Ever since Xbox Series X and PS5 launched, we've noticed cases where PS5 games run that little bit better - even if on paper Microsoft's machine is the more powerful console. We've typically put that down to sheer development resources — the PS5 has a bigger install base and is often the target console after all — however, Digital Foundry has done some digging on this very topic - discovering some interesting results along the way.
The teams starts out by saying that "the Xbox Series X is a considerably more powerful piece of hardware than PlayStation 5", but oftentimes, multiplatform releases run the same or a little bit faster on PS5. So, DF has asked some devs about this, and the answers are a bit more complicated than you might think.
First off, "more than one key triple-A developer" told the outlet that the "PlayStation GPU compiler is significantly more efficient than the Microsoft alternative". Basically, the backend software used by devs to make the hardware sing is supposedly more efficient on the PS5 than it is on Xbox.
Then, there seems to be one other key reason - and that's the graphics processor itself. DF says that while the Xbox has significantly more 'compute units' than PS5 (52 vs. 36), the entire GPU runs faster on the PlayStation side, meaning that "certain game engine designs" will fare better on the PlayStation system.
Anyway, the team does go on to say that Microsoft's approach puts Xbox Series X more in-line with PC (making cross-development easier), and that in some instances, the Series X does still come out on top depending on the game and its developer. We've certainly felt like this generation has been quite closely matched up (something else the DF team notes), so none of this has really had a major impact on us as Series X users. Still, it's interesting to know that there are more differences between the two consoles than what's immediately apparent!
"So, based on our conversations, the combination of a more efficient GPU compiler, lower-level APIs and higher clock speeds allows PlayStation 5 to match or even exceed the outputs of Xbox Series X in some scenarios. That said, of course there is value in the approach Microsoft has taken: by standardising on DirectX 12 and the DXR ray tracing API, there is a commonality with PC development that obviously helps game makers. And of course, Xbox does still have more compute throughput - so game engines that tap into that will see advantages."
What do you make of this new information from developers? Tell us your experiences with the two machines down below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 70
Generally the performance difference between both has been so negligible that most people would not tell the difference.
Interesting article how sensible design of the internals and ease of programming have helped the PS5, even though it’s obviously the weaker of the two.
If you read the full article at DF it explains more.
Sony obviously thought about console internals and programming rather than PC based API etc and it paid off in general.
I have always said though if you took a developer say the coalition and just gave them the series x only to make a campaign game for from ground up, no series s, no pc, no cloud gaming you would then see the real power of the series x.
Anyway that will never happen and we are where we are today.
Of course Microsoft prefer the PC API as the games need to be made for Xbox and pc.
Performance difference is usually so minor that only a side by side video will point out the differences. Some games and engines PS5 is better, others XSX.
As for WHY? It's simple. Teraflops and Memory Speed are only two factors in the speed of a console which both have a LOT of other differences. I always like the analogy of a 1000hp f1 car and a 1200hp car. Which is faster? Likely depends on the track and the conditions.
PS5 likely also has the advantages of being the target platform due to market share, and developers having to specifically optimise for it and it's SDK as opposed to using DirectX for both console and PC.
Meanwhile over in Nintendo Land we don’t care.
We have sold over 140 million consoles and tens of millions of games.
Expanded well into theme parks and movies and have the highest selling merchandise.
Have a nice day the power consoles.
So how about all the games that do run better on series X over PS5. Seems like that is rarely mentioned online. Only when it’s the PS5 doing slightly better. I have both consoles and play on the one that i want. Mostly controller is the decision.
OldGamer999 wrote:
Is it really though? According to what? A few raw specs?
If this was a PC I would agree that on paper XSX is likely stronger as most other factors would be even. But crucially these AREN'T PC's there are huge differences in their architectures and API's so just stat matching isn't really all that relevant.
I think far too many people compared them as if they were PC parts, but they aren't, raw specs only tell a small part of the story when everything else is different, hence my car analogy above.
I agree and like the rest of your post... and Nintendo casually showing all how to just keep releasing great games and win
I’m not to technically nowadays but I get what you are saying.
