Comments 106

Re: Review: Jusant: Not Quite The 'Peak' Of Xbox Game Pass, But Still A Fun Adventure


These games are my jam! I absolutely adore silent protagonist types where the narrative is quiet and subtly built into the world. The text heavy Letters can be a little lengthy at times but the ambient sounds and remnants of those who once lived in the tower make for such a wonderfully immerse experience.

If you're a fan of Planet of Lana, The Last Guardian, Stray, INSIDE and LIMBO then you're going to dig Jusant!

Re: Poll: Based On What You've Played So Far, What Score Would You Give Starfield?


Personally, I wasn't enjoying it at all when I first started. I think I put 6-7 hours (maybe idk) into the game and I felt really disconnected from what I felt Starfield was trying to be. I had no issue with performance or the classic charm of a Bethesda bug (or hundreds of bugs), I just felt like I wasn't the target audience, or I was, but It wasn't hitting in the right way. But I stuck with it (mainly for review footage) and after another 5ish hours though... that's when it kicked in. I started to get it. I love the freedom to meander, gallivant or plod about the universe to my heart's content. I could be a space pirate, a smuggler, or simply an average human coffee goer. The role-playing aspect is an absolute joy. If I were to score Starfield after those first 6-7 hours, I'd have settled around a 7 too. Like I get that point of view. But now? If I'm being completely honest, I'd score it somewhere between a 9 and a 10. It was a slow burner for me, but now I've arrived in the land of loving Starfield, I do think it'll creep into a solid 10.