Update: This has now been confirmed by Microsoft, and you can watch the official trailer for Hi-Fi RUSH on PS5 up above. It's also been announced today that Sea of Thieves, Grounded and Pentiment will be heading to Sony's console.
Original story: Well, after today's Nintendo Direct announcements for Grounded and Pentiment on Switch, Microsoft has detailed its first exclusive title moving over to PlayStation 5 - perhaps accidentally at the time of writing.

In a now-deleted video announcement, Tango Gameworks has revealed a nailed down a release date for Hi-Fi RUSH on PS5. The team's beat-bopping rhythm action game is bound for Sony's current-gen console on March 18th.
This has long been rumoured as one of Xbox's four games to move over to other platforms, so it's not a huge surprise to see this announcement arrive today in some form. We'll add the trailer up at the top of this article if the deleted video reappears again in an official capacity.
What do you make of this move for Hi-Fi RUSH? Go ahead and discuss to the beat down below.
Comments 81
The timing of what I'm assuming was a mistaken upload makes me wonder if a switch announcement was delayed or canceled.
It also makes me wonder if not all 4 games are going to each platform.
Phil may as well have announced these himself.
Hell yeah!
Now to triple dip but I pray for a physical release.
Very excited for this!
The rumors are all true then. Xbox will slowly faded if it has no exclusive games. People will just buy PS5 or Switch. I'm sad as a Xbox gamer.
This will be the first of many, and then most likely all. I think we can expect the majority of Xbox first party games to cross over in the not so distant future. The next one, after the initial four, will be Starfield once the 12 month exclusivity period has elapsed. I also expect that both Pentiment and Grounded will not only be heading to the Switch, but also the PlayStation at the same time. Not announcing that today was just allowing the Nintendo to have its moment. All new games will make the leap, though there maybe a 12 month exclusivity period on the Xbox first, though just as Microsoft did with the PC, the games will likely quietly release day and date on both platforms in the next few years (which will effectively leave the Xbox console on life-support, and in time that will then be switched off, most likely during the generation after this one). There will be a next generation Xbox console, but not a next, next generation one.
It's simply too costly to make games these days, and the only way for companies to recoup their investment is to release their games everywhere they can.
I fully expect PlayStation to put more and more games on to the PC, including more and more day one games launching simultaneously on both the PlayStation and the PC. I do not expect a single Sony exclusive to hit the Xbox though (not willingly at least!), except for GaaS titles maybe. Sony isn't in the business of keeping their closest rival alive, but will happily drive the nails into the Xbox coffin...
@rhyno_888 You might have missed it, but it was announced by Microsoft last week that four Xbox first-party games were going to "other consoles".
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@Fiendish-Beaver get real dude,Jesus Christ. This will not happen unless exclusives in general stop.and that means Sony exclusives too. The fact we keep talking about it has become a joke at this point
Tough remease date given how many good titles are coming out on ps in the next few months.
Its a great game though, so Id exoect it to sell well regardless..
@rhyno_888 hahahahahahhaha.
Switch 2 launch title?
The changing world of gaming, probably the biggest changes I’ve seen in the decades I’ve been gaming.
New generations don’t seem like they used to be.
Exclusives on PC and other platforms
Bigger subscription services and game pass
It’s all a bit different I feel like I’m not getting my big AAA exclusives as much across all these platforms. Like a while ago, maybe when development cost were cheaper. For me gaming is in some ways definitely not as good as it used to be when we got a far more big AAA games be it exclusive or not. Look what the Xbox360, Wii and PS4 used to get AAA game wise and also a lot less remasters etc.
Gaming is ok now but not as exciting as the old days, even the big E3 type shows are gone with the exclusive AAA games revealed and consoles, the excitement in the crowd etc.
I wonder one day if gaming will out cost itself and possibly drive it’s self slightly backwards and underground once again.
I shall double dip on this one.
