Sony's Helldivers 2 continues be brought up in relation to Xbox at the moment, even though it's not part of the platform and seemingly won't be coming to it - at least not anytime soon!. This latest example comes courtesy of Twitter (or "X" if you really want to call it that), where the CEO of Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead Game Studios felt the need to comment on a tweet that suggested the game is better than Xbox's Halo series.
In their reply, they questioned why Helldivers 2 and Halo need to be compared at all, and urged that gamers should be allowed to "love and enjoy both, either or neither". As a result, they've racked up a massive number of "likes" so far!
As you'd probably expect, there are a lot of people in the comments questioning why Helldivers 2 isn't on Xbox yet despite the CEO's thoughts - but obviously that's not in Arrowhead's hands, as Sony would have to give approval for it.
Nevertheless, we're fully in agreement with what's being said here, and hopefully one day Xbox's Phil Spencer will get his wishes - seeing the game on a Microsoft console! In the meantime, that petition to bring it to Xbox has now almost reached 100,000 signatures, clearly showing there's major interest in a Series X and Series S version.
Do you think we'll ever get Helldivers 2 on Xbox? Would you even want it? Tell us in the comments below.
Comments 47
Really hope it will come to Xbox at some point
"Neither monopoly or cut-throat competition makes the world a better place"
I wonder if he's taking jabs at both Microsoft and Sony in this comment.
Why compare them to me they sound nothing alike just because halo infinite was bull droppings doesn't mean the whole series is bad honestly why not compare elden ring to tomb raider or something with that logic
Halo is getting a helldivers like mode I thought in future
Just play it on PC or buy a ps5 if you are desperate to play it. I cant see any situation where Sony would want to green light this, and I believe they have full rights. More chance of seeing Halo on PS, but I highly doubt that too. I wish it were otherwise, as its a fantastic game and I wish everyone could play it.
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@GrandValkyrie I believe there was a last of us like game on the switch also
I’ve been playing it and had a blast at first but honestly it gets dull after a while. With the same types of short missions. I think it needs to get some more meat on the bones to truly be amazing IMO. Still fun for short bursts but not as fantastic as others make it - to me at least.
Let's hope space marine 2 scratches that itch!
@Shushibda Yeah everybody just has a couple thousand to drop on a PC, or another 500 plus on getting PS. "Most" Xbox players. You mean the cry baby's who have too much money and want to follow social media trends.
Maybe in time it will - maybe in time in won't.
At the end of the day, games like this may 'benefit' gamers who can play the SAME game with their friends/family etc on whatever Platform they would rather game on. Having that 'Community' that grows and continues investing in that IP is better off not limited to one 'brand' of console - unless that IP really is a System Seller, an 'important' IP in your history.
I would 'expect' Killzone or Resistance to remain on Playstation (maybe PC too eventually) despite its 'massive' online potential because its an historic and important IP in Sony's History, like Halo is for MS.
Butt some 3rd party made game you've paid for 'exclusivity' and//or publishing rights may think its not really a System seller and see the financial benefit of bringing a 'successful' online game to a wider audience to expand its 'diminishing' or 'reinvigorate' in their terms playerbase...
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@awp69 all online coop games become dull after a while , helldivers 2 is something you play between another game ,for example I'm playing ff7 rebirth as well, but its the best mp game for many years , mechs and vehicles are coming soon which should add some variety.
@GamingFan4Lyf sure seems that way. MS has the money to be a monopoly even tho they aren’t one and we know Sony does everything it can to bring games to PS and keep them off another devices. Which i used to see as a smart move but later learned more about how Sony does it and in many cases it’s against the law, hence the lawsuit they were facing that i never hear much about anymore. I would like for a gaming world were a game like HD2 is on all consoles and PC. I understand not sharing Spider-man or God of War. Just don’t think we are there yet. Now if Sony keeps bleeding profits, anything is possible.
@BAMozzy Sony have owned the helldiver ip since 2015.
There's no difference between spiderman god of war and helldivers , Sony own all the ips to those games
Sony is winning hard on this one, and these kind words about the world being a better place if we all sing together blah blah are just marketing smokescreen for social media. We can’t buy Activision Blizzard everyday and gotta lose sometimes 👩🚀
This whole things sad. I don’t expect it to ever come to Xbox why would I and I can’t believe the traction it’s gained, people are just making themselves look stupid.
I’ve played Helldivers 2 and it’s fun, it’s a good game, but missing out on it is not the end of the world if you don’t own a PC or PS5. Plenty of other games to enjoy.
@Mreeezie don't be daft, it's sales are up again and the games been out nearly a month , this will only continue when new content drops in the next couple of weeks.
Please stop begging for this game, it's making Xbox gamers look like simps. You win some you lose some. Ps gamers didn't get pal world and had to deal with it. Just stop the port begging. I'd rather have exclusives than have every game on every platform. It just doesn't make sense for direct competitors because eventually one platform will win all and become then core gamer console monopoly it'll likely be PlayStation and I prefer xbox. Competition has pushed both to do better in recent years. Imagine how bad things would be for consumers with only one core console. F that
@GamingFan4Lyf He's taking a jab at Sony, of course. Microsoft has a 30% market share, it is nowhere near a monopoly.
Gamers letting other gamers enjoy something they don't like? That'll be the day.
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helldivers is jank compared to the great halo.
@TheLastHarbinger Microsoft is also the largest game publisher in the world! But, no, not a monopoly...yet (I hope it never gets to be that way)
@HonestHick I like the first-party games Sony has put out. I like the third-party exclusives it manages to get (when it's helping to fund the game and provide technical support, but not paying just to keep the games off Xbox). I don't like Sony.
Wonder how many people that screamed about port begging have signed that petition.
