

Gaming since the late 70's!

Comments 1,903

Re: Rumour: Microsoft Is Apparently Prototyping Xbox Handheld Hardware


My only need for gaming is at home, so unless it's like the portal and gives me full range games from my machine in my hand, then it wont appeal to me. I also buy all my PC games on steam, so it would need to be extremely good to be more worth than Steam deck...
However, its an interesting development, and I look forward to seeing what it can offer even if I suspect it won't be for me.

Re: Talking Point: Xbox Series X|S Owners, How's Your Storage Looking In 2024?


I've often used up my series x storage with so many GP games on offer, but I've not bought an upgrade as I feel they are too expensive on this system.
I wish they would have allowed non propriety expansion - I just put 2TB one in my main PS5 for £115 and moved my 1TB ssd to the 2nd PS5 and both have 4TB discs for PS4 games.
Ideally I'd like a 2TB expansion for the Series X but, according to google 'The best price for Seagate Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X/S 2TB right now is £269.40.' That's just a rip off.

Re: Here Are All The Xbox Reveals From March's Future Games Show


I had such a nostalgic feeling when they showed Simon the Sorcerer!

Whilst I'm sure there are some interesting ideas and work in the titles, for some reason there was little for me to be genuinely excited for. Can't work out if that was me, the format, or the games, but something seemed 'off'.

It was a long show for the presenters so I can't be too harsh, but some of their script was pretty cringe for me - and whomever choose their matching colours got it very wrong

I hope it enthused others!

Re: Two Big Additions Are Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (March 21)


Played evil west on the other service... Its worth a look, but it didnt excite me and i dropped it after level 2.
I gave ff14 a go recently too. I dont really understand why I didnt have to pay on PS, but would on Xbox? I hope everyone enjoys it, but after several hours getting stuck in what is the most cumbersome and obtuse UI I've ever used, I gave up! If anyone has links to a resource that might help me better use the UI, Id be really grateful, as Id still want to play....

Both of these are good additions for GP, Im just drowning in unfinished games elsewhere atm or Id resub in an instant!

Re: With A 'PS5 Pro' Now Rumoured For 2024, Where Does That Leave Xbox?


No need for a new xbox, theres nothing on the current one that uses its full potential, and given the huge number of xbox studios, thats what they should be trying to address.
Sony are doing what Sony always do, handheld add ons, vr add ons, drive add ons for the slim, and now a more powerfull addition. MS are a software firm and need to get that right, they wont compete with Sony on hardware and would be stupid to try imo.

Re: Ninja Theory Shares Four New Screenshots From Hellblade 2's Photo Mode


People seem to be impressed by the 'eye shot', and it is a great image.
But to put it in context, UE5 offers loads of amazing tools and shaders for eyes that can produce such results in UE5. An example: https://images.app.goo.gl/M5efc63WjQNp7dGe9

Im not knocking the work shown here, its excellent. But in the context of current gen engines, its not pushing the boundaries any more than other in development titles imo.

Re: Ninja Theory Shares Four New Screenshots From Hellblade 2's Photo Mode


Really interested in seeing this tech and engine hopefully pushing series x hardware, it looks great.

But I didn't enjoy the first game much, and am not convinced an 8 hour interactive movie is good value for the investment MS has made, so I hope it turns out to be substantially more than it seems to be..
My big hope for 1st party this year remains Avowed and Indy, but Id be genuinely delighted if this game surprises me.

Re: Do You Agree With The 10 Highest-Rated Xbox Series X|S Games Of All Time?


Pretty decent list and I can see why most of them are there. Have not played the Stanley Parable, so that's one to check out for me.

Only one I would definitely not include in my top ten is persona 5 (though I'll admit I did not play the Royal edition) I've played lots of JRPG's I much prefer, and which respected my time better than this achingly slow crawl through some bland teen beats. Great style and good systems though.

Just a balance to old men moaning in here ('oh, its not the same as it was in my day, blah blah blah'), I'm older than all of them and was an adult by the time video games were a 'thing'. Played everything since the Atari VCS on all systems. There has never been such a great choice of superb games across all genres as there is right now - almost anyone who has been a long time gamer has a 'to play' list that's longer than it has ever been, and the various disparate publishing models now mean that you are not stuck pitching the same rubbish constantly to get it approved by the marketing of a large publisher.
Old men muttering into their pints about how it was better in the past deserve to be ignored, they are clearly losing perspective and becoming the butt of their own jokes. The rest of us can enjoy some great games..