Sea of Thieves has just been announced for PS5 in April
@Chrisajax Unfortunately, every thread is a good chance to spread baseless "Starfield+Indiana Jones+Gears+Halo on PS5" random rumours and the magic words "Xbox coffin". Too bad that the negativity makes the genuine one-account users don't want to talk that much. Interestingly, Sony said this month that they are "proactively working on first-party content on other platforms, like computers."
Glad to see more people are able to play this awesome game.
@IronMan30 Because it was originally only available on Xbox and this is a gaming news site and its news.
Removed - trolling/baiting
What have I said that is controversial, @Chrisajax? Do you not think Starfield will be making the leap around September this year?
What game do you think will cross over after the release of Sea of Thieves? Nothing? Seriously? Why do you think Spencer chose not to rule out the likes of Starfield going across? Let's be real here, if there was no intention for Starfield or Indiana Jones to go to the PlayStation, he would have simply said so. What he did do was say that games would be exclusive for at least 12 months.
So, taking Starfield alone, the game released to middling reviews, and in need of some TLC in order to fix the bugs. Likely as not, there will be some DLC in the near future, and then once that 12 month period has elapsed (or soon after), the game will release on the PlayStation in fully working order. So what does that mean? It means that we, on the Xbox, get a game that is in need of fixing when it is first released, and that once fixed, it is then sold on a rival platform. So, where and when is it best to play a game? To my mind, it is best to play the game when it is at its best. We also know the tendency to include all DLC in a game upon releasing it on other platforms, we see it all the time when games come from the PC to the Xbox, so it is highly likely that when the PlayStation gets Starfield it will not only be highly polished, but will also include the DLC.
Now, if I, as an Xbox first and foremost guy, are feeling that way, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm not alone in that. There will be an exodus of players from the Xbox to the PlayStation. Mark my words. Starfield will be the first of many AAA games to make the leap later this year, and it will be a real problem for the Xbox as a console...
@Fiendish-Beaver as a consumer, none of that even matters to you. it Xbox's IP, Xbox can do whatever they want with their IP.
As a consumer, you can literally have any platform.
What matters to you, as a consumer, is that you want something - you pay for it where you want to play it - you play it - an then you move on with your life.
What other people choose to do has next to no impact on what you do unless its your inner circle, if you have one - Which is what most people will always base THEIR own actions off of.
Do what you want to do, not worry about what anyone else flips out about.
The funny thing is, @Banjo-, you said the other day that people that hold my views simply don't care about Xbox (and that is a direct quote), and yet that is so far removed from the truth as to be laughable. It is almost as if you are in denial.
Just to be crystal clear, the Xbox is my main console, though I own all 3 and a gaming PC. I have had a Series X and PS5 since day one having pre-ordered them both. Since then, I have played Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, The Last of Us Remastered, Spiderman 2, and Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5, and that is it. Nothing else whatsoever. On my PC, the only game that I have played is Baldur's Gate 3. Nothing else whatsoever. On my Switch I have played just one game, being Breath of the Wild, and again, nothing else.
In the intervening time since the release of the Series X and now, I have put thousands and thousands of hours into multiple games. Way too many to mention. I was able to list all the games that I have played on other platforms from memory simply because there have been so few of them.
Again, to be clear, I have not played a single game that is available anywhere else anywhere other than on my Xbox. The only exception to that is Baldur's Gate 3, but I had finished that game on the PC before it was even announced for the Xbox.
So to say that I do not care what happens to the Xbox is frankly ridiculous. It is precisely because I care so much, that I am so worried about the future.
Say what you like, but I firmly believe that the writing is on the wall. I've been around since before the first video games ever came out, and I've seen the process of a companies vanishing. I'd love to be wrong, but I honestly believe in what I am saying.
In retrospect, most annoying and confusing thing about this whole situation is how fast it is happening. MS held their new strategy podcast days ago, and games are already releasing. This means MS has decided on going multiplatform at least 9 months ago, probably year. They just delayed making it known to their users until ultra last minute.
and then re-iterated that they meant phones, Cloud and PC.
I really need to just stop reading comment sections here. The continued overreaction is just ridiculous .
