

I'm tall and sour. Sufficient?

Comments 587

Re: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Producer Defends Lack Of Xbox Series X|S Release


@awp69 Considering we've seen neither hide nor hair of Remake on Xbox, I think it's realistic to expect this won't hit Xbox either. A PC port within the year is almost guaranteed, though.

@Phantasystar77 Admittedly, if I was some hardcore Xbox fanboy, I'd be pretty angry and disillusioned right now as well. Unhappy communities retreat into angry tribalist attitudes as a self-defense mechanism.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Producer Defends Lack Of Xbox Series X|S Release


@Phantasystar77 Boxed sales are apparently 30% under Remake in the UK, but there's a lot of mitigating factors.

  • Digital software probably sells more in 2024 than it did in 2020.
  • PS4 had significantly more units on the market at that point.
  • Remake launched during the pandemic, when software sales were soaring across the board.

Certainly nothing to do with the game not launching on Xbox. Realistically, Xbox sales would barely even contribute to the boxed sales number. It's a primarily digitally-driven platform.

Re: Halo's Legendary Composer Marty O'Donnell Announces Political Career Switch


@NintendoByNature Oh, no worries, I don't get offended. I love talking to people. I just don't mince my words. By and large, I feel the same about you.

I've heard literally nothing about Democrats agitating to get Dr. Seuss books banned, and can find nothing on it, so unless you can provide me with a link, I'm going to assume you're mistaken. What I DID find was that the Seuss estate is going to stop circulating certain books that it considers offensive. Which is actually not a decision I care for either, but it has nothing to do with the Democratic Party.

Anyway, it's not just a few crazy soccer moms here and there. You have support from the top of the party for restricting access to books with themes they find offensive. So it still wouldn't be the same thing at all as random crazy online lefties screaming about the Harry Potter books because JK Rowling is problematic, or whatever.

Regarding Trump being removed from ballots, as I pointed out, the people suing Trump and getting him into these situations tend to be Republicans as well. Not sure what the political leaning of the judge is, but it's not the same thing as politicians attempting to restrict access to voting rights. And, as expected, the Supreme Court just ruled he can't be kicked off ballots anyway.

The data overwhelmingly supports the contention that keeping up with your boosters increases your likelihood of not suffering from severe disease if you catch covid. With that said, there have always been people who catch it and are asymptomatic, and that might very well be what happened with you. There WERE lies from the scientific community early on regarding covid (specifically, when medical masks were in short supply, the CDC lied to the public about their effectiveness to try and lower the number of people panic buying them, which has rightfully tarnished their credibility), but you not getting sick without boosters doesn't mean the data is a lie.

The same-sex marriage thing is funny, because most people, even Republicans, support it, but there's still a strong contingent of the party that wants it taken away as part of the party's Christian Nationalist push.

While I sympathize with the wider concerns that led to the BLM protests and riots, you won't find me defending most of what happened that year lol. Law and order need to be upheld. Hopefully, someday, we can actually address the very real issues with policing in the U.S. that led to such an upsurge in anger as well.

If you'd like a dispassionate analysis of the economy under Biden vs Trump with data and sources, you can turn to this, for a start. Definitely seek out different sources that don't have an explicit ideological bias:


I don't respect beliefs founded in hatred, ignorance, and a yearning for authoritarian control, no. You shouldn't, either. There comes a point where things aren't simply matters of opinion. The modern GOP isn't getting this reaction from people because they disagree on tax policy.

Re: Halo's Legendary Composer Marty O'Donnell Announces Political Career Switch


@NintendoByNature Considering the modern GOP is FILLED with and CONTROLLED by people who want to burn books, make voting harder, keep people like me from being able to marry, oppress the trans community, spread lies about vaccines during a pandemic, continue supporting a candidate who attempted to orchestrate a coup, explicitly support fascist strongmen over democratic allies, reduce the tax burden on the already undertaxed mega-wealthy even more, and have public figures at major political events calling for the "end of democracy" and talking about starting a new Civil War, what political beliefs should I be looking to respect?

Sorry, but the 'enlightened centrism' attitude is one driven by nothing other than disinterest and ignorance of the facts at this point.

Re: Halo's Legendary Composer Marty O'Donnell Announces Political Career Switch


@Trmn8r So many words buzzwords in one post.

"Principles and facts" lol


Let's establish some facts.

So, at least in the case of the Colorado ballet removal that kicked this off, the people who sued Trump in that situation were Republicans. In fact, most of the legal trouble Trump has been in has been due to other Republicans trying to hold him accountable. So "the side" you're referring to, I hope you realize, is Republicans.

How about the fact that the GOP is currently a cult that will turn on its own ideas the moment it politically benefits a Democrat? Healthcare reform, as it went through, was a plan based off explicitly conservative policies about healthcare reform at the time (and similar, if I recall, to Romneycare), but y'all like to pretend it's socialized medicine.

