@Marvineternus They didn't alter the scores, but around the same time they started making articles going 'is it actually that good?', etc. Regardless of why, they built it up for months, gave it glowing reviews, kept defending their choices, then despite nothing changing, the game suddenly wasn't the best RPG ever. And these were people who care more about their politics than their paycheck, so you can't argue they buckled under pressure or something.
Yeah trust the other review sites when a specific one doesn't agree with you. Like how they all said Dragon Age: The Veilgard was AMAZING! ... And then the checks from Bioware bounced, and then they backtracked saying it wasn't very good. You should take every review, good or bad trusted or not, with not a grain but a mountain of salt.
@OldGamer999 The wildest part to me is it keeps being proven that people want those older experiences just with new environments, stories, and a few changes to the gameplay. Space Marine 2 is essencially Space Marine 1 but it looks better with some gameplay adjustments, and people absolutely loved it. You don't need to know anything about the source material to enjoy it, it's a digestible experience, and it has Multiplayer if you want to experience more. The new Shadow Campaign of Sonic X Shadow falls in the same boat: It's classic (3D) Sonic gameplay you can enjoy without knowing any other material, it's a digestible experience, and it has replay value in the Scoring if you want more out of it, and people liked it. It's really not hard, but the new devs want to tells some grand story (usually without knowing much of the IP source material themselves) and the people who run the companies think they need 100 hour grindfests.
@OldGamer999 They keep having to re-release old things because they refuse to chance new ideas and struggle adapting or making new entries of existing IPs. Which in itself is from its own set of problems, like most established devs having been laid off in favor of cheaper ones without experience, with companies thinking that just the IP will be enough to carry the newest entry regardless of how good it actually is. So when this inevitably leads to failure, and they refuse to take any new risks, they just have to go back to things people enjoyed before. And even then they find ways to screw it up.
Game Awards are a joke to the point more people care about the ads. And you don't need to watch it live if you only care about announcements, especially since companies like Microsoft, Nintendo, & Sony would much rather announce anything remotely major during their own Events.
As far as what we might see from Xbox, I'm thinking some Activision Game Pass drops at once, and maybe the PS5 port of Forza Horizon 5 they said existed along with some other ports. Definitely feel like Killer Instinct 2013 is in the works since they had that massive update this year that focused on making crossplay better.
Everyone talking about Sewerslide Squad: Defame the Justice League's Super Ultra Deluxe Edition being 5 bucks, meanwhile I'm looking at Destroy All Humans 2005 for the same price when I haven't seen it on sale since I got my Series X.
If we're also getting Crash 4 soon, this s giving me more hope we'll see those Transformers projects and or just a big drop of old Activision games in general this month.
Any of the NASCAR games decent or Above Average? If G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout drops to 5 bucks again I'd recommend it. You have to change a few Settings and not play it quite like a tradition Third-Person Shooter, but for that price specifically it's good. Local Co-op makes the Campaign way better and Local Multiplayer feels like a scuffed Goldeneye.
The 2 Transformers projects for 2024 too... assuming they didn't get pushed to 2025. There's no way Hasbro is giving them trouble for and not making sure they get the licensing for WFC, FOC, and or Devastation considering those games coming back would be amazing advertisement for their toylines (WFC/FOC have one and Devastation is getting one in 2025.)
@Nintendo4Sonic If anything this means that Halo and Gears are also gonna happen. Halo, Gears, & Forza are their 3 biggest IPs now, and internally they view Halo lower than the other 2 since 343 took over. Forza Horizon 5's happening first simply because it has a finite shelf-life due to licensing.
@Browntrouser It is really weird they never have anything for Halo, Fallout, etc. Then again, these are almost always just the same Perks that PS Plus Essential has but less of them. Rare exceptions are when something big comes to GP or big and old gets ported to it, like Genshin and FF14.
@Elbow Weird that Web of Shadows and Edge of Time aren't with Shattered Dimensions. Fried or Foe and the other Transformers games make sense because there's extra movie licenses they'd need. I agree Turtles in Time Reshelled should get re-released like the Scott Pilgrim game. Even though we have the Arcade, SNES, & Genesis versions available now, Reshelled is like a cousin to the 3 and a piece of history in its own.
100GB for a game that's been getting constant updates for years is very reasonable compared to the yearly Assassin's Creeds are half that minimum before any updates or DLC, especially on Xbox.