All 4 games was anounced for PS5. Pentiment and Grounded for PS4 too. It's nice to have more games on my favourite platform, but I gonna buy just Hi-Fi Rush.
I agree, @Nalverus, as a consumer, I can go where is right for me. I just want to see Xbox thrive and have a strong future in the console market. Unfortunately, I fear they are taking a path that will see them leave that market because people will leave the Xbox ecosystem if the games are available elsewhere, and then whether or not Microsoft intend it at this moment, their hand will be forced in the future. It is pretty much inevitable...
Sony has not made a game I like since the PS3 era, so even if all the Xbox exclusives go to Playstation I'm still staying on the Xbox ecosystem.
They should release the Gears games there too, and then when new games come out make them timed exclusives for like 2 years.
Today just keeps getting better for Hi Fi Rush. Physical Xbox and PS5 release so I'm quintuple dipping.
Gears on PS5 is one of my biggest wants alongside Rare Replay.
Further to your comment, @Banjo-, Sony have explicitly stated that they meant their games will only going to the PC, Cloud and the mobile market. If Xbox gets any PlayStation games, it will likely only be GaaS titles that are on their last legs and are in need of an influx of gamers. As an example, Sea of Thieves, whilst not on quite on its last legs, does need fresh blood, which is why it is going to the PlayStation. Without that move, there just would not be enough money coming in to enable fresh content to keep the game alive. From that perspective, it makes perfect sense for it to be going to the PlayStation, and personally, I am not adverse to it...
@Nalverus I think issue is that it means less people buying the console ergo a smaller playerbase on a playerbase that is already dwarfed by the other two. There is something like 20+ million XSX/S compared to 54+ PS5s. I can see more PS5s being sold, but do you really see Xbox install base growing now?
It might just be these four (although I don’t think so) but some people will try to wait out the exclusivity.
I supposed the industry is changing; I just think MS is always way way too quick to jump the gun.
Guess we shall see.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@BacklogBrad All 4 have now been confirmed to be going to PlayStation. I'm not sure about Nintendo though.
And in return MS gets nothing.
@rhyno_888 Have you been living under a ROCK mate? Xbox hasn't had exclusives for more than half a decade.
I am on Xbox because of Quick Resume + Dev Mode + amazing controllers + free cloud saves + freaking cheap + Game Pass Console. If you are on Xbox because it has games nobody else can play then you simply bought the wrong box.
@VoidPunk You think a 70% cut of selling games to a 200+ million install base is "nothing"?
I don't agree with this strategy, but I sure as hell understand its appeal to Microsoft: it prints money.
@ShadowofTwilight Physical run games is doing a physical release of Hi-fi Rush for both Xbox and PlayStation.
@MrMagic yeah I see that. I am curious as to what happened with the Hi Fi Rush switch announcement. That data leak had a nintendo themed outfit so it must be happening. Maybe that and SoT will have to wait for the next nintendo device.
Microsoft actually gets 70% of the sales on PS (and on Nintendo and Steam). Sony gets 30% of Xbox games on PS.
Great game, glad more people get to play it.
No it’s not the end of the world, or even the beginning of the end.
To be honest this is good news. After moving my xbox from one room the the other I've somehow managed to break my Xbox. Still runs but just black output to screen (tried different screens, different cables). And I have game pass subscription so now own a £450 paper weight and nothing to play my subscription on.
Absolutely gutted. This was my first xbox since a red ring of death and now I get the black screen of nothingness. Was really looking forward to trying Diablo 4 local multiplayer with my son 😢
At least I can play these games on my PS5 now! Silver lining I guess!
@Tasuki this is an Xbox focused gaming news site. I can go to IGN to find out something is going to a non-Xbox console.
Wonder if this is the start of exclusives becoming extinct and all 1sr party basically becoming timed exclusives down the line ? Pretty sure they said starfield isn't ruled out n seen several about some president saying multiplatform. Fingers crossed for ratchet and clank on Xbox one day 😍🤣
@Lup "Sony has not made a game I like since the PS3 era"
You didn't like Bloodborne or Demon's Souls remake? 😅 They were co-developed with the late and great Japan Studio so they still count as Sony made.
