Comments 588

Re: Ubisoft Forward Confirmed To Return As Part Of E3 2021


  • Just Dance 2022 will undoubtedly be shown and its slot will be a complete cringe-fest.
  • Skull & Bones will be conspicuous by its absence.
  • Beyond Good & Evil 2 will get another irritatingly vague CG trailer.
  • Assassin's Creed something.
  • Something entirely new will be unveiled and will either be utterly mind-blowing or absolutely underwhelming and nowhere in between; it'll be one extreme or the other.
  • There will also be Far Cry 6, Riders Republic, Prince of Persia Remake and new content for Rainbow Six Siege and The Division 2.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Hotfix 1.21 Aims To Fix Another Sizeable List Of Issues


@SegataSanshiro Sorry, I must have wrongly assumed that by "they're kinda counting on this game to float their company" you mean that they were in financial trouble; how silly of me. 🤔

I'll reiterate, though: the Witcher 3 and its expansions still sell, plus they have GoG, plus not too long ago news broke that they are the most valuable European videogame developer today. They don't need Cyberpunk to float the company.

Re: EA's NHL 21 Is Now Available With Xbox Game Pass Ultimate


I'm not a sports guy, but I have more interest in NHL than, say, NFL. I even went to a hockey game when I was in high school; literally the only sporting event I've ever been to. 😆

Can any hockey fans recommend NHL 21 or would I be better off going to one of the older ones that are also on EA Play?

Re: Rumour: Sonic Colors Remastered Could Be Heading To Xbox


@WCamicase I mean... very few developers actively try not to make a quality game, unless that's the joke.

I remember Sonic Unleashed not being well-received at the time; I certainly remember it being bad when I played it. When did the consensus on it change? I feel like an 85-year old man wondering why racism isn't cool anymore.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Has Become A Gold Mine For Sports Fans


I'm not interested in sports games bar a select few, but of course I still acknowledge that the selection on offer within Game Pass is top notch. I wouldn't expect every game to appeal to me personally for the service to provides excellent value; on the contrary, it's better that not every game appeals to me because that means that Game Pass is catering to a wide audience, which is how it should be. There are already more Game Pass games than I can feasibly play, so bring on the sports titles if it results in more people subscribing to the service and subsequently more games coming to it.

@TheFrenchiestFry I wouldn't bother trying to argue your point. If someone on the internet (especially on a gaming forum) already has an opinion of you or your character, no amount of reasonable, rational argument will convince them otherwise.

Re: Reaction: As The PS3 Store Closes, Xbox Reminds Us How 'Critical' Game Preservation Is


@Blessed_Koz I'm not sure what you think I'm saying, but I'll reiterate what I said yesterday: I'm not defending anyone nor do I have a horse in this race that I'm backing. I'm merely stating facts along with my opinion on the subject.

It's not me who's all too eager to jump down the throats of anyone who disagrees with me, defend my choice of console (this gen, Xbox Series X) and, ironically, come across as every bit the slavering, mindless fanboy. You and too many other commenters have that base covered already.

Re: Reaction: As The PS3 Store Closes, Xbox Reminds Us How 'Critical' Game Preservation Is


@Stocksy this article isn't bashing Sony for the sake of it. It's not bashing Sony at all; it's merely a writer offering his opinion on a subject that (judging by the heated discussion) a lot of fans of videogames feel passionately about one way or the other. Would you rather the website isolate itself within its own little bubble away from the rest of the industry? Because that sounds a lot like fanboyism to me...

Re: Reaction: As The PS3 Store Closes, Xbox Reminds Us How 'Critical' Game Preservation Is


@Murray Whoa, cool your jets, mate. I don't have a favourite company, nor am I "defending" any company's decision to do anything; I have no horse that I'm backing, now or ever. I had a Vita, it was great and I bought tons of games for it, but the writing was on the wall with that thing: Sony stopped supporting it and bugger all people bought it. If any developer making a game for it didn't cancel it years ago, I'm sorry but that's on them.

Re: Reaction: As The PS3 Store Closes, Xbox Reminds Us How 'Critical' Game Preservation Is


@UltimateOtaku91 You're probably right. How many people in the grand scheme of things are actually buying PS3, PSP and Vita games today? I bet it's miniscule. (Also, who the Hell is developing and/or releasing a Vita game in 2021 and expecting a return on their investment?)

The only issue I would have is if Sony were cutting off people's access to content they've paid for. But this isn't just a digital storefront issue; this is an issue that's encompassing more of the industry as a whole as more games rely on servers to exist. One day, that copy of Destiny, Anthem or any other live service game that you own physically is also going to be useless; we'll all be locked out of accessing that content regardless.

Re: CD Projekt Will Market Games Much Closer To Release Following Cyberpunk 2077's Reception


@torne Yes, because the game was announced way too early, in 2012, and CDPR kept reminding consumers that the game was coming. This leads to hype, which leads to people asking "when are we going to see/play the game?" repeatedly for 8 years, which leads to release dates being bandied about. Then, of course, the game is realistically nowhere near ready for release, which leads to delay after delay, which leads to unhappy consumers, management and investors.. all culminating in a game that was half-baked and buggy after 8 years of CDPR and consumers hyping it up as the second coming.

If CDPR had worked on the game, kept their mouths shut until 5 or 6 months before the game would realistically be ready and announced it then, they wouldn't be in this mess.