Comments 588

Re: How To Complete All Xbox Game Pass Quests In 2021


@Fjordjuh None of the Game Pass reward quests are working for me this week, apart from the one for logging into the app. A similar thing happened a few weeks ago, except every quest APART from the logging in one would work. After a few days the quest stopped appearing, then came back.

Re: The Coalition Dev Kate Rayner Comes Out As Transgender, Met With Industry Support


@LtSarge I can see where you're coming from, but age isn't an excuse. I'm in the age bracket you mentioned (I'm 36) and am completely and utterly accepting of trans people because they're just people. Saying "oh, they're older and stuck in an old-fashioned mindset" gives these people a free pass.

Some of the comments in this thread have been utterly abhorrent; I cannot stress that enough. And I will say to anyone who's posted here or anywhere else anything disparaging or dismissive regarding age, sex, gender, religion, disability, race, ethnicity: Pure Xbox posting stories like this one is something that should be applauded, not complained about or dismissed simply because you don't agree with it. It's mindsets like yours that are preventing people from living safely in the knowledge that they worth just as much as anyone else regardless of how they were born or, in some extreme cases, living at all.

Re: The Coalition Dev Kate Rayner Comes Out As Transgender, Met With Industry Support


@gollumb82 I think going public is extremely important because it forces the conversation around being transgender to be had. Without transgender people finding the courage to publicly state who they are, this issue and more like it would've been swept under the carpet and there would be potentially millions of transgender individuals who feel that they have to hide or that they don't have a voice or that they're somehow worth less simply because of who they are. Although there is much room for improvement, issues surrounding the treatment and rights of women, LGBTQ individuals and entire races of people wouldn't have progressed to where they are today without people having the courage to find their voice and be heard.

Also thank you for the kind words; I appreciate it.

Re: The Coalition Dev Kate Rayner Comes Out As Transgender, Met With Industry Support


@gollumb82 it's not a private matter, because your sex, gender, race, ethnicity, religion and any number of other factors can dramatically affect how others perceive you and, by extension, treat you.

For example, I'm albino. It's - whether I like it or not - a huge part of who I am and affects my life both physically and mentally and at 36 years old I'm still mocked for it. By putting the word 'albino" in my username, it's my personal way of being upfront and unashamed of who I am. I'm saying "yes, I look different to you and my life has and always will be adversely affected by it, but this is who I am".

I know my situation isn't 100% comparable to that of a transgender person, but trust me: when there is something different about you, you find out exactly who is worth keeping in your life when they react to your situation. That's all this is.

Re: Four More Games Are Now Available With Xbox Game Pass (Feb 11)


@carlos82 I don't know if it's been on Game Pass before but it was definitely a Games With Gold game a year or so ago.

I've played SO much Evolution across PS4 and Xbox One. I regularly fire it up and try to perfect a park's look in sandbox mode. As @ResoluteCustoms said, it's relaxing, although I'm never 100% happy and always end up starting another park.

Re: You're Not Dreaming, EA Sports Is Bringing College Football Back


@Tasuki the series was actually axed because college football players aren't allowed to earn any money from playing. Turns out that includes getting paid for allowing their likenesses to be used in videogames. So the NCAA was getting paid from EA using the NCAA licence and player likenesses and the players were getting nothing out of it and so got all up in arms over the situation.

Since then, no more NCAA games, which is a shame; I don't know the first thing about American football but it's my understanding that the games were good and a lot of people liked them.

Re: Project xCloud Competitor Google Stadia Closes Its Internal Studios


I'm surprised Stadia is still going. My wife got sent the controller, Chromecast Ultra and a month of Stadia Pro for free, they're that desperate. If they couldn't capitalise on COVID-19 literally forcing most of the planet's population indoors and begging for something to do, then the thing is even more f**led than we all assumed from the beginning.

Re: Poll: How Are You Finding Quick Resume On Xbox Series X|S So Far?


@Tharsman and yet I've never thought to myself, "damn, wish I'd used quick resume". Don't get me wrong, it's a welcome feature to have if/when it works; it's just not something I've bothered with because to me personally waiting a few extra seconds to play isn't that big of a deal.

It also seems like every time I read the words "quick resume", they're followed by complaints about how it doesn't work with every game.

Re: Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Xbox Remake Leaks On YouTube In Its Entirety


This is more likely to see an official release now than it ever has been. Nintendo and Microsoft in particular have never been as chummy with each other in the past as they are currently, so with any luck they can get whoever has the rights to Bond (is it still Activision or does IOI have the sole rights to Bond games now?) in a room and get some kind of deal worked out.

Re: Biomutant Dev Hints At Possible Xbox Series X Upgrade In The Future


“Are you going to be able to play it on [Xbox Series X]? Definitely. We will see moving forward what's going to happen, but you will definitely be able to play it on those consoles.”

Well, no sh*t; it's called backwards compatibility. There's not a chance in Hell that Microsoft is going to let an Xbox One game (that doesn't require Kinect) release right now and have it not playable on Series X.