Comments 516

Re: Xbox Is Making Big Changes To Avatars In January 2025


They can't just leave it alone and leave it at that? This is just like with Xbox Fitness, it's not enough for them to stop supporting something, they have to take it away from people who actually like it.

I don't use the new avatars but it's completely to do that to people who actually do.

Re: Braid: Anniversary Edition 'Sold Like Dogs**t', Says Creator


It sold poorly because no one wanted it. It was big back in the day but no one has talked about since then. There's dozens of games just like it every year so there's no reason to play it over any other.

He blames consoles for being "dead", tell that to the Hypercharge: Unboxed devs.

Re: Best Xbox Exclusives


@TheBeardiest It has some of the best platforming of any game I've played, and the combat is unique in that you're more supporting from range and issuing commands while your companions do the bulk of the fighting, along with the concept of being able to defeat an enemy by removing its core. I enjoyed the main character as well.

It's no masterpiece and it's not anywhere near my list of all time great games, but i had fun with it and it's much more unique than most open world games that have come out since.