Re: Review: Easy Red 2 (Xbox) - This Micro-Budget WW2 Shooter Is Remarkably Solid


Thanks for this review. It was as well written and informative as I've come to expect from you now, and I see you as the best reviewer across Pure and Push, someone who opinion I can truly take notice of.
Hats off to the dev for what must be a labour of love. I tend not to play anything where you shoot humans in a 'realish' context, so I'll be avoiding this one, but I really hope many others pick this up and it does well..

Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5


If you really only care about playing first party titles you must have had a very barren first few years of Series X.
An exclusive game is just that - it can be first or third party and I couldn't care less about the opening logo - if its a decent game I just wanna play it. There's several such titles on both PS5 and Switch, but not so much on Xbox. I think that's a shame and I hope Xbox keeps its exclusives, but it's a truth, no matter how much you are in denial.

Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5


"I'm not getting upset, but you honestly have no Playstation upcoming exclusives you can name."

As someone playing Helldivers 2 and FF rebirth atm, and loving both, I feel I do need to correct you.
There's also Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade in the next two months.
This is not to mention all the PS4 titles which do not see an Xbox release. There plenty of titles exclusive to that platform, no point trying to pretend otherwise.
There are also some great exclusives coming to Xbox and I eagerly await them, particularly Avowed which I'm very hopeful for. Until anything is announced for other machines I regard all Xbox's coming releases as exclusive releases.
Both machines have exclusives- which is the beauty of being multi platform, you get to play it all.

Re: Five Games Are Confirmed For Xbox Game Pass In April 2024 So Far


Eiyuden is the only title that appeals and I only finished the first title a couple of weeks back!

There is a bunch of great titles waiting for me on GP, as I let mine lapse early October last year, but I've had so many games to play (and still do) that I'm not in any hurry to resub yet and my poor series X hasn't been turned on since (my wife is not keen on the controllers). I'll definitely be jumping in again as soon as we get avowed, but right now there's simply not enough hours in the day for me to get proper use from it.

As per usual though, those who have just the one platform are well served by GP..

Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5


Maybe those who tried 'Skull and Bones' want to play a real game with some polish? It's hard to see what's driving this desire for me, as I didnt get it when I tried it a few years back - maybe it's in a much better place now?
I've seen a lot of people on Push suggesting they will all buy it so it MS publishes more titles on the platform, but I wouldn't expect it to reach these numbers.

I was kinda hoping these titles wouldn't shift much and open the door to more, simply because I value my games machines having some uniqueness and would prefer to see Xbox hardware around for a long long time. It's like going abroad on hols and the first things you see when you get there are Star Bucks and McD. I value the difference and would prefer Xbox to keep its own identity.

I guess those who support MS corp and are keen to see the suits get more millions and the shareholders extract profits at the cost of Dev's jobs will be happy - this is clearly going to put more money in the pockets of those who certainly don't need it.

At the least the devs get a bigger audience, and that's never a bad thing...

Re: Former Xbox Boss Thinks Microsoft 'Would Love' A Cloud-Only Future


100% agree. Those of us who game at home have no need for this 'vision'.
Even when you do connect, you play the series S version of the game.
To me, this is exactly the same BS as when we were all told single player games were dead, 20 years ago. If you are in this industry for long enough you learn that these over paid suits in the top seats have absolutely no idea at all, they simply want to jump onto any bandwagon that may be profitable. NFTs, Live Service games, everyone on the cloud, its all wishfull thinking. While the cloud may be a real mainstream in 2 decades, this is a global industry and any move to this could only happen once the majority of the world has the infrastructure.
I imagine in large swathes of the world their will always be a desire for local machines where authorities cannot control what and how much you consume.... cloud lets others control your content.

Re: Ori Dev Criticises 'Senseless Arguments' Between Xbox & PlayStation Fans


Hi mate. Yeah I get you with the comfy chair, I bought a Herman Miller lg gaming chair @ '£silly price' for just such a purpose. Its great, but I like to sit on the Sofa with my misses, so I use it most during the day for my work.
If you use an oled, then I get why 60hz is essential to you - the pixels turn off instantly meaning you can get a sense of 'flicker' with a 30 fps output. I'm happy enough to play a game at 30fps on my main LCD if I need to, cause it doesn't suffer from this. But I can't play the same game at the back of the room on the oled as its effect is clear.
I too would buy the pro consoles in a heartbeat. I might not need 60fps on my larger TV, but its always very welcome!

