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Comments 1,903

Re: Forza Motorsport Compared To Gran Turismo 7 In Huge Graphics Breakdown


@Kaloudz Your quite right of course, it seems unlikely further discussion (or arguing a point) will achieve anything and Ive clearly annoyed you. My heads been full of a cold all week and the heat in my head is clearly spilling into my coms - I didnt intend to annoy as that helps nobody, so I will appologise to you for jumping to conclusions as to your motivations, my bad.

I would still urge you to check out some of Johns published videos on DF if you ever have time, particularly his Retro videos and histories of games like quake. I genuinely believe they are accomplished and important pieces of work that help chronicle some games history. I think you might value and appreciate them yourself.

Re: Forza Motorsport Compared To Gran Turismo 7 In Huge Graphics Breakdown


'just to point out that one of two (or more) things have a minimalistic edge over the other? Geez...'

Your characterisation of what this piece is about is clearly intended to trivialise it, and shows you have not watched what you are attempting to belittle.

As for where this began, it clearly began when people started making similar consumer goods? Comparison of, for instance, how car makers use different technologies to bring similar models to market is a much read topic covered extensively, as people like to know how stuff is made.

Nobody has said you cant share an opinion on anything,. Except in this case, I think its unfair of you to trivialise an excellent piece of work without even watching it.

Im clearly suggesting that had the summery have concluded a slight advantage in Forzas direction, your attitude would have been very different. I see someone has already pointed this out and you hate being called out for it, but they obviously read this site like I do, and you comments often sound like they are coming directly from an MS marketting statement. 'outspoken against xbox' - Ive never seen it, I believe you are delusional on that point.

I dont intend to argue further, when its so clear you are uncomfortable having your motivations questioned.
Its not unreasonable to see value in the work John put into this piece and to object to you trivialising it as fanboy nit picking. Its clearly not, and surely you must accept its not an unusual interest and was not made to throw shade at anyones favourite plastic box.

Id rather end on a point of agreement. If Im choosing a game to drive cars, I would reject neither of these based on looks. But I am fascinated on how a cross gen GT manages to still compete and even beat the visual impact of Motorsport. I designed technical pipelines for AAA video games for two decades of my life - I can assure you my interest is not fuelled by getting a minor bragging point against your favourite box.

Re: Forza Motorsport Compared To Gran Turismo 7 In Huge Graphics Breakdown


@Kaloudz How about those us interested in the technology used to bring these games to life, be allowed to analyse and discuss this?
If you bothered to watch this, you would see a lovingly crafted video made by someone who celebrates the ingenuity and passion that both teams brought to their games which gives great insight into how these games were brought to life. Its not a nit picking fan piece constructed to amplify trivial differences as you so erroneously try to suggest.

Trivialising this simply because its not providing you with the sound byte you want, says a lot more about you than it does about those with an interest in modern game engines.

Whilst both games can look very pretty, only one game feels like a good game to me, but that's not what this article or original piece is about.

Re: Starfield Dev Calls Out 'Unreasonable' Criticism From Some People On Social Media


Bethusdas entire response to criticism is extremely poor and unprofessional, and this is almost as bad as their responses to negative steam reviews.

Of course some people will make completely unfair posts about what they wanted and what you delivered, but thats the same for any creative endeavour which gets released to the public and not at all unusual.

Bethusda and Xbox hyped the cr@p out of this game but failed to deliver on the hype. They are the ones responsable, not those who got suckered by the hype machine and then called it out.

Re: Forza Motorsport Update 3 Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes


The most souless AAA game Ive seen in years. It doesnt need a patch it need a complete redesign, FM 7 was a much better game and still well worth playing over this.
I regret putting 50 hours into this. Uninstalled and Ill never return.

