Comments 93

Re: Talking Point: 10 Years On, Have You Ever Played The Elder Scrolls Online?


I play it every day and enjoy it. But it’s awful for new players, major cities are flooded with prologue quests for all the DLC which show up and are doable even if you don’t own it. It means a new player will be assaulted by 20 different plots all at once, a genuinely awful and overwhelming experience.

Most folk seem to dislike the combat though I’ve never seennanyone articulate why, makes me wonder if it’s just poorly tutorialised and people are light attacking things to death. I doubt a new player would think of weaving, buff and dot management when the game is laughably easy now.

Re: Talking Point: What's Your Favourite Thing About Xbox Right Now?


Backwards compatability, 100%. It's not perfect but sometimes I just wanna chill and play some good old games like the Fable trilogy or even third party stuff like the original Assassin's Creed. Can't do that on PlayStation outside of cloud which... while nice in a pinch, isn't a true gaming experience to me.

Hopefully 360/PS3 emulation can catch up by next gen if we're truly gonna be forced into an all-digital future.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Expect To See From Microsoft's Update On The Future Of Xbox?


The best case and what I actually expect they'll announce a handful of games are going to PS5, asure everyone they'll stay in the hardware business for next gen. Maybe reveal their handheld (Probably not since it's so early but it's like the one Microsoft thing I'm hyped for).

Worst, cynnical case for xbox fans is they announce that yes, they're dropping hardware support at the end of this generation, will no longer be supporting their legacy consoles (Online for 360 and One shutdown 2025) and backwards compatibility, games will no longer launch on gamepass day 1 and they'll be moving to an adorably all-publishing future.

Re: Xbox Indie Developer Shares His Concerns Following This Week's Rumours


The fact Xbox hasn't outright denied the rumours already means they're most likely true. If I was an indie dev I'd definitely lower the xbox porting priority significantly, if they -do- confirm it then I just wouldn't port to Xbox at all. The sales wouldn't be worth the cost. If Xbox as a console goes it'll just become synominous with game pass and nothing else.

Re: Avowed Will Have Multiple Endings, Unsurprisingly


Honestly if I didn’t take advantage of the 3 year gold to ultimate conversion I wouldn’t be touching this at all. But it’s basically free on game pass so might as well kill a weekend with it like I did the Outer Worlds.

I’d love for this to be an amazing game but Obsidian’s output has been disappointing for a while now.

Re: Xbox Games Are Reportedly No Longer Being Stocked At Some European Retailers


If I'm stuck with digital I'd rather play on PC where I can more reliably own, access and tweak games. Xbox going all digital murders any reason to continue to use their console except to play 360 games and no doubt that service will end one day, in which case I'll just stick with my old 360 for the games I can't play on PC (Until emulators catch up).

Re: Xbox Might Be Looking Into A Handheld Console As PlayStation Rumours Circulate


Not opposed, more competition in that market is good and I'd rather a handheld ran on Windows than Linux right now. I respect Linux and what it's trying to do but too many times I've tried to get a game running for my steam deck, it working, only for it to break a few days later. It's frustrating and annoying.

If it's just gonna be usable for Xbox games and only Xbox games though? Gotta admit that'd be kinda lame. Though ironically the two games I'd want to play on it are both technically xbox games lmao. World of Warcraft and the PC server for Elder Scrolls Online.

Re: Poll: How Many Physical Xbox Games Do You Have In Your Collection?


Well over 100 in total. 70+ 360 games, 26 Xbox One/Series X games. Digitally I probably own a further 25-30 total. Digital games were fun until I realised how quickly they filled my storage. The change to discs being lisences meant I bought less physical games next gen.

I prefer how Switch does it, they force companies to keep game sizes realistic instead of endlessly chasing graphics, which means it can fit on a cartridge.

If I'm playing digital I want the ability to back my games and saves up to a Physical storage device without worrying about DRM - A service I can only get on PC either by BREAKING the DRM by force or buying from GOG.

Re: Xbox's Physical Games Departments Reportedly Affected By Microsoft Layoffs


Whelp, this is my last generation with an Xbox then. I got the Series X to play my 360 discs on an SSD and play a few third party games on the big screen. I hope 360 emulation picks up on PC to preserve these games since Microsoft likely will drop support for backwards compatability one day all together. It doesn't help that every exclusive Microsoft has released since the 360 era has sucked.

I'd hope Sony and Nintendo continue to support physical. They'll pretty much own the aisles at super markets now, moreso than already. Otherwise I'll be leaving console gaming behind. If I'm stuck with all-digital I'd rather it be on PC where I have other means of ensuring my ownership of games.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think Xbox Will Release Another Disc-Based Console?


It depends but they're definitely moving in that worrying direction.

I mostly use my series x to play my 360 discs and the occasional xbox one game disc. I simply would not buy an all digital Xbox. If I'm going all digital I might as well stick to PC where I have other methods of ensuring ownership and continuing with my launch Series X for my discs rather than move on to the next gen.

Same goes for PlayStation to a lesser extent. I mostly use it to play PS4 games on disc. And Switch to a greater extent where my entire library is physical (Due to the entire game being on the cartridge most of the time). If they all stop then I might as well save the money and get a quieter PC rig.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Think Xbox Will Ever Stop Making Consoles?


Honestly? They could. My big worry with microsoft is always them abandoning PC gaming again but at the same time.. I can’t remember a microsoft exclusive I’ve enjoyed since the 360 era. A lot of my favourite games to play on my series x are third party. Even Bethesda’s disappointed me since 2015. Particularly with Starfield.

I’d mourn the loss of a real pioneer of backwards compatibility and I’ll always be bitter towards PlayStation for not supporting their PS3 catalogue but man, there really ain’t much. Point in the xbox for me but 360 games on an SSD.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Like The 'Modern' Assassin's Creed Games?


I -love- Odyssey, I consider it the best in the series, though they should drop the AC name for it… but hate Origins and Valhalla. Valhalla is just too bloated. They crammed every possible side quest into the main quest and you can feel it. And the combat is such a downgrade from Odyssey it’s unreal, as is itemisation.

Re: Pure Xbox's Game Of The Year 2023: The Results You Didn't See


@Sol4ris I’d hate on it if it wasn’t. I grew up with Bethesda’s games and Starfield is a betrayal of everything that made them good. If TES VI turns it around then I’ll sing it’s praises but Bethesda themselves have said they ignore criticism. I don’t give a rats ass who it’s associated with so long as modding isn’t hamstrung.

Re: Soapbox: After The BG3 Saga, I'm Nervous About How Xbox Handles My Save Data


Xbox’s software has felt like it’s stuck together with bubble gum and tape for a while now. First with the slow as hell dashboard, the store needing updates multiple times a day and now how it handles saves. Not to mention all the rewards points bugs, achievements not unlocking (Still denied my Dark Souls dark ending achievement) and so on. It’s just a mess and makes the experience of being an xbox gamer feel so budget.

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