It's that time again! We're big fans of the Microsoft Rewards program here at Pure Xbox, which allows you to complete tasks in order to earn redeemable points which can be spent on gift cards, donations and much more.
April 2023's "Monthly Bonus Round" challenge has just begun, and by satisfying a few requirements by April 30th, you can top up your account by another 2000 points (around £2 / $2).
You'll find this punch card on the Microsoft Rewards app for console, and here's what you'll need to do:
- Search Bing on any device for 5 days
- Complete 3 daily sets
- Complete 2 weekly sets
Along with this, if you log into the Microsoft Rewards dashboard on a browser, some regions will find a new "Every day is Earth Day" punch card for 150 points. There's also a new Xbox punch card called "Save the Day, Save the World!" that will net you 500 points for completing three achievements in certain games.
If you're new to the Microsoft Rewards program, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of obtaining points - you can also earn hundreds per-day by completing Bing searches on PC and mobile, earning Achievements in Xbox games, finding Weekly Treasures, pre-ordering specific games and much more.
Note: Not available in all regions. Full regional details have not been provided by Microsoft.
How are you getting on with Microsoft Rewards? Let us know down in the comments.
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Comments 16
and guess what as per usual something doesnt work Task#1 doesnt track Bing searches yet
no wonder that did away with task#3 which is usually 3 achievements
for a software company their software is terrible
Funny how they have task 1, task 2 and task 4. 😂
Finally, no Achievement tracking! This is a massive step in the right direction - it needs to go away completely. It'd be much better for Challenges, Punch Cards, & just Game Pass and the playerbase overall to track playtime instead of Achievements. Not only do they rarely work and track properly, but it gives you incentive to play games LESS because Achievements become a finite currency. If you track actual playtime, it just works out so much better because it'd encourage people to play more than they might have, or try a game or more they might not have. With Achievements people just look for the easy out, and even if they don't, they're finite so you just might not be able to complete some Punch Cards that have specific games.
@fraserg / anyone... is task 1 registering for you?
@PsBoxSwitchOwner it didn't seem to for me but I'm hoping it's like last time where it will be there when I turn my Xbox on the next day.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Bing searches not tracking for me either. Microsoft really needs to get their ***** together and resolve the rewards tracking issues.
Task #1 not tracking.
@frosty360 Same here
Task#1 isnt tracking for me either. Bloody irritating.
Not tracking again. I've lost so many points from achievements and things over the past few months.
Not tracking Bing searches 2 days in a row now
Just adding to the others, Task #1 not working here either.
Yep, Task#1 not tracking for me either…
Task #1 has started to track for me now
They need to consolidate reward tracking for PC Game Pass users. Currently, I use a Microsoft Rewards app on my PC, a Microsoft Rewards dashboard/extension access via PC browser, an Xbox app on mobile, and a Game Pass app on mobile to manage all of my various rewards. There are various things I can and can't access on each. So stupid.
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