Will be interesting to see what the PS5 Pro is, when and if it comes out and also the Switch 2.
Nintendo won’t go too mad with the Switch 2 specifications as they are wise and know that the more power the more gamers expect and the longer games take to develop.
Sometimes I think Nintendo have the right idea but they miss out on the new top third party titles which is a shame.
@OldGamer999 I'm hoping Switch 2 at the very least is powerful enough to have some 'miracle ports' of top games like Switch 1 had with Witcher 3 etc. Skyrim on the go on Switch was a wonder too. I don't think there is a right or wrong idea here, as a cross platform player i'm just glad they are all branching out in their own directions and all finding their own form of success. I believe all 3 can co-exist, then we all win.
Either one has a slightly higher res or the other has a slightly better performance - but hardly enough that one is definitively 'better' - unlike the 360 or PS4 gen for example. Arguably the closest Playstation and Xbox gen ever.
If you have to only choose one or the other, can't have 'both', then multi-platform games shouldn't really factor in. Its not like the 360 era when buying a Playstation meant worse multi-platform experiences or the PS4 era when XB1S couldn't offer 'parity'. Now its 'minor' differences that pretty much seem to even out...
Well i saw the video in youtube from Digital Foundry and they say simply that ps5 use better the shaders while xbox use better everything else. The video was used and manipulate to do ps5 propaganda.
Still make me angry thinking about ea wrc for ps5, it was so terrible experience for screen tearing; i cannot say if the fix it today cause i unplugged my ps5 and gave up to start the game, even the logo from EA shows tearing and try to guess, problem solved on xbox or pc from long time
All games run better on the Series X, which is why Microsoft has the leading gaming platform. Apparently, anyone can say anything about anything, so I figured I would jump in.
@themightyant According to numbers, not beliefs. That is true. The Series X is more powerful than the PS5. Unless denominations have changed.
@themightyant my guess on Switch 2 power is at least on par of a PS4 at least. Or between a PS4 and PS5.
If I was being more hopeful, at least as powerful as a Series S but it’s unlikely.
@Romans12 The point is raw numbers are only comparable if all other parts are the same, but they are not. The system architectures and APIs are entirely different so comparing one number to another is mostly worthless. It's like saying a 1200hp car is faster and will get around a track quicker than a 1000hp one, but that isn't always the case, you have to look at the whole package.
It's true XSX is more powerful on paper in some areas like Teraflops, CUs, Memory bandwidth (though split pool isn't always better). It's also true PS5 is more powerful on paper in other areas like GPU frequency, I/O throughput etc. But specs don't tell the whole story.
Ultimately when ALL factors are counted including all the things raw numbers don't include then the real world performance between the two is mostly negligible across most games right now, though of course there are a few outliers. That's not just my belief but based on Digital Foundry and others' analysis.
I love playing games on SX, and I love them on PS5.
But I have been conditioned to check which system runs better, and it is usually so negligible I end up just getting which one has the best deal🤷♂️
Can say whatever they like. It's the parity for Series S and Series X that Microsoft forced which ultimately hurts both consoles. Was terrible and bad idea.
Tech warriors let's get it on!!
@HonestHick "So how about all the games that do run better on series X over PS5. Seems like that is rarely mentioned online"
Every single game should be running better on the X as it has the most power (current most powerful console in the world!), why would it be a story that a game runs better on it? Will you consider it a story when PS5 pro games run better than Series X games?
That said, of course there is value in the approach Microsoft has taken: by standardising on DirectX 12 and the DXR ray tracing API, there is a commonality with PC development that obviously helps game makers
Would those be the same game makers that treat the XSX as the ugly step child of third-party development??
By year two of current gen I was fully convinced that third-party developers will never take advantage of the power difference between the PS5 and Series X, there is zero incentives for them to do that....
The onus was/is on Microsoft's first party studios to really make the XSX stand out, yet in some instances they managed to make their games perform or look worse on Xbox than on PS5 (Ghostswire Tokyo, SOT, HI-FI Rush or just messing up things like the FO4 next gen patch etc)😅.
... thank heavens for NT, Playground and The Coalition, there's still hope 😁.
