Update: We've got some potentially good news to share on this! CD Projekt Red has heard the calls for an 60FPS option on Xbox Series S, and has confirmed it's looking into the possibility of adding it in the future:
"We are looking into the possibility of [Raising the FPS cap on Xbox Series S], but at the moment we don't have any details to share. We are investigating our options but don't know if this will be possible."
Original story: As we've been reporting, Cyberpunk 2077's next-gen upgrade has finally arrived, bringing with it better framerates, graphical upgrades, faster loading times, more customisation options and lots of important tweaks and fixes to NPC behaviour, loot, driving mechanics and combat AI.
On Series X, the game's 1.5 update adds two performance modes, a 30fps/dynamic 4K Ray Tracing mode that dials up the graphical bells and whistles, and a 60fps/dynamic 4K mode that sacrifices fancy effects for that faster framerate. It's all good stuff and very, very welcome even if it's all arrived some 14 months late.
However, Series S owners are not being treated to a choice of modes with this latest update, instead being given just one "performance mode" which sees the game output at 1440p and 30fps, and some of them aren't particularly happy about it, taking to Twitter and other social media platforms to voice their understandable frustrations.

To be fair to CD Projekt Red, and taking into account just how problematic this game has been in the past, it's not particularly surprising that the Series S isn't getting a 4K/60fps mode, but it could perhaps have been an idea to give gamers the chance to drop down to 1080p in order to get a little closer to that 60fps mark.
Maybe this is an option that's in the works over at CD Projekt Red HQ, something that's planned for implementation a little further down the line, but for now it seems Series S owners will need to make do with the one mode of play and take some comfort in the fact the game has been hugely improved in many other areas, leading to a much better experience all around, as we detailed in our hands on with the new update.
Are you playing Cyberpunk 2077 on Series S? How's your experience been at 1440p/30fps? As always, let us know in the comments.
Comments 58
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Let Microsoft take a crack at it. I'll bet we get 1440 at 60fps.
You really should know what you're getting into when you buy a Series S.
I have a series s plugged to a 1080p 60hz projector so I don’t care about 1440p 30hz I wan’t the option to have 1080p 60hz that’s what I need, like most Xbox series s owner!
I think they can make it 60 at 1080 for the series s. First I think the series s will be treated like the switch. “Budget” console but sells the most because it’s easy to obtain and accessible for everyone. Second I think people really get caught up with frames per second. I hardly remember ever discussing this topic a decade ago. Maybe I have super human eyesight or I’m a Neanderthal but 30 and 60 doesn’t bother me. I take quality mode over performance mode.
It's a weird situation.
Developers seem to be very lazy at optimizing for the Series S.
The same happened with Guardians of the Galaxy at launch. No 60FPS mode on Series S. Fans complained. Then it was added in about a month later.
Considering the people who bought a series s, didn't care for big 4k graphics, 1080p at 60hz shouldve been more than capable. And I feel 1080p at 60hz(+) is what devs should aim/hit on the series s.
THIS is the core problem with the Series S. I don't see why it couldn't do 1080p/60 or perhaps 900p/60 but currently devs don't seem to be getting the most out of it and treating it as a second rate system. It's a shame as the hardware is brilliant.
That said I don't completely blame them. In the past devs would have to optimise 1 profile for each console. Now it's 2-3 profiles for Xbox series X, 2-3 for PS5, 1-2 for Xbox series S, 1-2 for Xbox One X, 1 for XBox One S, 1 for XBox one, 1-2 for PS4 Pro and 1 for PS4.
Hopefully once cross-gen is in decline Series S might get a little more love once there are less profiles to optimise.
@Medic_Alert The problem that has been highlighted by a few devs with the Series S is the memory bandwidth is not the same, or scaled accurately to account for less GPU power. Therefore it isn't quite as simple as a 1080p/1440p Series X even thought that's what Microsoft suggested initially.
Regardless of this (see my post above #11) I think devs are sleeping on the Series S a bit and it could do better than they manage.
