

I'm tall and sour. Sufficient?

Comments 587

Re: Review: Wild Hearts - Koei Tecmo & EA's New Monster Hunter-Like Arrives On Xbox


Monster Hunter has been gradually refining and polishing its own formula for decades, so the fact that this doesn't compare favorably to Rise doesn't especially bother me.

The monster design will be a big thing, though. It's arguably the biggest point of contention in any game that centers around collecting or battling fictional animals. Monster Hunter has built up an iconic bestiary over the years, and it'll be difficult go for something similar without it feeling like a mere imitation.

Re: Xbox Game Pass Launches Enable 'Secure Success', Says Indie Publisher


I don't think it's an accident that big AAA titles tend to avoid the service for a good while after launch, or that smaller publishers are often eager to have their games included.

I know some gamers decry the lack of AAA content on GP, but its most effective function really does seem to be to shine a spotlight on smaller content that might otherwise get lost amidst a busy release schedule of bigger third-party titles.

Basically, if your sales expectations are low, it's a pretty massive net positive to get both the payout from Daddy Warbucks and have attention called to your product. If you expect to sell hundreds of thousands or millions of units on Xbox, though? Ehh, maybe not so much.

I will say that there are at least a few games I haven't bought because they launched on Game Pass. I was gonna grab the console port of Omori at launch, but I couldn't stomach paying $29.99 when it was free on GP. The same will likely be true of Silksong.

Overall, though, I do see it as being beneficial to smaller devs and publishers.

Re: Talking Point: Should Microsoft & 343 Carry On With Halo Infinite?


@Dezzy70 I know the showcase footage was a little choppy, but surely Starfield will have a 60fps option on Series X. It's such a powerful console. I know Bethesda games are poorly optimized, but it's difficult to imagine the game won't manage higher framerates on a 12TF system.

I'll be shocked if there's isn't at least an option for a lower-resolution performance mode.

Re: Talking Point: Should Microsoft & 343 Carry On With Halo Infinite?


@Dezzy70 Wait, which of their games only run at 30fps? I know Gotham Knights did, but that's a third-party game.

Nothing should be running at 30fps on modern power consoles. I put up with it on Switch because that's the price you pay for gaming on a glorified gaming tablet that was out of date half a decade ago.

Re: Talking Point: Should Microsoft & 343 Carry On With Halo Infinite?


The pure "kill it with fire" attitude toward Halo Infinite is so funny after the initially super positive reception it enjoyed.

Is Halo Infinite really that bad? Like, speaking from a Nintendo fan perspective, I thought Splatoon 3 was kind of a mediocre sequel on the Switch, but it's still fun to pop into from time to time. I couldn't imagine retiring the series or something just because it wasn't a GOTY contender.

@Dezzy70 No interest in Starfield or... whatever else happens to be releasing this year, I take it?

Re: Review: Monster Hunter Rise - The Next-Gen Version Is The Definitive Edition


It's a real shame there's no cross-platform play here. Or at least cross-save.

@stvevan You realize access to Sunbreak requires beating MHR, right? So you're gonna beat the game on Xbox, then go back and beat the game again on PS5 so that you can play Sunbreak on there? Why not just play it on PS5, in that case?

I'm not criticizing, but I am curious.

Re: 'The Callisto Protocol' Sales Expectations Lowered By Analysts


Sounds like they're following the same path EA took with Dead Space, lol. Even that series didn't sell 5 million at its peak. Unless you're Capcom, 5+ million sales for a horror game is unrealistic.

Amazing these companies can secure so much funding for development and not really have manageable expectations for how the market will react.

Re: Soapbox: Elden Ring Is My GOTY, But It Was Incredible Indie Games That Kept Me Playing In 2022


Most of the best experiences in any medium typically aren't the ultra-mainstream stuff that everyone fixates on. It always amuses me when "core gamers" brag about only playing AAA games. Which, to me, would be like someone claiming to be a cinephile who only watches The Fast and the Furious, Marvel blockbusters, Star Wars, etc.

There's absolutely room in my heart for big, loud, spectacle-driven experiences that cost a fortune to make and sell 10+ million copies. But there's so many richer experiences to be had if one should look just under the surface of what is offered up for mainstream consumption.

