchase 2k23 in a panic, but not 24 because I didn’t have the money and was gonna be pretty annoyed if they hyped up Cody Rhodes to “finish his story” only to lose to Roman a second year in a row but that thankfully didn’t happen.
Not a problem if one owns the game physically. Physical media will never be delisted in the future when licensing terms change over time and royalty fees too. Physical media for console gaming is the way for games that one enjoys.
@Yousef- It all comes down to licensing issues. With Forza it's the car brands. For example I think it was Forza Horizon 2 had a bunch of Volkswagen vehicles in it. After that one Volkswagen didn't want their vehicles in FH games anymore for what ever reason.
As for WWE games it comes down to who WWE has contracts with. For example 2k22 had Toni Storm, Keith Lee, Swerve Strickland (Isiah Scott in WWE) and Edge in the game who now are a part of AEW.
They should really give it to us for free and maybe make a Forza horizon game that doesn't need to be delisted in years to come plus best Forza game I loved the Lego dlc
FH 4 is my favorite game in this great series.
I think the Fortune Island DLC contained some of the best races in the series, really beautifully crafted courses that were great fun.
Sad to see it get delisted as I still think it has much to offer today.
I bought 4 and 5 on PC as I'm not often using the series X and my wife, who loves these games, can't use X box pads comfortably at all, so appreciates the choice of controller. I use forza controllers as they are fine for me!
I'd love to see another in the series!
Just wanted to point out the ultimate edition did not include all the DLC the hotwheels car pack was not included in that bundle. As that has now been removed it does mean users won't be able to get all the cars now. Some cars where free and needed to be download once you are in game so they could also be affected.
@Fallingshadow Thanks for pointing that out! A shame
Absolute top game. I still play it regularly and love the changing seasons and in-race changing weather and lighting - the way the early/late sunshine reflects off the snow and ice and the way a race can start in heavy rain/snow but clear by the final lap into glorious sunshine is something that is done better in this game than any other. Of course, the ‘arcadey’ feel to the racing makes it accessible to play and a blast to most (but I get that those who prefer a sim may find it not to their liking).
I thought the delisting would happen one day, but not until FH6 was announced. Good work by Microsoft by offering the game for free to those who have bought content in the past. I believe I’m correct in saying they did similar with FM7 when it too was delisted.
I can see me still playing this for years to come. An all time classic console racer that will be missed on Gamepass.
Everyone saying no problem if you own the physical; but there is no problem if you own the digital either; so it’s all good. It’s just about being able to purchase it digitally after this date.
I bought the Ultimate Edition on launch so i’m good. Also got a physical copy. Tempted by the Steam sale too. Incredible game.
I assume PureXbox can see who gave it a “1 - abysmal”… 😂
Always likely to happen with so many Licenced vehicles across so many different brands such as this. All those armchair warriors going on about delisting a game like FH4, the whole reason they have short-ish life cycles is because they have to pay a Licence to EVERY brand that costs money but the game is no longer making money as everyone that would buy, has bought.
That doesn't mean those that have bought will no longer be able to play - just that no 'new' players can buy after a certain date because MS cannot 'sell' and therefore make money from other peoples IP's/assets etc - like Ford or Ferrari badges, cars etc.
If you own this 6yr old game, whether Physical or Digital, you'll still be able to play for the foreseeable future beyond the game being 'delisted'
Dipped back into FH4 fairly recently - online was practically dead. Few people tooling about, but could not get any festival playlist races going even in the base game.
Pity, is still a great game.
@Altaria_97 that will teach the Devs, by stealing their hard earned work because of a decision their owners made you’ll really teach them a lesson I guess?
So I have game pass until 2026 but I stacked 3 month gift cards. I’m guessing that means I’m not a ‘full’ paid member as I’m not paying a monthly fee yet.
@Scenes What? I just want to play the game and they took it away. No lesson to be taught. I’m a consumer that wants to play a game. What are you going on about?