That's gonna be really bad for the market since Nintendo and Sony don't consider themselves competition, and no one's going to want the Xbox since Microsoft's going with Ubisoft's "gamers should be comfortable not owning games" idea, wanting people to rent everything forever. I understand not wanting to lose your library, but Xbox is a sinking ship, and we're gonna lose them no matter what. So we might as well built up others now.
@dskatter They had to give up the PvE they promised because they fired all the people who knew the lore and nobody wrote anything down. Think the person who did and knew most of the lore for TES6 left Bethesda too.
Speaking of Activision games, it seems one of the Transformers projects for 2024 is gonna be the relisting of Devastation - they just announced a new toyline for the game. Between that and recent the War for Cybertron toyline, I can see Hasbro giving Microsoft a pretty good licensing deal for the games since it'll be great advertising.
It's a nice addition, but it's been around and on such good sales so often if you haven't played it, you probably weren't weren't that interested in the first place. $13-16 for 3 classic Platformers is very affordable.
Aside from the weird, pointless changes to some things, the game has a lot of great QoL tweaks for the series. But it's not gonna make people who don't like or aren't interested in it change their minds. Now if that Casual Setting removed or heavily increased the timer, THAT would be game changing for getting new players into it.
@Utena-mobile Np. The only thing I recommend you do during the daily login-in is claim the free daily item from the shop, as some of the challenges require that.
@Utena-mobile MultiVersus Battle Pass is a lot more manageable since the Dailies and Weeklies never expire. If you log-in almost every day for a Season just to get them, you can effectively finish it in one or two Sessions near the end.
@thefly0810 Actually, when the Beta went down, you COULD still play Local, the Lab, & the Tutorial Offline, and during that time all Characters and Cosmetics were unlocked. If/When WB pulls the plug, I could see their last updates be them trying to cram in as much stuff for offline use as they can.
I'm enjoying the game, and a lot of the problems at launch have been fixed or changed for the better. They're actively trying to make the grind for everything less painful while still giving you a reason to want to pay, which I don't envy having to find that balance, especially since Warner Bros is one of those companies that have ridiculous expectations for these smaller scale projects. Either way, I'm hyped for Raven and Marceline next Season.
Four years into the Series Era the Xbox One Era is just starting to end. If a refurbished XBO X wasn't the same price as a new Series X at the time, I would've just got that.
A new Virtua Fighter should've been in development the second the big 3 in the Fighting Game Genre were announced to be coming out around the same time. By the time it came out, they'd still be focusing on DLC.
I feel a big factor for if people like Halo or not is if you start with friends - it's a completely different experience than playing the Campaigns alone and queuing up solo online. The Campaigns especially are a different, much better experience with more players.
@Fiendish-Beaver We know they have some Activision stuff in the works based on the two Transformers projects for 2024, so you'd think with 2 months left it'd have to be November before the holiday sales really kick off. You would THINK that, but if so they're taking their sweet time.
Sega says just from PC Game Pass alone the old Yakuza games do really well so they always renew it, so I gotta wonder if Like a Dragon will be the same.
Watched someone play a bit of it and stopped quickly hearing the Forspoken dialogue that doesn't fit a medieval setting in any way and seeing a series and developer know for impactful choices implementing Fallout 4's system of: Yes, Yes (Question), Yes (Sarcastic), No (Yes).
@Simu001 Considering Hi-Fi Rush was a massive success and Tango Gameworks was still shut down, even if Redfall succeed it wasn't a guarantee Arkane Austin wouldn't have been canned. That's how volatile the industry is right now.
@NeoRatt Those are all good and valid points. But they need to communicate they're doing these things while people still care to some degree, especially since most people do think everything is as simple as flipping a switch when it comes to adding to GP or relisting a game. They just need to say SOMETHING about any of the projects and refuse to. Especially since they've already done extra GP price hikes even before they started trickling games. Without giving some insight into what and how much they're doing, that just makes them look bad.
@Major_Player How would we be being milked to death for games that aren't even on the market right now? Do you think I'm talking about Crash 4, and not things like the Transformers, X-Men Legends, and the dozens of other stand alone games and licensed ones that haven't seen releases or new entries in a decade or longer? I can't tell if you don't think anything through or just want to argue. Considering you're calling CoD 'rejuvenated and fresh ideas' when three of their more recent games are rehashed Modern Warfare games and the newest is Black Ops SIX, I have to assume both.