One thing the series x has that works so great for me is quick resume.
I wish Sony and Nintendo would copy this and add it to the PS5 and Switch 2.
They probably have looked and could, but it will require investment and I bet they can’t be arsed.
And why?, because they are doing so well so why bother.
You are absolutely right and it is normally the home studios take most advantage of the hardware.
None of them have done so far really, though FH5 looks really good.
Hoping like you the Coalition etc do the business.
The big acid test will be when the new Doom releases day one on Series x and PS5.
If the PS5 version is better then it really does take the piss. 🤣
@Sol4ris Perhaps you are right. Or perhaps the simplest solution is the right one and the fact that so few games do run noticeably better on the Series X proves it ISN'T actually noticeably more powerful than the PS5 in real terms when everything is considered. On paper specs don't always translate to better performance across different architectures. All the current evidence of actual game performance seems to suggest they are very evenly matched, but perhaps this will change later in the gen.
@OldGamer999 Quick resume is absolutely brilliant... when it works. I just find it a bit unreliable and have had problems with it like achievements not unlocking or games behaving oddly. As I can't 100% rely on it I often fully close my games... if I remember. But everyone seems to have a different experience with this depending on the games they play.
When cloud gaming does become prevalent and of course, there are big ifs everywhere. But if it does, the only thing we'd have to worry about is how good the games are and how great our internet connection is to play them. I don't think it's all bad news.
But maybe, definitely not good for the ownership model of games, which are steadily but surely phased out. A part from Nintendo. There's going to be a revolt once and a outrage for a little bit, and then a new generation takes over and it becomes the norm. Then everyone will be asking? "Did you really argue over the power of these things?" With a slight glee about them. We all know it's coming once the technology is ready, we're just not quite ready yet.
There is also the backwards compatibility support. My understanding is the system take a small hit as part of supporting older titles, whereas PS does not.
As a user who has both consoles, I often find cross console games look slightly better on my xbox. Weirdly back when Stadia was a thing, loading it thru the console browser was better than direct thru my TV. There are a few exceptions but overall I stick to XSX not only for better controllers but slightly better graphics.
These two consoles aren’t as different as people think. They aren’t so bespoke and special like past generations of any console. I find it funny how now all of a sudden that a nearly 2 teraflop lead that the series X has is suddenly insignificant. When the PS4 launched with 1.84 and the the Xbox one with 1.31, the Xbox was routinely roasted for it being “weak.” Outlets like DF always made sure to point out how poorly the Xbox one performed. As they could since the PS4 had the lead. Now that they have the lead with the PS5 by a large margin, PS5 has to have optimized code. Since the series X is stronger the code doesn’t have to be as optimized, as it can brute force its way to achieve the same results as the PS5. It all comes down to optimization. Raw power for anything will always be better if given the same treatment as something lesser. Microsoft just needs to make great exclusives to get back in the game at this point. They have the manpower.
@themightyant the 1200hp car will be better assuming the same remedies are applied that the 1000hp car gets. Unless the 1000hp car gets handicaps since it is weaker by the racing authorities. Similar to the console situation, the PS5 gets optimization as the lead console. If it had 12 teraflops and the XSX 10.28, frames per second critic DF would be all over how Microsoft’s console struggles so much. Since developers works complain that they have to code for a less popular console.
@Tecinthehead it’s not that black and white. It’s not the most power by leaps and bounds. Lead designers in the beginning especially had the dev kits of PS5 before the Xbox, cause MS changed them near the end. So take a few games like Assassins Creed Valhalla and Control. They launched in better condition on PS5, but later got patched on Series X to be a better version. But the story was already told for those games. COD runs at 119-120 fps on Series X, only 114 on PS5 yet it’s not a story. Cause well as you said the stronger box won. But that comes down to the game engine, time spent working on it and if it’s more of a PC engine friendly built or different. There’s a lot of grey area to this as both machines are near the same as was stated here. However to your PS5 Pro comment no that will not be a story cause that should be shoulders above these two units and not splitting hairs as we have done for the 3 years we’ve had these boxes. I just want more articles saying Xbox games run better when they do. Last note i want to leave you with is, i have high end equipment i game on and i have both consoles. Some (few) games i have on both consoles. The difference to me is Dolby Vision looks far better on my setup than HDR 10 from PS, Dolby Atmos is also a winner.
