

I'm tall and sour. Sufficient?

Comments 587

Re: 'No Xbox' Begins Trending On Twitter As Another Game Skips The Platform At Launch


@SplooshDmg Nothing comes close to Tears of the Kingdom for me, but between Sony and Microsoft's upcoming slate of games, Starfield is the exclusive I'm most interested in.

I finally managed to snag a decent GPU for my new rig this month, which I upgraded the other components for during the pandemic. It's now Starfield ready. I've built my last three rigs around the need to play Bethesda's newest RPGs at 60fps at launch (Skyrim, Fallout 4, and now Starfield). But Fallout 4 was so bad I quit playing it halfway and never booted it up again, which sucks, because I put hundreds of hours into Skyrim and FO3.

I want to be excited, and I'm giving them one more chance to win me over like they did with their seventh-gen games.

Re: Redfall Will Only Run At 30FPS When It Launches On Xbox Series X And S


@mousieone Well, if you don't show stuff, people get antsy and say your platform has no games.

IMO they need better communication between the developer and Xbox corporate managers. They would have known for a long time now that the game wasn't going to be ready for primetime by May.

If they were unsure on the date, they could have announced the release as being in June/July/whatever the worst case scenario date ended up being, and then just pulled back on the date to something sooner if the project was running ahead of schedule.

Almost any solution would have been better than "our single-player open world shooter is going to launch with an always-online requirement and without any sort of performance mode on our 12 TF console." It's ludicrous.

@SplooshDmg The poor folks at Bethesda have inherited the responsibility of almost single-handedly making up for the near complete dearth of other first-party content on Xbox, lol.

Re: Redfall Will Only Run At 30FPS When It Launches On Xbox Series X And S


They really should have just delayed it again. Xbox owners are used to going long stretches of time without new exclusive games to play; they can manage. But launching it in May in this state, and right next to a couple of blockbuster releases like Zelda and Star Wars? It's being sent out to die.

Fully expecting Starfield to be a mess at launch as well. It wouldn't be a Bethesda RPG if it wasn't. Complete with a 30fps cap on XSX to maintain parity with the struggling Series S version.

Re: Redfall Raw Gameplay Shows More Authentic Look At Arkane's Xbox Shooter


@BrilliantBill I feel character design and the general look of the gameplay are more to blame. The characters look like the random sort of focus-tested designs you'd get from a large studio. Too many of the enemies don't look or behave sufficiently vampiric. Your dull heroes have superpowers. The combat looks very looter shooter-y to me.

In terms of image quality, I do think the unimpressive lighting makes this look worse than it otherwise would.

Re: New Rumour Weighs In On Difficulties Between Xbox And Square Enix


@SplooshDmg FFXII was awesome, and felt like a true evolution of the franchise. Almost proto-Xenoblade in terms of its gameplay and environmental scope. It also demonstrated that the series could attempt a more grounded, politics-heavy storyline while still feeling like Final Fantasy, which is more than I can say for XVI so far.

XIII took every problem I had with X (weird characters; lack of exploration, towns, etc; excessive narrative railroading) and made them 100x worse, while tacking on new problems as well. I never even bothered playing the sequels.

Re: Microsoft Rewards: How To Claim 2000 Bonus Points On Xbox In April 2023


They need to consolidate reward tracking for PC Game Pass users. Currently, I use a Microsoft Rewards app on my PC, a Microsoft Rewards dashboard/extension access via PC browser, an Xbox app on mobile, and a Game Pass app on mobile to manage all of my various rewards. There are various things I can and can't access on each. So stupid.

Re: Xbox Misses Out On Yet Another Upcoming Square Enix Release


@SplooshDmg I agree that if more games are coming, they're coming via GP. Square-Enix doesn't seem to consider ports profitable outside of those deals.

The real question is whether Microsoft is even game or not. If engagement with their titles is low on Game Pass, there's not much incentive for Microsoft to keep funneling money their way.