Now imagine what they'd make if they put any of those Activision games on Game Pass. Or relisted licensed titles. Or announced remasters, remakes, and sequels to some of Activision games.
Instead of what they're doing, which is nothing. What they're doing seemingly all they're good for.
$35 at launch for the base game, only 2 Player online at launch, and from the gameplay we've seen so far, the Rangers are just pallet swaps. Even as a big fan of Power Rangers this is a tough sell, especially when Shredder's Revenge with all the DLC is only $33 and goes on sale for around $22 already. Only being 5 players also seems weird. Yeah there's the 5 core Rangers and you unlock Tommy at the end, but you'll never be able to play as the full team. It's an original story and there's 2 Ritas, so why can't there be an extra Ranger or two to make it 6?
@AverageGamer In all fairness most of those choices were set in stone before backwards compatibility existed. Let's not forget how disastrous the Xbox One's launch was, to the point where most of those definitive versions were released for 360 over the XBO, and how Microsoft still hasn't recovered from it on the Third-Party front.
@GamingFan4Lyf It wasn't cheaper for long though, as I'm sure you know the 360 RDR went from being on sale for $9 regularly to full price $30, now getting minor sales as if it was a new release. And no game is a finished product on release anymore, so the possibility of an FPS Boost wasn't off the table just because it wasn't there at launch, so the bragging was just not a good idea from the start. If anything that kind of behavior wills things into existence to make people look bad.
Again, my point is people only pointed it out when they got embarrassed and that the issue existed long before this. There's a lot of BC games with a similar case that have better versions on everything except Xbox, and that by having the BC version devs seemingly felt it was fine to not release them on the Xbox Platform specifically, hurting it more than if they just didn't have those versions.
Comments 995
Re: Early Rumours Hint At Major Planned Reveals For The Game Awards 2024
Coping they'll drop the 2 Transformers projects for 2024 live.
Re: Review: Indiana Jones And The Great Circle (Xbox) - A MachineGames Misfire
@Marvineternus They didn't alter the scores, but around the same time they started making articles going 'is it actually that good?', etc. Regardless of why, they built it up for months, gave it glowing reviews, kept defending their choices, then despite nothing changing, the game suddenly wasn't the best RPG ever. And these were people who care more about their politics than their paycheck, so you can't argue they buckled under pressure or something.
Re: Review: Indiana Jones And The Great Circle (Xbox) - A MachineGames Misfire
Yeah trust the other review sites when a specific one doesn't agree with you. Like how they all said Dragon Age: The Veilgard was AMAZING! ... And then the checks from Bioware bounced, and then they backtracked saying it wasn't very good. You should take every review, good or bad trusted or not, with not a grain but a mountain of salt.
Re: Random: Xbox 360 Users Say Dashboard Has Been 'Destroyed', But It's Not As Bad As It Seems
@OldGamer999 The wildest part to me is it keeps being proven that people want those older experiences just with new environments, stories, and a few changes to the gameplay. Space Marine 2 is essencially Space Marine 1 but it looks better with some gameplay adjustments, and people absolutely loved it. You don't need to know anything about the source material to enjoy it, it's a digestible experience, and it has Multiplayer if you want to experience more. The new Shadow Campaign of Sonic X Shadow falls in the same boat: It's classic (3D) Sonic gameplay you can enjoy without knowing any other material, it's a digestible experience, and it has replay value in the Scoring if you want more out of it, and people liked it. It's really not hard, but the new devs want to tells some grand story (usually without knowing much of the IP source material themselves) and the people who run the companies think they need 100 hour grindfests.
Re: Random: Xbox 360 Users Say Dashboard Has Been 'Destroyed', But It's Not As Bad As It Seems
@OldGamer999 They keep having to re-release old things because they refuse to chance new ideas and struggle adapting or making new entries of existing IPs. Which in itself is from its own set of problems, like most established devs having been laid off in favor of cheaper ones without experience, with companies thinking that just the IP will be enough to carry the newest entry regardless of how good it actually is. So when this inevitably leads to failure, and they refuse to take any new risks, they just have to go back to things people enjoyed before. And even then they find ways to screw it up.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Expecting From Xbox At The Game Awards 2024?
@Ricky-Spanish My hope is whatever the 2 Transformers projects are since we haven't heard or seen anything pointing at other licensed games.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Expecting From Xbox At The Game Awards 2024?
Game Awards are a joke to the point more people care about the ads. And you don't need to watch it live if you only care about announcements, especially since companies like Microsoft, Nintendo, & Sony would much rather announce anything remotely major during their own Events.