If Metro Exodus can run at a dynamic (up to) 1080p resolution with 60fps cap, I struggle to see why this couldn’t either. Metro is running ray traced global illumination, where the Series S version of Cyberpunk has no ray tracing. Same applies to Dying Light 2.
@Medic_Alert In PC there's no real need for developers to get involved with programing how a game will run, That kind of tuning is done by the User alone (through buying the components and the fine tuning in the software itself)
That was never the case for consoles, and it will never be the case. Programing the Graphics on Consoles is a task exculsively done by Developers and Developers ALONE
Don't get PC involved in this conversation
"The sales pitch for the Series S is that it should do the same as the Series X but at 1080p."
No. The only sales pitch was that the Series S targets 1440p, which is exactly what CP77 delivers. Apart from that, the engine of this game is ages old. It will be a feat to optimize the game on these specs. You cannot just lower the resolution in every case and magically get 60 FPS as a result.
What gets more annoying is people who don't understand what a GPU or CPU does, commenting about the Series S like it's a Nintendo Switch.
I am not sure how much of a concern running at 30 FPS is. I know 60 FPS is smoother and has a better feel, but there are a lot of games at 30FPS that are just fine no matter what console they are on.
You knew when you bought a Series S it was less powerful. You save $200 and then you complain when it can’t do what the $500 console can.
The Series S is a phenomenal little machine for the price and in this case I feel they could have the game at 1080p/60fps. I would have thought most gamers who care about resolution/fps though would not opt for a series S due to it being an inferior budget machine, so it seems weird to me that there’s a big uproar about this.
I’m just wondering when series S will get a game that features any kind of raytracing options, the same hardware is there as the X but no one is implementing it.
@SecretAgentCat @Medic_Alert That's not the case.
The series S is significantly less powerful.
It actually Has lower clock CPU, a significantly less powerful GPU (prettyuch a third of the X) and even less ram.
The marketing is plain wrong, this console won't be doing anything close to 1440 of X's 4k. Expect 1080 p 30 fps without ray tracing at the end of the generation.
I love my Series S, but the RAM really is an area they cut too deep on. That is the biggest limiting factor to 60fps games on series s. 3rd party Devs like CD project red don't want to work too hard on memory optimization.. see last gen version memory usage issues as an example
@Secryt we don’t ask for the same thing ,1080p 60fps is not the same as 4K 60fps with ray tracing try reading correctly before judging others.
@uptownsoul To be fair it was Xbox's marketing, but by now it's obvious it won't deliver the same experience at a low resolution.
@Medic_Alert They're both pretty big issues yo be honest.
The series S is struggling with keeping up with last gen titles, what happens when developers start making games that push the series X at 30fps? That's the question.
Again, the S is struggling now, and we're still at cross gen territory.
I like it as a whole, but Microsoft's marketing was definitely a bit misleading.
@munstahunta oh I read. I just don’t see anywhere where it was promised it could do the same frame rate at any given time at lesser resolutions. That’s a simplification to assume it scales equally just because resolution is decreased. Maybe they’ll adjust it. Maybe not.
If we know anything about this game by now it's that it hasn't been very well optimised from the start.
I own an S and an X and have been absolutely delighted with both for different reasons.
I'm certain that the S could achieve better performance in the right hands. I just can't believe that people were genuinely thinking that CDPR were those hands.
@__jamiie From the people who ported Witcher 3 to Nintendo switch I think they can do magic maybe they just did not put much effort in the series s version and they also ported snowrunner on the switch .
@thiz- the great thing is, you have a choice to play the game, you don't have to play it, many others are enjoying it and will continue to play it despite your opinion that doesn't seem like you are contributing anything with a comment like this to the community.
@munstahunta Saber Interactive ported the game to Switch and did an amazing job. CDPR had nothing to do with it.
Thinking of that launch window when we were told the S was the X just at HD and not 4K. I didn't trust it at the time and very glad I went X instead. Just a shame they couldn't squeeze all that X into the body of an S
@SecretAgentCat A few games use it but not many. I've played 2 myself. Watch Dogs Legion has pretty impressive ray tracing on Series S, the game runs between 900p and 1080p. Metro Exodus also has RT but has very low resolution on S, it can hit 1080p but averages 512p to 720p.