Re: Microsoft Causes Confusion With Statement About Sony 'Excluding' Games From Xbox


@Would_you_kindly I'm not bashing the PS1. It's one of my all-time favorite consoles. But Sony signed multiple exclusivity agreements back in the day, including with Square, which locked down several major players in the Japanese gaming market. It's just how they do things, and have done things, as long as they've been in the industry. It wasn't even until the PS3 that they started to develop first-party games that could compete with what Microsoft and Nintendo were putting out.

Re: Xbox Fans Want To Know What's Going On With Square Enix In 2023


Sony only locks down the AAA stuff from S-E (FFXVI, FFVII Rebirth, and Forspoken currently). As for the smaller stuff (Octopath 2, Front Mission 2 + 3 remakes, FF Pixel Remasters, etc.), I'm willing to bet S-E doesn't bother with Xbox ports unless they can secure Game Pass distribution deals from Microsoft.

It was weird not seeing Octopath 2 be announced for release on Series S/X when the last one was ported to GP and Xbox, for sure. If I had to guess, engagement numbers for it probably weren't great when it went to GP. and Microsoft likely didn't bother offering a similar deal for the sequel. Would also explain why Triangle Strategy was a no-show for the platform.

Microsoft can push for having more JRPGs on the platform, but if people aren't playing them on GP, there's no incentive for them to pay out for future entries or similar games from the same publishers. You see this in reverse when engagement is high with the Yakuza games, for example, where Microsoft is clearly intent on keeping the series available on the service long-term.

Re: Chained Echoes On Xbox Game Pass Is Getting Incredible Reviews So Far


@themightyant @J_Mo_Money Triangle Strategy is another good game if you don't want an insanely bloated campaign. If you want to see all of the endings, unlock all of the maps, extra characters, etc. it can easily last 100+ hours, but a single run of the game itself generally lasts 25 - 40 hours, depending on how much side content you engage with. I think that's probably the main reason I've already replayed it in order to get different endings.

Re: Microsoft Enters '10-Year Commitment' To Bring Call Of Duty To Nintendo Platforms


If the leaked chipset turns out to be what's in the successor, there probably won't be that big of a difference in power between the next Switch and something like the Xbox Series S. It'll be a very potent hybrid platform capable of running the majority of third-party games reasonably well, so CoD ports would make a lot of sense. Especially consider how well third-party games have sold on Switch compared to previous Nintendo consoles.

@NEStalgia Goldeneye and Banjo-Kazooie on NSO as well. Microsoft and Nintendo have been on pretty friendly terms as of late.

Re: Evil West Dev 'Couldn't Guarantee' 60FPS On Xbox Series S, Opted For 30


If you buy a multiplatform game on a weak console, you take what you get as long as it's playable. It should be common sense that if you buy a platform with a weaker GPU than the Xbox One X, some compromises will need to be made.

With that said, why not offer a performance mode with an adaptive resolution in order to keep performance locked?

@Dezzy70 Of course the Series S version of a game takes up some development time. Enough to significantly delay the release of most games? Probably not. You might not want to hear this, but despite being in third place, Microsoft has only remained as competitive as it has because of the Series S. Take away the Series S, and Microsoft would be selling only a fraction as many units as they are currently.

Microsoft's focus on GamePass and inability to turn out a consistent stream of excellent AAA first-party exclusives is not the fault of the Series S.

It's fine if the Series S isn't for you and you don't mind paying more for a more powerful console, but that's simply not going to be true for everyone. It's fundamentally smart for companies to keep budget consoles out there on the market, especially around the holidays. It's important to remember that not every product needs to be targeted at you to be relevant.

Re: Microsoft Is Dropping The Price Of Xbox Series S For Black Friday 2022


@bpomber Well, to be fair, at present neither modern Xbox console is the one that most people really want. PS5 has consistently outsold it, and Switch continues to be an unstoppable sales juggernaut. Maybe that'll change when Microsoft finally starts releasing games this gen. We'll see.

