Comments 588

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Feb 27th)


I've been slowly getting my way through Valkyria Chronicles 4 over the past week; I got £10 of store credit with Microsoft reward points and VC4 Complete Edition is currently on sale for £12 so I took a punt. So far I'm really enjoying it, as it sort of reminds me of a cross between Worms and Fire Emblem.

Other than that, I'm also 30-something hours into Yakuza: Like a Dragon and have been dipping in and out of some Game Pass games; Dirt 5, Monster Train and Superhot: Mind Control Delete.

Oh, and my everlasting quest to unlock everything in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (on Switch) continues after 630+ hours.

Re: PSA: You Don't Need Xbox Live Gold To Play The Outriders Online Demo


You might not need Gold, but you do need a Square Enix account, and - surprise, surprise - anything to do with Square Enix's account creation/management system is utter dogsh*t and because of this I can't even play the damn demo.

Final Fantasy XIV, Outriders... I need to learn to just stay away from any Square Enix games that require you to deal with their account systems.

Re: Four More Games Are Now Available With Xbox Game Pass (Feb 25)


I started playing Dirt 5 this morning and it's... fine? Well, most of it is fine; I don't really get on with the pathfinder and gymkhana events (I've never liked the latter in the past, either).

Those sprint events, though... they can f**king do one. Whoever at Codemasters thought those races were fun wants a slap.

Re: Sorry Folks, BioWare Is Officially Ending Development On Anthem


It sucks for anyone who bought Anthem that they won't get the version of the game they were hoping for, but at the same time was anyone really expecting a story of redemption here?

I haven't played Anthem myself, but I did spend a good chunk of time watching my wife play it (which she did to completion) and it was evident to me that this game was fundamentally broken in so many ways that there's no way that EA was going to fully invest the resources required to overhaul it.

Again, it really does suck, but it really should act as a cautionary tale (like we needed another one) against pre-ordering and buying into the pre-releaae hype; the primary goal of publishing and/or developing games is to make money and this was further proof that a publisher and/or developer will spout any old bullsh*t to get consumers to put their hands in their pockets.

Re: Poll: How Full Is Your Xbox Series X|S Internal Storage?


Mine is 30-something % full, but only because I have one of the Seagate cards. Before I got the card, the internal drive was around 60% full and that was with me being VERY selective about what I downloaded; games like Destiny 2 and Forza Horizon 4 gobble up a good chunk of space by themselves.

Re: Random: The Official Xbox Controller Cake Has Been A Huge Success


@Trainer and don't get me started on the classic line of "but it says on the shelf the item is £x" when an item goes through a checkout at a higher price than they expected. Yes, but if you actually read the item description on the ticket, you wouldn't look like a complete tit right now.

Even the most intelligent people turn into morons the second they step foot in a shop.

Re: 10 Zelda Alternatives To Play On Xbox One, Xbox Series X


I tried out the demo of the Switch version of Immortals and really dug the combat; it's definitely something I need to check out, either on Switch or Series X.

ReCore is something I've been meaning to get around to. My wife was singing its praises a while back and generally if she likes a game then I'll like it, although that rarely works the other way around. 😂

Re: SEGA Is 'Really Happy' With The Results Of Xbox Game Pass


@outsider83 because Microsoft pays the publisher/developer to get a game onto Game Pass. From what I've read/heard, the amount varies by game and is also dependant on how long the game will be on the service.

Microsoft certainly has the funds to be paying handsome amounts of money to companies in order to get games on Game Pass. There are around 18 million Game Pass subscribers, all paying $10-15 a month, which means that MS is seeing approximately $180-270m in monthly revenue from GP subscriptions; more than enough to secure a healthy mix/number of games. But Josef Fares says he doesn't understand the business model, so what do I know? 😶

Re: Microsoft Unveils The First Batch Of 'FPS Boost' Games For Xbox Series X|S


@Tharsman that's one potential concern, absolutely. However, it's also concerning that a LOT of stock is being put into things like smart delivery and doubled framerates or anything of that ilk being free of charge.

Don't get me wrong, any extra features, graphical prowess, etc being offered for free is undoubtedly great... but we're not automatically entitled to it just because it's the consumer friendly thing for companies to do. Did you get free DVD copies of every film you owned on VHS? How about blu ray? CD's? MP3's?

Companies can't upgrade everything free of charge. As we've already seen, publishers are going to pick and choose which games they upgrade free of charge in order to balance things financially.

Re: Tales From The Borderlands Has Relaunched On Xbox Today


@Tasuki using The Walking Dead as a precedent for Tales of the Borderlands coming to Game Pass was less about them also being Telltale games and more about those types of games (The Walking Dead, Tell Me Why, Life Is Strange, etc) frequenting the services. My fault; I should've been more clear.

Re: Tales From The Borderlands Has Relaunched On Xbox Today


@Krzzystuff Borderlands Handsome Collection has been on there, along with some of the 2K Sports games, so hang in there.😀

If you're into the Telltale stuff and similar games, it's definitely worth checking out. Also, I have to bring up Tell Me Why. If you haven't played it, I wholeheartedly recommend giving it a go. It's on Game Pass, it out-Telltales Telltale in every way and was my favourite game of 2020.

Re: SEGA Is 'Really Happy' With The Results Of Xbox Game Pass


@Medic_Alert "From a personal perspective having games like Call of the Sea available to me essentially for nothing allows me to play things that I otherwise wouldn't."

This has always been something I try and hammer home to anyone who plays games but maybe doesn't follow the industry in general or keep abreast of as many games as possible as avidly as I do. Some of my favourite games are ones I've tried on a whim because they were included in PlayStation Plus, Games With Gold or Game Pass; games that I would otherwise be hesitant to spend money on because I wasn't sure they'd appeal to me. The greatest thing about any of these services is they get more games and a greater variety of games into the hands of more players.

Re: SEGA Is 'Really Happy' With The Results Of Xbox Game Pass


@Deadcow this is the exact attitude I take with Game Pass. I've logged between 100 and 150 hours on Forza Horizon 4 and have bought both expansions because a) it supports the developer, and b) it goes some way to showing Microsoft that their current Game Pass model works and will encourage them to keep it going. Same goes for Games With Gold; I'm VERY into Jurassic Park (it's my favourite book and film) so when Evolution went on GWG, I bought all the dinosaur packs and the expansions as they released. I figure that I've spent naff all on the base game, so the least I can do is show support for creators that have provided me with so much enjoyment.

And there are games I've bought once they've announced to be leaving the service; the next one I'll definitely buy before it leaves is Slay the Spire.