The petition has already well over 100k signatures. While it would be a great game to play on every platform Sony isn't gonna give it up, whether they own the IP or not. Though as for the game itself. I'm sure some may argue over it and I'm not gonna, I don't see the game itself lasting more than a couple years. There have been games like helldiver's long before it came out, and with more advanced equipment and vehicles, yet still they died out and servers shut down.
I’ve always wondered how many people would sign petitions for games on different platforms if it deducted the money for the game from your account the moment you signed it. Hahaha.
Probably less than 10%.
@GeminiReign According to Steam Stats, and I quote:
At the moment, HELLDIVERS™ 2 has 286,806 concurrent players online and in-game. This is 37% lower than its previous all-time peak of 458,046 players achieved on 2/25/2024.
The game is indeed already yesterday's news.
@GeminiReign not really. I still enjoy playing HD1 on my PS4 and would be great if HD2 survives. But honestly in todays market with so many live service games and other great titles, I fear this will struggle.
@GamingFan4Lyf agreed, i like PS first party games. But i am not the biggest Sony product fans these days. The company as a whole to me isn’t something i invest in these days. I used to love their products, but now the PS is all i have. If PS doesn’t make Sony money they are in trouble as the rest of the company can’t bail them out.
@awp69 yeah I can agree with you. The base here is fantastic and especially with friends it can be a blast but there needs to be more variety (missions, enemy factions).
The game is new so hope they can add meaningful content and not go the way of the Live-Service by focusing more on monetisation.
@jedinite I’m sorry did you check Steam concurrent player stats at 4.30am GMT on a Tuesday morning when the entirety of Europe is in bed, Asia are in the middle of a working day and it’s averaging about 11pm in US and expect it to be booming?! If that’s live numbers I would say that actually completely disproves the point you’re trying to make as those are incredible stats for an obscure time on a Monday/Tuesday. If you’d checked 2 hours earlier you would have seen 350,000 but really If you want to accurately compare current against all time concurrent at least be reasonable and do it on a Saturday or Sunday where you would have found a peak of 430,000 this weekend just gone….but that might not fit the narrative eh?
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Article: "More compassion in gaming"
Comments section: Pointless arguing.
Oh dear.
@GeeEssEff what narrative? I'd love for HD2 to survive. Just in the gaming market atm with all the layoffs and the state of the economy , I fear another live service game is too much right now and will struggle. I still play HD1 on my PS4 and it's still quite easy to find squads, however HD2 is a completely different beast and caters to a different demographic imo. HD2 needs to stand against some of the best fps ever made, no mean feat.
@jedinite the narrative that the game is “yesterday’s news”. Personally I think Helldivers 2 has been such a success so far because it’s not competing with some of the best FPS ever made. For starters it’s pure coop which is pretty rare for a half decent shooter nowadays. Secondly nothing new or decent with universal appeal has released in ages. Reskinned CoD aside if you look at steam top played games it’s the same games that have been there for years: counterstrike, PUBG, team fortress 2, overwatch 2, Warframe, Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield, Destiny 2.
I have absolutely no doubt that Helldivers 2 player count will drop off a cliff when the hype dies down. The question is by how much because at the moment it’s genuinely offering something that not many games are offering, a fun, pure co op, live service experience where everything is unlockable without microtransactions. If Arrowhead can support it in meaningful ways it might actually be around for years just like all the games I listed above. The very fact you mention that you still play Helldivers 1 shows the IP has legs.
@jedinite Do you even understand how steams concurrent actually works? The player count goes up and down constantly fluctuating, Sunday it was 431k then it dropped to 112k on Monday then back up to 357k today. It may have hit its peak though but there's no way to know for sure. We do know its game sales are still improving on console though. 👍
I hope some backroom deal isn't done where Microsoft gives up a big exclusive for this one trick pony
Fanboys who need to base their entire identity on a plastic box, or the code running on said plastic box, are beyond pathetic.
@GrandValkyrie firefight is already out and it's pretty fun, but the fact that you didn't know that let's you know it had all the impact of a fart in the wind.
Hopefully 343 doesn't botch the launch of their next game, because that's what it all keeps coming down to.
@GamingFan4Lyf Microsoft is NOT the largest game publisher in the world. It is Temcent, by quite some margin.
Microsoft after ABK is barely above Sony.
@TheLastHarbinger 22 studios under Sony to 34 under Microsoft Gaming.
4000 employees under Sony to 20K under Microsoft.
Yup…”barely above Sony”
you mean 23 https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-studios
-17000 employee from Blizzard There is no Explusiv ActiBlizz game on xbox.
@kihaennem Microsoft Gaming incorporates Xbox Game Studios, ABK, and ZeniMax/Bethesda stuff.
Exclusive doesn't change the fact that Microsoft reaps the publishing benefits of all the games under its umbrella no matter where the games land...just like any other publisher.
@GamingFan4Lyf Don't be dishonest, gaming revenue is what counts if you want to debate monopolies in gaming. Not employee headcount, someone working on Windows 11 or Sony headphones has ***** to do with this.
@TheLastHarbinger I'm not debating monopiles in gaming - no one has a monopoly in gaming.
I am merely pointing out how many studios and employees fall under Microsoft's gaming wing compared to Sony since you decided to say that Microsoft is "barely above Sony" which isn't the truth.
Microsoft is a huge publisher now because of Xbox Game Studios, ZeniMax/Bethesda, and ABK. Microsoft has a ton of studios under its belt, now. Nothing more, nothing less.
Microsoft itself has (as of 2023) 221K employees across all divisions. But I don't mention them because Consulting, Azure, Retail, Corporate HR, Microsoft 365, etc. don't have anything to do with gaming.
But if you want to talk revenue, King and Call of Duty money alone is a huge boost to Microsoft Gaming.
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