@OldGamer999 we?
I thought DF said a while back that the PS5 can’t do mesh shaders (most new games use them for better performance e.g Alan Wake 2) and this was a major disadvantage, I even remember J Linnaman’s face looking so sad when he said this, I guess they forgot about them or they no longer matter.
@themightyant Sadly the narrative Microsoft was forcing o to everyone at launch time, was that the Series X was the ‘most powerful console in the world’ ever. That sentence leads you to think it’ll be better and perform better. Which was never the case in reality. If they never made the Series S and force games on that system, and hadn’t changed all their dev tools at the beginning of the generation, then they may have had a noticeable lead in performance.
I considered Digital Foundry to be unbiased and fair, but not anymore. I think they chose their side. I think they support PS5 and they are biased against Xbox. In general, it's true that some third party at the beginning of the gen for various reasons were running better on PS5 (dev kits delivered earlier, developers have PS5 as priority, because of the users' numbers, etc). However, later that has changed and they are also many games running much better on the XSX. I have noticed that DF really stressed it when a game runs better on PS5, but they don't do that when a game ran obviously better on the XSX and they have comments like, "yeah it's only some frames, it's not so important, however it doesn't destroy the experience" . Another point is that i noticed that they had many times selected video chunks of a game that run better on PS5, where the same game ran in another area of the map better on Xbox for a reason (has to do with the architecture of the systems? game optimization, i don't know). An example was Cyberpunk 2077. They stressed it there the fps drops on a XSX and that it runs better for PS5 for the current patch version, but they didn't show other map areas in the game that the XSX version was better (i checked Analista De bits video).
Anyway, most of the times the differences are minimal and i don't think anyone will play the games side by side on XSX and PS5, but i'd like to see it mentioned more from the media when some games run better on XSX.
@themightyant lol people always gotta shove nintendo into the conversation; if they’re so great then why do gamers always have to include them in conversations ?
its like pc nuts that always need to shove the master race down peoples throats when nobody cares
Digital Foundry say no more, I stopped watching their videos when they compared Hi-Fi Rush and said the PS5 version had better shadow's. These things wouldn't be noticeable by most players, and if there only use one of each console there is no bench mark as two PS5 or two Series X can run completely different.
@OldGamer999 as far as quick resume goes…I see the value, but I prefer the PS4/5 rest mode. Sure it’s limited to only one game at a time…but it works for ANY game.
I’m playing FF13 via backwards compatibility on my series X and…no quick resume. If my series x shuts down, gotta start from scratch.
If that were running on my PS4/5 (which it can’t, since it’s a PS3 game, but still!) I could drop it into rest mode and come back.
Just a minor thing for me, but it does irk!
@Th3_Highlander You stopped watching when they did…what they’re supposed to do, i.e. point out differences in game ports and such?
People still discussing which Aladdin's version is better: Genesis or SNES. At least, those battles are fun.
@dskatter It was the final thing that I found pointless from their videos, eveyone has their TV's calibrated to how they like it and even in the comments they got pulled up for it. I've had frame drops on the PS5 and Series X, I've had no issues were some have had issues and I've had issues were some haven't. Each machine runs differently and I rather just play the fame and enjoy it rather than pick up something that really is noticeable without a device.
@Th3_Highlander It just confuses me how this is a thing that made you stop watching them. Little stuff like that between versions is what they're SUPPOSED to catch, is it not?
Either way, to each their own! I guess they did their job, their entire raison d'etre too well!
@WhiteRabbit Haha, great video. I'm watching. Thanks.
@Th3_Highlander This doesn't make sense to me. How can two of the exact same console perform differently? Manufacturers set the components to a specific speed, a lowest common denominator that every unit can safely hit. So if some units can do 2.5 GHz safely, while others will become unstable above 2 GHz, then manufacturers will just cap them all at 2 GHz for stability and consistency. (There may be defective units that can't even maintain that lower speed, but those will be rejected.)
