Comments 588

Re: Roundup: Here’s What The Critics Are Saying About It Takes Two


@LtSarge I have to agree. I can't stand Fares; he always comes across as monumentally arrogant and seems to make outlandish or contrarian statements just for the publicity... but Brothers was awesome.

I felt the same way about Phil Fish. Couldn't stand the guy, but Fez was an undeniably brilliant game. Pity he had to throw his toys out of the pram the way he did.

Re: Blizzard Has Enhanced Overwatch For Xbox Series X|S


@Liam_Doolan weird. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and it still wouldn't upgrade to Series X, which is strange because it already did the upgrade and I played it. I wonder if anyone else has had this issue, either with Overwatch or another game?

(Edit) The game is also still not showing as X|S enhanced on the store. Is this a regional thing, maybe?

(Edit) It's also not on this list

Re: Blizzard Has Enhanced Overwatch For Xbox Series X|S


@Liam_Doolan I played the upgraded version on Thursday. Just went to play it and in my installed games it's moved from Optimised for Series X|S and back into Xbox One X Enhanced. I checked on the store and the X|S logo has disappeared from its store page. I can't find any mention of why (or anyone else noticing it).

Re: The Studio Behind Disintegration Is Officially Closing Down


Seems like Disintegration was everywhere pre-releaae, then it came out and sort of disappeared. Just goes to show that even having a big(ish) name attached to a project doesn't automatically guarantee success or even a good final product; Disintegration will join the likes of Mighty No.9, Radical Heights, Balan Wonderworld and so many countless others in that regard.

Re: Call Of Duty: Warzone Adds New High Resolution Pack On Xbox Series X


@gollumb82 that is utterly absurd; even more so when you look at how some developers are actually making games smaller this gen. Hitman 2 on Xbox One with all Hitman 1 legacy content installed is around 110GB, while Hitman 3 on Series X with all Hitman 1 and 2 legacy content installed is 60-70GB. But yeah, Activision, you push out a game that uses up well over half the space of some SSD's 🤨

Re: Outriders Devs Reveal Why The Game Has Those Annoying Loading Cutscenes


@Krzzystuff they're goofing and/or getting on my wick a lot lately. Avengers bombed, that Crystal Chronicles remaster lacked local multiplayer, their account system is trash (regardless of what people might say; I finally got it working last night by going through Facebook, of all things), there's still no word of Final Fantasy VII Remake or XIV heading to Xbox...

If I hadn't enjoyed Dragon Quest XI and Octopath Traveler so much, I'd be writing Square Enix off and not bothering with them anymore.

Re: Outriders Devs Reveal Why The Game Has Those Annoying Loading Cutscenes


Everything in this game lacks any weight or tactile feedback; the guns feel like peashooters, the enemies barely react to gunfire, killing people with my "devastator" powers looks like someone turned the gravity down then pulled a carpet out from underneath the enemies...

It also alternates between looking pretty good and looking like utter trash, while the voice acting is god-awful.

Re: Pick One: Which Of These Xbox Game Pass Racers Is Your Favourite?


@antstephenson yeah, Dirt 5 is ridiculously easy. I started it the day it came to Game Pass and, as of yesterday evening, I've unlocked all but two of the achievements. I started out with medium AI and some assists turned on but after a handful of races I had the AI on very hard and all assists off.

The only races that really gave me issues were some of the sprint events; the ones with the stupid looking cars.

Re: PSA: You Don't Need Xbox Live Gold To Play The Outriders Online Demo


After looking into it, the reason a Square Enix account is required is it's what enables you to carry your progress over from the demo to the full game. If that's the case, just let me play without the account and I'll start again if I play the full game. Apparently, you also need one to access the multiplayer and extra content in Avengers.

This whole account thing is getting ridiculous. Publishers seem intent on making us jump through extra hoops with superfluous accounts when all I want to do is play your f**king game. And we all know the real reason is so that they can push marketing onto us.