It works both ways, though. There's likely a reason Microsoft seems to keep renegotiating to keep the Yakuza games up on the service.

When it comes to Atlus, once the inevitable SMT V ports happen, I'm curious to see if those hit the service or not.

Re: Microsoft Welcomes Investigation Into Sony's 'Anti-Competitive Tactics' In Japan


@GeeEssEff I wasn't implying that Microsoft was behaving altruistically with regard to indie developers. All of these companies are machines designed to generate a profit. ESPECIALLY Microsoft. I'm just pointing out that there's a big difference between how Microsoft and Sony are tackling timed exclusives this gen. Comparing some of the biggest releases in the industry to a smattering of indies seems... disingenuous.

They (ironically) attempted to lock down Starfield. They've locked down multiple Final Fantasy games. They're likely going to lock down Dragon Quest XII. And probably made attempts at many other games as well. Sony's strategy since the PS1 has been pretty consistent, in this regard: maintain dominance by starving the competition.

I opened by acknowledging they've all done this sort of thing in the past. Microsoft in the 360 era. Nintendo was pretty ruthless in the early 90s. No company has clean hands, in this regard. I just think it's silly to invoke the past sins of competitors to justify Sony's hyper-aggressive behavior now.

For the record, I wouldn't describe Sony as "anti-consumer." That's a silly buzzword that doesn't mean much of anything.

Re: Microsoft Welcomes Investigation Into Sony's 'Anti-Competitive Tactics' In Japan


@GeeEssEff All of the big three has snapped up timed exclusivity for a variety of titles over the years. If you're asking why it's a bigger deal for Sony to systematically attempt to lock down as many of the biggest releases of the generation as possible in order to damage the viability of the competition than for Microsoft to boost a few indies with Game Pass deals (which tend to not remain exclusive indefinitely), I think the answer is self-evident. When Sony can't get exclusivity, they start making deals for exclusive content or preferential treatment for their platform, as seen with multiple Call of Duty games, Hogwarts Legacy, etc.

Re: Xbox 'Fails To Qualify' As Metacritic Reveals 2023 Game Publisher Rankings


@Sebatrox Nintendo publishes a lot of games every year of various quality and belonging to various genres. None of them being the sort of pick me, cinematic TGA-bait that has come to almost exclusivity define Sony's output.

Metroid Prime Remastered scored extremely well. TotK almost certainly will as well. That'll help balance out stuff like Kirby and Fire Emblem that hasn't scored as well this year.

Re: Rumour: Multiple 'Shin Megami Tensei' Games Coming To Xbox (And Maybe Game Pass)


Ports of the 3DS duology would be huge. Especially considering the looming eShop closure.

I'd love if they took the opportunity to polish up SMT IV a bit. It's so close to being an amazing game.

IV: A is already polished and amazing, so no need to make any real changes.

@NEStalgia Disgaea has been quite successful on Switch, as have many similar games from other companies. A Game Pass deal isn't going to solve their real problem, which is that they've oversaturated the market with Disgaea games in recent years and failed to evolve the series in such a way as to expand the appeal of the series.

Re: Microsoft Rewards Users, Don't Forget To Download This Free Xbox Game While You Can


@Banjo- So, Moonscars has an achievement for killing enemies by knocking them into spikes, an achievement for stunning a certain number of enemies, and an achievement for dying a certain numbers of times. Extremely early on, you'll be prompted to craft something. I went with this sort of sledgehammer weapon. It made getting the cheevos easy, since hitting enemies with them stunned them, and there are several sections where you can knock them onto spikes. Anyway, once I got to an ideal spot, I just went through an area, killed the enemies, suicided by jumping onto spikes, and then repeated the process a few times.

Then uninstalled the game, since it's not my sort of thing.

I grabbed Paranormasight to go along with Fatal Frame, since they're both games themed around Japanese supernatural subject matter and released on the same day.

I didn't get on with the first Ni no Kuni at all, but it has its fans. Hopefully you enjoy it more than I did.