This is so frustrating that a fairly recent AAA first party game is being removed from sale. Games are getting more and more disposable every day. Xbox has made a lot of fuss about preservation of games, and then go and do this. >
I played it through GP so I never bought it, but I did get some of the DLC so I'm glad I'll have a token to buy it now.
@PhileasFragg every Forza Horizon (and Motorsport) game has been delisted around. 3-4 years after its launch. I had to buy the earlier ones second hand on physical disk to collect the set. The surprise with Horizon 4 it’s that’s it’s lasted 6yrs.
@Altaria_97 I guess I was poking fun of the fact that PC gamers respond to anything they don’t like by pirating the game.
You can still purchase one of the editions legally and get all the DLC included. They will even be on sale soon as mentioned in the article.
Or you can go to one of the key places were the DLC is currently £6.
Both of these are legal ways to get the content you want without stealing from the developer.
@Scenes I never pirate games and if you look up at the chat history I ended up finding a key for the DLC and purchased it. Last thing I’d want to do is steal from a developer but sometimes software gets abandoned and that’s the only way to preserve or play the content.
I didn’t know how cheap the ultimate edition would eventually go for (or that it included all the DLC) so I thought the DLC was gone forever already without any notice. That said, I have nothing but respect for Playground Games and was upset with Microsoft, not the devs.
Why can't they just loop the festival playlist infinitely? As I understand, the current playlist has already been on a loop for a while. It gives people something new(ish) to do. The Trial is a nice way to race cooperatively with other players against somewhat challenging AI.
Not my Forza Grass(TM), NOOOO!! @Banjo-
I still have no idea how Microsoft manages these tiny licensing windows for these very expensive games. Yes, I know you have to pay more to Sony/BMG for half the music...just suck it up and pay it.
I’m totally ok with this as I knew it would come eventually. Always does. I own everything related to Horizon 4 so I’m all good. A tip of the hat to MS for giving people tokens for the base game if they purchased DLC. If you’re gonna delist, which is inevitable with these kinds of games, this is the way to do it.
@NEStalgia Its availability has been longer, six years this time. Forza Horizon 3 was digitally available for four years. It was the third, not the fourth game, not just the grass, but the trees and you were playing inches away from a monitor, so I eventually understood 😁. I deserve some compliments after all this time, too, not just this! 🤣
The problem is the cars manufacturers. For instance, the developer said once that it is a nightmare dealing with Ferrari. Unfortunately, some luxury brands are not the biggest fan of racing games, after all. It's weird because you are selling a video game and some kind of virtual Ferrari experience, but at the same time you are advertising a real life brand. I doubt that the rich customer buying a Ferrari would buy a Chevrolet instead if he can drive the former in a video game.
@Banjo- nah it was 4 that we did the grass thing when the X had 60fps added.... How is that 6 years ago??! Where does time go?
It's weird because Sony doesn't have a problem with Ferrari in GT. The mouse pad and keyboard makers don't either lol. I know the car companies cringe at damage models and all, but it really is weird. How is racing Ferraris not a brand positive? They build Ferraris for racing. It's not like this is carmageddon and you're smashing stuff with Ferraris, you're racing.
4? OK. 3 was my first and it was enhanced for Xbox One X, so I thought it was that one, but I believe you. As you know, I got my first Xbox (One) when Rare Replay was released, so Forza Horizon and all those games were new and absolutely amazing to me after playing on Nintendo consoles only
@Fallingshadow I had the same problem with Forza Horizon 3 where the brilliant Hot Wheels DLC was not part of the Ultimate Edition and the ONLY way to get it was to grossly overpay around $200 for a code online, which I obviously wasn't' going to do. This wasn't just cars it was a whole expansion now just gone. A shame.
They REALLY have to get better at negotiating these licenses. Delisting one of the best games of the generation 6 years after release is completely ridiculous. That's not even a whole console generation. Do better.
That said I appreciate that Microsoft is giving us a token for the game IF we bought DLC and still have a Game Pass subscription.
@FraserG I received my code! 🙏🏻
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