@BacklogBrad Yeah I'd imagine that's what's happening. They'll probably be launch titles and did the ports on switch 2 dev kits but then it got delayed.
No, I didn't. Not a fan of FromSoftware. I like a Soulslike here and there but never enjoyed one from them.
All it took was a release on Playstation to bring about a physical release for the title
"When everybody plays, Xbox dies"
@OldGamer999 Can only hope
Welp, there ya have it. Favorite of mine. It'll be interesting to see what the Sony fans think about it. It's a 10/10 for me.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@rhyno_888 Why would they do that if they prefer Xbox hardware and ecosystem? Exclusive games are meaningless.
@IronMan30 Maybe because it's about Xbox games.
@Fiendish-Beaver Why do you and many others assume just because games are on different platform that people will leave Xbox to play games somewhere else? Myself and more than likely many others are perfectly happy where they're at. It comes off as sounding like Xbox is the most horrible place to play games and the only reason we're staying here is because certain games are not available on other platforms.
If Call of Duty goes to game pass, this whole entire discussion is irrelevant.
You are kind of right, @ZYDIO, when you say you stay on the Xbox because games are not available elsewhere. That is the whole point! Exclusives! That's a big reason as to why people choose a particular console.
So, I have the three different consoles, and a gaming PC. My main console is the Xbox. I love it! I play on it all the time. So why do I own a PS5? So that I can play their exclusives. All multiplatform games I play on the Xbox, but if I want to play those games that are exclusive to the PlayStation, I need a PlayStation.
So why do I have a Switch? Exactly the same reason; so that I can play those games that are only available on the Switch. Same goes for the PC.
So, if you take away the exclusivity of games and make them multiplatform (as Microsoft are) where is the need to own an Xbox? If I can play all the exclusives that a PlayStation has to offer, and those games that were formerly exclusive to the Xbox on a PlayStation too, why do I need an Xbox? Sure, I may have to wait 12 months before the games are available on the Xbox, but people will wait. Just as we did for Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop, and the PlayStation gamers waited for Tomb Raider.
The point is, if you are only going to buy one console, your best off buying the one with all the games, which will be a PlayStation. I love my Xbox. I do not want people to leave the ecosystem, and for the Xbox to fade away, but just because some people will stick it out, does not mean that the majority will. Sony already has a sizable lead over the Xbox. Anyone that thinks Microsoft's current strategy is not going to harm the Xbox is exceptionally misguided, though I for one, would love to be wrong...
@Fiendish-Beaver I hope you are wrong too but I fear you are right.
However one positive way to look at it is that Xbox players had to wait 1 year for Deathloop and Ghostwire. And now it’s the other way round with Hi-Fi Rush. Just hope it ends at Bethesda and ABK (Pentiment and Grounded excluded).
@ZYDIO Right. Most Xbox gamers (not the 0.00005% of Xbox and PS owners that post on PX everyday) are loyal to Xbox for many reasons. The fact that four or all games are available elsewhere is the last of their worries. I'm sure that if Microsoft dropped consoles, Xbox users would move to Windows with their packed Microsoft accounts and not to PS6 to play Spider-Man 3; but Microsoft will never leave the console market before Sony, because Xbox is a multiplatform ecosystem and because Xbox consoles are very profitable just with software sales and subscriptions alone.
The console market is not enough for Microsoft, but it's also not enough for Sony, that is struggling right now with PS5, but both of them know that the console market is stable and profitable enough to stay in. They just need more platforms to reach other crowds of players to add to their current revenues, not to replace them. They don't need to alienate their loyal fans. That's the last thing they'd do.
However, it wouldn't surprise anybody at this point, especially after what Sony said this month about bringing first-party games to other platforms and depending on the success of whatever comes after Switch and the costs of software development for its successor, that next generation we'll have Nintendo and Sony games on Xbox consoles, too. The console exclusivity business is almost dead. This is just an expansion of the video games industry. Consoles will be branded PC boxes soon, but nothing really changes. Next generation could bring the end of the console wars, but consoles are here to stay.
