

I want my fuckin pie too.

Comments 181

Re: Nine Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Late February 2025


@Foxx_64740 ah it's ok. I started Tales late, at the end of last year, but most of my gaming time goes to Destiny 2 (now I'm finally raiding multiple times per week with a clan), so I knew what I was signing up for .... Or rather biting off more than I can chew lmao.

My sister and BIL got me FF7 Rebirth on pc for my birthday recently so that also took away time from Tales. I'll probably buy it with the DLC on another platform/storefront and find some sort of save editor to re-attain my progress.

Re: Eight Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Late February 2025


For some reason the Leaving Soon games were indicated on the PC Game Pass app much earlier than usual: Saturday, Feb 15th.

It made me panic BC I was trying to finish up Tales of Arise into the wee hours of the morning on the 16th (didn't finish, lol), only to think that Warhammer 40K: Boltgun was leaving that same day (the 16th).

So, uh, forgive me if I call foul on this prediction, if any. Someone did us a solid over at Microsoft and gave us a heads-up.

Play Boltgun, btw. It's amazing and I don't even vibe with some of the game's presentation (usually in other titles, I mean). I'm becoming more interested in the lore, even though I disagree a lot with the Astartes culture and their imperial overlords' philosophies. In other words, I'm gaining insider knowledge of this universe but misgivings remain, and yet I still really like Boltgun.

It's also cool that when I play it with a controller with vibration on, I undoubtedly FEEL the heft of the armour and it makes it very immersive; playing with M&KB makes it very close to a jumpy, faster-paced Unreal, Quake III or Quake 4 experience. Both vibes feel great to play.

Don't try and finish a bunch of Yakuza games in two weeks, as those games are meant to be savoured. I wouldn't bother with Wo Long... I really tried to like it but other than a few good fights I felt that other Soulslike games have systems that are equally robust but more rewarding. It didn't help though that I played it on the cloud.

Re: Xbox Takes 'Runner-Up' Spot For IGN's Game Of The Year 2024 Award


@Sol4ris What hypocrisy are you talking about?

That can only be measured for one individual or a cohesive collective at a time, not from one entity to another. As in, if I advocate something and do its negation behind everyone's back, I am a hypocrite on that thing; if random jagoff does the negation despite me being the advocate for the thing, then there's no hypocrisy — even if we're in the same household. I would need to empower the random jagoff to speak on my behalf, like a leader or boss does, and even then (and they then wouldn't be random, either).

And what was the issue anyway? That the game wouldn't be multiplatform even though for several years now people were warning each other that Microsoft could possibly open up some IP (various) or lock down others to exclusivity (Starfield)?

Are you asserting that multiplatform or exclusive games have tendencies to exhibit whatever issues are being alluded to, and that Indy didn't? Vice versa? I followed this game for a while and didn't anticipate problems with it. This discussion isn't elucidating any ambiguity either.

Wth is corker, btw?

Re: Forza Horizon Dev Throws Shade After Being Ignored For The Game Awards 2024


@themightyant I found Genshin to be obtuse and tiresome after a while, some years ago. If it weren't for the bright colours in a big world and combat tricks I think I would give it a preemptive rejection if it were to release today. All of the activities/modes, locales and characters that gets added can largely serve as deterring bloat to newcomers; such ongoing content cadence mostly keeps the existing players locked in. That could be said about its competitors too, I suppose.

Re: State Of Decay Studio Announces 'New Era' With Logo Update


@Elbow I'd like to see them try their hand at making a survival/crafting game that's more in the vein of the myriad titles of more "fantastical" / sci-fi persuasions, most of which have come out in recent years. ("Fantasy" in genre world-building is a loose term now, and maybe always should have been, but it's annoyingly gatekept... Hence the " ").

Re: Poll: Which Of These Is Your Favourite 343 Industries Halo Game?


Halo 5 could have been my favourite if two conditions were met:

(1) The plot actually made some sense and featured even just 2 more levels with Chief's team.

