Comments 588

Re: Sea Of Thieves Season One Launches Later This Week, Full Contents Of Seasons Revealed


@Ocat I tried playing it last year with one friend. We played for about three hours, doing quests, solving riddles, getting loot, really enjoying ourselves... then we were set upon by a gang of four players. We didn't stand a chance and lost a lot of loot. We never went back to it after that, mainly because we couldn't get two more friends to play.

Basically, what I'm saying is that playing Sea of Thieves solo is something that I have no desire to do. Make of that what you will.

Re: Talking Point: What Xbox Game Pass Games Do You Want In February 2021?


@UltimateOtaku91 yeah, it's an utter pipe dream, but crazier things have happened. Did anyone honestly think we'd ever see SEGA not only put the entire Yakuza series (traditionally PlayStation exclusive) on Xbox, but that they'd make the entire series (prior to Like a Dragon) available on Game Pass and also make Like a Dragon next-gen exclusive to Series X for four months?

Re: Microsoft Will Find 'Solution' To Increase Revenue Per Xbox User, Says Industry Analyst


@eggsbox last time they disclosed numbers, Microsoft said there are over 15 million Game Pass subscribers. That means they're taking in $149,850,000 per month, or $1,798,200,000 a year, and that's going on the assumption that all those subscribers are only paying for basic GP and not Ultimate.

A lot of that money will get funnelled back into acquiring games and/or perks for the service, but Microsoft's goal here is to just get users into the Xbox ecosystem. Once they've hooked consumers in with Game Pass, they're more likely to buy DLC and other games on Xbox.

If it weren't financially sustainable, Game Pass would have been killed off a long time ago.

Re: Talking Point: What Accessories Do You Want For The Xbox Series X?


@jrt87 that's VERY handy to know. I've been looking into getting a fight stick that I'd be using on Series X and Switch. There are plenty of Switch and multi-format sticks but none of them seem to be compatible with Series X. The only one I could find was the Fighting Stick α, which is out in February. It's also unlikely to also work with Switch and costs £200. 😐

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Favourite Xbox Demo Disc Memories?


I really miss OXM as a whole, not just the demo discs. I know that the internet can and does provide far more up to date information, but I miss print media. That feeling when the newest issue comes through the door, flicking through it before work then diving in later in the day...

Even more so, I miss 360 Magazine. It had the absolute best forum community and reader participation.

Re: Feature: 30 Xbox Series X Games To Look Forward To In 2021


@Axlroselm that's not something that can be applied to every person who jumped ship from PS4 to Series X, though. I went from Xbox 360 to PS3/Vita because of PS Plus, went onto PS4 and stuck with it until Game Pass really took off, at which point I jumped ship again to Xbox One and Series X.

A dearth of Japanese games might cause some people to abandon Series X for PS5, but not for everyone. I went through everything I mentioned above and I love Japanese games. My wife went through the exact same process and she hates them.

Re: Poll: Will We See A New Banjo-Kazooie Game In 2021 Or Beyond?


All the moves Microsoft is making right now are consumer focused, so if Phil feels there's enough demand for it, then I could see a third "more traditional" Banjo at least being considered. There's also the conundrum of who'll develop it. Rare doesn't seem bothered and Double Fine is also out...

Also, Nuts & Bolts is my all-time favourite Xbox 360 game and I have no idea why people hate it so much.

Re: Double Fine Isn't Interested In Making A Banjo-Kazooie Game


Double Fine would be a terrible choice and the reason why is right there in the article: there's no inclination on Tim Schafer's part to do so.

Do you really want a hypothetical Banjo-Kazooie 3 to be developed by a man - and potentially, by extension, a team - who has no desire to make the game in the first place?