Xbox President Sarah Bond has been working at Microsoft HQ for a few years now, and while the current leadership team featuring Sarah is likely more settled these days in terms of working with one another, it sounds like it wasn't always plain sailing at first.
In a huge new Bloomberg profile on Xbox's president, we learn that Sarah and boss Phil Spencer actually butted heads a little bit when they first started working together. Apparently, Sarah's "push the envelope" and "not let something go" approach "was new" to Phil and some of the other execs over at Team Xbox. It was said that Phil and Sarah "clashed" before figuring things out and moving forward.
Here's an excerpt from the article on this:
"At first, Bond’s and Spencer’s personal styles clashed, and the two sought out Microsoft human resources chief Kathleen Hogan for coaching, an unusual step that Hogan found admirable. Bond recalls Spencer and others at Microsoft telling her that her tendency to “push the envelope” and “not let something go” was new to them.
She says she found that Spencer’s communication style sometimes left her unsure of what he actually wanted from her. At one point, she stuck a Post-It note to her computer with some advice about interacting with him. “I’m not being paid to do what he says,” it read. “I’m being paid to do what he meant."
The segment goes on to say that this happening was perhaps understandable — given that Sarah had been brought in to shake up the Xbox business — but it's an interesting tidbit nonetheless. It's been a good seven years since Sarah was brought into the fold now (before eventually becoming president last year), so it's safe to assume things have smoothed out quite a bit since the early days!
While this profile doesn't go into many specifics of what's happening right now at Microsoft, clearly the Xbox team is in another moment of transition with everything going on with multiplatform releases, etc. It'll be interesting to see how Sarah and co. navigate all of this in the coming years, but we do like the sound of the Xbox president's introduction to a next-gen console, so we're still excited about that and its potential.
Anyway, the full feature is definitely worth a read if you're interested in the current Xbox president and her rise and role over at Team Green. There's plenty of Phil talk in there as well, which is always welcome in our book!
Is this something you expected to hear, or is it surprising to you? Drop your thoughts on it down below.
[source bloomberg.com.]
Comments 48
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It sounds like exactly the clusterf@ck everyone thought it was.
Let’s not pretend this isn’t still happening.
She came in and started stamping her authority, meaning Phil is towing the line much more - when we actually hear from him
I don't think butting heads is such a bad thing as long as there is some overall successful result. Sometimes you need someone to give an honest truth when tunnel vision sets in.
Heck, the whole Xbox legacy was built because some engineers at Microsoft butted heads with Bill Gates!
So, the gist I'm getting is-- Sarah is doing the heavy lifting (for good and bad) and Phil is just... spitting word salad at people and not being direct in what should be going on? This is so weird. Between this, and that old article (linked on this page, the Hypercharged one) where Sarah reached out to talk to the devs while Phil wasn't present. That was around the time of the studio closures earlier this year, so he was just cowering while he let Sarah face the public.
What the hell is going on?
@Ricky-Spanish he wishes lol
I expect she’s got her eye on his job! She’s 46, he’s 56 and at that age a fellow - especially a fellow who’s done well for himself - might well be thinking about downshifting or retirement. I know I would!
Phil Spencer’s communication style is terrible.
@Elbow Spencer is a puppet and not a very good one.
@GamingFan4Lyf sadly Xbox is dying as a brand. Hardware will end soon enough and it’s such a shame that this has been allowed to happen. Spencer , Bond and Booty are just terrible at what they do.
This is so backward. With the way Microsoft and Xbox’s chain of command is structured, we really shouldn’t be reading articles about this sort of thing happening. It seems like a competent structure with well delegated roles and responsibilities. Instead, we should be reading articles like these about Playstation’s organization structure, which is quite literally like the Co-Manager episode of The Office.
@MjJmediablogger Maybe but that smile is golden you know that as well as I do!
@MjJmediablogger LoL, this is NOT happening. But keep listening to the Reddit crowd. The bottom line is Microsoft's revenue has exploded and they're primed to be the #1 gaming company in the world by this time next year. Selling less consoles means nothing in 2024.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
I don't know Sarah Bond well, but I did watch her 'interview' just after all those jobs were let go in acti bliz. That was the worst Ai generated speech and word salad interview I've ever seen and I have no time for her at all after watching that appalling performance.
People here will know I'm not into the 'cult of Phil', but I'd take him over her any day of the week.
@GamingSince84 Exploded? If you remove the ActiBliz income that they bought last year, it fell by 1%. Do you wish to point to verifiable data showing an explosion in revenue outside of acquisitions , or are you just seeing what you want to see?
@Titntin It's time to stop separating Activision and Xbox and start counting them as one entity, which is what they are. Look at their previous 2 fiscal months and you'll see that, yes, they're doing exceptionally well. Business 101, kids.
So what, for the rest of Microsoft's existence we're going to separate Activision and Xbox as if they're not all a part of the same company. We may as well do that with every company that has had a major merger for the rest of time. Accept the fact that Microsoft is in an amazing spot and move on.
Astounding how badly run the Xbox side is......