I really really don't understand how people buy the lower quality console and expect it to be as good as the better version lol
@Krysus halo infinite does 60fps at dynamic 1080p on series s so I doubt it
I don't know why people would buy a Series S and expect Series X performance. If you value high-end performance you should have bought a Series X.
Guys, I won't get into tech specific details here, because there are people who are way more qualified to do it, so I will bring another perspective. Many guys, myself included, have migrated from Sony to Microsoft this generation, trusting that there's a place for people like us, who CANNOT afford a top tier console, but still want to keep gaming on this generation. And, we've been treated with great titles running at 60fps, so we got excited and wanting for more. Now, 30fps is back and is here to stay, judging by recent titles like DL2 and CP2077...And it's just frustrating not even having an OPTION to choose modes. What I mean is: if MS doesn't start putting the pressure on these developers to optimize their games on XSS, we'll simply go back from where we came. Again, even though it's hard to pay for a PS5, if they start alienating us, that's where some of us are going to.
@AFCC It's like buying Toyota's GT86 and complaining when it's not as fast as a high-end Supra.
@OldgamerDave Or you could have just, you know, bought a Series X if you want the best graphics and performance. The Series S was always sold under the intention of it being a cheap entry point for Xbox gaming. The cheapest PS5 costs $100 more, and with a disc drive it's the same price as a Series X, and that's assuming you can find one at retail.
@JayJ I wish I could, friend, but unfortunately South America is ruled by the so-called grey market, and even so, the XSX comes as "cheap" as $1100 or, 5 minimum Brazilian wages, while the XSS comes for a bit less than half of that. Maybe you're right, maybe we're asking for too much, but I guess my logic stands: we're millions and millions of users and maybe MS and developers should take that into account and put some extra effort into optimization.
It's a pity they didn't drop the resolution to target 60fps, but it's a relatively stable 30 at least. I think the combat would've benefitted from the bump in frame rate, though. I don't mind a lower resolution in exchange.
@__jamiie oops you’re right my bad , but it shows that put in the right hands a game can be optimized for almost any platform and I think they have just been lazy on the series s version like most third party will do because it’s not the flagship console , I just finished halo infinite campaign and the gameplay was smooth , playing this game after halo it just doesn’t feel good returning to 30fps.
@Beagle The voice of reason there mate. I don't understand the complaining tbh. Cyberpunk 2077 always ran at 30fps on Series S. Now it's an objectively better package overall with new AI, vehicle physics, a boatload of fixes etc but somehow it's not enough.
@Xiovanni Yeah the lack of X classic and One X enhancement should have definitely been a red flag for people looking for great graphics. I think the Series S is an excellent console for simply being an entry point to Xbox gaming as well as a streaming machine and so on. Just be sure to check your expectations.
@OldgamerDave Understood. Hopefully Microsoft will put in some extra effort for markets like yours.
@munstahunta I completely agree. I just wish that more effort had gone into the Series S version. It will get improved over time and I suppose that's the way games are now. Most of them launch as a work in progress.
And again, I completely agree. Halo worked brilliantly well. Really brilliantly.
I bought my S for a small 1080p monitor. I hope they can add some options!
@JayJ X Classic? If you mean the BC stuff the XSS actually gets the enhancements for the classic and 360 games.
The XSS has some interesting quarks that MS hasn’t really buckled down yet. (The HDR lock). Like I’m sure they could go through the 1X enhanced titles to work for the XSS, but they try to automate this stuff. FPS boost was supposed to take games into the 60 FPS realm when the devs didn’t. The program has been shelved which I think has more to do with what is going on behind the scenes than actually not being able to do it. Either way asking Dev teams to double the work when I don’t think they necessarily see the effort.
Like I’m sure the game could run at 60 FPS and maybe at 1080, but is it really worth the extra effort? Sure we might prefer frame rate but most consumers like pretty graphics. Raytracing knocks the frame rate down in many games to 30 on the big consoles, and people still prefer it.