@Fiendish-Beaver but he did said so 😂
@rhyno_888 why sad? As Long as you can play your favorite xbox games on whichever console. Its win win for everyone.
@mousieone @Fiendish-Beaver Well thats the thing. microsoft just sees the console as the cheapest option into its ecosystem now. not the only one, but the cheapest one. It doesn't particularly matter to them at this point an its all extremely too neck deep to change course now. This is what they've decided to do, all we can see is what happens.
I've talked to alot of people, ones that don't care about mainstream media or the doom an gloom.
They don't care. The response was "if theres an xbox to buy, then i'll buy it."
So the issue clearly hasn't changed. its still a matter of trying to get people into the xbox ecosystem. One they can't seem to figure out.
Its not even about "release good games" anymore, its about breaking people's view and mindset that xbox isn't a good place to be in. THEN comes the issue of making people see "release good games" when you an I both know they do have good games.
but its all irrelevant to me. I have everything - Xbox and Nintendo being my preferred places - but my only choice as a consumer is whats in front of me. whats available to buy and where i can buy it. everything else doesn't matter because it takes way more than just me to magically make any other difference. Even if i bought 10 copies of a game an shared them out, that wouldn't mean squat in numbers but it would mean i'm out nearly a grand.
ima just do me an my thing an be happy because all this worrying is moot to any of us.
@Nalverus Like I said the industry is changing. I think MS is jumping ahead far too quickly again. That seems to be their issue imo a lack of patience.
While it’s cool you have everything. Equally I find it harder and harder to justify a purchase on a device where the people in charge have to be prompted to do things like market games for it. Or even express the issue. We didn’t need a 20 minute podcast the blog post was good enough for what they did.
I went to Pax West in MSs backyard, Starfield wasn’t demoing at an MS station but Razers. How does that make sense? It’s an uphill battle that I’m nearly sick of walking up.
It’s not doom and gloom but it ain’t sunshine and rainbows either. It’s this weird sort of half state.
That said I do think you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you want without anyone saying anything. It’s a freaking hobby that we all should enjoy more of and less worry over.
You say people will go to Windows if Microsoft leave the console market, @Banjo-, and you will be right, but only for a very small percentage of Xbox gamers. The vast, vast majority would move over to the PlayStation because it would be much cheaper to do so.
If you just look at the current pricing of consoles, both the PS5 and the Series X costs about £500. That price will likely rise with the subsequent generation, so the next Xbox and the PS6 will probably cost in the region of £600. I think that is a reasonable assumption.
However, I have a gaming PC that I bought 5 years ago, that cost me £2600. I've had to add new memory and graphics card since then at a further cost of £500. So it is not unreasonable to assume that a decent, capable gaming PC will cost somewhere between £2000 and £3000. I'm sure if you know what you are doing, and can build a PC yourself, you could get the cost to around £1000 to £1500, though it will probably not be as capable as one that costs £2000, but will probably be able to play most games to a decent, is not stellar standard.
The upshot is that people will move over to the affordable option, which will be the PS6. Yes, they may have to wait for a period of timed-exclusivity on Windows, but I doubt it. Once Microsoft drop out of the console market, they will very probably release all games day and date everywhere (and that is something I can see them doing anyway within the next 10 years).
The simple fact is that gaming on a PC is not affordable for most people, and so they will move somewhere that best suits their wallet...
No loyal Xbox player will throw thousands of £€$ to the rubbish bin and move to PS6 to start from scratch for games that they have not worried about so far and that will be multiplatform as well, when they can keep their rich accounts on other platforms. Anyway, this discussion is pointless because Xbox consoles will exist as long as PS consoles exist. Microsoft has two hardware teams and earn billions through Xbox consoles each year thanks to the software sales that are healthy unlike what others want to believe and thanks to the profitable Game Pass. Xbox players have absolutely nothing to worry about. This drama is completely artificial.