Not disputing that you've gotten different results than others have reported, but the explanation for this is usually subjective statements (e.g., someone saying "it runs fine for me", when they just don't notice the performance issues). Or besides that, performance could be affected by settings like output resolution, or even variations in the game scenario that cause a heavier load on the hardware (lots of characters gathered in one space, or a lot of smoke briefly covering the camera, etc.).
If you have examples of the exact same scenario running differently on the exact same hardware configuration, then that would be very interesting to see, and I'd be curious to hear more! But that has never happened in consoles, to my recollection (outside of a system outright malfunctioning, due to issues like overheating or a dying disc drive).
@Th3_Highlander I get it. DF make mountains out of molehills, they are the definition of pedants, though that is their job, pointing out the minutiae. The reality is in the VAST majority of games most players wouldn't be able to tell the difference between XSX & PS5 while playing even when DF say one or the other is marginally better.
I still follow them and watch some of their stuff but more for the banter, a few useful insights, and for the occasional game that does actually have a significant difference between PS5 and XSX which might impact which console I play the game on.
I'm most interested in seeing how each game develops over time with patches, or if Day 1 performance is acceptable, to know when might be a good time to play it than I am in head-to-heads.
@dskatter In fairness, I also find that their nitpicking over minor image quality details can be boring. I follow DF mainly for their DF Retro episodes, where they explain and appreciate the ingenuity of devs squeezing the most out of limited hardware. And I'll occasionally refer to them to find out whether a game runs at 60fps on a certain platform or not.
But for those who own a PS5 and Series X, and want to know where they can get the best experience with a specific game, I can see how even the nitpicking would carry some appeal. Seems that DF covers a few different niches, and not all of them are for me!
@smoreon It does sometimes happen and consoles don't always perform the same unit to unit, though they are meant to, but usually the margins of error are so small. Though Rich from DF even mentions a few cases in that very video where consoles didn't behave the same.
Hardware reason specifics aside, it still really comes down to a simpler reason they only sort of touched on. Game development/engines seems to have stalled mostly (or prolonged much farther into this gen than expected) and is still running mostly single thread or a handful of threads, so the more multi-compute design of XSX goes largely untapped, while the higher boost clocks on the PS5 give it an edge, just because it's a more old school design, and games seem to still be mostly old school designed.
Same reason a Threadripper 64 core will suck for gaming yet is a beast for basically anything else.
@dskatter To be fair FFXIII doesn't even work on the native PC port with hibernate mode, windows comes back and the game frame is there, but won't actually load or draw. And the PS5 also does some crazy things with sleep that even the PS4 didn't have a problem with. It usually works. More usually than Quick Resume, TBF, but only Switch seems to get it perfect.
@nomither6 LOL, I read your post after my post mentioned both PC and Nintendo
@HonestHick I'm still very curious if Pro is happening at all or if it's a cancelled Ryan project they never put into production. Kinda weird they've said nothing yet if they're releasing this holiday, and if they're releasing after holiday that thing is doomed with a new gen probably in 2 years.
I'm also curious about pricing, because looking at the GPU pricing out there, it is a very different world than 2019 into 2020 when they were designing these consoles. Prices have roughly doubled on end-user cards outside the low tier. Yeah that's cards, not bare silicon, but the costs on that are still way higher than Sony paid last time. And AMD is getting out of the high end race to pull back to more profitable midrange, so that doesn't leave "pro console" in a great financial position.
I wouldn't be surprised if the "pro" leaks, were actually early draft PS6 prototype leaks. Even if they tried to shove an APU version of a 7900XT in there, it would be handicapped by the shared ram, handicapped by the Zen2 CPU, and would just be too expensive a die for what Sony would need to charge right now. And AMD seems to be bowing out of the high end entirely, so Sony's (and MS) partnered with a dedicated mid-range GPU maker. I don't see their consoles going for super crazy video specs. Especially while even Sony admitted pushing the graphics isn't the priority anymore.
