Over the past week, I've been driving some of my colleagues mad at Pure Xbox HQ ranting about this deleted saves issue with Baldur's Gate 3 on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. I have total faith in Larian and Xbox to get around the problem in the near future, but I'm also concerned about how many times I've seen this issue (or a similar variant of it) reported online from the past few years across multiple games.
Baldur's Gate 3 is obviously the most mainstream version of it so far, with countless people heading to the BG3 subreddit and beyond to report that they've lost 5, 10, 20 or even 50+ hours of progress because the Xbox cloud saving system has seemingly run out of space to save the file - and for whatever reason, that means it gets deleted.
If it was just Baldur's Gate 3, there wouldn't really be much of a talking point here. But since this issue reared its ugly head, I've been going down a rabbit hole of reports from other games where saves have been deleted unexpectedly as well - multiple versions of Football Manager Console, Wartales, Starfield, The Lamplighters League, and more. In certain situations, players have just found themselves unable to save such as in Hogwarts Legacy, but in others they've lost a significant amount of progress in the blink of an eye.

In some of these games, the issues have either been resolved or lessened to a decent degree over time, so clearly the devs and technical wizards over at Xbox are able to tackle the problem. But why does it appear to be happening in multiple instances, and why don't we get any transparency about what's exactly causing these deleted saves to occur?
Personally, the prospect of devoting tens if not hundreds of hours into any Xbox game is starting to feel pretty nerve-wracking after this. In 99% of cases or more, everything works out fine — I've never suffered from this issue before over the past 10+ years — but it's that 1% or less with games like Baldur's Gate 3 that leaves me on edge.
Let's not go into full panic mode though. Xbox pushed out an update last week that specifically tried to target this problem with deleted saves across multiple games, although it didn't seem to work for Baldur's Gate 3. Xbox Insiders appear to be testing another update right now as well, so it's a topic that's definitely top of mind.
And I know that I'm going to see people in the comments telling me that they've never suffered anything like this before and the cloud saving system has always been great for them on Xbox. It's been the same for me as well, so I'm not trying to be overly critical! What I would like to see is more choice in how we manage our saves, such as the ability to bypass cloud saves entirely if we want to, as well as some kind of detailed explanation about why we're seeing this again and again - beyond the generic tips you tend to get from Xbox and Microsoft Support.
Fingers crossed, we'll be getting a resolution for Baldur's Gate 3's saving issues on Xbox at some point over the next few days, and with any luck we'll be able to put 100+ hours into the game with no concerns in 2024. For me though, it might be a while before I dip back into it... I want to be sure it's fully fixed before taking any more chances.
What are your thoughts on this? Am I blowing it out of proportion? Tell me down below!
Comments 38
Save corruption/deletion issues have always been a thing.
Understandable that it's frustrating, especially if the systems in place to avoid it malfunction. But i feel it's just a part of gaming since the beginning. Sometimes you just lose that save file.
Recently lost all save files for all my Switch games. I didn't have the subscription, so they weren't on the cloud, and i lost it all changing to a new console. It is what it is
Do the games not save locally on your Xbox aswell if not you wouldnt be able to have a save for any game if you are offline playing or is it that the cloud save overwrites local save games because I'm nearly positive save games still get saved to the console you are using
i just assumed my series x was just saving my games on my hard drive and reading them from there.
so what is it actually doing?
I can image this can put you off gaming forever after losing 100's of hours of gameplay.
I can remember having a Dreamcast, the push in memory card corrupted a few game saves. I took the mem card out, took it to the spare bedroom I was doing up and put a big file through it with a hammer!
Deeply therapeutic at the time..
@MrList it’s all in the cloud so you can access it from multiple devices
I have been seeing this more and more of late, it cropped up quite a lot on Starfield too and people were dismissing it as a one off. My HOPE is that this is finally the last straw, and with enough eye balls on it, Microsoft get round to fixing the issue properly this time.
Short term pain, long term gain.
This has been a long standing issue. Been happening since the Xbox One.