At least they followed up on Halo 4's Spartan Ops story... Kind of. Ugh.

(2) The multiplayer dialed down the microtransaction card system (req packs and whatnot). It wasn't egregiously annoying most of the time, but it could feel a bit oppressive and grubby.

Halo Infinite would've been my favourite, even in an unfinished state, if it had properly followed up on Halo 5 and Wars 2. There's an entire game's worth of plot to cover in-between Halo Wars 2 and Infinite, and I'm not sure that the book released in that timeframe is adequate.

Also, why the hell a six-month gap with little intermittent backstory to go over during the campaign?

At least Legendary campaign wasn't obnoxious and felt doable all around.

Halo 4 could've used a season 2 for Spartan Ops, but it was very solid even with having to get used to "sandbox" changes for multiplayer. Well-produced (good presentation) and feature-complete, too, so it wins. I was also 25 when it came out so still in my gaming prime and kicking arse at it, lol.

Re: Xbox Game Pass Changes Partly Because Microsoft 'Isn't Seeing Strong Growth', Claims Analyst


@PsBoxSwitchOwner The heck are you even talking about? I have to do research? I don't act like I never do that. And that's not even relevant. And I don't care about anyone's track record - though I dog Ahmad's twitter musings to keep tabs - bc it's not relevant to the language we use to make argumentation. And I didn't make argumentation, Pure Xbox authors did, even if it was just mere regurgitation.

Peace out.

Re: Xbox Indie Developer Shares His Concerns Following This Week's Rumours


There are also SECOND-PARTY games, and I'd be more worried about those if you're concerned about the "chopping block" of exclusives.

Or, y'all could expand perspective and realize you're not beholden to or promised certain things by Microsoft. This doesn't define you, unless you're a "content creator" being paid to talk nonsense and cause bandwagoning / build camp tentpoles.

Re: These Five Games Are Finally Making Us Consider Ubisoft Plus On Xbox


Yeah reading through these comments time and again paints two different pictures of gamers — sometimes of the same people.

#1. They can't wait

  • Buy many AAA titles on release or pre-order and make public figures, like Keighley, important with their trailer/ad preview fests

#2 Buy everything on sale

  • Months if not years after release (though even without exaggeration, some titles - Ubisoft or not - have been getting significant discounts for physical AND digital copies just weeks after launch, depending on performance or an imminent seasonal sale).

The #1's usually far outnumber the #2's in vocality, but the reality is that most games don't sell well at their full price (why would they? The market is bloated, we're crunched for time, and notoriously penny-pinching). So, like other harmless dichotomies, it's fairer to say that we kinda hover between both operational/philosophical regimes...

I imagine the consumer is measured by a wave function, in which there is a probability of any of us existing at a certain economic state of mind at any one time. Lol.

Just crunch the numbers a bit better for your budgets, folks, and you should be fine no matter how you operate. Basically: don't let the cart lead the horse (there's one person here reliant on previews to determine how much money they're going to spend on MULTIPLE NEW preorder, when it's the amount of PRE-BUDGETED money that determines whether you spend at all).

Re: These Five Games Are Finally Making Us Consider Ubisoft Plus On Xbox


I still haven't played Far Cry 5. I played FC6 + some DLC for a little while around launch (I, uh, got privileged access, don't ask me how)... Should I just skip FC5 then and keep going with 6 now that it is on GP?

Should I keep putting off Immortals Fenyx Rising? Fenix Rysing? Sheesh.

Also, as a closed beta tester for Skull & Bones.... You can put that off, folks. It's okay. But you ain't missing nothing by waiting until it has some more red meat on its bones. It's got an impressive ocean size and nice vistas to sail, though. More than a few upgrades to grind for, but I'm not sure if the actual acts of ship combat and treasure hunting/sailing would withstand the grinder. The game just needs more mechanics — more dimensions of gameplay.