@smoreon A lot of the time it's chatter across the internet, the issue with electronics there is a lot of variables for all console to run exact the same. Even playing the same game across a month some days they can sometimes feel a little off.
@themightyant Tbh it probably was an over reaction, I wasn't a long term subscriber and probably have a breather then try again. I think it was a few bad videos in a row that got me, but it does seem to flame the console wars.
@Th3_Highlander It does, but that's the bad side, there are plenty of upsides to their work too.
@Th3_Highlander The difference from sample to sample often depends on "the silicon lottery." As you say there's chip to chip variance, and different samples may behave different as heated. The cooling solution definitely matters for this, too. Ambient temp, etc, etc. It's why you can get a bunch of chips of the same model and some will overclock like crazy and some will just choke on 5mhz.
I kind of agree about DF. They do some good stuff, and it's a handy resources, but a lot of what they do really seems to have no purpose but to flame console wars, and I find it unlikely they're not aware of that, and aware of what drives traffic and revenue.
@smoreon @dskatter @themightyant @NEStalgia
Well the one thing that has come from my comment is that you've all politely made me feel guilty for jumping the gun early.
@NEStalgia @themightyant @Th3_Highlander
The thing with the silicon lottery is that the better chips for PC will typically be overclocked and/or sold as a higher-end OC-friendly model ("Turbo OC Xtreme Edition" or whatever).
But with consoles, all of them are clocked to the same frequency, regardless of what they're capable of. Sure, some PS5s could probably get a nice overclock going, whereas others have next to no headroom before they become unstable, but you won't see any of that unless you mod your system. Sony made them all the same.
The complexity of modern environments (esp. having an OS in the background) does introduce a lot of variables, and I have had games malfunction (run extremely slowly, glitch out, or outright crash) on Xbone, especially after resuming a session- whereas these issues were both rarer and more predictable on old consoles like GameCube.
So maybe there's more variance than I've observed so far. I just doubt that the hardware itself is the culprit in most cases!
@smoreon Somewhat true, at least on paper with PC chips, but then there's lots of "high end" OC friendly models that don't overclock that well, and then there's plenty of budget models that OC great, so even there, I feel like it's gotten to the point they don't really "bin" anymore, and it's cheaper to just market them as better or worse knowing they all have the same potential (while the OC friendly ones, CPUs excluded, come on better boards with better VRMs etc.)
But with the consoles I think there's other issues with the voltage regulation, cooling/pads, etc, etc, and very likely vendor differences on chokes, caps, etc depending on which production run it is that are then going to produce minor variance. When you buy a GPU, they probably only made it for a year and they're probably all the same. For consoles, a 2023 production run may not be the same exact parts and tolerances as a 2020 run. Something like the phase cap being a different part, different spec, or different pads/cooling conditions would start causing frame stutters as it heats up etc. Not "out of spec" per-se but could yield varying results between two consoles at the level of extreme scrutiny DF applies.
@NEStalgia Hm, that's a fair point about the production runs. The OG Xbox infamously had a lot of variation in its quality/durability, thanks to the three or more DVD drive manufacturers. And various consoles have had die shrinks, sound chip replacements, etc., throughout their lifetime.
Still no performance variation outside of actual revisions (e.g., Xbox One S), though.
Is it normal for consoles to actually heat up enough to start throttling under normal use, now? This used to be unheard of. If so, I could see that costing a few frames for some less-lucky owners.
PS: About binning (or the lack thereof), some of the better ones are already overclocked a fair bit, even out of the box- or maybe you were already taking that into consideration.
Hey, remember the Pentium G3258? At least some of those must've been top-of-the-line i7s with half their cores disabled, as they were absolute beasts. They already punched above their weight at stock speed, and could reportedly approach 5 GHz with some luck. That was a cool little CPU. And its name and pricing indicated that it was pretty much bottom of the barrel.