Re: These Four Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (February 28 - March 3)


@NEStalgia Engage is probably the most tactically satisfying FE game to date. Or at least on par with Conquest. The "weebier" these games get, the more improved their tactical gameplay is.

Mario + Rabbids 2 underperformed because the Nintendo playerbase wised up to Ubisoft's pricing antics. Strangely enough, parading around the first game on sale for $10 with all DLC included made people less willing to part with $100 for the game + all DLC. You literally couldn't go anywhere online without people making "this game will be $10 in a year" comments.

Nintendo fans are less used to and accepting of abusive pricing strategies like this. When we pay full price for a game, we expect it won't be in the bargain bin within the year.

Although it's also true that Switch is wildly oversaturated with SRPGs at this point. I'm actually sort of surprised the genre is still selling as well as it is, given this fact.

As someone who was a pretty big fan of the Xbox 360 (minus the controller), I've given up on the brand when it comes to Japanese games outside of the most mainstream publishers like Capcom and Sega. The player base doesn't seem interested in those games, and Japanese publishers frequently need to be bribed with GP deals to even consider porting their games to the platform. The existence of the Xbox fan who is also into Japanese games is one that is marked by pure, unfettered suffering, which is why you don't see very many of them.

Re: These Four Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (February 28 - March 3)


@NEStalgia @mousieone It'd be pretty sad if a Wii U-exclusive flop did worse than a flop available on most modern platforms! The funny thing is that I think the Switch remaster somehow did worse, despite nearly everything selling better on Switch. Aside from those twelve people who really wanted a TMS remaster, everyone was over it.

I own both versions of the game, btw.

It's hard to imagine this particular development team getting more work any time soon. Even Atlus' less well-known series, like Etrian Odyssey, still tend to find a passionate niche that love and support them.

I should appreciate their work properly, though. I've only played through the first several dungeons of TMS on Wii U. I'll be playing Soul Hackers 2 soon, and then, afterward, I'll go back and give the Switch version of TMS a proper go.

Re: Layers Of Fear's Next-Gen Remake Launches On Xbox In June 2023


@HarmanSmith "I know BT is a talented studio (otherwise, Konami wouldn't have chosen them for the Silent Hill remake) but I am not a fan. "

Considering their botched HD collection of the PS2 games and the way they handed the series off to random Western developers to mess with in the seventh gen, I'm not entirely sure I agree with this sentiment.

I do hope Bloober doesn't botch the remake, though. SH2 is a classic and deserves only good things.

Re: These Four Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (February 28 - March 3)


@NEStalgia Skipping the one platform where JRPGs tend to sell consistently well was a mistake. Especially considering, by all accounts, it's effectively just a prettied-up PS2 game in terms of the game design.

It's not only one of their lower-selling games, but was panned by both audiences and critics. Like, it was received significantly worse than Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and that's a game that actively irritated both fanbases in its respective crossover.



I do want to play it, because even mediocre Atlus games are fun, but man, was this a colossal misfire!

Re: AI-Generated Bethesda 'Leaks' Give Us A Glimpse Into A Scary Future


@NEStalgia There's no getting off this ride. Even if we bomb ourselves back into the dark ages, we'll eventually just regroup and try again at some point. It's in our nature.

As a weeby teen in the early 00s, I grew up watching Japanese media that went to pains to warn me about the dangers of information technology when it becomes sufficiently integrated into human life, so it will be with little grief that I watch the downfall and painful transformation of human civilization into something unrecognizable.

Re: AI-Generated Bethesda 'Leaks' Give Us A Glimpse Into A Scary Future


@NEStalgia AI research was always going to get to this point eventually, with or without government involvement. It's the inevitable result of persistent scientific advancement.

Like all technology, it'll be abused by powerful actors, and we just have to hope we overcome whatever hurdles lie in front of us. Although given the instability of the U.S. atm socially and politically, I'm inclined to think our country won't survive the transition process.

For better or for worse, societies like China and India are probably going to define the mid-to-late twenty-first century.