As far as what we might see from Xbox, I'm thinking some Activision Game Pass drops at once, and maybe the PS5 port of Forza Horizon 5 they said existed along with some other ports. Definitely feel like Killer Instinct 2013 is in the works since they had that massive update this year that focused on making crossplay better.
Re: Lots Of Big Games Are Reduced By 90-95% On Xbox This Week (December 3-10)
Everyone talking about Sewerslide Squad: Defame the Justice League's Super Ultra Deluxe Edition being 5 bucks, meanwhile I'm looking at Destroy All Humans 2005 for the same price when I haven't seen it on sale since I got my Series X.
Re: Surprise! Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Drifts Onto Xbox Game Pass This Week
If we're also getting Crash 4 soon, this s giving me more hope we'll see those Transformers projects and or just a big drop of old Activision games in general this month.
Re: Shenmue 3 Fans Ask Xbox Players To 'Make Some Noise' After ININ Acquires Publishing Rights
Wasn't 3 a huge let down that retconned stuff and still ended on a cliffhanger with next to nothing resolved??
Re: Almost 20 Games Will Be Delisted On Xbox In December 2024
Any of the NASCAR games decent or Above Average? If G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout drops to 5 bucks again I'd recommend it. You have to change a few Settings and not play it quite like a tradition Third-Person Shooter, but for that price specifically it's good. Local Co-op makes the Campaign way better and Local Multiplayer feels like a scuffed Goldeneye.
Re: Xbox Game Pass May Be Getting Another Crash Bandicoot Title Soon
@PhileasFragg It's a hard Platformer and a nightmare to 100%.
Re: All New Xbox Games Coming Out In December 2024
The 2 Transformers projects for 2024 too... assuming they didn't get pushed to 2025. There's no way Hasbro is giving them trouble for and not making sure they get the licensing for WFC, FOC, and or Devastation considering those games coming back would be amazing advertisement for their toylines (WFC/FOC have one and Devastation is getting one in 2025.)
Re: Xbox's New PC Game Pass Offer Lets You Play Indiana Jones For Just £1 / $1
I think most people would be happier with the dollar.
Re: Xbox Analyst 'Doesn't See' Microsoft Ditching Hardware Despite New Marketing Campaign
Microsoft won't ditch hardware - the users will. And eventually there won't be enough users of the hardware or Game Pass to justify either.
Re: Rumour: Forza Horizon 5 'Will Arrive' On PS5, Despite A Delay From Xbox
@Nintendo4Sonic If anything this means that Halo and Gears are also gonna happen. Halo, Gears, & Forza are their 3 biggest IPs now, and internally they view Halo lower than the other 2 since 343 took over. Forza Horizon 5's happening first simply because it has a finite shelf-life due to licensing.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want To See From Xbox In 2025?
The beginning of full revivals of Activision games and IPs with online servers.
Re: Xbox Adds More Perks For Game Pass Ultimate Members (November 2024)
@Browntrouser It is really weird they never have anything for Halo, Fallout, etc. Then again, these are almost always just the same Perks that PS Plus Essential has but less of them. Rare exceptions are when something big comes to GP or big and old gets ported to it, like Genshin and FF14.
Re: Seven Delisted Xbox Games Receive Surprise PC Updates From Activision
@Elbow Weird that Web of Shadows and Edge of Time aren't with Shattered Dimensions. Fried or Foe and the other Transformers games make sense because there's extra movie licenses they'd need. I agree Turtles in Time Reshelled should get re-released like the Scott Pilgrim game. Even though we have the Arcade, SNES, & Genesis versions available now, Reshelled is like a cousin to the 3 and a piece of history in its own.
Re: Seven Delisted Xbox Games Receive Surprise PC Updates From Activision
@oopsiezz I'm sad now. : (
Re: Xbox Fans Left Surprised By 'Insane' Download Size For Genshin Impact
100GB for a game that's been getting constant updates for years is very reasonable compared to the yearly Assassin's Creeds are half that minimum before any updates or DLC, especially on Xbox.
Re: Deals: Xbox Black Friday Sale 2024 Now Live, 800+ Games Discounted
None of my price checkers went off, so everything I'm after is presumably the same price it's been every sale seemingly the past 3 years.