Series S should be able to do dynamic resolution up to 1080p and 60fps. The problem seems to be related to the poor game optimisation. I think it's not fair to say that Microsoft misled with the idea of same as Series X but for 1080p TVs and 1440p monitors. There's no bottleneck like in last-gen consoles. They used the new-gen version of Gears 5 as a demonstration. Probably, they didn't consider that some developers wouldn't optimise for Series S. They just use rough power, that's why some games don't even run well on PCs. Because consoles are locked specifications profiles, they should be able to move the sliders down as necessary. Dynamic resolution is something that makes optimisation easier and games look as good as they can. Microsoft did it with Halo 5 on Xbox One, I don't know why developers today would have so many problems getting 60fps on Series S unless they're not doing the right optimisation, especially considering the fact that some developers are porting new-gen games to Switch (weaker than a 2017 smartphone), even if it means 360p at 25fps.
The thing that seems too demanding even on Series X and PS5 (even more on PS5 because of the weaker GPU and lack of RDNA2) is ray tracing but Series S owners as well as developers know that.
wsnt sesies s marketed as 1440p version of series x (that should work 4k) ofc with less ray tracing ?
as SX is 3 times more powerfull( GPU -yes at now it is not that easy but teraflops are only metric that we have) and runs the game at 4k with 60fps SS should be able to run at least 1080p no ray tracing at 60fps...
While I'm not interested in Cyberpunk 2077, this kind of setup in general is partially why I preferred to wait as long as it took to get a Series X instead of getting a Series S earlier (the other reason being Series S has no disc drive). Microsoft promotes the Series S as a Series X for 1080p TVs but in reality this kind of situation where Series X gets 60fps meanwhile Series S gets 30fps will become increasingly common as time goes.
I don't see much reason in making a 1440p only version for the Series S. The goal should be Series S = 1080p and Series X = 4K.
I feel like if you are gaming on your big screen TV in your living room, you should be getting an X with 4K.
If you are like me and are gaiming up close to a 24" monitor, you should be happy with 1080p.
60 FPS Mode - A how to guide for CDPR
900-1080p dynamic res
Lower settings towards the Xbox One version (if necessary)
Stable 60fps
Surely this is the way to go?
I fully believe that the Series S could run any Xbox One S version of a game at 60fps, for example XB1 Dying Light 2 would be a quick way to incorporate a performance mode into the XSS version.
Mirror the XB1S settings and the XSS would offer a stable 60fps. I would guess that you could pump up the settings further from that starting point too.
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@thiz- I was just saying if you don't like the game that much, don't play it. This is also a social community that has community rules and guidelines.
@iplaygamesnstuff I was just saying, if you dont like my comment that much, dont reply to it and waste both of our time. Gotta love random users threatening you with calling mods on you because they dont like what you said about their favorite game.
@thiz- exactly take your own advice then.
@OldgamerDave If you couldn't afford a series X, why would you switch to a PS5, which is just as expensive? Genuinely interested!
As an old gamer myself, I'd suggest you get the other machine regardless - games pass is brilliant and will service most of your needs, but Sony make several unmissable titles each generation, so unless you play corporation wars like the youngsters, you need both this gen for the most fun!
We are seeing the Series S struggle early this gen, I think we can expect that struggle to continue as the games become more demanding. I think Series S owners may need to re calibrate their expectations of their machine from 'a series X with lower res' to something less than that. Its still a fantastic little machine that provides a lot of value for the entry price, but it doesn't substitute for a series X.
@Titntin You've raised good points there, friend. I figure I gotta have both systems in order to enjoy what's to come, rather than run away from the Xbox ecosystem at the first sign of trouble... Buuuut, that'll have to wait, because my boy is turning 4 next week, and my first baby girl is coming along soon, so my budget for games is limited, to say the least! Well, that's ok, I guess I should just make my peace with the XSS and be grateful that I can afford it, right?
@OldgamerDave Never any harm in wanting more my friend. With a young family, you definitely have bigger priorities!
I wish all of you fun and happiness.....
@Titntin Thanks for the kind words, man! All the best for you as well!
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