Comments 588

Re: Yes, Bethesda's Starfield Reportedly Will Be An Xbox And PC Exclusive


@LtSarge Yeah, it's the same mentality that partly contributed to Xbox One's struggles; people never got past the "always online" thing, even though Microsoft abandoned the approach long before the console actually launched.

The lineup you mentioned that Microsoft has got its hands on is indeed tantalising. And that's without the inevitable Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo ports (both of which will likely sport enhanced features and extra content) and the potential for comebacks from stuff like Quake and Commander Keen.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator's Xbox Series X Port Is 'Going Awesome'


@Murray When Jorg Neumann says that most of the work to be done is on the experience side and not technical, I take that to mean that the Series X version is feature complete and now they're figuring out how the game actually plays on a console. If you're developing on PC, you do so in the knowledge that everyone has a keyboard and mouse, but on Series X they're going to need to adapt the control scheme to account for far fewer input methods. That's how I read into it anyway

Re: Rumour: Xbox Looking To Publish AAA Game With 'An Ambitious Connected World'


@Royalblues Jez has repeatedly stated that he doesn't like to outright tell everyone things he's seen or heard about concerning unannounced upcoming games because it isn't fair to the marketing teams, PR teams or the people making the games, and I can see where he's coming from. The announcement and marketing of a game is as much a balancing act of time and resources as developing the game itself and it wouldn't be fair for someone like Jez to spill the beans and completely derail a maybe years-long marketing and PR plan - and maybe jeopardising peoples' jobs - just because someone on the team leaked the game's existence.