Youd think my experience would be an outlyer, but my sentiments appear shared by many on the driving forums, including the forza forums.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (December 9-10)


Ive caught the dreadded lurgies so Im not sure if I can play anything right now. I had planned on moving away from the crew motorfest and checking the new season in FH5 this weekend, and I have to admit my head has been turned by the Avatar game and my wife was encouraging me to buy it last night. I guess the illness has saved me some cash!

Whatever you are playing this weekend, I hope you have a great one. 👍

Re: Roundup: Here Are All The Xbox Reveals From The Game Awards 2023


@Sol4ris Ok, Im getting you. Thanks for the reply. Im sure it will be dripping with atmosphere, as indeed the first game was.
It just strikes me that we know nothing about the gameplay at all, and every release about the game from them, talks about some minor point of rendering, nothing at all about the gameplay involvement which could be quick time button presses for all we know!
As its the gameplay I want to experience, I cant possibly be excited for it yet. I enjoyed heavenly sword, so maybe theres a chance I'll come to love it 😀

Re: Xbox Studio Arkane Is Officially Making A Marvel's Blade Game


Great iIP for MS to land. Whilst I hope they do it justice, I was rather hoping this team were creating something new... Im not sure how well their trademark look goes with Blade, but Ill keep my fingers crossed for this one.
I guess this was the announcement that they wanted us to watch the show for.

Re: Xbox Game Studios Reveals First Look At New Hideo Kojima Project 'OD'


Delighted he's trying somdthing new. Tough for me to be excited for it as its specifically for cloud gaming, which I tend not to use.
As expected we learnt very little of what the game is, so tough to be excited for it other than to know its coming.
Kojima always ends up delivering something interesting, so it wil be interesting whenever its delivered...

Re: Roundup: Here Are All The Xbox Reveals From The Game Awards 2023


@Sol4ris If your lucky, there might be a game hidden in it? Seriously, its decent tech, but it appears to be making a movie, not a game, so I fail to see why its exciting?

What about this, is exciting FOR A GAME? Ive probably missed something, I often do, so please tell me why this will be a good game? I hated the first and didnt bother finishing it, so I need to know they understand game play and Ive seen nothing at all to suggest thats the case.
I have no intention to troll here, im genuinely interested in why anyone sees this and says 'that will play great'.

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Game Awards 2023?


Enjoyed the show and gave it a B. If I were xbox only I might be more critical as I dont see why they built this show up?

Hellblade continues to look like a great film where the team are annoyed at having to introduce any interactivity. My tip for biggest dissapointment of next year, but I hope Im wrong and theres a game hidden underneath all the hype.
Sega won the show for me, as soon as I saw a new Golden Axe I was in hype mode! Nostalgia is a powerful emotion.
Best surprise for me was the ff16 dlc shadow drop. I know the game was devisive, but I enjoyed it a lot and want more....

Re: Xbox's Phil Spencer Knows How Much We Want A New Banjo-Kazooie Game


Whilst Im sure many of us would love to see it, its 'draw' in the general market would be very limited. I cant remember a platformer making a splash for some time..
.. But I guess the beauty of owning the ip on xbox is that the normal commercial rules dont apply and they could do it if it pleases the subscribers.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (December 2-3)


@Kraven Happy anniversary dude! Had my 24th in September and love to hear about other couples being happy and celebrating!

As for games, Im not really playing much this weekend. Ive spent money on my other passion, hi fi music, and Ive been breaking in my stupidly expensive speakers all weekend.

Its now been two weeks since I let my GP sub run out and Ive set up 'moonlight' on android telly to aceess steam with just a controller to access my PC instead. With everything wired up to router Im playing 4k 60hz with no issues and im not noticing lag. The PC plays everything on 'ultra', so the results are impressive.
Im still pretty set on quitting Xbox now they have all the digusting management teams Id been bouycotting ABK for. I expect to fold and give in and renew soon of course, so much value in GP, I cant see how I can forgo it, but its easier when you have so much in your backlog on other platforms...

Whatever and wherever you are playing, I hope you have a great weekend!