Re: Reaction: Like It Or Not, Xbox Has Gone Full Throttle On Multiplatform
That's gonna be really bad for the market since Nintendo and Sony don't consider themselves competition, and no one's going to want the Xbox since Microsoft's going with Ubisoft's "gamers should be comfortable not owning games" idea, wanting people to rent everything forever. I understand not wanting to lose your library, but Xbox is a sinking ship, and we're gonna lose them no matter what. So we might as well built up others now.
Re: Xbox Boss Says Everything Is On The Table When It Comes To PS5 Ports
Then why would I or anyone want the Blockbuster of Video Game Consoles, where I rent everything, own nothing, and the options are extremely limited?
Re: Blizzard Announces 'Overwatch: Classic' As A Limited-Time Event In Overwatch 2
@dskatter They had to give up the PvE they promised because they fired all the people who knew the lore and nobody wrote anything down. Think the person who did and knew most of the lore for TES6 left Bethesda too.
Re: Talking Point: 10 Years On, It's Been A Mighty Turnaround For Halo: Master Chief Collection
Started a mess and ended a mess, all but a select few Game Modes are populated and now it has a ton of hackers.
Re: Talking Point: Spyro Reignited Trilogy Will Be A True Nostalgia Trip On Xbox Game Pass
Speaking of Activision games, it seems one of the Transformers projects for 2024 is gonna be the relisting of Devastation - they just announced a new toyline for the game. Between that and recent the War for Cybertron toyline, I can see Hasbro giving Microsoft a pretty good licensing deal for the games since it'll be great advertising.
Re: Talking Point: Spyro Reignited Trilogy Will Be A True Nostalgia Trip On Xbox Game Pass
It's a nice addition, but it's been around and on such good sales so often if you haven't played it, you probably weren't weren't that interested in the first place. $13-16 for 3 classic Platformers is very affordable.
Re: Xbox Sparks Excitement As Spyro Is Confirmed For Game Pass
Show us your 2024 Transformers projects you cowards!
Re: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Scores An Xbox Series X|S Demo
Aside from the weird, pointless changes to some things, the game has a lot of great QoL tweaks for the series. But it's not gonna make people who don't like or aren't interested in it change their minds. Now if that Casual Setting removed or heavily increased the timer, THAT would be game changing for getting new players into it.
Re: Warner Bros CFO Admits MultiVersus Is A Big Underperformer
@Utena-mobile Np. The only thing I recommend you do during the daily login-in is claim the free daily item from the shop, as some of the challenges require that.
Re: Warner Bros CFO Admits MultiVersus Is A Big Underperformer
@Utena-mobile MultiVersus Battle Pass is a lot more manageable since the Dailies and Weeklies never expire. If you log-in almost every day for a Season just to get them, you can effectively finish it in one or two Sessions near the end.
Re: Warner Bros CFO Admits MultiVersus Is A Big Underperformer
@thefly0810 Actually, when the Beta went down, you COULD still play Local, the Lab, & the Tutorial Offline, and during that time all Characters and Cosmetics were unlocked. If/When WB pulls the plug, I could see their last updates be them trying to cram in as much stuff for offline use as they can.
Re: Warner Bros CFO Admits MultiVersus Is A Big Underperformer Right Now
I'm enjoying the game, and a lot of the problems at launch have been fixed or changed for the better. They're actively trying to make the grind for everything less painful while still giving you a reason to want to pay, which I don't envy having to find that balance, especially since Warner Bros is one of those companies that have ridiculous expectations for these smaller scale projects. Either way, I'm hyped for Raven and Marceline next Season.
Re: SEGA Delisting Multiple Xbox Games This December
Gotta be a new Collection coming up if they're delisting this many specifically old things.
Re: Soapbox: Four Years On, I'm Already Nostalgic For The Early Xbox Series X|S Era
Four years into the Series Era the Xbox One Era is just starting to end. If a refurbished XBO X wasn't the same price as a new Series X at the time, I would've just got that.
Re: SEGA On Reviving Its Classics: 'We Have Another Virtua Fighter Being Developed'
A new Virtua Fighter should've been in development the second the big 3 in the Fighting Game Genre were announced to be coming out around the same time. By the time it came out, they'd still be focusing on DLC.
Re: Talking Point: Which Of Late 2024's Biggest Xbox Releases Are You Most Excited For?
Whatever the 2 Transformers projects scheduled for 2024 are. Even if it's just relisting the old games, I'll gladly buy and replay them again.
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Popular Xbox Franchise You've Struggled To Get Into?