"Yeah my point is 100% unfalsifiable but so is yours." Which part? That Series X probably would have sold better initially without the supply constraints? I agree, that's unknowable. What we do know is that the Series S saved Microsoft at retail. How it continues to fare now that Series X is much more available remains to be seen, but I'd be shocked if it doesn't constitute at least half of the total Xbox console sales this gen, given it'll be heavily flogged on holidays and will likely appeal more to casual gamers who buy all of their games digitally regardless and don't notice or care about the technical aspects that enthusiasts tend to obsess over.

Re: Microsoft Is Dropping The Price Of Xbox Series S For Black Friday 2022


@bpomber That's fair, but also unfalsifiable at present.

IMO, without supply constraints, Series X would have sold better initially (since early adopters tend to be enthusiasts), but you'd likely see sales of the Series S pick up steam over the course of the generation as Xbox caught on more with casual gamers and/or people who only want one to play a couple of games not available on PS5/Switch.

There's a place on the market for the device, even if isn't something that makes enthusiasts weak in the knees. Aside from people who bought SS early on because of SX unavailability, they're broadly targeting different demographics.

It may not be your device of choice, but it is both a very good deal for the price as well as a legitimate option for modern gen gaming in its own right.

Re: Microsoft Is Dropping The Price Of Xbox Series S For Black Friday 2022


I'd grab one if it had a disc drive, or if I didn't already have a somewhat comparable PC build. $250 is an insane value for the hardware.

@bpomber "it's what people (such as the parent with multiple children, in your example) settle for when they can't afford what they really want."

I mean... yeah. It's a budget console. Of course people would go for the Series X if they were close in price. But they're not, and a lot of people will find it easier to justify investing in new gaming hardware if it's hundreds of dollars cheaper.

It's pretty rich to say "nobody cares" about this console when it constitutes roughly half of the current gen Xbox consoles on the market and almost single-handedly helped Microsoft remain viable at retail during the worst stretches of the pandemic-era supply shortages.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Hints At Plans To 'Raise Prices' In The Future


It has seemed fairly obvious to me that Microsoft will jack up prices on GP once they're done aggressively gaining market share in the home console space (as well as gaining ground in the PC marketplace).

I don't see hardware prices increasing any time in the near future. I don't think the Series S would even exist if they cared that much about profiting off the hardware.

Re: Pick One: Which Of These Silent Hill Xbox Games Is Your Favourite?


Silent Hill 2, obvs.

Although the original PS1 game is, far and away, my favorite. Such a raw and scary game. Utterly without peer that gen in that regard.

@Dr_Luigi The original trilogy is up there with some of the greatest games ever made, but the franchise has been abused and/or neglected ever since. We'll see how these new games fare, although I'm not confident about Bloober Team's ability to do justice to the second game.

Re: Many Studios Are Struggling With Xbox Series S Requirements, Claims Developer


The dual launch requirements for the two modern Xbox consoles might make more work for developers, but it's still far better than the alternative scenario, where some modern Xbox games don't work on a modern Xbox console. What a mess that would be! And especially disastrous considering the Series S is probably largely responsible for Microsoft remaining competitive in the home console scene this generation.

Re: Many Studios Are Struggling With Xbox Series S Requirements, Claims Developer


@SplooshDmg Elden Ring is weird. My GPU sits just under minimum requirements (have a 970, but it wants a 1060; I think the 1060 is just ever so slightly more capable), but I was able to run the game on high settings at 50+ fps without issue the majority of the time.

But then you hear horror stories about vastly more powerful cards struggling to run the game, lol.

Re: Reaction: Is 30FPS Good Enough For An Xbox Series X|S Game?


I'm a Nintendo fan. I play 30fps games all the time. They're fine.

It's more that the current-gen home consoles are clearly capable of running these games at higher framerates. Going by the Steam requirements page, you can play this at 60fps on PC with fairly old hardware. If you can play this at 1080p/60 with a 1660 Ti, you're not going to convince me the PS5 and XSX aren't up to the task. Even if the Series S is the weak link here, just target a lower resolution for that particular platform.

@Notoriousmakavel Me too, actually. 40fps is catching on with gamers on Steam Deck. Why only there? The only console game I recall seeing that as an option for was the recent Ratchet and Clank game.