I've lost saves from Battlefield 4, Tales of Vesperia, Skyrim, Halo 4 and 5, Mass Effect Trilogy, Alan Wake remastered, Shadow of Mordor, and many others.
It is crazy this is just now being looked into due to Baldur's Gate 3.
I assume the reason they don't offer local save backups has something to do with sharing save files to get achievements or something? I remember back when you'd get Demo discs with magazines hat included some save files on to unlock all the characters in a fighting game, or all the racing tracks.
I have lost multiple saves on BG3, and I now refuse to play it until the issue is resolved. I am also in the Insider Alpha ring, so whatever they are testing has not fixed the issue.
I am really disgusted to have lost around 30 hours on this game. I can't believe that QA didn't pick up this issue before launch.
It especially stings that he game won GOTY, was likely held back to be launched during the game awards with this glaring issue that could have been resolved before launch.
Yeah it's definitely a bummer especially for such a long game. I'd probably give up if I put over 10 hours and the save vanished. I remember wiping memory cards back in the day because all my siblings had our own cards. If you swapped on some games while they were still inserted they would corrupt the memory card. Also saving and loading where exponentially worse on n64 and ps1 so we would watch tv while things saved and loaded. Incidents occurred which usually meant you moved to another game.
I had this issue start with Dead Space at the beginning of November.
However for what it’s worth; it never deleted anything. And neither did Like A Dragon Gaiden that I was playing at the same time. I think it’s just Baldur’s Gate that is actually deleting the saves. I’m not worried about any other game as I think it’s a specific issue with BG3. Don’t get me wrong it’s Xbox’s issue but when combined with BG3; everything goes kaput.
For me to fix the issue I had to click “delete all local saves” and then now each game I start just redownloads my save from the cloud and i’m good to go. Everything is good now. But still scared to continue BG3. But I can’t help playing it. Help.
@PopularCorpse I agree with you about this. The Xbox release definitely got held back because of this known bug and after all the Larian praise this year, I think it is really two-faced. Whether this is Larian’s fault or Xbox’s, they both likely knew about it and it shouldn’t have released like this.
Now, granted, I’m one of the few that had game breaking bugs on PS5 when it launched there, and I thought it was frustrating that you actually had to dig to find anything about it then. I’m glad that the Xbox community has actually been concerned about these issues, as I’ve been told that I’m crazy in PS and PC circles for this critique months ago (and I say this as a guy that defended Pokemon Violet for having bugs, but not game breaking bugs, so I can forgive bugs).
I've not actually had any issues with BG3 yet fortunately but it does make me concerned.
I've been playing on Xbox for only 2 years but never had any problem. Never.
Got all the achievements from Hogwarts Legacy too.
What weird me out about this hug is that whenever I load a game after playing cloud/elsewhere it asks if I want to load the clod save or the local save, so what's happening to the local save in this bug?
lol, I remember an era when you were just glad a game actually loaded (from a tape)….you could wait ages and the game would crash at 99% loaded, or just randomly and repeatedly as you were playing.
Ok games still crash but for 99.9% of the time the modern gamer is living a life of luxury. Sometimes we need to remember that.
It seems like a tipping point has been reached with this issue… I can’t think of a worse problem than this other that the console breaking or games disappearing from my purchased page but that would never happen ….
@Feffster or even better … buying a magazine and typing in the game code for 20 hours and then having to debug it as you typed in sonething wrong…
Sure it's backed up...saved on the console and the cloud
Only game I can recall in years gone by where I've lost a saved game is Horizon on the psvr 2....just went to load it up and I was back at the start and my saved game was randomly gone...so never gonna complete that i wasn't restarting it
It happened to my Starfield save, 38 hours down the drain so I have up on that game unfortunately
This situation begs many questions:
1. Why Baldur's Gate and not other games?
2. What is the cause or known causes?'
3. What happened to the local save?
4. Was there a single save file or multiple deleted?
After a decade or two (Steam and Xbox), I've never had this happen to me. The worst is a message that the cloud save is older than the local save, without having played on another machine.
Games definitely save locally. My cyberpunk 2077 save got corrupted. Every file, unreadable. I was able to recover by DELETING my local save Data and then resynchronizing from the cloud. I didn't lose any progress.