Re: Ori Dev Criticises 'Senseless Arguments' Between Xbox & PlayStation Fans


@themightyant I also have all the consoles, but also have a high end PC (£4k 3090), plugged into a 48 inch LG c1 oled. I can't think of a single game Ive completed on PC.
Im a couch player and it simply doesnt suit PCs. Specs are almost irrelevent, nothing beats pressing a button on your controller and just playing the same as everyone else.
I am experimenting with moonlight streaming to my 65 inch couch tv, but its still a faff when windows bugs out or it needs a driver.. I only use it for a forza hit since I dropped GP.

I guess what Im saying is, for anyone considering it, is make sure you definitely want it before dropping a lot of money on it. For me, the grass is definitely not greener on the PC side!

Re: Toys For Bob Is Becoming An Indie Studio, Leaving Xbox And Activision


I was sick to read this studio was being closed by MS with just a few devs being absorbed to the larger collective. This news then, is really welcome and Im delighted they will get their chance to shine without being held hostage to the growth demands of shareholders.
I hope and wish them every success for the future.

Re: Review: Expeditions: A Mudrunner Game (Xbox) - Saber Interactive's Latest Asks "What If Sam Porter Bridges Was A Trucker?"


Thank you PJ. Ive learnt I can rely on your take, and being a big fan of the previous titles, Im definitely in for this one!
I'll have to get it on the other platform though, as my wife loved the previous games too, but wont use the xbox contoller without continually moaning about it 🤣

We really do have a delluge of titles worth our time this year dont we? Ive no idea where Ill find the time to play this one, but Im determined to do so anyway...

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Dead Island 2 On Xbox Game Pass?


Ive kinda been waiting to play this title so the addition is great, even though its timing is clearly to help mitigate the fellings of some of those who were upset by titles released on another platform. Im not upset in the slightest, but I appreciate any treats they wish to give us as a counterbalance and intend to resub to gp later in the month as a result - if I can clear some of the other games cluttering my 'to play list'.
Gp continues to feed its fans pretty good!

Re: Review: Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden - Emotional Spooks & Solid Scraps In 17th Century New England


What an excellent review - really well written and giving me the insight I need to know I'll enjoy this game. You have to be my fave reviewer across the sites, and I know if you enjoy it, theres a great chance I will too.
This dev is on a roll and producing some really polished games that deserve success. I'll be picking this up if I can ever burn through my backlog!

Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming Now Accounts For At Least 10% Of Overall Xbox Playtime


I'm actually pretty impressed with those numbers if they are accurate - its higher than I thought it might be.
Like others here, I've had poor performance when I last tried it, but my internet speeds are still from the stone age, so it's not a fair test. The only streaming I don't seem to have an issue with is is the PSN streams, which is strange I'm always told they are cr@p, but if I want a quick play of a title before I decide to download, its always been fine..
I'm still not keen on cloud access over local machine access, but maybe as the tech grows evermore reliable I'll get into it.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Playing Any Of Xbox's New Multiplatform Games On Other Consoles?


I prefer to play PS5 when given a choice, and my misses wont play the Series X at all unless she has to (she hates the controller with a passion), so I might play sea of thieves with her on PS5.
I played before and didnt get hooked, but that was some time ago now. Given how awful skull and bones is, and the fact that we have 2 ps5's and two tellies in our main room, I feel we could have fun teaming up in SOT and seeing how its evolved since my last try!
Such a game should benefit from the influx of new players.

The other games I've already tried on Xbox, no need to play them anywhere else for me.

Re: Xbox Reminds Fans 'More Than 10 Major Releases' Are On The Way


Xbox has some great titles coming, no question.
They need it though as its a great year for games in general and many of the 'oppositions' anticipated titles are arriving in the next few months.
I hope their summer show has some fantastic new unannounced titles coming soon as well , and I continue to await avowed and hope for Indiana to be all it can be.
I think the recent communication from MS has hurt the brand a bit, but the whole industry is better off with a strong MS. The best way of keeping this is to keep the news where it counts - with strong 1st party games.