Comments 370

Re: Talking Point: Do You Like The 'Modern' Assassin's Creed Games?


I definitely prefer the modern ones from Odyssey. Played all the originals. Everyone reeld that mirage was back to basics.
Although it was very good, the main selling point of Assassin's Creed for me was the modern person going into the chamber to be transported back, to one of their ancestors, and when, why and where they were doing that, but it was completely missing from mirage!

Re: Xbox Sparks Fury Over Using AI-Generated Art To Promote Indie Games


I promise this is the last post on this, I've got carried away, sorry.
more AiChat stuff
could you write a limerick for me about how AI should NOT have been used by microsoft to create an image to use on twitter, and how it may have affected real artists?

In Microsoft's bid for Twitter fame,
AI-generated art came, oh what a shame!
Real artists now wary,
Their work seemed secondary,
For their craft, respect should claim.

Re: Xbox Sparks Fury Over Using AI-Generated Art To Promote Indie Games


"that was great, can you specify the impact on real artists though?"
Certainly! The use of AI-generated images by Microsoft on Twitter could have a significant impact on real artists. By relying on AI for image creation, it diminishes the value and recognition of the artistic skills, expertise, and creative efforts of human artists. This could potentially lead to marginalized opportunities for real artists, as their unique abilities are overshadowed by AI's convenience and accessibility. The authenticity and human touch that real artists bring to their work may be undervalued or even disregarded, creating challenges in maintaining a thriving artistic ecosystem. It is essential to balance technological advancements with the preservation and appreciation of human creativity and expertise.

Re: Xbox Sparks Fury Over Using AI-Generated Art To Promote Indie Games


Microsoft's use of AI to create an image for Twitter raises valid concerns regarding the potential ethical implications and the need for responsible AI development. By relying solely on AI-generated images, the authenticity and integrity of content can be compromised, leading to misinformation and the erasure of human creativity and expertise. It is crucial to prioritize transparency, accountability, and human involvement in the development and use of AI, rather than solely relying on automated processes that may not fully comprehend the nuanced complexities of human experiences.

Re: Redfall Update 2 Now Live, Includes Performance Mode On Xbox Series X|S


Gee, didn't I read today or yesterday that players on Steam were into single figures - literally six people trying to play A4 player multiplayer game? I haven't been on game pass for the past year and hope that the player numbers are higher than on Steam.
Half guessing that if the bugs had been ironed out before release, and maybe Microsoft taking more care of the property as they alluded to (if I'm wording that correctly), then maybe it would not be in the state that it is in at the minute...
On saying that, well done to the development team for updates. Have to remember that Microsoft is not Sony, and does not give up easily on anything that may have had a bad start.
When I get back to joining game pass, once I get a job lol, then redfall is on my list !

Re: Poll: Starfield Explorers, What Do You Think Of Fast Travel So Far?


Fat travel not very intuitive, good for making the big jumps, but when you do land and the screen is covered in blue destination dots it gets very confusing way too easy to end up at the wrong dot.
Also the loading screens just to go from inside a facility to outside just to speak to somebody to find out that you have to go back inside again.
I'm loving the plot and the freedom but it just doesn't seem held together very well. Maybe a better floor_arrow_system would be better, one without the scanner, and making your mission for purple specific place you need to go?

Re: Xbox Game Pass $1 Deal Reintroduced For New And Returning Subscribers


Have not been on xbox GP or GPU in, oh, a year, 18 months
busy on PC games since the 2nd hand 3070ti
but a quid to rejoin and, what, £12 a month, hmmmm... likely
THEN gonna wait til black Friday and use it to get 12months til the NEXT black Friday 2024, etc
That way, I'll save SOME money, AND pay the Green Team for Starfield (but probably little else game wise...)
At the very least, I'm not paying Sony to keep games off Xbox...

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Xbox Games Showcase 2023?


glados everyone seemed to enjoy it ok. A halflife 3 announcement would have topped it off but hey-ho
seriously though, i enjoyed it, even if some games not for me, eg racing, city building, cell-shaded staff
biggest disappointment was " no indy"
but can starfield really be as good as it seems?
if it is, then the ps5 deficit could be reduced cocsiderably!!!!
hope you all had fun tonight

Re: No Man's Sky Not Finished "By A Long Shot" According To Sean Murray


@themightyant also, like real life, no matter how much you see and do, there is the fact that you only 'see and do' 0.0000000etc0001% of what there is to see and do.
It is a peaceful game, for me anyway, almost zen like, where you just accept that you can't see/do it all, but have to accept what you have seen, and try to be thankful for it.
Strange for a game to evoke such thoughts.
No 100% platinum here, not really.

Re: Dying Light 2 Trailer Reveals Three Performance Modes On Xbox Series X


Even though I love 60fps, Always tempted by RT, I tend to stick with 30&RT, as you i) get a solid 30 unlike the old days of trying to maintain that 30 and ii) input lag - big improvements have been made this gen in the input pipeline to reduce lag from eg controller to 'GPU' (!) So that 30fps isn't as bad as it was.
(Search for input lag in next gen to find some stats saying it is half as much as last gen)
BTW, wonder if the RT supports VVR to go higher when it can (if that does not contradict (i) above !)