I feel a big factor for if people like Halo or not is if you start with friends - it's a completely different experience than playing the Campaigns alone and queuing up solo online. The Campaigns especially are a different, much better experience with more players.
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Popular Xbox Franchise You've Struggled To Get Into?
Forza's Sim Racing isn't for me, and I found Gears too slow and clunky to enjoy.
Re: Seven Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early November 2024
@Fiendish-Beaver We know they have some Activision stuff in the works based on the two Transformers projects for 2024, so you'd think with 2 months left it'd have to be November before the holiday sales really kick off. You would THINK that, but if so they're taking their sweet time.
Re: Seven Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early November 2024
Sega says just from PC Game Pass alone the old Yakuza games do really well so they always renew it, so I gotta wonder if Like a Dragon will be the same.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Think Of Dragon Age: The Veilguard So Far?
Watched someone play a bit of it and stopped quickly hearing the Forspoken dialogue that doesn't fit a medieval setting in any way and seeing a series and developer know for impactful choices implementing Fallout 4's system of: Yes, Yes (Question), Yes (Sarcastic), No (Yes).
Re: Arkane Founder Says Xbox Shutting Austin Studio Was 'Stupid' And 'Not A Good Decision'
@Simu001 Considering Hi-Fi Rush was a massive success and Tango Gameworks was still shut down, even if Redfall succeed it wasn't a guarantee Arkane Austin wouldn't have been canned. That's how volatile the industry is right now.
Re: Microsoft's Xbox Gets Another Revenue Boost From Activision
@NeoRatt Those are all good and valid points. But they need to communicate they're doing these things while people still care to some degree, especially since most people do think everything is as simple as flipping a switch when it comes to adding to GP or relisting a game. They just need to say SOMETHING about any of the projects and refuse to. Especially since they've already done extra GP price hikes even before they started trickling games. Without giving some insight into what and how much they're doing, that just makes them look bad.
Re: Microsoft's Xbox Gets Another Revenue Boost From Activision
@Major_Player How would we be being milked to death for games that aren't even on the market right now? Do you think I'm talking about Crash 4, and not things like the Transformers, X-Men Legends, and the dozens of other stand alone games and licensed ones that haven't seen releases or new entries in a decade or longer? I can't tell if you don't think anything through or just want to argue. Considering you're calling CoD 'rejuvenated and fresh ideas' when three of their more recent games are rehashed Modern Warfare games and the newest is Black Ops SIX, I have to assume both.
Re: Microsoft's Xbox Gets Another Revenue Boost From Activision
Now imagine what they'd make if they put any of those Activision games on Game Pass. Or relisted licensed titles. Or announced remasters, remakes, and sequels to some of Activision games.
Instead of what they're doing, which is nothing. What they're doing seemingly all they're good for.
Re: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Launches On Xbox This December
$35 at launch for the base game, only 2 Player online at launch, and from the gameplay we've seen so far, the Rangers are just pallet swaps. Even as a big fan of Power Rangers this is a tough sell, especially when Shredder's Revenge with all the DLC is only $33 and goes on sale for around $22 already. Only being 5 players also seems weird. Yeah there's the 5 core Rangers and you unlock Tommy at the end, but you'll never be able to play as the full team. It's an original story and there's 2 Ritas, so why can't there be an extra Ranger or two to make it 6?
Re: Red Dead Redemption PC Footage Lands As Xbox Version Remains At 30FPS
@AverageGamer In all fairness most of those choices were set in stone before backwards compatibility existed. Let's not forget how disastrous the Xbox One's launch was, to the point where most of those definitive versions were released for 360 over the XBO, and how Microsoft still hasn't recovered from it on the Third-Party front.
Re: Red Dead Redemption PC Footage Lands As Xbox Version Remains At 30FPS
@GamingFan4Lyf It wasn't cheaper for long though, as I'm sure you know the 360 RDR went from being on sale for $9 regularly to full price $30, now getting minor sales as if it was a new release. And no game is a finished product on release anymore, so the possibility of an FPS Boost wasn't off the table just because it wasn't there at launch, so the bragging was just not a good idea from the start. If anything that kind of behavior wills things into existence to make people look bad.
Again, my point is people only pointed it out when they got embarrassed and that the issue existed long before this. There's a lot of BC games with a similar case that have better versions on everything except Xbox, and that by having the BC version devs seemingly felt it was fine to not release them on the Xbox Platform specifically, hurting it more than if they just didn't have those versions.