Sony, on the other hand, will lose this year the exclusive marketing, financial deals and exclusive DLC of the number one hit on PS. The success of Sony is related more to third parties. They are trying to find a new audience on PC. They are making games as service. It's not a coincidence that Jim was so obsessed with Call of Duty and that his successor is trying to find a replacement of its own. Although it hasn't sold as much as they would have liked, it's also not a coincidence that Sony relied on third-party games like Final Fantasy XVI to boost their PS business. Sony on its own has not enough to sustain their business. As I said, console exclusives are dying. It's not enough, not enough for Sony that has twice as many consoles than Microsoft in the market.
Microsoft enjoys two huge benefits. Firstly, all third-party games are built for Windows and Xbox runs Windows and also DirectX. Secondly, they are now one of the biggest publishers in the world, so they can feed their console, Game Pass and also publish games for Windows like every third party and even Sony do. Xbox consoles are here to stay.
@Dr_ENT I can't play FF7 Remake, FF7 Rebirth, FF16, Nioh 1, Nioh 2, Atelier series, Ys series, Legend of Heroes series, Disgaea series, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Shin Megami Tensei III HD, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade on Xbox
@FraserG Yeah I think I missed it, the new shocked me so much. I think Xbox is done with first party exclusivity. I think I will not buy Xbox again in the future, missed too many good games
@rhyno_888 You are right, but I have the feeling that you will be able to play those on Xbox after the deals have expired. I'm surprised to see so many Japanese games on Xbox this generation. It's because most Japanese games are coming to Windows these days and are popular not just in Japan where Switch rules supreme and where PS is far more popular than Xbox, but around the world. I also have the feeling that Sony won't pay Square Enix for more Xbox exclusion deals.
You are absolutely right that if Xbox were to cease making consoles, that many people would not wish to abandon their game collection, @Banjo-, but you are overlooking two things;
Firstly, a decent gaming PC or even a laptop is considerably more expensive than buying a console, and the console is far, far easier to use than a PC*, so whilst people may not wish to abandon their gaming libraires, for many that decision will be taken out of their hands due to their finances.
Secondly, people can simply keep their Xboxes, and thus retain access to their games. Then they can buy a PS6/7 and have all of Sony's exclusives to hand, plus all those Xbox games that will, at that time, be being made solely for the PlayStation and the PC. After all, if Microsoft leave the console business and go fully third-party, then they will be making games for the PlayStation not just porting them.
Lastly, you keep saying that loyal people would not be saying this, as if saying that you are worried is somehow disloyal. That could not be further from the truth in my case. I am both extremely supportive of Xbox, love the brand above all competition, and want to see it do well. It somehow seems that some people are exceptionally relaxed about all this to the point of sticking their head in the sand and just ignoring the possible ramifications of all that is happening. Maybe being completely oblivious to what is occurring is a better way to exist. Who knows!
*As an example of how difficult it is to game on the PC, on Sunday, myself and two friends came online at 9:15 in the evening in order to play Baldur's Gate 3. It took an hour for all 3 of us to get the game working and able to join a game meaning instead of playing for two hours, we were only able to play for one. Fast forward to last night, and we came online at 9:30, and then had to completely abandon the session because the guy with the game save could not get the game running (and to be clear, he is employed as an IT expert, so it's not like he doesn't know what he is doing). The point I am making is PCs are not a simple substitute for a console, they are far more expensive, and far, far more complicated to use...
On to your other point, @Banjo-, I agree that console exclusives are going to become a thing of the past. I firmly believe that Xbox will put all of their new first party games on to the PlayStation starting with Starfield at the end of this year. Subsequent releases, including Blade and Indiana Jones will also make the transition once a 12 month period of exclusivity on the Xbox has elapsed.
You are entirely right that games Sony and Microsoft make will cease to make exclusive games in a few years time. I believe that both Sony and Microsoft will, in the not too distant future, release all first-party games on other platforms day and date. For Microsoft that will be Xbox, PC and the PlayStation. For Sony that will be the PlayStation and the PC. They will not put any exclusive game on the Xbox outside the likes of a GaaS game that they are either contractually obliged to do (Bungie) or a game that needs an influx of new players (so exactly what is happening with both Sea of Thieves and Grounded). Sony have made it crystal clear that when they said they would be more aggressive with putting games on other platforms, they were only referring to the PC.