Thank goodness for 3rd parties and bottomless MS pockets I guess?
Ugh I have had bosses like how Bond describes Spencer. That sucks. Glad they found a common ground but document, document, document.
@Titntin it’s ok. I’m sure MS are happy not selling those boxes and getting a cut of everything sold on those boxes too.
We won’t also mention to him that subscription has stalled (true for ps too). Regardless of it being everywhere. Or the fact most subscribers are on that box.
@GamingSince84 Im still enjoying you calling me a kid. I hit 60 last month kid, so that flippent dismisal is not appropriate but gave me a chuckle.
Your creative accounting is all your own mate, but if you wish to decive yourself about whats happening, thats fine, but dont expect the rest of to fall in line with your dellusions. The only way you could claim record levels of income is if you convieniently forget the 70 billion you just used to buy the profits. The shareholders havent forgotten and its that pressure thats forced the xbox unit to have to release titles on its biggest competitor.
Anyway, have a great day kiddo..
This situation is no different than what occurs in any other business. I am not sure why people think this is a big deal. It does not mean that is is a poorly run division. For all the armchair CEO's out there, how would you run the business differently? Just curious.
These quotes, “push the envelope” and “not let something go”, are 100% a standard racist/sexist reaction to a black woman having power in a white male organization.
@MjJmediablogger XBox had its highest revenue ever for a quarter this year. It's not a dying brand, they just cry poverty to justify laying people off and raising prices in order to juice their profits.
@GamingSince84 After spending more than 70bn, if revenue didn't explore i would worry. Like Microsoft has done, they are pushing Phil/Sarah to get even more money, because it's a margins game, those 70bn could have been spent on much better areas for Microsoft in terms of revenue (Office/Copilot/Windows).
Revenue is one thing, but what about margins and profits? Or you think they are firing people left and right because they are doing so well?
Omg.... she's become the meme... lol Xbox is dead. Long live the Xbox!
They all just messed up over at Xbox starting with the Xbox one years ago.
And of course their future is more publishing or whatever, I’m more confused about them than ever.
I mean Sony and Nintendo are not perfect but you sort of get where they are at.
Anyway all this has left me to finally leave Xbox consoles and GPU.
Doesn’t mean I won’t be playing Xbox studio games once I get a dam top end one worth playing, just won’t be on a Xbox console. So they got what they wanted from me I guess.
Such a shame but there you go, I don’t own the company so can’t make them do what I want.
"“I’m not being paid to do what he says,” it read. “I’m being paid to do what he meant.""
LOL if this doesn't sum up the entirety of the Xbox Series experience, I don't know what does.
@Balaam_ I mean we did just read how Hulst blew $400M on the "future" of the company that flamed out in 12 days. I think the takeaways is what we already know. Nobody knows wtf they're doing in the games industry C suites.
@Titntin they don’t want to hear truth. They want to keep living in dream land.
@Titntin 60? You been through this song and dance with the people coping about Sega as they were spiraling? lol
@GamingSince84 It's nothing to do with the Reddit crowd. Nearly everyone in the industry and nearly every analyst is expecting Microsoft to stop producing consoles.
This is also shown in their marketing alone, focusing mostly on Game Pass and attempts to get their games on every platform and service.
I'd say Xbox is currently in its death throes. It's sad but to be expected after years of incompetent leadership. All I can say is after Xbox hardware dies, don't get a Playstation, that sucks too. Go to Nintendo Switch for the exclusives and PC for everything else.
TGS will probably be Phil announcing that Halo and Gears of War is coming to PlayStation, maybe even Nintendo lol.
They clashed at first, but they worked hard and found a way to tank the brand together.
@GamingSince84 I find it funny how many Xbox haters can't help but to show up on Xbox fan sites and spew some nonsense. It's like why can't they just stick to their corners of the internet? Total blatant trolls that feed on toxic internet gossip.
@RBRTMNZ Uhh pretty sure Microsoft isn't a "white male" organization, there's no shortage of diversity in their workforce. Weird how you feel a need to single out people for their ethnicity and gender and make an issue out of that in the first place.
She kinda seems more like a corporate exec business person with a marketing or PR background or something, by the books, run a business. Not a surprise they’d clash.
@shoeses Yes mate, I went through the whole Sega/Sony thing back when there was no social media to amplify it all. I was working for a company called Teque games in Greenwich London back then on a James pond game for the little sega handheld and an f1 games for the ill fated Atari jaguar CD. It was stil going on when I left Teque and joined Psygnosis in Camden.
Most of the silly arguments took place in the letters pages of games magazines back then, essentially forums before they started on the web.
The more things change, the more they stay the same! 😂
@JayJ I assume you trying to refer to myself with simplified us/them rhetoric and your language of hate and division?
I sit here with a long history of owning every single xbox since the beggining while I look at my current Series X and PC still sitting my front room. Ive also worked on several published xbox projects.
I have every right to comminicate and enjoy being on this site, a site I financialy support and where I often communicate with those who wish to engage in games related discourse - I have more posts here than anywhere else I go.
