Comments 995

Re: MultiVersus Is Officially Re-Launching On Xbox In May 2024


@BacklogBrad It's not that much of a grind if you approach it casually. Doing Co-op VS AI 20-30 minutes a day got me the entire cast and a ton of extra stuff over time. Just gotta mess around in the Lab a bit to see who you prefer in advance and spend your Gold smartly. At the very least I'd claim it on the chance that when it permanently goes offline, you might still be able to do the Lab & Local Play w/ everything unlocked like they did when the Beta ended.

Re: Talking Point: In Your Opinion, What Made The Xbox 360 Era So Incredible?


360-PS3-Wii Gen stands out a lot now, because it was the last time you saw a ton of originality in games, and Wii excluded a lot of those 360 & PS3 were a massive graphically jump from PS2/GameCube/Xbox and still look good in 2024. Now half the XBO, Series, PS4, & PS5 libraries are just ports, remasters, & remakes of games from that Generation. It's why more people are interested in Indies & smaller game now.

Re: Fallout Gets Gorgeous Dynamic Background On Xbox Ahead Of TV Show Debut


@Lightning720 It really is difficult to imagine though. "New planets with new stories"? There's already hundreds of planets with nothing that just exist, and only maybe a dozen planets and or moons with something that could very, VERY charitably be considered a town. 'Fallout 4 in space' had amazing potential... and somehow a slice of post-apocalypse Boston has more, well, EVERYTHING than Starfield except empty space. More NPCs, more named NPCs, more settlements, more weapons, more armors, more weapon and armor mods, more things to build for your outposts, more enemy types, more Character Build options...

It's fine if you liked it but I'm sorry, when the majority of the moding community gives up on trying to fix and make a Bethesda game more fun, it's objectively bad at that point.

Re: Fable Reboot Gets New Co-Developer To Work Alongside Playground Games


Even if the core gameplay's good, I don't think it'll feel very 'Fable' with how things are in Current Year. 100% gonna be a situation where people either love it or say it's Fable in name only. Just remember how many of us thought Redfall was gonna be amazing, and then we played it. Would be glad to be wrong but temper those expectations just in case.

Re: Talking Point: Will Certain PlayStation & Nintendo Games Eventually Come To Xbox?


@Savage_Joe Rare Replay was because Xbox bought Rare thinking they'd get Donkey Kong, TW101 was because Platinum self-Published the Remaster where as Nintendo Published the Wii U original, Crash and Spyro were only Published by Sony who never owned them, & Sony was told by MLB either it goes Multiplatform or stops being made. These are all very specific instances and very different from Sony or Nintendo saying, 'we don't need this to be exclusive anymore' like Microsoft's doing.

Re: Riot Fans Don't Seem To Like The Name Of Its New Fighting Game


The problem isn't pronunciation, it's that the name doesn't tell you what it is. There's a reason Song of Nunu and Ruined King have 'A League of Legends Story' attached, so people know they're related to the thing they're based on. Unless they plan on turning this into a long standing series, the name fails at it's one purpose.

Re: Talking Point: Will Certain PlayStation & Nintendo Games Eventually Come To Xbox?


MLB was because they had no choice if Sony wanted it to continue and part of the deal with Bungie was they retain the right to choose what their games do and don't get made for. They clearly mean PC when they say 'multiplatform'. I don't see Nintendo or Sony sharing with Xbox outside of case-by-case choices by Third-Parties, like how Atlus just decided to start bringing the Persona games to other Platforms, and since they seem to be making good money off that choice, maybe more companies will follow. But I don't see it going farther than that.

Re: Xbox Fans Share Their Disappointment As Two New Games Skip The Platform


@FarmDog08 What if money is an issue and I can't afford $1K+ just for consoles every 5 years, not even including the games or Sub services? I'm pretty sure Capcom and Bandai could afford to port them over to the singular extra Platform. But no, scold the people who have to buy the products and not the trillion dollar companies that make them. And you're gonna say other people are entitled with your mentality??