@NEStalgia I think the Pro is still coming and gets shown at the September show and then launches in November. But price will be interesting, i am not sure how this will be priced. The fact i do not love their controllers makes price an issue for me with the PS5 Pro cause i only play exclusives on it. Now if MS wanted to build some crazy PC/console tower of power thing and price it at $799.99 i would pre order it. I think Sony is going to live and die by moving as many console units as they can, make the 30% cut on their store and live with the results, all the while being way behind MS in games on all screens and which ever one see’s the most play time doesn’t matter cause they are there vs Sony would have to pivot to there. It’s dicey to see if Sony’s console old school plan continues to work or if this be in all places is what becomes more normal in years to come. One thing is for sure the PC isn’t seeing a decline at the moment, so anyone not there is losing out on cash. I don’t care what any console keyboard warrior tells me.
@thehereandnext and that makes me sad
It would simply be more optimized because the PS5 version sells better. There is no complicated reason.
@smoreon I can't imagine they never throttle given it's still the same overall zen and rdna architecture as the AMD PC components even if it's closer to the mobile parts, I can't imagine that kind of throttling isn't still part of the design, and the consoles cooling isn't all that overbuilt unlike x1x and the vapor chamber.
But even outside clock throttling issues like hot phase caps cause stutters and frame delay even in high end gpus, and frame delay is an rdna problem in general, is a big reason Nvidia, unfortunately, remains preferred.
Yeah, the "overclocked" out of the box ones are funny, especially gpus with their funny 15mhz overclock for $200 more, yet some of those ocs barely take a boost and some of the Ventus can hit 3ghz 😂. CPU is more straight forward, with Intel in particular selling the locked and unlocked version, so you know locked is pretty bottom bin. Then again they're changing the naming so that they can sell old architecture as new chips, so who knows what their bins will look like. Only marketing knows for sure...
@HonestHick heck EVGA was losing hundreds on every 3090 sold at what, 1200? Nvidia was soaking them almost consumer price just on the die. AMD treats partners better than Jensen but they follow lock step Nvidia pricing. Even Sony can't get away cheap these days.
Honestly, Nvidia is so slimy it makes me appreciate Sony. I'd sooner buy a Jim Ryan body pillow from a scalper than say a single nice thing about that leather encrusted toad Jensen.
@NEStalgia Nvidia is about to be as rich as MS and Apple. It’s insane what they charge. They will lead in AI. Just crazy. Ole Jimbo isn’t even as greedy, whats that say? HAHA
@kelomaniack exactly do you remember the video about mesh shaders where John Linnamen face looked ever so sad when ge said PS5 can’t them and its gonna be a disadvantage going forward as more and more games will use them. I guess they no longer matter
@HonestHick I'd like to think that there's a shred of justice in the universe and someone else will take their 5 minutes of fame. Such a duplicitous and shameless organization. I'd even prefer a Chinese upstairt to replace them.
There's a certain point where a certain level of "lack of integrity" where "business is business" doesn't cut it. Their whole hegemony depends on cuda. Wonder when the patent runs out. Plus governments are finally starting to notice their antics and I know at least one anti trust is facing them.
Sadly I'm gaming they're more or less a monopoly, meanwhile they no longer actually care about the gaming market.
@NEStalgia they don’t give a rat’s you know what about gaming. They won’t stay on top forever in that space i wouldn’t imagine. If the past has shown us anything. It’s no one last on top forever as companies are gunning for the front runners and developing new ways to compete or surpass them.
I’d like to remind all tech companies, this is Apples world and we are all just living in it.
That comment will not go without push back from you haha!!
@DaddyDuder Yes, I remember this one 😅. I used to follow them, cause I liked these tech analysis and stuff, but not anymore for the reasons I mentioned before. There are also other smaller YouTubers doing the same without being biased.
@HonestHick when a monopoly on an industry doesn't actually care about the industry it's a monopoly in as important to business what you get is AT&T
In gaming sadly AMD is retreating to mid range so all hope is on Intel. But its more than that. Jensen has said that they never were a graphics company thery were an "accelerated computing"company and graphics was"just a strategic thing". And I realized what went wrong with gaming. He did. I've said for ages the graphics arms race that is literally destroying the industry was pushed by Nvidia pushing devs to push graphics to justify their hardware. Now I understand why. It was never about pushing games graphics to sell more cards. It was all about using the game industry to build and fund their enterprise chips. They attached to the games industry like a lamprey and bled it dry, pushing ever more extreme hardware as a vehicle to catapult them to something else they wanted to reach. The whole graphics arms race was a fraud meant to build enterprise computing capability.