The simply truth is that making AAA games is extremely expensive, and so the likes of Microsoft and Sony do need to put their games on other platforms to recoup their investment. For Microsoft, who are already releasing their games on the PC, the only other market they can tap is the PlayStation. However, for Sony, who have only dipped a toe into the PC waters, they have an enormous potential market on the PC that dwarfs what they can do on the Xbox.
@Fiendish-Beaver Likewise, I think that you are wrong, no matter how many times you reply and repeat the same to me, every time that I post. It's quite clear already that we are not going to agree, so let's move on.
It's hard to believe when you say that you'd love to be wrong, because I've been right so far about the whole ABK acquisition process, the wrong rumours you supported, the future of Xbox hardware that you doubted and Microsoft's gaming strategy that you misinterpreted, but you still have the same negative mindset. Let's check again in 10-15 years, then. In the meantime, happy gaming!
@Banjo- Yeah some of them are timed exclusive but the others are multiplat games skipping only games which is sad... Maybe someday Xbox will get it like FF14, exactly 14 years later
@rhyno_888 🤣 Well, most don't take that long! I'm excited to play Octopath's sequel this year.
Well, 10-15 years will put me well into my 70s, @Banjo-, and I'm unlikely to get that far! But how I would love to be around then to see what the situation is. Mt fervent hope is that Xbox is going strong and has gained ground on the PlayStation, and indeed, Xbox is the console to have, rather than the PlayStation as so many believe right now.
As for ABK, I am confused! What exactly did I say that I was wrong about? I'm not aware of any rumours that I supported that turned out to be wrong, but please enlighten me. 😉
Did I doubt that there would be a next generation of Xbox? I certainly did question that, yes, but I did not definitively say there would not. I will say now that I don't think there will be one after the next though, and you can quote me on that! 😂
I'm not sure what you mean by having misinterpreted Microsoft's strategy, so perhaps you could explain where I have got it wrong? That's not meant as a cynical remark, I am genuinely interested.
Again though, I will pin my colours to the mask; I absolutely believe that Starfield will release on the PlayStation towards the end of this year, just in time for the holiday sales. The game reaches its one year anniversary in September, and once the DLC releases later this year, both will release as a single package on the PS5. Hopefully I'll be around at that time to be proved wrong! 🤣
As for my other predictions, I cannot be proved incorrect because the games are not out yet, but I do firmly believe that all future first-party games will release on the PlayStation, maybe even the next Gears of War and Halo, though I am less certain about that.
One other thing that I would say is that we do not know whether Microsoft's plans changed as a consequence of the outcry over the rumour of Starfield and Indiana Jones releasing on the PlayStation. For all we know, the intention was that instead of four games, there were to be five (or more) including Starfield, but that seeing the concern within the community, Microsoft have eased back to see how we respond to the release of the first four. I have no idea whether that is correct, and frankly outside the inner circle of Xbox and Microsoft, no one does.
Lastly, whilst we may have a different perspective on what is going on at the moment, we are / have at least been civil up until now, and hopefully that will continue. Being of different opinion is of no matter, and whatever we think or say really isn't going to change a thing...
To the naysayers about Xbox moving things to multiplatform…. Firstly we live in a vastly different age than the console wars of the 1980s and 90s. Secondly, at absolute worst case scenario Xbox has to dial back their manufacturing of hardware while increasing their software sales. Historically speaking, console manufacturing has cost Xbox money rather than made them a profit. So Xbox, financially speaking, can only grow by spreading games out to more markets. Nintendo, who is the stingiest with their IP, has even learned this with games like Mario Run and FE Heros on phones. It also strengthens their brand by getting more views and plays. More people in the world now days recognize Mario over Mickey Mouse, something I would have never thought possible 30 years ago. Think about that.