Re: Talking Point: What Kind Of Reveals Are You Hoping To See At The Game Awards 2023?


For xbox, the best news will be getting BG3 at last. Its going to crush the awards and xbox players deserve to see what all the fuss is about.
I'd suggest Sony will formally announce TLOU2 seeing as how that appears to be arriving so early next year, and Death Stranding 2 is a pretty good bet.

Im hoping there will be some GP shadow drops to help shift boxes this holliday. Despite the predictions of MS buisness becoming pc/mobile/cloud, its the Xbox console Im here for and I believe in.

Re: Reaction: Should We Really Be Surprised By 'Declining' Xbox Console Sales?


Lack of install base and split sku is likely to see more 3rd parties skip the platform.
You can argue that wont matter as PC will always get the games anyway.
But if you are a single platform gamer who has always played xbox, you want the ability to play as many games as possible. That a huge corporation gets its money anyway is no consolation to your format of choice if games you want start skipping your platform.
Trying to pretend it doesnt matter really doesnt doesnt ring true at all, and I was hoping that Xbox would see this and make efforts to at least stem the flow, if not reverse it.
Have the best line up in GP history coming for Xmas with one month free for every purchase in December for instance - that would help shift boxes. Very little announced for Christmas virtually kills your USP just at the time when many will be choosing what they want to buy for the hollidays.

I'm sure they will make money anyway - they always have, but this is a site for people who want Xbox to do well, not for people who celebrate a huge corps profitability. I dont want to see Xbox slowly die, that's no good for any gamer and I hope MS wake up and do something.

Re: Talking Point: Have You Splashed Out On Any Big Black Friday Purchases Yet?


Saving all my pennies for some new hi fi speakers. Not that pennies will help - their £6K

My Series X is mothballed till I find out if the ABK teams will be subject to any more effective oversight or just left to operate in the way they always have, so no spending their despite a need for yet another controller (no stick drift, I get 'sticky' shoulder buttons on all my xbox controllers?)

Spent the silly money getting a PS portal, but playing teardown on it yesterday almost made it feel like value for money.

Hope you all get some great bargains!

Re: Just One Game Is Confirmed For Xbox Game Pass In December 2023 So Far


Game pass has been great all year.
However, having slim pickings over the holiday month doesn't strike me as being very clever, its this month when people decide which eco system they will buy into for Xmas, and people seldom look beyond what's right in front of them. I don't think their release schedule helps their sales, which is a shame.

I've let my own GP ultimate lapse, partially as I have so many games to play on the other systems, and partly because of my stance on the mangers at ABK, who are now all Xbox. They are making it easy for me to not regret that.... I doubt I'll last a month without resubbing though, qualms at the staff or not

Re: Talking Point: Three Months Since It Ended, Are You Missing Xbox Games With Gold?


I miss the days when they offered better titles. I was one who regularly bemoaned the quality of titles offered in the final year. But we all wanted them to improve the selection, not offer nothing! As pointed out, we only have one comparitive service and that does still offer free games.
I also dont like that game pass console, or gamepass PC, doesnt offer you multiplayer - thats only included with ultimate. Together with banning 3rd party peripherals and the still way over priced proprietary memory expansions and introducing more advertising on the dashboard, it feels like MS is nickel and diming its customers a bit, certainly compared with its main rival.
Thank god game pass remains such value! As long as you use GP, you're winning overall 😁

Re: Xbox Expansion Card Sales Begin As 1TB Drops In Price For Black Friday 2023


Its quite clear that allowing 3rd party drives was a more consumer friendly choice, but as the recent banning of 3rd party controllers attest, that doesnt appear to be the direction of travel.
Given the platforms many strengths, thats not a monster issue, but its not ideal.

Regardless of such musings, it is good to see these prices reduce to a more manageable level as I plan on picking one up in the near future when I inevitably sub back to game pass. Never knock a saving!