Apple....ehh... Apple is the Nintendo of IRL. They charge a fortune for limited poor performing hardware, their fans are convinced they're the single best at what they do, and everyone else just ignores their existence, but they make fortunes off the faithful. Apple is what you buy of you didn't need a real computer but want to look more successful than the Chromebook users, or are to stupid to understand how to use a Chromebook 😅
Maybe it's due to the Xbox and pc versions both running on directx12 Vs PS5 needing more customised work?
So the devs just aim for a generic PC to Xbox DX12 build to cover both bases but the PS5 gets more work as it's a complete separate system?
@NEStalgia i do wonder if intel will ever make good GPU’s? Cause another player in that space wouldn’t hurt. AMD isn’t trying to compete with power as much. Which probadly doesn’t change their bottom line any. Maybe Xbox moves to ARM in the future? I don’t know tech changes all the time. Looks like the GPU market is as well. At a time when more gamers are moving to PC.
Apple isn’t Nintendo cause Apple leads in power. M series Chips destroy the market and do it on half the power draw. Thats how far ahead they are. Pretty special actually i am still not sure how they do that with the M chips.
@Th3_Highlander No guilt intended! I just couldn’t wrap my brain around the reason you left is all. It sucks having your platform of choice get nitpicked, but DF does their job and USUALLY impartially. Usually. Obviously no one can be completely objective, and fanboyism may soak thru a bit.
Just remember, if you limit yourself to only the stuff you want to hear, that’s all you’ll end up with! Be well!
@dskatter I started with the PS but left during 3 and came back with 5 and I've had all the XBox's. I have now given Digital Foundry a second chance.
@HonestHick Apple "leads" on laptops, not hardware overall. And their "lead" is kind of questionable because it works with Apple ecosystem software compiled specifically for their closed ecosystem with their own compiler. There's advantages to their (and Nintendo) closed system.
Obviously the x86 instruction set has never been as efficient as risc, so that's always been a penalty for x86 platforms. But I'm still hoping ms doesn't push to replace it as the infinite BC it's the whole perk of the PC ecosystem. And arm being also a single closed monopoly doesn't inspire me with confidence. I'm the 80s we had closed system computers. I'm the 90s we opened it up to open systems and peer to peer networks. Then on the 00s we merged networks back to mainframes with cloud. And now we're moving back to computing fiefdoms. We're walking backwards and calling it progress. 10 years from now you'll have Bell Telephone back.
Intel GPUs are truly the last best hope for sane pricing. IDK if they can do it though. Their hardware is ok. Their drivers are 15 years behind. The driver's is what broke ATi to begin with. But we can't have monopolies for every computer product. At this point I think we do need every last thing to be regulated to extinction. It's either regulated by governments or regulated by a single dictator celebrity CEO for their own gain. Either way is regulated.
I like closed ecosystems cause they work so well. Plus I’ve been using Mac’s for close to 20 years. I was there in their 1% market share years. Take Blutooth for an example it is garage compared to airplay by apple. I could not go back to fully using an open source product like android or windows. But those systems work for their users and the balance is we need more options to keep everyone honest as we can.
The PC market is primed for many to switch off console and go there. I still think about it once i see what PS6/next Xbox looks like. Intel is a company that seems to just exist and not lead to me. I could be wrong. Not to say they don’t have talent and couldn’t do something really special. It just hasn’t been something i have seen of late. Granted they are just getting started with their GPU’s so it might improve. I really just hope we get some good games soon. It’s been so dry. This generation is lagging bad for me. I have bought the least amount of games 4 years into a generation ever.
To me what matters is how the graphics look and how smooth the frame rate is. To me you don't need every game to support every feature in 4k and have 120 frame rate, it just needs to look nice and smooth. What I have found is the Playstation is better with slower graphics transitions like Asendia Rising and Sonic Plus, but for action oriented games like Devil may Cry, Witcher 3 I always prefer the Xbox.
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