Comments 81

Re: Talking Point: What Convinced You To Pick Xbox In The First Place?


original xbox.
few reasons. at the time i was very into dead or alive and 3 was exclusive, heard how halo was suposed to be great and that it was the most powereful console.
ps2 broke and decided to get a gamecube and an xbox instead of a replacement.
360 was a no brainer. awesome times.
xbox one , wtf were they thinking, i left.
series x bought for BC and bethesda exclusives.

Re: Best Xbox Exclusives


this list has highlighted some of the things that piss me of with xbox because they don't provide a choice,

grounded and hi-fi rush are both games i would buy and play if they had physical releases.

i enjoyed vermitide 2 solo offline and was hoping to have a go with Warhammer 40,000: Darktide but you need XBOXgold/live to use the game at all.

they want you to be subscribed to these services but not providing the options to play offline or buy discs makes it feel like blackmail and just sours the brand for me.

Re: In The End, Are You Happy With Xbox's First-Party Lineup For 2023?


i don't play driving games so the two big forzas don't mean anything for me, played ghost wire on ps5.
haven't tried redfall yet but looks pretty naff/not great/my type

hifi rush looks great but i don't do digital or game pass and i am super annoyed they never released it physical for me to get.

starfield i enjoyed but not as much as previous elderscrolls or fallouts.

Re: Here Are The Top 10 Xbox Games Of 2023 According To Metacritic


just curious why you chose the xbox as the third party machine?
do you prefer their online play?
even though it is a more powerful machine nearly every 3rd party game runs worse on the xbox, i am surprised by how few games have compelled me to buy the xbox version because they run the best on that hardware.
disclaimer i prefer to use my ps5 for my trophy list as my 3rd party games machine as because it works better 9 times out of ten.

Re: Report Claims Xbox Series X|S Sales Have Fallen By Around 15% In 2023


as a very old school gamer i find lots of things wrong with the xbox approach.
i really quite like the series x as hardware nothing not to like about the actual console it's self but it is all the way microsoft is hardsell all the time, it is their way or the highway.

in basic terms my ps still feels like a gamesconsole, i can buy a game and play it , i don't need to engage with sony at all.

i feel sonys strategy is if we make the best games they will make money and microsofts strategy is how can we best use games to make money.

Re: Starfield Dev Calls Out 'Unreasonable' Criticism From Some People On Social Media


between it being too similar to fallout and ES and the disjointed gameplay areas it is just a good but not great game for me.
i have really started to enjoy it now but the first 20 hours or so was work to get into in a way the other 2 weren't and there are lots of complexeties with being between planets and places that needed lots of better quality of life solutions.
make ships parts available from other sellers after you find them, building a ship from scratch, easier resource pooling , making the make map easier to navigate etc.. etc.. etc..

i don't know what or how but i feel their next game needs to be somehow 'more' than just the same as the formula has been.
somehow elevated to the next level.more complex and interactive background systems like ai (not like computer learning ai just game ai) and having a real effect on things maybe.

Re: Final Warning! Marvel's Avengers Is Being Delisted On Xbox This Week


@JayJ you can tell from peoples attitudes and comments how short sighted and personally oriented their opinions about digital being better than physical are.

if you haven't bought the game already you can never get this game ever in the future when it is delisted.
a kid today may grow up, get into games, buy an old second hand ps5 or seriesx and really want to try out marvels avengers.
they will be able to track down a second hand copy and play it because it came out physical.
in your world they will have to track down one of you guys , get you to remember your decades old accounts, hope that servers for those ancient machines are still up and move in with you to play it.
granted lots of games are not released in a good enough state physically , mostly the big AAA games but lots of games still are. smaller games normally wait to be finished to release on disc and 'complele' editions still get released.
microsoft are the worst for their disc releases with zero effort to include a game on the disc, as you say, just releasing a disc as a download key, basically.

Re: Talking Point: Have You Ever Bought An Xbox For One Specific Game?


kind of but not really. i bought a wiiu just to play breath of wild and i bought a switch just to play tears of the kingdom.
i bought my og xbox for dead or alive 3 but also because of the other games like jet set radio future and halo.
360 was my default console buy that gen. dodged xbox one.
seriesx was because of the zenimax buy out , elderscrolls 6 and starfield i wanted and backwards compatabilty sold it to me.
realising ES6 won't be coming out on this console most likely now if it wasn't for BC i would be disppointed. so i don't think starfield would have been enough on it's own.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Developer Seemingly Working On New Project


i really loved hogwarts legacy but there was soooooo much quality of life stuff and testing that needed to be done. it was oviously rushed out to save money, considering how succesful it became that was unforgivable but i can't imagine what kind of octopus fingered yes men they had as play-testers , they need some older gamers in there to tell them what is a pain and what should be better.
just all the time i was like: ' just this little thing here would make it so much simpler and more fun to play'etc..

i would hope they could really go to town with a sequel now all the building blocks are set down but i don't know how they could make a sequel as fun as the discovery and learning your way around was a massive part of what i loved about it.

Re: Yes, Starfield Really Will Feature 'Over 1,000 Worlds'


looks far too polished for one of their games lol, makes me suspicious of what they might be hiding.

looks amazing on the super high end pc they were demoing it on but i wanted xbox footage.

if it works mostly fine and it is like it seems like it will be it will be unfathamomably epic and a miracle of game development.
cautiously optomistic

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