Im sorry you are so unable to tolerate any viewpoint that does not completely align with your own, but I belong here every bit as much as yourself and refuse to 'stick to my corner of the internet'.
I dont understand why you have to be so intolerant and devisive when you could be offering your own analysis of news pieces and sharing your own ideas to contribute to discussion instead of trying to spray mark you territory to chase everyone away? I can see from your second post that you support diversity, but not diversity of opinion?
I'll wish you well anyway, and hope you will eventually come to enjoy discussions with those who feel a bit differently than you do.
Why would you make this public information? If you were wildly successful it would make sense. "It didn't start out this well!". But Xbox management is the epitome of "how do you make 100 million dollars? Start with a billion!". They've failed at every turn, it's no surprise they don't get along behind the scenes. Half their job is probably finding a way to pin their failures on each other.
@Titntin Ever since the first Xbox there have been rumors that will be the last Xbox. So at this point, people have been making variations of the same rumor for the past 20 years now.
Xbox is profitable and Microsoft isn't hurting for money.
Subscription gaming/could gaming has a ceiling. It will never be the thing. It will never be the vast majority of their profits. The console sells accessories, it sells apps, and licenses, and any time you buy something in the Xbox store including DLC that they don't even publish they get a 30% cut.
Anytime they hold a shareholder meeting they are always stoked about the Xbox division. More evidence that rumors always come from outside of Microsoft and there is very little they can say to stop them. People always think they know better than the company themselves and that's just a part of it.
Those same idiots compared Xbox to Sega but failed to mention that Sega was bankrupt and had suffered a series of flops. Microsoft is the biggest company in the world and the Xbox is profitable. So the comparison doesn't make sense and no one explained why a trillion-dollar company would make a drastic change to a profitable division and most likely lose money. You would be hurting the brand more than anything. No app store, no accessories, etc. That's billions of dollars just gone. All because people see the game pass and want to speculate that will be the thing. Even though there is evidence to suggest people like owning things and consoles aren't a burden to consumers.
@TruestoryYep Ever since the first Xbox there have been rumors that will be the last Xbox. So at this point, people have been making variations of the same rumor for the past 20 years now.
Xbox is profitable and Microsoft isn't hurting for money.
Subscription gaming/could gaming has a ceiling. It will never be the thing. It will never be the vast majority of their profits. The console sells accessories, it sells apps, and licenses, and any time you buy something in the Xbox store including DLC that they don't even publish they get a 30% cut.
Anytime they hold a shareholder meeting they are always stoked about the Xbox division. More evidence that rumors always come from outside of Microsoft and there is very little they can say to stop them. People always think they know better than the company themselves and that's just a part of it.
Those same idiots compared Xbox to Sega but failed to mention that Sega was bankrupt and had suffered a series of flops. Microsoft is the biggest company in the world and the Xbox is profitable. So the comparison doesn't make sense and no one explained why a trillion-dollar company would make a drastic change to a profitable division and most likely lose money. You would be hurting the brand more than anything. No app store, no accessories, etc. That's billions of dollars just gone. All because people see the game pass and want to speculate that will be the thing. Even though there is evidence to suggest people like owning things and consoles aren't a burden to consumers.
@Titntin Way to try and turn this into some odd personal crusade. Blocking comments is the only way to deal with people as unhinged as you are.
@GamingSince84 Yup some people are simply always trying to fish for any excuse to hate on Xbox and it's like if you want to do that on some Playstation or generalized gaming site, whatever, but to be coming to Xbox sites and doing that, it's like do you really expect to not experience any pushback? They're the kind of people who are always looking for any excuse to start a fight only to cry foul when someone tells them to stop or go away.
I'm mixed. My first impressions of Bond is I did not really like her that much at all and feel she is not being effective at all.
But then I read she actually came in to kick butt and chew gum, but on day one, she was fresh out gum. Which I think was/is very much needed at Xbox right now, and I think that is awesome.
Hopefully she still is bringing the "hold people accountable" mindset. Obviously Xbox management and culture are lacking that needed toughness.
@JayJ Dude, I TOTALLY love it when people block me. It really means I won and my point was proven. Best. Feeling. Ever. Best. Feeling. In. The. World.
It's really a badge of honor. Wear that Blocker Badge and be proud. You were the adult in that conversation. Absolutely!
I never block people. If they're unhinged, like you say they are. It's free entertainment. Makes my day. They are the gift that keeps giving.
@JayJ Oh, I forgot to add the best part. When they report you for embarrassing them by proving your point.
They are so embarrassed, they literally have to act out in temper tantrum to get you put into a timeout for few days to feel good about themselves. Ohhhh it's priceless. They basically take their toys and go home in a passive aggressive way. It's a beautiful thing.
@Old_Man_Harper Surprisingly Phil has a huge net worth. Lot more than I ever would thought. $40 million.
He could retire or scale back and be just fine.
Xbox will never die😎
People talk about xbox having communications issues, the fact Sarah was having issues on the way Phil says things, says a lot about that lol
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