Comments 588

Re: Titanfall 2 Hacks Continue As Multiplayer Rendered Unplayable On Xbox


@Xiovanni I'm just saying, one brings in a lot of money for the company and one doesn't, so it's not hard to see why the company's priorities lie with Apex. I'm not saying that's ok, but that's how it is

@101Force I can say. If it turns out to be another developer attempting to take out the competition, I will personally buy you every game you ever want for the rest of your life. 😉

Re: Don't Skip Games With Gold's Conker: Live & Reloaded, Especially On Xbox Series X


@Tharsman But the entire pitch for Yooka-Laylee was that it was unashamedly Banjo-Kazooie/Donkey Kong 64 style platforming, but bigger. Going into it with greater expectations was where you went wrong there.

I booted up Live & Reloaded on Series X yesterday with the intention of just having a look at it and ended up playing around 2 hours. A lot of hasn't aged particularly well (dialogue, humour and voice acting mostly) but in 4K/HDR it looks pretty good, all things considered.

Re: Don't Skip Games With Gold's Conker: Live & Reloaded, Especially On Xbox Series X


@Dezzy70 From what I can ascertain, it's not a case of Rare not being allowed to; it's a case of Rare not wanting to, and the worst thing Microsoft can do is force Rare to make a game they don't want to make. The consensus around the newest Banjo game Rare actually wanted to make was largely negative (not me, it's one of my favourite Xbox 360 games); can you imagine the backlash against a new Banjo game that turned out bad because the developer's hearts weren't in it?

Re: PSA: Did You Know You Can Manually Eject Your Xbox Series X Discs?


@Dezzy70 Nope, can't do it: improvement over what?!? You'd have to press fewer buttons if you just pressed the eject button on the console than if you ejected the disc by navigating through menus with the controller, and you have to get up to actually take the disc out either way. Ejecting the disc with the controller is literally and indisputably the more inconvenient option in this situation.