I have a Series X with the 1TB Seagate card and knock on wood i haven’t had a single issue with game saves. But as the old sayings go time is money and time is not something you can buy back. I would be highly upset with a game this long and complex to have to start all over. If i lost a short singe player game i wouldn’t be happy but starting over isn’t the worst thing ever, but lengthy RPG’s is just a no no. Hope this doesn’t happen to anyone else and MS get’s it corrected and soon cause this is saving the time we gamers put in. That should be respected with the highest of quality work to ensure we are invested correctly.
The only time i remember this being an issue was for Starfield when i was switching between my Series X upstairs and Series S downstairs, only come to find out it was because i had over 100 saves since each time i saved it was a new file and it slowed the syncing WAY down. But I did have the option to load the one already on the console or from the cloud, so there is a local save for sure.
It's clearly a problem with the save server farm not having enough bandwidth dedicated to it. Like a low quality network system like Optus in Australia.
Last 2 weeks I also had CP77 saying "Save failed" as the save being pushed to the cloud save servers got rejected due to their terrible input bandwidth/processing-power. They just need a better high-quality server farm for save file storage.
@SAHgamer I think it's a bit of a multifaceted issue. My corrupted CP save was over 500mb in size. I'm sure whatever process they have isn't designed to back up that much Data on a constant basis. I think the games need to figure out how we compress the save files. Half a gig seems excessive.
I lost Starfield Save data about a month ago and tonight I just lost my BG3 data. Thank God I have it backed up to Steam.
@AlwaysPlaying - too true!
I so far have never had this issue on Xbox. I feel for those who have because it has happened to me on other platforms. It sucks but it is what it is.
@abe_hikura it's basically asking you which save do you want to use: the save that's backed up to the cloud where you accessed it on another device or the save that's local to your primary device. Choosing one overtired the other so choosing the local save overwrites the cloud save and choosing the cloud save overwrites the local data, as a sync is done immediately after choosing either.
They also ask this if for example during a sync, the local save made offline was more recent than the last save synced to the cloud. You'll be prompted to either pick last cloud save or the offline local save.
I might be mistaken but this feels like the save files are too large and are hitting the save file partition limits which are in the save settings. The hardrive save then prevents the cloud save from working so you need to delete the local save and let the cloud re-load the save back on your system. I am unsure if you can change the partition size though.
What are save files? Technically they're obviously just a small text list of coordinates of shifted items in the 3d game space and a list of inventory items and a log of quests/missions done and maybe a list of discussion tree selected dialog. So, should be a megabyte or a few in size only.
I agree that Xbox should handle saves slightly different and should give you always the option to backup physically in the console. I did not yet play bg3 but I had an issue in the past with Life is strange true colours where when starting the dlc I got a phone call and had to go out in a rush. When coming back I was received with a message stating "you need to finish the main game before starting the dlc" which I obviously had (the 1000GS says anyways )... Could not turn it around so in the end I gave up and watch a playthrough on YouTube...
@Darylb88 @SAHgamer Yep, this seems to be a file size issue. Saves are usually are a few MB or less on Xbox, but Baldur's Gate 3 for me is over 90MB - I know Football Manager Console also has very large file sizes.
Is the bug also deleting local saves?
Cloud saves being deleted is one thing, but local saves as well!?
Been fortunate enough to have never suffered this issue. Only save file 'issue' I get is being asked to choose between a local or cloud save which are identical in size and save date/time.
Xbox’s software has felt like it’s stuck together with bubble gum and tape for a while now. First with the slow as hell dashboard, the store needing updates multiple times a day and now how it handles saves. Not to mention all the rewards points bugs, achievements not unlocking (Still denied my Dark Souls dark ending achievement) and so on. It’s just a mess and makes the experience of being an xbox gamer feel so budget.
I lost my cloud AND hdd save — minimum 200 hours — of Dragons Dogma on XB360. Played it summer '14, and returned to the console a few years later to consolidate old files and stuff.... And nothing was there. Never figured out what happened.
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