Republicans EXPLICITLY nuked a potential border deal because your Trump has EXPLICITLY said he doesn't want things to improve under Joe Biden.

The GOP didn't even have a platform drawn up in 2020 like they usually do, because literally the only priority of the party at that point was politically supporting Donald Trump.

It's hard to think of another political party at present worldwide that's MORE divorced from acceptance of the facts, or that is less principle-driven.

You LITERALLY had people at CPAC explicitly calling for the end of democracy. Following only a few years after the last Republican president attempted to orchestrate a coup.

The modern GOP is a stain on the Earth, and will lead this country to ruin unless it is stomped out utterly and rebuilt from the ground up. The party is a refuge for the absolute worst aspects of humanity.

Re: Obsidian Blasted By Xbox Fans For 'Prioritising' PS5 & Switch Versions Of Pentiment


I've been following (and chuckling at) the extended meltdowns some Xbox fanboys are having on Twitter since the start of the rumor-mongering about all this.

That said, I can understand why genuine Xbox loyalists would be frustrated by and hypersensitive to all this, given the continued perceived lack of success and humiliation of their preferred brand relative to the successes of Sony and Nintendo. At this point, applauding for the red carpet being rolled out for the release of Xbox Game Studios titles on opposing platforms probably strikes them as being somewhat emotionally akin to cuckoldry.

Even if the reactions themselves aren't rational, it's not good brand management to leave a fraction of your primary audience feeling like that. Then again, it also wasn't good brand management to let rumors about the Xbox brand going fully multiplatform mutate out of control for a week, and Microsoft allowed it to happen anyway.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Playing Any Of Xbox's New Multiplatform Games On Other Consoles?


@Banjo- Just seems like they excluded ports that would require anything more than the bare minimum of dev time. You're not gonna convince me Hi-Fi Rush couldn't run well on a PS4. And Switch obviously enjoys ports of far more demanding games, although those also probably had a good deal of effort poured into their conversions.

I do wonder at this point why the Ori games still aren't on Playstation.

Re: Multiple Games Announced For Xbox Following February 2024's Nintendo Direct


SMT V: Vengeance! People were wondering if this was more "Persona 5 Royal" (same game with some added stuff) or SMT IV: Apocalypse (brand new game), but honestly, it sounds like it's both. Improvements across the board, but with a second route roughly equal in length to the first. And SMT V itself was not a short JRPG by any means lol.

Not usually a fan of Switch losing exclusives, but this game always deserved to be on more powerful hardware.

The original game had some issues, but the monster-collecting, exploration, and sense of scale were dope. Hope it enjoys far more success as a multiplatform release.

Re: Starfield Fails To Make Shortlist For 'Game Of The Year' At The Game Awards 2023


Kinda sad to see how the tide turned so quickly against Starfield in terms of public opinion. I literally just talked to a random dude today about video games, and when I mentioned Starfield, he had some choice criticisms lol. I guess BGS has lost a lot of their luster in today's environment.

I've only played the Ninty games on the list. Mario Wonder is okay, but not GOTY-worthy, IMO. TotK... I dunno. It's incredibly impressive and creative in so many respects, but I just sort of sat it down and lost interest after 80 hours or so. Whereas I feverishly played BotW until I hit the credits. I think the sequel complicated the formula a bit too much for me.

I guess, for me, the smaller Nintendo releases were more fun. Pikmin 4, Fire Emblem Engage, those Advance Wars remakes, etc.

Re: New Xbox Policy To Block Unauthorised Accessories


Christ this sucks.

I know the refrain now: "Subscriptions are the goal, not console sales," but permanently lagging in third place in the console market will inevitably lead to lower subscription numbers from console-only gamers, and most of Microsoft's moves lately seem designed to alienate enthusiasts from their platform.

Glad my PC is up to snuff so I don't need to worry about this sort of thing.

Re: Review: Starfield - Bethesda Serves Up Its Best RPG Yet In A Messy, Exciting And Emotional Space Odyssey


@SplooshDmg Admittedly, this sort of thing has always happened, where people join sub-cultures or social groups and integrate elements of those into their personal identity. I feel like it expanding to everything to create a persistent and inescapable web of interlocking tribal identities was probably inevitable with the way the internet and social media have transformed human life.

Re: Inside Dev Reveals 'Crazy' Discussion With Phil Spencer Over Xbox Deal


Ah, American/British language confusion. Fun subject.

One of the funniest experiences to be had as an American is the first time you mention "biscuits and gravy" to a limey new to the American experience and watch them internally try to figure out what the hell that could possibly mean.

On that note, as someone living in the American South, you're probably better off not calling people "yanks," since it means something different here.

And if people mention "football," we're watching stocky dudes in armor charge into each-other, not soccer.