Dying Light 2 has received another Xbox patch today, and it's a significant one for Series S players. Update adds a 60 frames per second mode on Xbox Series S, bringing the version closer to its Series X counterpart.
The new performance mode comes as a bit of a surprise, but a very welcome one. Around launch, the game's lead designer said that the console's GPU was "holding us back" from achieving 60fps. Well, if the performance mode works in practice, the developer has now managed to squeeze some extra juice out of the Series S.
Xbox Series X players are also being catered to with this Dying Light 2 update. A new "Balanced" mode has been added for the higher-end machine, that also runs at 60fps. We're not sure how this one differs from the existing 60fps mode, but it's a new option nonetheless.

The latest patch, as usual, also fixes a laundry list of bugs and glitches, all of which are detailed on the team's blog post.
Will you be giving Dying Light 2 another go on Xbox Series S? Let us know your thoughts.
[source dl2.dyinglightgame.com]
Comments 28
We can’t just optimize the game, it’s too dense! S is just not strong enough… what was that? You guys managed to optimize the game to make it possible? Hey guys! Seems we found some extra horse power lying around!!! Yea….
@Tharsman Magic horsepower tree.
I've been very critical of developers skipping modes and features on the Series S version of games, so now these guys have implemented a mode I'd like to say thank you. I am hoping it runs well.
However, I would like to say that they should not have made the comments about the hardware holding them back when it was clearly their engine/experience/resources that were the problem.
Far Cry 6 with its dynamic 1440p 60fps plus others have proved their words wrong. The sad thing is mud sticks and their comments will be lapped up by fanboys, passed round and used in console wars claiming that the XSS is not worthwhile..
As a Series X and S owner they are both nice bits of kit. 👍🏻
So they thought they couldn’t do it a month ago but here we are. Maybe it wasn’t the Series S fault after all???
@BBB Under promising on what you can deliver is fine, but these guys didn't do that, they said 60fps was not possible because of the hardware. That is different. That was clearly not true.
@BBB They spent 6-7 years developing Dying Light 2, and thought the GPU of the XSS was holding it back, but fixed it in around a month after it launched.
Are we to believe they spent all that time with the system and only figured it out afterwards?
The more likely scenario is just that they didn't spend as much time working on the XSS version as they did the other versions, and tried to cover themselves, but having going back and having a proper look, it turned out to be a rather easy fix. Easy enough to impliment in just a month.
Again I'm going to say and suggest drop the 2 different console launches as it will always lead to this discourse.
And while at it, stop the mid-gen console upgrade garbage. Just start working and putting all effort into next gen and be done with it.
Full disclosure though - - I'm essentially a hypocrite as I purchased Xbox one X, after already owning original Xbox one.
I knew this would happen. They added it to AC Valhalla after launch too.
@BBB I agree that it's the important takeaway. I thanked them in my first comment.
Not sure about 'their truth', maybe their opinion at the time, but never a 'truth'. Also they only had to look round at what other devs were achieving to know that it was never a truth of any kind, as eventually proven by their update now too.
I agree about the general let's take a positive from this, I am glad about the update.... Now the dying light 1 patch, a 60fps mode for that next please.
@Richnj Spot on.
They put a comments out their that fit in with the narrative that they wanted to peddle. Naughty. We can't let that go without comment. It was completely untrue.
I knew this would happen has anyone tried it to see if it runs at a stable 60fps?.
Maybe they couldn't before, but now they have an updated SDK? Wasn't Microsoft releasing a new build with VRS 2.0? Maybe they have access to system resources that they didn't before. Just playing devil's advocate here.
It's 720p, definitely going to be a big hit on image quality.
@BBB others like @FatalBubbles and @JetmanUK already said what I was going to reply but:
I don't have a gripe with update, although this, alongside other patches, show they might had rushed the release a tad despite knowing things were not 100% ready.
My gripe is they practically lied about the power of the console, and felt like console war fodder.
@Moto5 I'll take 720p/60 any day over 1440p/30.
I would too, but it looks rough. I could actually understand why they didn't release it with a 720p60 mode as every one would have been complaining about image quality instead.
XSS owners are lucky to get these PC based releases at all, probably a lot of extra work for not so many sales
@Tharsman They make the effort to listen to player feedback and implement a performance mode, and you find it worthy of criticism? Bit weird tbh. I wish more devs made the effort, especially fairly quickly like this. I'm sure a lot of Series S owners will be happy about it.
And no they didn't find extra horsepower, performance/quality is always about compromise.
When the dev said that, he obviously meant it was incapable of running at 60 at the visual standard they are going for.
Of course the Series S was always capable of running this (or any other game) at 60, but at what cost? The Switch with its tiny mobile APU can run The Witcher 3 at a somewhat solid 60fps amazingly, but obviously at low settings and about 360p
In this case I'm guessing it was as simple as lowering the settings and min dynamic resolution.
I tried the balanced option and it’s a lot more crisp than performance. Maybe dynamic 4K or 1440p? Regardless, I like it!
You've unlocked a skill in your skill tree.
Hold LB and assign it to get extra power for your Series S GPU.
@Raffles But…but…this other game with a completely different engine and set of priorities did 60fps easy…. Stop making sense!
It’s true. It’s all about compromise. They could probably get this game playing 120fps on series S…doesn’t mean you’d want it.
Imagine that. They've got the Series S working at 60FPS when even a GTX 1060 could run it at 1080p 60FPS with optimized settings on PC. Shocker...LOL
Huh? A 1060 will beat up on a XSS in multi platform games
@Bleachedsmiles they sound really entitled , I just bought horizon forbidden west on my PS4 pro it doesn't run at 60 fps like it does on ps5 I'm not going to whinge & moan about it & tell them they need to lower the graphical detail until they can achieve 60fps
@Would_you_kindly The PS4 and PS5 are different generations with very different hardware whereas the XSS and XSX are the same generation with lots of similarities, fast SSD, an almost identical CPU and a GPU of the same series including advanced features and supporting things like FSR and VRS, so your analogy does not make sense.
This new generation includes a real focus on higher frame rates, with lots and lots of games achieving rates of 60fps and even some games at 120fps.
It's clear that the devs made untrue comments. That is why they are being called out, it is not entitlement at all.
Seeing Assassins Creed Valhalla, and the Matrix experience run smoothly at 60fps on Series S should be evidence of it being down to devs' capabilities - some being less efficient when it comes to optimisation.
A bad workman blames his tools.
Ahh there is the 60fps mode. I knew they could do it.
Now I'll wait until it's on sale to buy it. Shame I canceled my pre-order before and used the money on Elden Ring instead.
You think the Matrix demo is running at 60fps on XSS? Because it is mostly below 30, same XSX and PS5
Very nice, time to consider purchase.
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