Comments 588

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


@FraserG @lokozar I've said everything I'm going to say, plus you've brought up "society", which means you're probably only a couple of posts away from comparing warnings to a police state or Nazism or some other bull; disagreeing with whatever society deems necessary or appropriate just because it maintains the illusion you have of yourself that you're a "free thinker".

Honestly, between your bullsh*t, the constant vitriol from people like phoenix1 and stuff like the transphobic sh*t that came out of so many people on here a few months back, I'm done with this community and this website. Post whatever you like from now on because I won't see it. You'll literally be talking to yourself.

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


@Otis_Z_Firefly As we've both repeated countless times, the issue isn't that there should be warnings for everything. The issue is that it would be nice to be warned about media containing obviously sensitive topics. lokozar's arguement remains the same:

"You can't warn against everything, etc, plus why should I have to do anything?"

lokozar seems steadfast in the belief that everyone could be deemed offensive or upsetting to someone, but fails to grasp that it's only issues that are obviously and widely recognised as taboo/offensive/upsetting should have warnings.

My advice would be to leave it; let the artist "win" the argument and come away in the knowledge that you're not the a-hole in this situation.

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


@lokozar Yes, ideally people could/should work on their issues, but it's not always as easy as that. And surely, SURELY, you can see the harm that could be done to someone who's not strong enough or had the help or opportunities to face their fears or their pain or their past trauma? You shouldn't need to be pressured. It's just looking out for your common man and showing empathy, in the same way that I assume you're not racist, sexist, ageist, homophobic, transphobic.

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


@lokozar No, I can't honestly think of everything that someone may be offended or upset by, but I'm also pretty sure I could come up with a comprehensive list of subjects that could be highly upsetting for people who have witnessed and/or been victims of, because I'm not a f*cking monster. AGAIN, I'm not saying you should be trying to warn everybody of every little thing:

Just. The. Obviously. Sensitive. Topics.

Like I said before, we're obviously not going to see eye to eye on this because I'm obviously not artistically minded like yourself. But I will ask this: have I once said that you should censor your art? Have I once said that it's not your right to create fiction or anything else centered around and/or containing themes that some people may find upsetting? No, because you have the right to do so. Putting a warning before your art doesn't diminish your right to create it.

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


@lokozar @zupertramp I can see that I'm not going to see eye to eye with either of you on this. I'll just say that the onus isn't on you as a creator to prepare for or intercept every eventuality, but rather be mindful of specific things that may be upsetting. Of course nobody's asking you to censor or warn people about everything; that's an utterly ridiculous argument. Yes, ideally, people should be dealing with their issues, but is you thrusting their issue on them without warning a good way for them to do that?

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


@jrt87 I half agree with you. Yes, people do seem to be more susceptible to being offended or upset by things these days. You could close your eyes, pick a forum at random and find somebody bitching about being offended by something.

However, this is why content warnings beyond age ratings should be implemented. For example, two films could be rated 18 in the UK. One could be fairly harmless and only hold an 18 rating for language, the other could deal with things that of course many people would find unsettling or disturbing, such as rape, or child abuse. I think that in cases such as these, people have a right to know what's covered before they watch/read/play.

Implementing more in-depth warnings gives people protesting unsettling or controversial themes and/or content in media less of a leg to stand on. If a film studio or game publisher warned them beforehand, they shouldn't have interacted with it.

Re: Xbox Game Pass's Boyfriend Dungeon Is Proving To Be Controversial For Some Players


I hope they just stop at the new warning, to be honest. Should people be warned of any potentially upsetting or controversial themes included within literature, films, games, etc? Absolutely, and at that point it's up to the consumer if they want to subject themselves to that.

When idiots don't heed warnings and get upset by content, that's on them. The vision of the creator shouldn't be censored because people aren't smart enough to not look at, read or play things that they were warned might upset or offend them.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Still Has 'A Lot That Needs Changing' Seven Months Later, Claims Digital Foundry


How much longer until people just admit that the game isn't good? No other company would've had seven months' worth of the benefit of the doubt, and rightly so. If they'd cared truly about the quality of the product, they would have delayed it indefinitely until it was actually ready to go, instead of taking everyone's money and maybe fixing it later. Anyone who clings onto hope that Cyberpunk 2077 will somehow become the game it was promised needs their head examined.

Re: Guide: How To Find Your House In Microsoft Flight Simulator For Xbox


@carlos82 Same. If you have even the smallest bit of knowledge about where you live it's easy.

My wife and I did it minutes after booting up the game. Started at Cardiff Airport, found the coast of the Bristol Channel, followed it east until we hit Cardiff city centre, then north until we hit the outskirts of the city and there was our house.