The trick to it all is to have the IP first, or in a different fashion. Allow the sales to stagnate in one market and move on. I’ll use older titles for an example - Fallout 3, FONV, and Fable 1-3. These games, financially speaking are most likely stagnated to the point of not making hardly any money a month, probably not even enough to cover someone’s rent, on Xbox. If Xbox decided to port them to Switch, they’d open themselves to a new market, and potentially 1M or more sales just to have those games portable, reinvigorating their sales while also boosting their awareness. Keep FO4 and FO5 on Xbox/Pc, and now you’ve got new players wanting to purchase an Xbox or windows pc just to play your titles. The same would work in reverse if Nintendo tossed the old NES/SNES titles for sale on Xbox. Those titles aren’t making Nintendo any money themselves (besides maybe a tiny a fraction from NSO subs), so it would only serve to boost some sales, and raise awareness potentially getting Xbox owners to purchase a switch to play the latest titles in the series. This is exactly why they did Mario Run on phones.
And using Starfield as an example jumping to Ps5. One big thing, it’s not an established franchise like ES or FO, but it came from a big company known for those established franchises. That said, it met lukewarm reception. This was most likely semi expected on their end. So releasing it on PS strengthens the brand, increases the sales, and all MS has to do is release some exclusive dlc, or hype that you can only play the sequel / FO5 / ES6 on Xbox. Eventually you’ll get people that jump and buy an Xbox/Pc. But again, software is what sells and makes profit, not systems. Both Ps5 and Series X are nothing more than affordable gaming PCs with proprietary OS where you as a consumer don’t have to fiddle with registry and other settings.
We have to remember that these are still companies. Yes we love them, but making us happy is second to a bottom line. And as long as they’re making money, they aren’t going anywhere. All three of the major console devs could ax their hardware divisions and rebrand as game only devs and they’d still be making money, still would be around. The only one that might get a profit hurt from doing so would be Nintendo, as they try to make their consoles affordable while retaining profit. MS and Sony usually don’t, at least not for the first few years. Those years they’re sustained by software sales, which just proves that sustainability.
So yeah, don’t think that by tossing a couple franchises on other console it’s going to hurt them, it’s not, and only serves to strengthen them.
I hope that you live long enough to discuss who was right about the next years, just give me a break sometimes 🤣 🙏🏻
Thank you, @Banjo-. It's nothing personal. It is simply that we have diverging opinions, so it is something we can discuss (argue over! 😉). If we agreed on everything, we'd have nothing to say to one another... 😂
@Fiendish-Beaver You say it is cheaper to move to PlayStation, but I think you are forgetting about the libraries people have accumulated that could be worth 100's or 1000's of dollars. I highly doubt that people are more willing to move to a new platform and have to purchase new hardware and repurchase all of their games again, when it would be much easier and probably cheaper to get a decent gaming PC and have most or all games in their libraries be available on PC as well as the cloud and whatever device. I find it also highly implausible that any remotely sane person would invest in any kind ecosystem where they take away "steal" your purchases because they improperly contracted with the content providers.
@Banjo- I just realized I said the same thing you said. Your response was below what I was responding to.
@ZYDIO I was agreeing with you up there, but I also wrote a long reflection 😁. I also agree with your last comments. They make a lot of sense.
I understand what you are saying, @ZYDIO, I myself over 850 digital titles in my Xbox library. I also have well over 300 physical Xbox 360 titles. However, I can play every one of those games on my Series X, so if I retain that console, and then buy a PS6, I have access to everything, including my Xbox games.
I am probably alone in this, but I still have every single generation of the Xbox console, including mid-generation refreshes. I accept that I am probably fairly unique in that, but the point is, if people have the choice of either spending £2000+ on a gaming PC to access their existing Xbox library, when they can simply keep their current machine and play them anyway, or just buy a PS6 costing £600 in order to play all the PlayStation exclusives, and almost certainly every Xbox produced first-party title either straight away or within 12 months on their PS6, then I can definitely see people making that switch...
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