Re: Talking Point: Overall, How Successful Has 2023 Been For Xbox?


I gave it a C.
Starfield was over-hyped and there are already more people on steam playing skyrim than Starfield, so Im not the only one.
Forza was also a big dissapointment and lets not talk about Redfall. At least Hi Fi Rush was excellent.
Some good 3rd party titles on GP are keeping that value there.

But they are simply not shifting units compared with the other two, which is a worry.
Of more concern to me is that they now have have Boby Kotick among their number, as well as all the 'frat boy' managers at Blizzard whos behaviour I deplored so much I've boycotted ABK games for years. I've let my gp sub lapse until I can see they are serious about respect for devs and excersising control over some of the worst antics of those leaders.

Its positive that they have the manpower. I hope they take the opportunity to change the culture of their new staff and really inject xbox with the awesome games it deserves.

Re: Reaction: Looking Back, Xbox Has Had Some Strange GOTY Omissions Over The Years


@BrilliantBill Agree mate. There's no reason at all why xbox wont hit all the right beats in the future and produce some uncontested classics, and I'm hopeful we will see it soon.

But just because they are not making award winners, doesn't mean they are not making some fantastic games and the vast majority of my favourite games, many on Xbox, don't win awards, so its not necessary. It does help with capturing mind share of the general buyer though, so shouldn't be dismissed.

Those who bother to read my long rambling comments might know I'm not signed up to 'the cult of Phil', as I often refer to it. But he's worked hard to point Xbox in the right direction and I'm sure him and many of team green would cherish an uncontestable accolade such as a GOTY award, and at this point, they deserve it. I'm sure it will come soon and I will celebrate it!

Re: Reaction: Looking Back, Xbox Has Had Some Strange GOTY Omissions Over The Years


@TheGrizMan I wouldnt know about Spiderman 2, I don't play them games (swinging makes me ill).
I have played BG3 though, and Zelda, and I have no beef with them being considered as they are excellent.
I'm also delighted that Sea of Stars is up for the RPG catagory - I played and completed this on Game Pass, and the love that went into crafting that title shines through.
Im genuinely hopeful for future xbox titles mate, I want to see that success as much as anyone, but I wont let desire colour my genuine feelings for whats been served this year. Please dont turn this into plastic box wars, thats so useless and unnecessary.

Re: Reaction: Looking Back, Xbox Has Had Some Strange GOTY Omissions Over The Years


@GuyinPA75 The conversation around this game is how can be so bad. Just read the Forza forums for a taste of this.
I got to driver level 50 something and gave up on it - it was soulless and joyless to me, so I can see why people are having those conversations. I'd rather play FM7 - its a far better game to me.
If you liked it mate, then enjoy away - I have no hotline to good taste (far from it), so I don't want to spoil anyone else's enjoyment of it
The view appears to be shared widely online, so I don't think my own feelings are way out of leftfield - much was promised and even shown, and simply not delivered. Huge shame as I really wanted to love it, that's why I played for so long before realising I was wasting my time.

Re: Reaction: Looking Back, Xbox Has Had Some Strange GOTY Omissions Over The Years


Cant help feeling this article will play nicely into the 'Victim mentality' that seems to be prevalent with many Xbox only gamers, but you cant blame a site wanting more engagement

I wasn't at all surprised to not see a Starfield nomination, as it quite clearly doesn't warrant one, even though I enjoyed the game.
Forza Motorsport is an absolute mess and is best forgotten - and its not a genre that would normally warrant GOTY attention anyway.

Best game from Xbox this year has been Hi Fi Rush. You can make a case for its inclusion in the reckoning, but ultimately its just a beat-em up with knobs on, so in the year where we've had so many glowing games, it doesn't surprise me its not in there.
But it's Xbox's best by far this year imo.

I'm hoping for better things from the new teams to raise the bar and compete with the industries best, and hope we see Xbox games in the conversation next year (please avowed, be good!)